[Twine][Patreon]Equivalent Exchange


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
This is a game I had been working on for the past three months. It's my first project done in Twine and the gameplay elements are all pretty basic.

I wrote a couple of big effort posts on my Patreon on what it is, but, to summarize, it's a game where you fight creatures, and the victor takes the size/attributes from the loser. It's an underrepresented fetish on the internet, imo, and I think it's hot as hell, so I made my own game for it. These versions are far from complete, and after I finish my follow-up content, I'm not sure I'll come back to it unless it's worth my time and effort, but still, it was one of those brain worms that wouldn't leave until I made it.

Fetishes include:
Attribute theft - anything from cocks to boobs to butts to muscles - and monstergirls/monstermen, along with a plethora of others, including domination/submission; oral; anal; hyper-sized endowments; and many more.

Public version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/equivalent-v014b-58970805
252,000 words of content

Patreon version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/equivalent-v015-58970573
261,000 words of content
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
Good concept. Not sure what the global goal in the game is going to be. Become ridiculously big titan and kick the dragon's ass?)


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Pretty much! The plot is intentionally secondary to the porn.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
Overall it can be an interesting game, the combat I would say it's a bit confusing and random, it would be nice to have a normal combat rather than that (at least in my opinnion), even more if it had levels or normal game stats it could be used for level drain and things like that, even more for now it seems to be a "battlefuck", but the thing is that it may push away people that only like to have sex with male characters and people that only want to have sex with female ones.

Having said that, I believe the most interesting part of the game would be with named characters, that will retain the stats they take from you, even more it may be an idea that the MC could be slaved and forced to give his stats away to the mistress/master, or perhaps have slaves that will have to give their stats to you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I updated this game!

So, you know how the previous version of the game had 41,000 words, and included two normal encounters and a boss, all three with their fully-fleshed-out content?

This update has, by itself, an additional 60,000 words. And it's all one NPC named Danica.

Danica was originally just meant to be a stat bank that you can deposit and withdraw stats from, but she kind of exploded into an entire thing. She can be a combination of any of the following attributes:

- pure female
- hermaphrodite
- your closest childhood best-friend-with-benefits
- your amorous step-sister
- your childhood bully
- your childhood bully who is also your step-sister

All of those are player-defined when you access Danica's "info" passage, which is the first time you see her name in blue.

Danica's sex is extremely flexible, and every passage contains references to things like what you two had just done (if you have her eat your box, then the next passage will reference that, even if she's about to do something totally different) and whether she still has a choker (which you can break if your dick is big enough!); she also has a multitude of endings depending on what actions you've chosen and how, exactly, you want the scene to end.

On top of her being a staggering 60,000 words, her code was a brutal nightmare trying to finagle into something functional. I've done a bunch of bugtesting and runs, and it works fine for me (the game may stutter on load towards the end of the sex, but it's always pulled through for me); if you find any particularly egregious errors or bugs, please let me know! Big, huge thanks to lighterfluid for helping me with the harder bits of code!

Danica actually still isn't finished - I wanted to write some more menu options, and I wanted to write a bad-end for her if you make her too sexy by buffing up her stats a bunch.

I've put so much time into Danica, and into this game in general (it's over 100,000 words now) that I'm starting to go cross-eyed. I hope you enjoy her!

You can find this update on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32860733
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Reactions: Strijoca and valk42


May 1, 2018
This game is absolutely AMAZING. I hope you find success and never give up!!!!
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Reactions: B


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016

This update focuses entirely on Danica some more. I've made the following changes to her:

- From the beginning, Danica was meant to be a stat bank that you could deposit/withdraw stats as you like, while playing up the whole size theft/difference fetishes. You can now freely deposit your attributes into the Bank of Danica; now you don't need to have sex with her in order to make the magic happen (you still can, of course).
- If you don't have a stat to deposit (for example, you're playing a woman, and Danica is herm, and you want her to have a bigger dick), you can just hand her some cash, and she'll cash it in when you next visit her. You can give her as much money as you like, and when you next visit her, bam, she'll have all the stats you asked her to increase.

- You can likewise withdraw stats from her and add them to yourself. She does have a bottom limit on how many stats you can withdraw from her - she needs to look after herself, too!
- You cannot withdraw stats from Danica if she's your bully. You gotta take them back if you want them.

- A bunch of bugfixes.

- Approximately 12,000 words of additional content.

