To Cure the Land of Corruption


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
From across the multiverse, a group of heroes has appeared within a circular chamber, with high marble walls reaching up to the domed ceiling of painted saints looking down on the sheen golden floors. In the center is an archway, a portal crackling within it.

Suddenly, a figure appears before them in a bright light; a beautiful fifteen-foot-tall elven goddess with green glowing eyes, long golden hair, and dark blue skin marked with silver dots. She informs them that she is Ysra, Goddess of Healing, and that she needs your help. She tells them that a kingdom under her guardianship have fallen to corruption and its heroes had failed, causing them to be overrun by the forces of her evil sister, Lanas. She points to the portal and states that, in order to reach the kingdom, one must travel to them through the archway. They will be brought to the archway a sacred grove that had not yet been reached by the corruption, and that any others must be activated by them.

With that, she bids them well and disappears.

The three women stand in the room in the wake of the disappearance of the elven goddess, as the portal opens up to a serene vision of the sacred grove. Slender blue-barked trees with golden leaves stand within this holy place, signs of the goddess. There is a pond with faintly glowing water, above which dance gossamer-winged fairies. There is a pathway leading down to this place, going further into the woodlands where the corruption is certain to be present.

It is night time, and the crescent moon is high in the sky, shining upon the world.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
Elaine stands in awe amidst this ethereal landscape, her heart pounding against her chest as she finds herself in another realm entirely. As she begins to process a plea of an elven goddess, she feels an overwhelming sense of loss coupled with anticipation...

A cool breeze whispers through the trees carrying with it sounds of nature - crickets chirping rhythmically while owl hoots softly in the distance. Stars twinkle overhead, illuminating the tranquil pond below where tiny lights flicker among lily pads like fireflies dancing on water.

She looks down at herself then - at how out-of-place she must be here amid such serenity after having been tainted by darkness back home...

Elaine shakes her head now is not a good time to think about this and there NEVER will be a good time to think about this...

As the Elaine gazes at the towering trees bathed in moonlight, she finds herself drawn towards one in particular. It's much larger than its neighbors - ancient with gnarled roots reaching far down into moist earth below.

She kneels before it, bowing her head in reverence. With closed eyes and hands clasped together, she murmurs a word of graditude towards the ancient goddess who had once protected this land.

Then suddenly, as if responding to her appreciation in kind, there’s movement amongst branches – leaves rustling gently until they reveal a single blossom nestled within its foliage. It falls onto ground softly like a whisper carried on wind...

She picks up the flower carefully between thumb and index finger...

It’s delicate yet resilient – its petals shimmering silver in the moonlight while its center glows faintly with an inner light much like the stars above. This will serve as both their talisman and a guiding star during the perilous journey ahead...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
A new Dream... I wonder what awaits us out there Fiona thought to herself looking first around the room, then the waiting grove beyond the portal and finally at the 2 other women she now stood beside ...right as one of them walked through the portal wordlessly. "Ah, wait we-" She began hurriedly saying before stopping as she watched the scene before her. Turning to face the other woman and offering an awkward smile she says "I suppose we should follow her huh? It would be bad if the portal closed behind her after all" before turning back and beginning to walk towards the portal herself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Surprised as a goddess cam from nowhere decided that her and other are champions that are needed in her world to be save from a dangerous corruption. Jessica doesn't know why she was chosen tho as she never done anything heroic in all her life but she isn't going to let this opportunity pass her, if a goddess like her exist then she must have followers that praise her and donate a ton of cash in her name so there must be a substantial reward for saving her world. " Heh aright let's see what can of fucked up place this is." Jessica follow the two other women that went into the portal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The three women walked through the portal into the sacred grove, out from the tall archway within it. As soon as they entered, they felt much calmer than they had before, as they looked upon the tranquil spot.

As they looked around, they could see it was populated not only with the distinct gold-leaved blue-barked trees, but also with many types of flowers: lavender, scarlet roses, periwinkle, and buttercups were just some of the more mundane ones they could find, with some flowers even being luminescent. By the pond were shrubs, blooming with bright red and blue berries. It was both a garden and a temple, able to provide for both the body and the spirit.

Walking from behind the tall ancient tree was slim dark-skinned elven woman with long blue hair, dressed in a long green robe, carrying a dark blue staff sprouting with golden leaves. “I see Ysra has sent heroes to the little kingdom of Elsynvar,” she said as she stepped before the group. “Welcome to the last grove. I am Vayla, a priestess who managed to escape to this sacred place before the demon’s took over my temple. I suppose that makes me the head priestess by default, although I wish it could happen any other way. In any case, let me know what you wish to know.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Jessica was the first to speak out of the group," So how many are there? are there valuable that we can take for ourselves and how tough are they?." she keep asking multiple question to the dark-skinned-elf not giving her a chance to reply. " I don't want to head in and get myself kid if there are to many people or whatever things look like over here and get myself kill or robbed of my stuff lady."


