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Sep 12, 2022
In the section

Winding Down​

The line:

"Maybe some of the new contacts you’ve made on Dhaal will be willing to help you reach out to the zaibatsu to get this resolved before your cousin can sneak-thief in and steam it."

I assume that it is suppose to be steal and not steam.

Also if there is a thread specifically for typos, let me know and I'll post there instead.


Sep 12, 2022
Another one:

In Eloise Herself talk she says

“Yeah, I have played all of the games they released since I'm 6,” she says with eyes carrying years of involvement and dedication in a single gaze.

Would assume that the line should be "since I was 6," rather than implying that she is currently 6.


Apr 27, 2016
Those changes make sense, I'll fix it for next patch.

Some folks do have their own threads for typos, but there's no one thread for it. Feel free to do exactly what you did here.


Sep 12, 2022
Fantastic. I will just continue to post in this thread then until the next patch release. Might change process after.

Is there a tag that I should use that might make it easier to identify?

Also there was another typo in Eloise Dance talk.

“Alright girl, show mewhat you've got,” you answer as the dusky moth jumps on her feet with a soft giggle.

Missing space in show me what you got

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Sep 12, 2022
Another in the text of meeting Feruze in the Brothel:

She pushes up to her feet and takes your hand, heading for the bar. You follow along, dodging the occasional unconscious swipe of her tail and trying to pick out who in the crowd you’re looking for. There’s certainly a smorgasbord of exotic individuals in Paragon’s body shop: plenty of zaika in various states of cybernetic augmentation to be sure, but there no shortage of nearly ever coreward race, from sporty ausar with branded asscheeks to a huge leithan with Carver’s company logo etched into her flank scales.

Should probably be "nearly every coreward race" instead of ever.

Also in the last paragraph:

"Because that’s what my contacts said? Do I look like a private eye? Look, I’ll stick by the door and make sure she can’t get past us. A Paragon jumper should be hard to miss. You just... I don’t know, wander around? Check the bar? Somebody’ll fess up to working with Jill."

Should probably be "A Paragon jumper shouldn't be hard to miss." Unless are implying that the Paragon outfit is subtle and hard to notice?
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Sep 12, 2022
In the Farrow quest, I sided with the rioters. After the fight I got the following:

"The rioters have, well, gone to riot with the security forces cleared out. They’re streaming past the gates and slamming into the front dohnbors, pouring inside as fast as the roundabout will let them — you imagine the only reason they aren’t climbing through the windows is because they’re bulletproofed. There’s no sign of the guards you defeated: they’ve been dragged off by the crowd to whatever fate may await them. "

Dohnbors isn't a real word so if you are going for a fantasy term then sure, otherwise is dohnbors suppose to be doors?
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Sep 12, 2022
First Encounter with Kihan Cultist, chose yes to selfies.

"A dragon in the heavens... that KihaCorp drone ship? Could this Evermind, whatever that is, have hacked the V.I.-controlled ship and turned it on the Rushers coming through? It’s hard to tell where religious fervor ends and science behinds with her, if she even understands the difference."

Think that you want "religious fervor ends and science begins" rather than behinds
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Apr 27, 2016
Thanks, add all suggestions up to this point for the next patch.

As a rule I mark completed suggestions with a like, so we both know what's been done and what may need more discussion.
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Sep 12, 2022
Kirila's Past Work Talk:

"Yeah, once or twice. Some groups don’t think the peaceful arrangement that The Empress got with the other races is good. You know the usual species superiority types. They think spinarrans are better, higher forms of life. Sometimes they get a bit too rowdy... one time intelligence sniffed out that one of these groups had all gotten together and relocated to one our colonies. They were planning on breeding up an army. That was no good for sure. They were probably going to come back home and try to off The Empress and take over then pull some ‘manifest destiny’ stuff. That was one of the times I got into a real fight. Now the other time was a lot more interesting. World called Rakshasis. Nice place. All twilight, sand and mountains. All in all, not bad for my kind, even on the surface. Not too bright. Get hungry, and all you have to do is lean down and scoop up and handful of sand. Not very nutritious, but it gets the job done. It’s one of our few colonies. We don’t spread out much since we can make use of vastly more of a planet’s mass than non-lithophages can. Anyway, back to the story. This happened when it was a new place. Our settlements were still small. Tunnels were being dug around the clock to dig in as we do. The colony’s garrison was still on the way to the planet, so it had nothing but some local militia to stand up to the incoming attack”

Instead of:
"Get hungry, and all you have to do is lean down and scoop up and handful of sand."
Should be:
"Get hungry, and all you have to do is lean down and scoop up a handful of sand."

The "and" does not parse in this context. Very minor issue.


Sep 12, 2022
Marion Encounter:

I play a FrostFire Kitsune. This gives me the option to walk away after the first encounter (maybe first?) but the options don't reflect this.

Dialog says "You step backwards, away from the marionette. She only sighs and turns away, walking back into the snow. Seems that this one at least knows how to take “No” for an answer..."

Options are then 1: Fight Back! "Well, you can't let that go unanswered. Hit her back with a snowball!" and 2: Go Away! "No, seriously, go away!"

Neither of these make any sense in this context as she is peacefully letting you go. Both options trigger their normal respective scripts.

Should either release the character back to the world map or replace both with a option that does so with a talk acknowledging the peaceful departure.


Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully all fixed for the next release.

For the Marion encounter, it should be corrected, but it isn't based on your character's race--rather, it's if you actually met a lureling (which is true in your case if you are getting that variant).
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Sep 12, 2022
Hopefully all fixed for the next release.

For the Marion encounter, it should be corrected, but it isn't based on your character's race--rather, it's if you actually met a lureling (which is true in your case if you are getting that variant).
Yeah. I was under the impression it was also dependent on whether you had a form of Cold Resistance (like a Heat Pack or Icy Veins Perk) which is why I mentioned it. Wasn't aware the knowledge of Lureling was (is also?) a condition.
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