I only intend to update the game once more, with the bad end I promised I'd write if you gave too much to Danica. I know this means the Goblin Matriarch is going unwritten, but I need a change of pace of content here, and I need to go back to commissions sooner rather than later.

You can find the update on my Patreon for just $5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33166906


May 1, 2018
I recommend settling on a name and putting Attribute theft game in brackets in the title.

Looks way more professional that way.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016

Based on mluker's suggestion, I decided to give my game an actual title. My Twine game is now called Equivalent Exchange!

- As promised, this update focuses on Danica's bad end. In order to unlock it, Danica's stats need to add up to 30 (or 40 if she's a herm), and that includes her height-in-feet, but not her height-in-inches. Once you get it, you can opt out and resume building up her stats or running her regular content, with the option of letting the bad end run at any time from Danica's main menu.

- Also, if Danica is as tall, or taller, than you are, then there is a 1 in 20 chance that she will randomly increase any stat by 1 (or her height-in-inches by 3) every time you visit her.

- Her bad ends play drastically differently depending on her personality; what equipment she has; and what equipment you have. All told, including the lead-up, this update contains about 6,200 words of content. Danica, all by herself, is about 74,000 words - easily my second-largest smutty project ever.

- Also, some minor bugfixes.

Like I said in the previous post, I can't afford to keep putting unpaid time into this game, and I have some other projects I'd like to get to - not to mention, I'm desperate for a change in scenery. I've been working on this thing since late last August!

However, as my current "economic model" involves taking commissions to work on smutty text-based games, that, of course, includes Equivalent Exchange. If you want me to work on this game some more and are willing to sponsor the content, send me a message, and we can work out the details!

You can find the updated game on my Patreon for $5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33321540


May 1, 2018
will you be going the monthly route of paid and free version like fenoxo games and cloud 10 ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
will you be going the monthly route of paid and free version like fenoxo games and cloud 10 ?
I was thinking about it, if I kept with the game enough to give it enough content to justify separate releases. Given that it's currently on hiatus, it'd be undercutting myself if I did that now. Although, I guess I could release the Alpha Imp as public in February and keep Danica as the draw.

Speaking of it being on hiatus, I've gotten so many patrons that I feel kind of guilty putting it on hiatus to focus on my TiTS/CoC2 work. But if I keep with it, I'll feel guilty about abandoning my work and promises for TiTS/CoC2. I'm in a bit of a sticky place! Maybe I'll work on EE on weekends or something.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I updated the free version of Equivalent Exchange! This version now has the Alpha Imp available to find - roughly 20,000 words of additional content! You can find him by defeating, or being defeated by, three imps (and these are additive, so you can beat two and lose to one). When you next explore the forest, the imp's camp will be unlocked.

I also made a mobile version of my game! The mobile version is specifically formatted for an Android A20, which is the only device I have, but it should come through okay (or, at least, much better) on other devices.

Free update + mobile version
Patron mobile version - this version doesn't actually have more content yet, it's just the Patreon version formatted for mobile.

The Goblin Matriarch is next on my docket. She's currently around 11k words written and roughly 60% completed. It'll be a few weeks before she's done, but she's coming along!

Please be sure to tell me about any bugs you may find!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
It is possible to do negative and/or half-integer amounts of damage. I don't know if the latter is intentional, but the former isn't (since it's explicitly stated for both cock and pussy attacks that they can't do less than 1 damage).
I knew this happened, and my fix was to just have the HP display rounded numbers instead of the attacks doing rounded damage, but I didn't account for attacks that could do 0.x amount of damage. I had a failsafe for if attacks did damage equal to or less than 0, but not less than 1, which was silly of me.
Fixed both of these so that the failsafe triggers if an attack does damage equal to or less than 1 (by setting the damage to 1) and having all damage numbers with integers round up to the nearest whole. This will be fixed in the next release.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Ima come back to this later. once there is a bit more content, one area just isn't enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Have a big ol' update to my Twine game, Equivalent Exchange!

In this update, the Goblin Matriarch is now available for encounters! Like with the Alpha Imp, you can find her at her camp after you encounter, and deal with, at least three goblins, win or lose. The Matriarch is all about the big ol' boobies and is willing to induct you into the sisterhood - provided you offer tribute.

She currently has 19,000 words of additional content, all of it involving combat: winning, losing, and submitting. While she does offer to induct you into the sisterhood, that content is currently still in progress, and the game will bump you back to the Town if you accept. That should come with the next update, whenever that is.

Enjoy, and let me know if there are any bugs!