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
Elaine looks at Jessica, a soft sigh escaping her lips. The warrior understands her companion's eagerness and concern, yet she knows they must maintain cohesion and discipline.

"As much as I appreciate your bravery, Jessica," she begins, her tone measured yet kind, "let's allow Priestess Vayla to guide us. Surely she must hold great wisdom earned through many years of service to her deity."

With a reassuring smile, Elaine turns back to Vayla, silently imploring her to help quell any disorder amongst the party. The tension in the air seems to dissipate just slightly under the older elf's presence.

"It's important we respect our elders , during these uncertain times"Elaine continues gently. "And listen to those who have walked the path far ahead of us."
The warrior extends her hand, revealing the silvery blossom clutched tightly within her fingers. "This flower was gifted to us by an ancient tree. We hope it might provide insight into our mission."

Her gaze shifts back towards Vayla, searching for understanding and perhaps even a sliver of hope in those troubled times.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Now now... let's not start fighting amongst ourselves before we've even set off" Fiona said, trying to placate the other 2 beside her. "As you can likely tell, we'd appreciate whatever knowledge you could spare us Vayla" she continued, looking to the priestess as she spoke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Vayla listened to the three women each speak, hearing what they had to say first. Once they had finished, she spoke. “As the current priestess of this grove, I can tell you that the kingdom had five champions, and that despite their effort they all fell to corruption and became demon generals. They were known as the Gem Blades, each named after a different stone. From what’ve heard, Emerald Blade, who has command over plant life, was put in charge of the demons within this region. With that in mind, don’t think it’s too difficult to imagine what sort of things you’ll be up against here.”

She then looks to Elaine. “As for being your guide, unfortunately, as much as I might want to join you, I am to attend to this grove. Even so, you will have a guide-in fact, you are holding them as we speak.”

As if by magic, the silver blossom glows brightly, and from it appears a slim humanoid figure made of light with a pair of gossamer wings. Human, please give me form in mind for me to take, so that I may be as such, she heard a soft voice say within her mind.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
The formless entity shimmers slightly, seemingly responding to the Elaine will as best as it could.

A figure takes shape before Elaine - a tiny diaphanous creature formed entirely of light. It had a slender build, similar to Elaine herself but with Fiona's face and an otherworldly expression on it provided the air of an ethereal beauty such a plain face would otherwise lack.

Upon closer inspection, she noticed that the small beauty mark now adorning the entity's lower lip isn't just another speck of light. It's a tiny constellation, comprised of countless twinkling stars bound together by an unseen force.

As she gazed upon it, she realized that every single star that forms this celestial beauty mark is unique – each one a different color, shape, and brightness. The collective glow radiates warmth and comfort, almost inviting her to reach out and touch it.

But as soon as she attempted to do so, her hand passed through the entity without making contact – just another reminder of its ephemeral nature.

Its skin shimmered like moonlight, and it had Jessica's hair that were flowing around it in an ocean of stardust. Its eyes were twin orbs of starlight, filled with wisdom from before the first elves woke up and were alone. Dainty wings sprouted from its back, glowing softly, ready to lift it into the air should the need arise.

All wrapped up in shimmering robes of glowing lavender. It's an image plucked straight out of an children's fable, a beautiful representation of innocence and purity.

The new entity bows slightly, her glow softening even further.
"My name is Serenity. It is my honor to be of assistance."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Vayla, looking upon the newly minted fairy guide, smiled. “With Serenity’s help, you will be able to find the other sacred groves and reconnect them to the goddess using her magic,” she said. “She is able to sense their divine essence and tell which direction they are in, so you will always know where to go next with her assistance.” The priestess then stopped smiling as she looked to the rest of the group. “Unfortunately though, you will all still have to fight your own battles-Fairies are weak and lack combat magic, but are quick and able to turn invisible at will, so their natural instinct is to escape. I say this so that you will not feel bitterness to your guide and so that you understand.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
"Great, guess we're on are own now." Jessica gave back a salty respond to the elf, " If there's any cash lying around am not the type to share with other's if you catch my meaning." she gave a look to the other two women beside her telling them flat out she not going to share any money between them and it's first come first serve type of thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"I'm sure she'll still be of some help... there's no need to dismiss her just because she can't fight..." Fiona piped up. "...Plus I'm sure neither of us are going to plant a dagger in your back so... could you please not glare at us like that?" she continued, somewhat shrinking into herself as she spoke, making her already small frame seem even more diminutive.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
Vayla's words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the joyous occasion. The priestess was right, of course; fairies may know how to spent your life in a way that is productive yet still brings you joy, but great warriors they were not. Their strengths lay elsewhere.

