We ever finding out what's up with Evergreen?

Shgon Dunstan

Active Member
Feb 10, 2025
I mean, I'm assuming I'm not the only one who gets body-snatcher and/or youth stealer vibes off of her. Wouldn't really matter so much... save for the fact that you can have kids with her. And while my characters tend to be pretty live and let fuck, and she's charismatic enough... there are lines. She hurts my kids, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to be holding a good old fashioned witch burning.:confused:


Active Member
Dec 9, 2018
I believe she doesn't do the body snatching thing to her blood daughters like Meira and Senja. It's been hinted at that a number of adventurers that came her way (likely to attempt said witch burning themselves and failed) get transformed into more of her "daughters".
We take part in it if we send Matiha to her. If you do that the next time you visit evergreen you'll come across a tanuki girl you haven't seen before yet looks extremely familiar and is incredibly busty.

Ultra Chad

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2022
I mean, I'm assuming I'm not the only one who gets body-snatcher and/or youth stealer vibes off of her. Wouldn't really matter so much... save for the fact that you can have kids with her. And while my characters tend to be pretty live and let fuck, and she's charismatic enough... there are lines. She hurts my kids, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to be holding a good old fashioned witch burning.:confused:
She doesn't hurt her children. In fact she makes sure her children have very comfortable lives. Evergreen have two groups of children, the hybrids that are normal as seen with Meira and Senja, and the full furry tanuki that seems to have simple minds. The hybrids are to learned from her and then to be married off to people in powerful positions. The furry daughters purpose are to learn her magic so one day she can take the body of the most powerful one. The champ children with evergreen will be the furry ones. If it makes you feel better everyone in Evergreen's mansion have quite easy lives as they are never wanting for food or comfort.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
To clarify Chad's point:

Evergreen has two groups of people living with her:

Her biological children, like Senja and Meira, of whom there are usually just a handful at a time and whom she treats quite well. She educates them, teaches them magic, and then usually marries them off so they'll have comfortable lives with powerful people around the region. Bonus points that this increases Evergreen's own soft power, but still.

Then there's the "daughters" who are various people that, for whatever reason, Evergreen has "adopted" (by which I mean brainwashed and transmutated in tanuki bimbos). These are mostly bandits, witches that meant to steal from her, or adventurers that failed or double crossed her. We see this happen with Matiha if you drop her off at Evergreen's estate. Evergreen is certainly doing something nefarious with them beyond just keeping a harem of nuki girls around.

Your children with Evergreen belong in the former group.

Generally speaking, Evergreen is very evil, but also very smart. She has no intention of doing anything that would provoke a powerful adventurer -- especially one that is any of the following: Godsworn, a landed lord, the Champion of her rival's barony, shagging a demon queen, or married into local royalty -- into killing her. As long as you leave her in peace she'll genuinely be as good of a neighbor (and mother to your children) as she can be.

And the local criminal population will be a little lower, too.