You can find the updated game on my Patreon for $5: https://www.patreon.com/posts/34930044


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
What follows is tough love:

I can't say this is a very good start, let alone one you should be asking money for support. There's more text strung together to advertise the patreon than actual game. You can't be asking for money when there's nothing to actually show off.

Ignoring that - the presentation needs a lot of work, and the font is loud and gets difficult to read. Your method for outputting combat spam is really not doing it.

At a finer point - I do wish more games explored this theme, but there doesn't seem to be any way to growbut UP, and there doesn't seem the be any real place to land yourself in order to achieve anything. The size text doesn't fit any purpose other than to be displayed as a number no matter what the scene. In this sense, it's not a game - it's a clicker.

As for character content - Well, of the college-sized paper worth of content and programming, what's available is locked behind patreon, so I can't say much about it. Maybe it's amazing and dynamic and totally shows off the potential, here. I wouldn't know.

Nobody is telling me, either.

I don't want discourage you from working to create and achieve something, but I am going to discourage you from Running Your Hustle. Work on this thing because there's genuine passion and drive to create a good product. By all indications, your language in the OP and in the game's text tell me you just want to make a try at getting my money. I don't appreciate that at all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
The Patreon version of the game has 141,000 words of content. That's nearly two novels for $5 - you'd be lucky to find a deal like that in a bargain bin. How much more content does it need for it to not be a shill?

The presentation I don't have much of a counterargument for - Twine is a text-based game maker, and while it can handle other media such as sound and images, I don't have sound or images to put in. Besides, the gameplay and the plot are intentionally secondary to the porn: it's all just an excuse to write porn for a fetish I like.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
The Patreon version of the game has 141,000 words of content. That's nearly two novels for $5 - you'd be lucky to find a deal like that in a bargain bin. How much more content does it need for it to not be a shill?

The presentation I don't have much of a counterargument for - Twine is a text-based game maker, and while it can handle other media such as sound and images, I don't have sound or images to put in. Besides, the gameplay and the plot are intentionally secondary to the porn: it's all just an excuse to write porn for a fetish I like.

Apologies - I misread your other post and thought it was the existing stuff plus locked content.

For example - there's ways to reveal and/or replace text in twine that might better serve the format, and some adjustments to the text formatting and font might work much better. If savvy in CSS, HTML, and Javascript, there's even more ways to better run the combat loop and present text.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I have an announcement I'd like to make:

COVID-19 is affecting the whole world adversely and is making each of our daily lives a struggle to get by. People are being locked into their homes and are being told to practice social distancing, for the good and health of the community, and the world, at large.

Similarly, not too long ago, it was discovered that regular orgasms and masturbation are directly correlated with a stronger immune system. A person's white blood cell count increases dramatically the more you masturbate.

My work is generally regarded well here in the community, and we're all having a difficult time getting through the pandemic. In order to make the boredom a bit less crushing, and, to promote healthier immune systems, I'm going to make all my current projects free to view, rather than gate them behind a paywall on my Patreon.

And that includes Equivalent Exchange, all 141,000 words of it. You can find the entire game, including Danica and the Goblin Matriarch, for free, at this Patreon post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35203897

All future projects (i.e. the projects I write for TiTS and CoC2) will be free to read as long as COVID-19 is still a pandemic, although while I'm making the current version for my Twine game free soon, future updates to it will still be gated on my Patreon.

If you want to toss me a fiver to support me regardless, I'd appreciate it: https://patreon.com/TheLetterB


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Bug in the matron battle
You cast a common incantation to steal the girth from the Goblin Matriarch's ass and add it to your own. Having a bigger, fatter ass, on top of being plain ol' sexy and fun to play with and sit on, will give you an easier time handling any obstructions that your enemies might try to force into you.

The Alpha Imp can't help but groan at the sensation of the meat and cushioning leaving his ass as you relentlessly fuck it through the spell. With every moment that passes, the pillows of his ass shrink and push into his pelvis, giving him less and less of a bubble, while your own fills and expands beneath you. Although, you try and keep in mind that a bigger ass, while fun to play with, means that if it gets too big, you'll be a bit off-balance, and losing your footing would mean you'll have a harder time getting back up.

The Alpha Imp grunts through his nose as another wave of pleasure shoots up his spine from the combined sensation of the spell giving him that little extra push, and from him basking in his submissive position beneath you. As he cums, the expanse of his ass continues to recede into his body, making it just a little more flat and giving him less protection from not just a dick in the ass, but from things as inconsequential as sitting on something too hard.

