What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
I really wish there was less situations where transforming a character, recruiting them, or having them move to a new location removes all the previous sex scenes and writing, and to a lesser extent, one off scenes. I really appreciate when authors put in the effort to allow the player to replay content, even if it's in the context of roleplaying previous encounters like Fenoxo sometimes does.

It would be immensely absurd to assume or demand any sort of significant rewriting of previous content depending on the changes, but it does feel a bit saddening when, for example, you recruit a npc because you loved their scenes, only for all those scenes to get replaced.

Kiro for example, has a tonne of scenes where she runs into Steele on various planets involved in various types of sluttery or shenanigans. The fact that she continues to run into Steele on random planets in the galaxy slutting it up in very creative ways is quite hilarious to me.

Numerous fleshed out scenarios including threesomes, interactions with Kally (Ah, Kally is going cross-eyed? Only a blowjob from Steele could do that!), and dynamically unlocked scenes. I haven't yet delved into the Kiroquest content because I prefer waiting until it is finished, but if the Kiro recruitment/bimbofication removes all of this previous content, it feels like that would be a huge letdown.

I adore the idea of unlocking new scenes, but not at the expense of all the wonderful work writers have done before it.

The Penny transformation and Amber recruitment are very bittersweet because the writing is excellent, but it locks you out of various forms of previous content, including a quest with Penny, which being directly opposed to transformation isn't pleasant. This also happens with Anno to a lesser extent; I can't recall if Emmy recruitment is in the game yet, but I'm very worried about that too.

I am still somewhat frustrated about Lund, Bianca and prostitution content being locked out, I am not a fan of repeat playthroughs, especially since there aren't enough changes in most other areas of the game to justify it, and I greatly prefer a sandbox philosophy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I wish Roz wasn't such an annoying combat encounter. On nearly every Steele I have I've removed her goo core just to be rid of her which is a shame because I do like her loss/win scenes.

Unless I'm on my ranged merc the encounter takes too long (it's basically two combat encounters) and she can show up again right away because there is no cooldown for her encounter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2017
I wish Roz wasn't such an annoying combat encounter. On nearly every Steele I have I've removed her goo core just to be rid of her which is a shame because I do like her loss/win scenes.

Unless I'm on my ranged merc the encounter takes too long (it's basically two combat encounters) and she can show up again right away because there is no cooldown for her encounter.
Usually my tech deals with her fine (can't remember which tree) just fine. I just hold down 1 and the battle's over in like one second
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I'm more annoyed by the encounter frequency more than anything else.

This. I hate that you either have to deal with her being so incredibly and annoyingly frequent or completely disable her, that there isn't some sort of middle ground. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like taking her power armor should lower her encounter rate, not outright disable it. Either she gets a lower rate and only suit phase until she can build a new one after a certain number of encounters or amount of time or it lowers her encounter rate and has only suit phase encounters from that point forward on a permanent basis since, without the suit, she's less obnoxiously cocksure.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Personally... what I always thought about TITS is that we have a lot of different characters, but when we interact with them it's just a few talks and get the sex scenes. I believe less characters but more content would be really nice, there are many characters that are kind of... meet once never see again? really low on content? even the companions everyone can notice the differences. But well related to characters we just meet it doesn't need to change but the companions are different.

Seeing the content that characters like Celise or Reaha have compared to others is an example. Overall our crew can be as big as 20 characters and that's a lot and in fact it's more than possible to increase in the future even more (for example with Hand-so if she gets completed). However there are only a few companions that feel like they should be part of the crew, gonna talk quite a bit about them:

*Good companions:
-Anno: She has a girlfriend called Kaede that you can meet and even participate in scenes with, she can have sex with quite a few characters that you can meet during your adventures, she can interact with other crew members and even more she can have an effect on some missions. Overall quite a nice crew member to have.

-Azra: While she doesn't have many sex scenes with the PC it does make sense that she joins you in your travel and you can go into different adventures with her, you can meet new characters and enjoy things quite a bit, even more the bit of love she gives is quite satisfying, overall she isn't a slut and won't just go around having sex like other characters.

