In honesty, i would also want for everyone on the crew, to at least have a regular Steele Tech catsuit as their mandatory on-board uniform. Mostly not so for the company aesthetic, but for safety in case of hull breach and air pressure loss. After all, if the suits are completely airtight, all you need to do is activate a emergency hardlight projector installed in the neck of the suit. That projector will create a energy helmet around your head that will hold a small pocket of oxygen in it, until the person moves into another non-decompressed room or secures a bigger source of oxygen supply.
There was also not so far ago added a heavier armored version of the standart Steele Tech catsuit, the which would be perfect for the members of the crew that have actual combat experience like Dane, Ramis, Penny, Paige, Syri and Emmy, and would be capable to fight off intruders during your ship being boarded.