By the end of your incantation, your ass is now immeasurable; no mortal could withstand its might.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity of the Alpha Imp cumming his brains through his ears beneath you, the stream of his jizz and the constant shaking and rocking of his body begins to peter out. His exhausted body begins to relax into a heap, letting you know that your time with him is very nearly over.

You take those precious few moments of him being too capable for your magic to work and his body being incapable of resisting to finally cum yourself: with one last thrust into his tight asshole, you clench your arms down on his legs, and you make a hefty deposit of your own into his body. Every pump of your cock shooting your jizz straight into his asshole is another reminder that you had established yourself as his superior – a reminder that he’ll carry with him forever, provided he isn’t too lust-drunk on his own orgasm to remember anything.

For as powerful as your orgasm was, it still paled in comparison to his. But that’s for the best, honestly; you wouldn’t want him to recover while you were still vulnerable yourself. Once you’ve finished unloading into your new bitch-boy’s asshole, you slide your 20-inch cock from him, still wet from your own loads, and you leave the Alpha Imp to recuperate on the dirty campsite ground.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Ah, I see what I did wrong. That bug happens specifically with stealing the matron's ass size - as soon as you do it once, the game mistakenly directs to the Alpha Imp victory, and anything you steal from then will effect him instead of her. Will fix on next update.


Mar 25, 2020
The free version doesn't really seem to have much content so far - it sounds like a huge amount of the content is the hidden NPC. It was interesting though, I'm looking forward to seeing how it progress further - followed you on Patreon so I can check in.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Finally, after a few months of waiting since the last update, Equivalent Exchange is updated to v006! This update actually contains quite a bit of additional content, especially under-the-hood:

- This update finishes the Goblin Matriarch's content, where you submit to her and become her plaything. She has three more sex scenes: one where she fucks you in a sitting position; one where she breastfeeds you as her breasts grow larger from stealing the meat right off your chest; and one where you go down on her.

- I actually have bust art for the Goblin Matriarch! She was drawn by bcbf (found here: https://bcbf.newgrounds.com/) after he offered his services to me. Her bust art appears on every screen that involves her and leaves once you return to town. You can click on the bust art for a higher-resolution pic of her, along with some information on the artist and where you can find him.
- In order to view her, the desktop version of Equivalent Exchange comes with a folder called "images". Extract both the .html file and the images folder into the same destination. That's it!
- Unfortunately, I couldn't get her bust art to load in the mobile version at this time, so that version doesn't have her.
- Her bust is dynamically altered depending on her stats: her breasts and her ass will grow on the bust art as she steals the attributes from you. Normally, she only steals boobs/accepts boobs as tribute, but, once you submit to her, the scene where she fucks you will have her steal your ass, so you can access the different bust variants that way. Her bust's attributes also get smaller if you steal from her!
- Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I couldn't get her bust to scale with the window's resolution while still layering the way I wanted it to. Her sidebar bust should look fine on resolutions below 1080p, but her high-res bust is going to be all kinds of cut-off at any resolution below 1080p.

- You can change your character's pronouns in the Check screen, which can be accessed at any time beneath your stats.

- The big one, at least for me: I wrote up a Character Creator! When you start a new game, rather than be asked if your male, female, or a hermaphrodite, you're instead given a number of points to allocate into your stats at your own discretion. You require some form of sexual equipment, but you could put one point into your dick and put the rest into giving yourself a huge, fat ass if you wanted.
- You can also make yourself shorter (with a minimum of 3'0") and fatter (with a minimum of -10) to refund more points for you to allocate into other stats if you wanted. Doing these will make gameplay more challenging, but hey, at least you'll have massive titties!
- Any points that you don't allocate into anything will be refunded as cash for you to spend, multiplied by five.
- Saves carried over from older builds will be given the choice to enter the character creator when they next go to the town. All progress you've made on your old file will retain, so you essentially get some extra points into making their character better if you wanted.
- I will probably be removing debug mode in a future update in order to make the character creator worth using, lmao

That's a lot of new stuff in this update! The Goblin Matriarch is completed with an additional 10,000 words; the game has some art; and the character creator got a massive overhaul. I've never programmed before this game, and the work I've put into the creator's engine is pretty dizzying to me. I'm very proud of it!

Hope you enjoy!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
If you'd like to see more content for Equivalent Exchange, I just started a poll on my Patreon that patrons can vote on for what content I should work on next. I got a bunch of ideas up there!

Anyone that pledges to the $10 tier gets to vote twice!