Overall these 2 characters are a must have as crew members, they are the most interesting ones without taking into account sexy times which would be based on preferences.

*Mediocre companions (those in this list are the companions that while aren't a must have, actually have the potential to make it into that list):
-Ardia: Overall she has quite a lot of potential because she is different compared to the rest, her addictive juices and desires to be dominant would make quite a few interesting situations, even more if you don't control her perhaps your crew members will get addicted to her too and rather than being your harem it's Ardia's harem. One thing to note that would have been interesting is that if we started to get addicted to her cum we would get an event when we try to leave her in which she asks directly if she can go with you and if you say no she will ask again using your addiction to her, depending on willpower and our addiction level we would be able to refuse her again or just accept.

-Bess: Overall while she has a long personal quest she kind of lacks in many aspects, not only she is the hardest to add content to (because how much personalization she has) but after you completed her personal mission you may just forget her. This is the character with the lowest probability to become a good companion ever.

-Gray goo armor: Overall based on concept she deserves a mention here, she doesn't truly require to interact with the crew because it's your living armor, if she could become a good armor and could get many more updates, perhaps even bimbofy her and force us to take certain actions against our will? the potential is there.

-Paige: She is a clear definition of what the ship needs, able in combat and that is a navigator, overall having her in the ship at the very least makes quite a bit of sense. Even more her sex scenes are quite interactive, if she interacted with the rest of the crew she would be a must have.

Overall my personal recommendation if you want to have a good crew is to take Anno, Azra, Ardia, the gray goo armor and Paige, compared to them, I find that the other companiosn don't truly make it.

Special mentions:

*Amber: She is quite good as a sex partner here and there, but it feels really limited having her on the ship, overall as a crew member she seems as a Reaha 2.0 if we don't focus on the sex aspects, which are obviously different, she has a problem with drugs that we can help to solve and she only has an use for sex outside of that. Overall I just don't find the need for her to be a crew member based on that.

*Olympia: Ironically I like her and in fact I believe she can be a good companion, in fact one of her conversations is talking about the rest of the crew which is a plus, however she lacks a clear use in the ship compared to the rest, perhaps being a doctor would have been quite nice, overall I just don't know where to put her, but I do think she can be a great companion if more developed.

*Reaha: I believe she could become quite a nice companion but she still needs quite a few expansions to get there, at the moment she just lacks a purpose other than we getting her there out of mercy.

*Kiro: She is a great character, however I feel like her purpose isn't on our ship, overall meeting her in different planets and seeing her have sex with many people made her the best travelling character in the game, making her a crew member kind of goes against the greatest part of her. It isn't that she can't be a good companion but rather that her current rol is really good.

*Siegwulfe: Special reference to her bimbo-dom version. Basically the thing with her is that the gray goo armor could do exactly the same as her if she got a few updates towards that, overall she feels much more redundant because her rol is already taken, it doesn't matter that one is an armor and the other is an accessory. Overall for the sake of consistency on the crew would recommend choosing between her and the goo armor.

P.D: It would be really nice that the game explored more the relationships of crew members, like Anno and Kaede and having possible results based on different things, for example in the relationship of Anno and Kaede it could happen that Kaede is becoming more jealous and she asks Anno to stop having sex with Steele, or perhaps you will manage to tame Kaede and get both of them, or perhaps Anno will break with Kaede. Perhaps you could even help Kaede to become an alpha and she ends up impregnating you and Anno?. The potential is there.

Having said all that we go to the missions aspects, overall most missions are nice, but it feels like some characters could do more:

-Compare Doctor Po with Doctor Badger, both are pretty similar in their ways but the first one did kidnap Kiro to make her into a sex doll while the second one hasn't tried anything at all, it feels like Doctor Badger has a lot of potential that she could show as an enemy but unfortunately she is kind of a recurrent character for some missions.

