Valor and glory - New public version 27/01/2019!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Will the dark elves be available for everyone eventually or is that a patreon specific bonus?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Hey Karunama :)
As of now it isn't planned for the dark elves to join the ftp races. Perhaps in the future as more races join the roster.

Here's a followup; what do they look like? I didn't see them on your patreon anywhere and I was planning to wait a bit longer b4 trying the game again.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Here's a followup; what do they look like? I didn't see them on your patreon anywhere and I was planning to wait a bit longer b4 trying the game again.
You need to be a $5+ Patreon to see the Druchmari (DE) portraits.
On Dec. 23rd Leopold wrote a public (open to all) post dubbed "Sprites for Player Races", in his Patreon, you can see their in-game appearance there. They look like your stereotypical dark elf with grey-ish skin, fair hair, long ears, etc. Nothing exotic or alien.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
They look like your stereotypical dark elf with grey-ish skin, fair hair, long ears, etc. Nothing exotic or alien.

*shrug* classics are classics for a reason.


New Member
Mar 26, 2018
Hello, am i the only one with that bug (or im just stupid) when i click on "new game"

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
i have no character custom or somthing like that
Greetings Eneee.
I'm unable to see the image you've attached.
If it's lacking character customization, then it's because there aren't currently included any in the free version. They will however be included with a future release of the free version :)


Jun 24, 2016
Always great to see life in V&G :O even if it's just an update on the differences between the versions!
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Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
Heya everyone :D New public game version!

Game version 0.1.3 - 22/04/2018 "Pitching a tent"
New features:
- The "Tent feature" has been added to the game. New players will quickly find it in the starting dungeon. Old saves will have to go there to pick it up themselves, for now at least.
- The tent allows the player to set camp and rest for a number of times. The tent will work as a hub for you and your companions.
- I've added a new NPC. His name is Zeke and he has set up shop a little southward of the castle in Wetlock, allowing the player to customize their looks for 20 gold pieces!
- Added lots of customization for male players. Visit Zeke in Wetlock to check them out.
- Added in Ginger, brothel-bunny, who can be encountered at the "Inn and out"
- Ginger comes with a romance scene for male players.
- Dusk the lion has received a romance scene, working for both male and female players.
- Smiggins now sells a "Tent repair kit" for restocking the times you can rest in the tent.
- 4 new items have been added to the game! 2 are craftable and 2 can be bought from Smiggins.
- Edited Dusk's feature, to make him look more sleak and "lion-y".
- The player win scene for the bandit (M/M) has received artwork!
- Uthgarr has received coloured artwork for all her scenes!

- I've found a way where I don't have to compress the images in the stories, so I'll begin updating the old images as we go forward. Game size will increase a bit though.
- Fixed that the player's weapon would be below the monster's sprite.
- Fixes some minor grammar errors and a parsing error in the drunk oaf winning scene.

- Valor and glory now has a discord channel :) Come by and say hello at:
- Someone made it clear to me it was strange I used letters in my versioning, and honestly, I can't even remember my reasoning for it. From now on we'll stick to numbers :p
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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
might be missing something but it feels like the drop rate for woodrunner antlers is VERY low

as in 2 hours in and only got 2

Leopold visette

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2016
Long time no see~ I've uploaded a new public version people can take for a spin

Download the game at:
New features include:

- Whole new perk system! It's become more visually enticing and more transparent in what perks the player will be able to choose from.
- The player's "perk board" is always brows-able from the character menu tab. It come with the ability to scroll in and out.

- The companion system is in! The first companion can be found in the southeastern area of Wetlock.
- Once acquired, a submenu will be available under the "Character" tab.
- In the companion submenu, you can equip items on your companion, check their stats and level them.
- Each level-up provides your companion with stats and a perk point that can be used in their unique perk trees.
- The companion comes with it's own unique combat logic. It can debuff enemies, and later it can attack multiple targets at once.
- Acquiring a companion unlocks a number of companion-recipes under crafting, for making companion items.
- You dying will still end the combat, even if your companion still has hp. You're the most important to keep alive.
- Currently the monsters will only attack the player. This will likely be so until I can code individual combat routines for all the monsters.

- Multi monster combat is in the game!
- Every area have been assigned an "expected player level", to fit its diffeculty. Players with a higher level than intended will now encounter 2 to 3 monsters, rather than 1.
- Every monster's gold- and xp reward is pooled together upon victory. Found items will require a code rework, and haven't been implemented as of yet.
- Victory sex scenes will always precedence based on the middle monster. So if the middle monster is a Ratling; it's a ratling you'll be banging/banged by.