Serenity seemed unfazed by Vayla's somber tone. She floated gently towards the group, her radiant smile never wavering. "I am here to assist you," she said, her voice soft yet confident. "And I shall do my utmost to see you succeed."

Elaine felt a rush of determination. She was positive that she didn't need anyone else to fight her own battles. But for now, Serenity would be invaluable in guiding them to the sacred groves. She nodded at Vayla's words, understanding the restrictions their little helper will be operating under.

The others in the group seemed equally as resolved?

Elaine observed the interaction with a mix of frustration and resignation. She knew that Jessica's attitude wouldn't bode well for the mission, but she also understood that questioning her independence and self reliance may cause more harm than good. For now, she decided to focus on preparing what she could for the journey ahead.

Serenity's reaction to Fiona's defense was subtle yet profound. As the conversation unfolded, her ethereal form seemed to glow ever so slightly brighter, as though infused with a gentle warmth. A soft smile graced her features, reflecting her gratitude towards Fiona for her kind words.

The air around her shimmered with a serene aura, radiating calmness and peace. It was a stark contrast to the tension that hung heavily in the air due to Jessica's stubborn demeanor. Serenity's presence served as a beacon of tranquility amidst the stormy seas of uncertainty and conflict.

However, despite her peaceful nature , Serenity remained vigilant. Her eyes, while filled with kindness, were alert, scanning the area for potential threats. She knew that their journey would be challenging, and she was determined to do whatever she could to alert her charges.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Vayla nodded. “Very well, you may stay here longer if you like, but if you are ready to leave the grove, then you may. Take whatever preparations you feel necessary.” She then walked back to the ancient tree. “Goodbye,” she said, before stepping back behind the tree.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Jessica turn to the girls." I don't know about you guys but am ready to go and take these asshole down." Jessica start practicing her jabs in quick flourish and moving her legs in rhythm of her jabs as she move back and forth." If any of you need time to think i suggest you talk about it with each other cause i don't want to stay in this place for too long and die of boredom."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Will you slow down for just a minute...?" Fiona sighed exasperatedly. "At least help us gather up some food and water, or barring that collect some for yourself. We don't know what's waiting out there beyond this 'corruption' we've heard of and those that have fallen to it." She continued, letting her frustration feed a fleeting confidence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
"Yeah scrounging up food and water isn't my type of things am good at, am more of up close beat the crap out of ya type of girl fighter so will you be a dear and scrounge up some food and water for me i'll be happy about that." Jessica then leave the group temporarily and look for the exit of this forest and wait for the others there when their done doing whatever they need to do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Fiona could only stare in silent disbelief of the other woman as she walked away before finally turning away and letting a frustrated breath slowly hiss from her lips once she was out of earshot. "Well... that leaves you, I and possibly Serenity if she's able, to gather supplies if you both aren't opposed?" she said looking to the remaining woman and fairy both, her stern tone making the question sound more like a statement than a request.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Odelia, looking through the portal, could see the three other women and the small fairy. It was clear to her this was the place the goddess had been talking about, and that these people were the others she’d be working with, although it seemed they were currently having some issues with teamwork at the moment.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Still reeling from an encounter with divinity, something she never thought in her life she would have the privilege of, Odelia gets her nerves under control. She needed to focus on the task at hand. The mage hunter studies the three through the magical opening. Though she isn't one to normally be in the presence of company for her excursions, it never hurt to make a good first impression. Or at least as good of an impression as she can make. These things tend to be vexing to her. From what she can gather, it seems like there's already friction in this band of heroes.

Deciding to get it over with, she steps through. Her skin tingles with goosebumps at the sudden transition from the temperate air of the chamber to the cool breeze of the grove. Waiting little to readjust, she glances about. It's a shame that there are such pressing matters. This peaceful clearing was breathtaking, and she could see herself enjoying a quiet moment by the pond while she reads from her prayer book. If she were to delay, however, this place would fall as well. So she gives the vista one last look before she starts to make her way to her new compatriots. Standing tall with practiced, measured steps.