-Eitan and the siege battle: This is my second favourite mission and because of that I kind of see how it could truly be better. Personally I would have found it quite a lot more interesting if Eitan at first tried to seduce Ula to get control of that tribe rather than direct conquest. I could totally see it as he trying to get Ula to become his wife and get her pregnant and Steele being able to let that happen or conquer Ula first, which would end up in the siege conflict.

Overall on the siege conflict we kind of lack an element of itme as it happens with the mission of Doctor Po, basically the more time we use the lesser the defenses of the place, characters getting raped and even if you free them they can't help and if you are too late Eitan would have impregnated Ula and trained her to become his sex slave. At that point you could just accept defeat in which case Eitan will let you leave but will let you visit the place and you can see the differences.

Tits is my favourite game and seeing how it is evolving it is quite a solid favourite. Even if I do see a bit critic over the companions and how the missions could have more potential, I have to say that it would be really hard to find a better game.


Well-Known Member
*Olympia: Ironically I like her and in fact I believe she can be a good companion, in fact one of her conversations is talking about the rest of the crew which is a plus, however she lacks a clear use in the ship compared to the rest, perhaps being a doctor would have been quite nice, overall I just don't know where to put her, but I do think she can be a great companion if more developed.
She's there because she's the ship's designer and refuses to not be there; it's safe to assume she's also making sure things run smoothly on this never-before-seen ship and is constantly tweaking it to get as much out of it as possible.
*Reaha: I believe she could become quite a nice companion but she still needs quite a few expansions to get there, at the moment she just lacks a purpose other than we getting her there out of mercy.
Additional source of income and [reaha.milk] dispenser. At high confidence, it's also implied that she's in love with Steele.

Savin is planning on expanding both Reaha's and Olympia's content, though since we don't know where those are in his massive backlog, we shouldn't hold our breaths.
P.D: It would be really nice that the game explored more the relationships of crew members, like Anno and Kaede and having possible results based on different things, for example in the relationship of Anno and Kaede it could happen that Kaede is becoming more jealous and she asks Anno to stop having sex with Steele, or perhaps you will manage to tame Kaede and get both of them, or perhaps Anno will break with Kaede. Perhaps you could even help Kaede to become an alpha and she ends up impregnating you and Anno?. The potential is there.
Jealousy/breaking up isn't their characters; they're in an open relationship, so they're fine with each other fucking other people (which they do quite a lot, especially Anno). I could definitely see Kaede falling for Steele in addition to Anno, though she's not dominant enough to be a proper alpha to the two.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
She's there because she's the ship's designer and refuses to not be there; it's safe to assume she's also making sure things run smoothly on this never-before-seen ship and is constantly tweaking it to get as much out of it as possible.

Additional source of income and [reaha.milk] dispenser. At high confidence, it's also implied that she's in love with Steele.

Savin is planning on expanding both Reaha's and Olympia's content, though since we don't know where those are in his massive backlog, we shouldn't hold our breaths.

Jealousy/breaking up isn't their characters; they're in an open relationship, so they're fine with each other fucking other people (which they do quite a lot, especially Anno). I could definitely see Kaede falling for Steele in addition to Anno, though she's not dominant enough to be a proper alpha to the two.

Still would love to see a jealous Kaede or try to help her become more dominant ;). But yeah that may be related to personal likings haha.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's Cold Here, Midwestern US
Kaede is jealous, she is just jealous in the sense that Anno is your Crewmate, not the sex. Kaede would love to have her serious primary girlfriend aboard her own ship but alas she is dirt poor and Steele is a billionaire play[pc.boygirl]. Poly jealousy is complex and I am sure she and Anno talk about it offscreen. You are a casual partner to both of them and thus are not personally involved in the serious discussion part of their relationship, just as an occasional topic.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
though since we don't know where those are in his massive backlog, we shouldn't hold our breaths.


Poly jealousy is complex and I am sure she and Anno talk about it offscreen. You are a casual partner to both of them and thus are not personally involved in the serious discussion part of their relationship, just as an occasional topic.