- The bank has been added to Wetlock. Find it in the market area.
- Inside are two npcs, on being the teller and the other being the guard.
- The teller gives the first repeatable quest in the game. The rewards change up to a certain iteration, and afterwards it becomes sleazy (no smut yet though).
- You can store items in the bank, with the option of buying even more storage than first given.
- You can store gold in the bank, but only up to a given maximum.

- There's been added a new quest involving Bucky and her 'sis' Katie. Talk to Rodham at the brothel to begin it. It involves a good amount of fighting against the game's newest beasts, but some of the fights can be avoided by players with particular skills.
- After completing the quest, Bucky and Katie will have two sex-scenes for dick wielding players. Both scenes only has sketched art as of yet. One of the sex scenes is the winning scene from a few months back.

- Added new monster: (City) Guards. Attacks hard and can apply bleeding.
- Added new monster: (City guard) Sergeant. Has the ability to boost his fellow fighters. No monster portrait yet.
- Added new monster: Thief. Can apply poison and steal coins from the player. No monster portrait yet.

- Added new character: Old grumps. Meant for for future content. His artwork isn't finished. He can be found by the sewers in Wetlock.

- Added new player gender: The herm gender is now selectable in the character creation menu. Start out with both male and female bit

- Moohma is now romance able after having been saved from the great bulbkin. Has one scene for players with wangs.
- Feron the blacksmith has received a romance option, availble to all player types. Requires 30+ lust. - Added a new romance scene with the barkeep Moira. Requires a dong. Features amazing animation by the talented Brolaren!
- The "bang Katie" scene has received animated smut!
- The "Bucky double bj" scene has received animated smut!
- Added a new smut scene for beating the brownie. Requires a man-sausage.

- The steamy scene between Sal and Moira has received coloured artwork
- Symph's lap bang scene has received artwork!
- Symph's doggy scene has received artwork!
- Sal's female oral scene has received artwork!
- The moohmin milking scene has received artwork!
- The hidden barn orgie scene has received artwork!
- The pay guard a blowjob to enter scene has received artwork!
- The pay guards in ass to enter scene has received artwork!
- The sergeant and the thieves that's encountered during "Lost lamb" have received portraits.

- Story text has been placed into .txt files, instead of storing them in the C# script files.
The scripts that handled stories/smut/text was becoming well above a thousand lines individually, so I had to change it into something more scalable.
If you spot a "; or some other error in a text, please inform me, because it was a giant, error prone process to do :/
- Texts taking place before arriving at Wetlock, have been revised for spelling errors, bad phrasing and has been broken down into smaller paragraphs for readability.
- The code has been refactored to follow the "factory pattern" where appropriate, which will help as the project grows.
- Some area-to-area transition descriptions have been changed, so they no longer repeat what was meant as a first time experience.
- Added some darkness to the map during nighttime. Only works on outside areas.
- Player's max level has been increased to 18, but the xp requirement for levels after 10 are far higher than the current xp rewards is geared towards.
- Events the requires free inventory space will now prompt a pop-up on the map screen, if player's inventory is full.
- Monsters in the farmlands and Wetlock have receiving a boost to their xp rewards, and the bosses: Great bulbkin and Uthgarr have received a slight power nerf.
- I've removed the combat music from the scenes following a fight, because it disturbed my reading of the smut
- I've removed trigger words as "rape" and "violate", just not to get ban-hammered by patreon for bad phrasing.
- The "gale" spell for the T'charn has received sound and animation. It's my first frame-by-frame animation, so it's very ragged.
- Unlocking monster journals now also displays what items a monster might drop.
- Added a new debuff type: "Offence lowered". Lowers basic attack damage.
- The quest "Cumquats on wheels" has been lowered to killing 4 instead of 6 cumquats. One for each wheel.

- Old save files have died again, because the new perk system isn't compatible with the those stored on the saves.
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Jun 24, 2016
The game isn't dead? Well, color me shocked :toot:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I'm certain that's a new bug since saving worked in previous versions.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2017
gonna be pretty honest. UI is trash, gameplay is deeply unbalanced, boring, and unintuitive, sex scenes are written more or less competently from what I've seen, though since basically all of it was noncon rape from weird creatures I didn't even have the option to flee from I didn't find it particularly sexy either.

Patreon page lists 'cheat codes' but I have no idea how or where to use them. I don't even know how to get back to the main menu from the middle of a game. I don't even know how to QUIT the game from the UI, I had to go turn off fullscreen and then [x] out of the game. It seems like the gameplay itself is also really grindy, combined with the fact that it's very unforgivingly difficult I'm probably going to delete this one and move on. Themes of the game I don't hate, but it's definitely not fun to play and I didn't get off on it either, so...