"Gathering some resources for the journey ahead is not a bad idea," she calls out. Offering a small nod as she approaches. "Though it seems you all have lingered a bit longer than desired. In this case, I suppose I am grateful though." Stopping a few paces away from them, she places a hand over her chest. "I am Odelia. I assume we have been tasked with the same quest."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Fiona jolted slightly, her frustrations quickly fading in the face of the shock from the unexpected voice calling out. Turning to the stranger as they introduced themselves Fiona quickly noted their appearance with a quick thought of "Another Dreamwalker perhaps? Best not to ask now" before responding. "If your quest was given to you by Ysra then most likely, otherwise I couldn't be sure..." she replied before continuing "I suppose we should introduce ourelves too since you gave us your name. I'm Fiona and this" she gave a small courteous bob of her head before gesturing towards and trailing off uncertainly at the realization she knew neither of her other companion's names.


Active Member
Feb 17, 2019
Slightly taken aback by Jessica's abrupt departure, Serenity glanced at Fiona before focusing her attention on gathering supplies. She moved swiftly yet quietly through the underbrush, her keen senses alert for any signs of danger or useful items. After a few minutes of searching, she returned with a small pile of dried fruits, nuts, and berries along with two full canteens of fresh water.

"I managed to get some non-perishable food and some water for everyone," she announced, setting the supplies down near where Fiona had been standing.

As Fiona spoke, Elaine immediately set about gathering useful herbs and flowers. She had been taught the art of Alchemy since childhood, and her eyes lit up at the thought of putting her skills to use. Lavender, Scarlet Roses, Periwinkle, Buttercups - these were all potentialy valuable ingredients for potions and remedies... or cooking.

Elaine's movements were precise and deliberate as she picked each plant, careful not to damage the roots or disturb the surrounding environment. She worked quietly, lost in her own world of concentration and focus. Her hands moved deftly over the earth, plucking the desired plants with ease.

The forest was surprisingly abundant, providing a wide variety of flora for her to choose from. After filling her basket with enough material to last several days worth, she stood up straight, brushing off her pants and giving Fiona a small nod of acknowledgement. "I believe this should suffice,".


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Odelia followed Fiona's awkward, trailing gesture, and makes eye contact with the small fairy as it drops of its findings. A wary stare seems to occur between the two. Odelia's knowledge and experiences with anything Fae related leaves her with a fair bit of suspicion. The tiny thing seemed harmless, but that didn't mean much. On the other side of this exchange, the fairy seems a bit cautious. Perhaps less because of this new arrival's appearance, and more to do with something she can sense. Fortunately, their guide's hesitance does not dissuade her manners.

"Hello. My name is Serenity," she offers. Doing her best to provide a polite smile with her words.

Odelia seems a bit skeptical, but offers another small nod to her and Fiona. She turns her head slightly to eye Elaine as she brings back her own findings. Some of which she is glad to find familiar. Perhaps this land's flora won't be completely alien to her. "Hm. It is a pleasure," she states halfheartedly. Not too practiced in sounding earnest when it comes to pleasantries. "And yes, my task comes from the healing goddess of this world."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Well if we've gathered what we need..." Fiona said, looking over the items both Serenity and her other companion had collected. "Should we meet back up with our other member?" Fiona suggested while tapping a finger to her lip thoughtfully, looking in the direction the remaining woman of the group had walked off in. "We'll probably have to redo our introductions too... sorry about that..." she finished, letting her hand drop back to her side.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
The priestess walked out from behind the tree again. “So sorry! I had no idea there’d be another here!” she said as she walked down to meet with Odelia. “I just now noticed that there was someone new here, so I hope you can understand.” She paused to take a breath, before saying, “I am Vayla and currently the only priestess of Ysra within the kingdom of Elsynvar. I escaped to this grove and have not left it, for it is dangerous out there in the world and I dare not go out into it.”


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
"That is fine," Odelia says. Dismissively waving Fiona's apology off. "Let us regroup then."

But just as the taller woman moves to leave, she is caught by surprised. An elven woman appearing from behind a tree. Odelia slightly jumps at the sudden greeting, eyes wide, and her hand resting on the pommel of her sword as the priestess makes her way forward. Though, with a quiet cough, she relaxes her stance. A soft, pink hue coloring her ears as she readjusts herself.

She nods along as the priestess explains herself. Using the moment to recover from her momentary startle. "Well, hopefully we can help quell these dangers," she sighs. "This grove is beautiful, but I cannot imagine it is preferable to be trapped in one area for long."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Was she waiting behind that tree the whole time... or is it somehow connected to somewhere else? Fiona quietly thought to herself before hurriedly chiming in. "On the note of being in an area too long, we should probably get moving soon... I don't think our other companion will be happy to have waited this long... or to wait much longer..." A clear look of concern crossing her face as she spoke.