They have to pause and talk about it now that every once in a while one of them screams your name when she cums. It's really awkward and embarrassing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
They have to pause and talk about it now that every once in a while one of them screams your name when she cums. It's really awkward and embarrassing.
It gets really awkward when Steele is having a threesome and they shout "Syri" when they come hard.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It gets really awkward when Steele is having a threesome and they shout "Syri" when they come hard.

Now I want to add like a .01% chance during Kaede's scenes where she screams Syri's name and you and Anno both stare at her like "Wait what."

And then Crew!Syri pokes her head in the door, saying "What? I'm the one that took her v-card."


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Don't forget the 0.001% chance where Steele is pumping Kaede while she's pumping Anno and both Steele and Kaede say "Syri!". And just watch Anno's ears flatten and her tail stops wagging for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I have always shipped the Steele/Anno/Syri/Kaede morass.
Obviously Steele fucks Syri who fucks Kaede who fucks Anno, who loops back to kiss Steele. And thus, the perfect fuck chain.

Right up until someone screams Colenso as they cum. Then the mood is ruined and everyone save Anno goes limp for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Don't forget the 0.001% chance where Steele is pumping Kaede while she's pumping Anno and both Steele and Kaede say "Syri!". And just watch Anno's ears flatten and her tail stops wagging for the rest of the day.
That is so sad.....don’t make the poor pupper sad.


New Member
Jan 30, 2020
Just played through a good chunk of the game, but I wanted to get a criticism rant out of the way because, much as I love so many ideas here, I feel the game suffers a LOT of issues which can make it monotonous. Unfortunately much of this is too ingrained into the game to be reasonably changed. I'm sure much of this has been covered at some point or another in this or like topics so sorry if I'm retreading the same ground, this is more just to get things off my chest, keeping in mind I actually really enjoy this game quite a bit. That said, let's get this out of the way.

-The equipment system feels incredibly underdeveloped. There's just not enough hardpoints available. We've got two sets of undergarments, armor, an accessory, and a ranged and melee weapon. That's it. Keeping in mind that an accessory can cover anything from a headset to a jetpack to a coat to a complete separate companion. Like...what? There doesn't seem to be a reason all of these can't be a thing and allow us to customize ourselves further. Further, numerous pieces of gear seem completely misclassified. For instance, a lot of skin tight outfits (some of which will even remove your undergarments if worn) are classified as your top layer of clothing. It's like the idea of layering equipment and the possibilities that could allow for completely went over everyone's head. Then there's more basic things like how so much feels same-y. No matter the weapon it feels like it all devolves into single number stats. Some have circumstantial bonuses, but rarely anything special. Does something that is supposedly rapid fire hit more? No. But it might have more accuracy or do slightly more damage or something else which doesn't make it feel any different than swinging your sword. It's some of the most basic fluff in the game, lucky to even get a few words description in the appearance menu or a repeated line in a combat menu, but with extremely little substance or content beyond that. What's the difference between walking around in power armor, walking around in a high-tech latex omnisuit, and walking around naked? Remarkably little.

-Progression feels artificial. You begin on a jungle world which is wild, untamed, rife with both opportunity and danger. Shame the described apex predator of the planet can be safely trivialized by spamming the attack button by level 3, 2 by characters who bother to equip easy-to-obtain gear. But there is that dangerous deep forest, where you need to level up before...what do you mean you reached level 2 before even arriving at the planet? You ran into a pirate ship on the way there? And both leveled up and got enough money to nab some of the best equipment on the planet just from that? So yeah, planets are tied too close to certain levels, and the exceptions on those planets are typically one-off quests which just so happen to revisit said planet. On top of this, while combat abilities are tied closely to stat numbers, conversational abilities (which is the bulk of the game) often isn't. What do I mean by this? Well when a story section checks for Intelligence or Willpower it doesn't check for your stat number, it checks for the percentage of what your possible stat at your current level. Meaning if you create, say, a strength build then it feels like you're wasting points any time you level up intelligence even though there are multiple story sections which check for it. It's level-scaling at its absolute worst.

