Vi, a V-Ko IV for Gildenmere [Writing]


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Does Treated Milk and Pheromone Cloud really need to be removed, can't we keep those at least, please?

Also when you choose to reverse the treatment on a female, do your willpower and intelligence return to the way they were before you treated yourself or do you have to raise them back up all over again?

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Does Treated Milk and Pheromone Cloud really need to be removed, can't we keep those at least, please?

Also when you choose to reverse the treatment on a female, do your willpower and intelligence return to the way they were before you treated yourself or do you have to raise them back up all over again?

Did you by chance mean to post this somewhere else? Also, as of yet (if for some unlikely reason it ever becomes a thing, going against it's permanence factor), the Treatment cannot be reversed in-game, outside of save editing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Did you by chance mean to post this somewhere else? Also, as of yet (if for some unlikely reason it ever becomes a thing, going against it's permanence factor), the Treatment cannot be reversed in-game, outside of save editing.

Ugh that post really calls to my nasty mode to go on ^^

Would you kindly reread gdoc that is so generous linked at first post? Also would you kindly notice it's still submission not already ingame stuff? As for me I not know if it was already discussed with devs or not - only one of them or Jim (assuming he talked to them and know their pov on this matter) can tell now if it was already confirmed to be possible or not in lore.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well my bad on that matter, unless that was something that Jim added after a while, I never noticed that specific part of the doc when I read it a while back. :U


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's ok I not mad or anything just...when I read TII post first thing I went to reread Jim gdoc and then my bad to assume most people would do the same. So forgive me if I was too harsh on you here -_-'

PS. Totaly not connected to post...your's that female from Kindred lore story Rito released around time of their release? The one that at the end was killed by Lamb not Wolf.
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Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Naw it's all cool, I can understand wanting to vent at someone that appears to try to supplant ignorance with more ignorance.

And yes, it is Magga (the female) from Kindred's lore story, the one picture from when she dies.


Nov 26, 2015
With the many androids, robots and AIs in the game world, I am very surprised and equally as disappointed that there are no Cyborg "transformations".

There are already some characters with cybernetics and it would be nice to have access to it as a player, but the only place I have seen it even mentioned was a 4chan thread. I would love a full cyborg transformation, but I would be happy with cybernetics.

I imagine it would be difficult to add cybernetics or full robotification this late though. With plenty of encounters and events not making sense as a cyborg... Although I suppose the same goes for the recent goo transformation addition to the game.

I guess I will have to settle with being a meatbag surrounded by robots and androids for now.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
With the many androids, robots and AIs in the game world, I am very surprised and equally as disappointed that there are no Cyborg "transformations".

There are already some characters with cybernetics and it would be nice to have access to it as a player, but the only place I have seen it even mentioned was a 4chan thread. I would love a full cyborg transformation, but I would be happy with cybernetics.

I imagine it would be difficult to add cybernetics or full robotification this late though. With plenty of encounters and events not making sense as a cyborg... Although I suppose the same goes for the recent goo transformation addition to the game.
There is potential that someone will write the ability of getting cyborg implementations in the future, although it'll probably be awhile. You could even write up something yourself if your interested.

Also, while there's no involvement of this group in game at this point, you might be interested with this.

It's possible they might never be truly implemented, but it's an interesting potential area for future content.

And the game is no where complete. It's still in the original Offbeatr campaign phrase, or the Beta.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With the many androids, robots and AIs in the game world, I am very surprised and equally as disappointed that there are no Cyborg "transformations".
Suprising that stuff for now devs calling as "to be added at later date". So like psionics gegging cybernetics implants and similar stuff will be added later when they figure out how it would all work out. Well as N13 meantioned everyine can try write something for it but as from my pov till devs not officialy lay basics of the cybernetic system ingame it would be like circling in the dark and may ends up that already written submission will require heavy rehaul to fit to ingame.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015

<3 <3 Keep up the good work!!! <3 <3

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Ormael: Really? How bad could a writer really be that they'd need to rewrite a project to fit within the limitations of the code?

EDIT: Oh shit my bad, I didn't notice the last reply (before ThatOneJester's, I mean).
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