-The game is sloppy with combat in general. Long paragraphs are often repeated which makes me want to skip through them, but then every so often a truly important detail will get lost because of this. The only answer is to carefully read each and every line, but that would be unreasonably boring. More concise messages and logs which don't reset every round would be far better. On top of that, the game doesn't take good advantage of many of the possibilities present. For instance, if an enemy is flying and you're not then you can't melee. So can you grow wings or get a jetpack to do the same? No. Or an enemy disarms me, can I then punch them or grapple or use these dangerous-looking claws I grew? No. Because of all this there's rarely much strategy required or even desired for most fights, and that makes them rather boring. At least in the ship to ship combat you have to balance how and when you do things, and with what, but there's not much ship combat in the game.

-The game is lopsided in its herm content. In terms of raw numbers, sure, the females outnumber them. But there's still a distinct lack of males within the game and the dick girls are thrown front and center, especially early and often. Wander around Tavros at first and you'll probably be visiting a lot of shops to see what's available. Going from Sera clockwise is a gauntlet of chicks with dicks, with the bar as your reprieve, until you finally reach a female a few shops later...who happens to be in a chastity belt, followed by a strip club, which happens to have a good deal of futa entertainment. Go to Mhenga and your first stop is likely to be a bar featuring Syri, Kelly, Kiro and Erika. These are the places providing a large bulk of your early game characters and conversations and it sets a definite tone. Even with the female characters, a significant number of those with more content have the option to have a dick of one sort or another, which they pretty clearly tell you they'd prefer. At the end of the day, this largely comes down to development. There are quite a few females, yes, but most lack options or story, and many of those who do have them have development stunted if they remain female. I far from mind futa types, but they seem less special when it feels like most those we get close to are futa.

-The game is seriously geared toward submissives. There are times you can take control and even have a dominating role, but there is almost always the option to be a submissive and rarely an option to turn the table and take control over some of the dominating sorts. Become an Amazon off the treatment? Zephyr will still treat you like a breeder cow. I love submissive content, but it grows old quick when I'm in a more dominant mood and can't turn the tables on what is, often, little more than an overly cocky jerk. If I'm an 8 ft muscle-bound goliath, it very rarely feels like it.

-Writers often get stuck writing their story rather than writing for a game. What I mean by this is I never know when a new encounter will be a pages-long interaction with no prompt, or three short paragraphs. And these interactions...well frankly, they're kinda mind numbing. It's weird to me how so many of these characters wish to relay an extensive backstory. That isn't how to differentiate characters. Characters are remembered for what they do, not the backstory they tell. Far, far too often writers become stuck on the latter because they don't know what to do with these characters other than make them have sex and it becomes a drag when you encounter your nth shopkeep whose only interaction beside buy/sell is asking them about how they came there, what their place is about, what is their personal story, and oh would you like to have sex? The better characters in the game have encounters where things are happening and you're not simply conversing about the lore in what is little more than exposition. All the worse when this exposition is hundreds or even thousands of words and multiple pages followed by nothing more than the choice of clicking Next.

-The transformatives are skin-deep. While I get that it is supremely difficult to account for everything Steele can become, it's still disappointing how many of the more strange or unique abilities which are pretty-well ignored. Whether you're 4'2 or 10"11 nobody bats an eyelash. Loaded with aphrodisiacs, you'll be lucky if the text even states in three words that your body is excreting pure lust from ever orifice. Other things go ignored entirely. Have a genital slit which makes it so your dick is hidden when not in use? The game will still frequently talk about your massive bulge or partners will still grab hold during vaginal/anal sex. Managed to get a not parasitic cock tail? Not according to most the game text. Best you can hope for is scene specifically geared toward whatever trait you have, but most the writers wound up surprisingly vanilla for most scenes.

-On the topic of transformatives...they're kinda...dull. That's oversimplifying it. The things you can become and how you can change your body is beyond the scope of what I would have imagined any game would ever attempt. But how you actually transform is usually pretty boring. You take some sort of transformative and are given a number of random effects, usually immediately. That's it. With very few (though certainly notable) exceptions. Most of these effects tend to be unwanted, too, but there's very few ways to get specific transformations without save-scumming like mad. Pretty much the only specific ones you can get are those which add or remove genitals, and even then you get little choice in which genitals. Sure, there's the dong designer, but try for a specific vagina and your options are: get lucky. Anything beyond that is a crapshoot. Mind you, I don't have a problem with randomization. What I have a problem with is how it is utilized, how poorly the game offers alternatives, and how...frankly unsexy it all is. What would have been good is if you can get your hands on cheap transformatives which will give you completely random transformations within a certain type. Then you'd have massively expensive custom transformatives (like what Sera supposedly offers) which can give you exactly what you desire. What would have been the best (and is, I'm afraid, likely far too late and time-consuming to enter into the game proper) is to transform Steele based on encounters. So if you get into a fight and be transformed by them through one method or another. So if you were to fight a zil and win you might have a minor transformation from being exposed to them such as increased reflexes or libido or possibly turning your fluids into honey. If you lose then the increased exposure would give you bigger changes such as changing your hair/eyes/skin/genitals/etc. This could be further countered by wearing a protective suit (which they could discard during defeats) or expensive immune boosters so they can no longer affect major changes to you. Bonus points if you could in turn gain attributes which in turn transforms others. That is the sort of thing I expected and would love to see out of the game, but instead it's often more of a game of, "oh hey, a new item, what's this do? Eh, don't want that, savescum."

-Finally, I personally can't really get into Steele's story. We're this sort of chose one type whose future is fairly set. They'll go on an adventure where you play an easter egg hunt set up for you to win, then proceed to become a billionaire CEO. There's not much excitement to it. You're retracing the story of your father in this rather artificial way rather than...telling the story of your father, this self-made billionaire who went on a grand sexy adventure across the galaxy. The story is best when I can forget for a moment that I'm this famous rich inheritor who's lucked into everything. It's really a shame that's the route they wished to take as it somehow makes the universe feel so much smaller when everything feels predestined. It also comes off as strange when you choose a class which makes it out like you've gained this experienced backstory, yet never really encounter a situation which much relates that backstory. You spent years as a such-and-such, but everyone you meet is brand new. Kinda off-putting.

Anyway, as I said, love the game, but it's not perfect and these were the things that really nagged at me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Okay, combat and equipment are not the focus of the game, even if I like them. Also, since it's text only, there's not a terrible amount they could do to really differentiate every weapon. Do wish we had more options for style though.

There's no reason not to max out all your stats. If you don't use skill points for the first 10 levels, you should be able to do the next 10 that aren't currently in the game with just skill points and no grinding. I know it's not great for the roleplay of a character, but Steele is about as much a created character as Shepard, which means not very.

You are the billionth person to complain about girl dicks on the forum, congratulations. The writers are almost entirely straight dudes who write what gets them off: women, and some women have dicks, though the roughly 50/50 ratio iirc is surprising. The point is, not many dudes are gonna be fuckable because it's outside what those writers want.

Complaints about submission focused content are also not rare. Though at least you're not coming from the "I'm a super manly man who mans manly, I don't wanna be a bottom" insecure asshole camp. I get what you mean, sometimes you get that itch, but it's easier to write Steele getting Domme'd because they basically have a blank personality and the writer focusing on their character's personality just works better. Steele only has to be a writhing incoherent mess as a sub, really.

I really enjoy the customization that you have access to with TFs. They're hard to give a real effect because there's a shitload to account for, the coding to have people comment on different variations of Steele is frankly impossible. And special effects are also hard to account for, and could be game-breaking, as in "the writers don't have time or interest to entertain you getting their beloved characters addicted to your aphrodisiac dong".

Yeah, I'm not super into Steele's bit either, but I do very much enjoy the universe and characters. A tabletop RPG set in TiTS would be awesome. There's no way to functionally rewrite the entire plot of the game, and I'm sure nobody would want to if they could. Again, Shepard from Mass Effect: you pick their binary gender, their basic appearance, and their class and equipment, but they never feel like your character.