TiTsEd - A save editor (FLASH VERSION ONLY)


Jan 6, 2016
I use the extract here function through .7Zip and it runs completely through; however; this occurs whenever I go to open it for a quick playthrough it also happens with the CoC/XianxiaEd too occasionally


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
I use the extract here function through .7Zip and it runs completely through; however; this occurs whenever I go to open it for a quick playthrough it also happens with the CoC/XianxiaEd too occasionally
You'll get that error or something like it whenever you try to run without actually extracting it (ie, just double clicking on the exe when viewing it inside the zip through Windows' explorer view)
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New Member
Apr 25, 2020
Can't get the application to run no matter what I do, I have CoCED and that ran fine. Any clues on what I'm doing wrong.

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
How do I undo getting barred from the cock milker at Breedwell if I failed the willpower test and overloaded it? I tried resetting the BREEDWELL_DONATION_LOCKED flag, but it didn't work, and couldn't find any other flags that seemed to be related to being allowed to use it.


Well-Known Member
How do I undo getting barred from the cock milker at Breedwell if I failed the willpower test and overloaded it? I tried resetting the BREEDWELL_DONATION_LOCKED flag, but it didn't work, and couldn't find any other flags that seemed to be related to being allowed to use it.
That's the only flag that blocks sperm donations. By resetting it, do you mean changing it to undefined or 0? Because if it's 0, that will still cause that flag to be defined and thus block donations.

Also, for future reference, you can use the TiTS Public GitHub, particularly /classes and /includes, to look up the answers to these sort of questions yourself, though keep in mind it's not always up-to-date with the latest public build.
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Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Is it possible to revert Nykke to the old version if you've already gotten the email and met the newer one? I tried setting all the flags about her to "undefined" and NYKKE_VERSION to "1" after looking at the code for both versions, but it doesn't trigger the scene old Nykke scenes in the lair even after having several more kips or leaving the lair and coming back multiple times. I just end up getting the newer version's intro as if I was meeting her for the first time after wandering along Uveto's coast.
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Well-Known Member
Is it possible to revert Nykke to the old version if you've already gotten the email and met the newer one? I tried setting all the flags about her to "undefined" and NYKKE_VERSION to "1" after looking at the code for both versions, but it doesn't trigger the scene old Nykke scenes in the lair even after having several more kips or leaving the lair and coming back multiple times. I just end up getting the newer version's intro as if I was meeting her for the first time after wandering along Uveto's coast.
Look at the Frostwyrm's code page. That contains the functions where Nykke is met from.

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
NYKKE_VERSION flag keeps going back to "2" after I change it and actually load the save trying to trigger the version one content, even after I loaded a save from before meeting the Frostwyrm and make the changes. I have no idea why, since there are no other Nykke or Frostwyrm related flags I can find in the save editor that would cause NYKKE_VERSION to change from "1" to "2" on it's own.


Well-Known Member
NYKKE_VERSION flag keeps going back to "2" after I change it and actually load the save trying to trigger the version one content, even after I loaded a save from before meeting the Frostwyrm and make the changes. I have no idea why, since there are no other Nykke or Frostwyrm related flags I can find in the save editor that would cause NYKKE_VERSION to change from "1" to "2" on it's own.
hereBeDragonBonus() in frostwyrm.as said:
if (flags["NYKKE_VERSION_TOGGLE"] == 1) flags["NYKKE_VERSION"] = 1;
else flags["NYKKE_VERSION"] = 2;
This is what causes it. It appears TiTsEd lacks an option to change NYKKE_VERSION_TOGGLE, so unless another save editor has that option, Nykke v1 is going to remain unavailable.

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
This is what causes it. It appears TiTsEd lacks an option to change NYKKE_VERSION_TOGGLE, so unless another save editor has that option, Nykke v1 is going to remain unavailable.
That would explain it. Guess I'm S.O.L. unless or until that option gets added in for a future version of TiTsEd, since it's is the only save editor I know how to use without breaking anything. I'm not inclined to search through the older versions of TiTsEd to see if one has the option and will actually work with the current version of the game.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
What does the "Perfect Simulant" status effect (under "Miscellaneous" on the right hand side of the "Flags" tab) actually do? The description talks about how "... your maximum capabilities exceed even those of the luckiest terrans" (which I'm assuming means increased Core Stat caps). The wiki barely even mentions it.

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Why does TiTsEd limit the number of cocks to 5? Would it be possible to raise the limit, seeing as how if you've taken all the GaloMax Pills you can have up to 10.
Think the limit used to be 5?
Fixed in the next version.
Virection Pill has a 10% chance on use of growing a new cock identical to the last one (presumably meaning the newest one) when Steele has at least one, up to a limit of 10 cocks.
Excerpt copy/pasted directly from Virection Pill's page on the wiki:
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Well-Known Member
What does the "Perfect Simulant" status effect (under "Miscellaneous" on the right hand side of the "Flags" tab) actually do? The description talks about how "... your maximum capabilities exceed even those of the luckiest terrans" (which I'm assuming means increased Core Stat caps). The wiki barely even mentions it.
Your assumption is correct: +50 for Lust and Libido, +3 for the main five.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
What parameters should I be tweaking if I want to manually change Kiro to a later stage of her bimbofication post-recruitment? I tried changing “KQ_Last_Hour_TF” from 24 (the time I actually rescued her) to 36 (the time I am trying to retroactively change her to now), but it didn’t do anything. orz

Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
If you don't want to go to the hassle of manually changing each little detail and just want her to be bimbofied (the authored text just treats her as being changed so you'll never actually observe the other details anyway, all you need to do is go to the perk screen, select her from the drop down at the top and give her the bimbo perk.
I think what @Shura's asking is how to make Kiro's body change to match the new stage's TF's
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Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
That's a more complicated process that i know @TheShepard256 knows how to perform but my point was that the actual changes aren't necessary because the only text you will see is written such that it assumes those altered properties, as far as you'll see, once bimbo text is enabled, she is so altered.
I personally have no idea how to do it (I just sat around outside Po's lab until hour 42 so I could get all the TF's Kiro wouldn't break from), but if I had to make a suggestion, I'd say change the "KQ_RESCUED" flag so it matches the time for the "KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF" flag.
Excerpt copy/ pasted from the code:

//Meeting Po
public function encounterDatPoBitchBaybeee():Boolean
//Stop all TFs from proccing. Also, you either rescue her or bad-end here, so no need to worry much about it.
flags["KQ_RESCUED"] = GetGameTimestamp();
flags["KQ_STEP"] = undefined;
//Not truly met
if(flags["KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF"] == undefined || flags["KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF"] < 18)
output("You step through the door, and the mysterious <i>“Doctor Po”</i> responsible for your " + (flags["KIRO_BF_TALK"] == 1 ? "girl":"") + "friend’s suffering sits <i>right there</i>. The cyborg scientist’s chair may be reclined, but she sits bolt upright at the sight of you. Apparently your presence is cause for alertness.");
output("\n\n<i>“You... you’re fast,”</i> Doctor Po observes. <i>“Too fast.”</i> Her eyes narrow, and she rises to her feet, circling slowly around the lab’s perimeter. <i>“Tell me then, have you cracked quantum foresight?”</i> She leans closer, one eye flashing as she intently regards your face. <i>“No... perhaps unforeseen levels of psychic pow-pfft.”</i> Stifling a giggle, the deranged researcher turns back to regard a very restrained, aroused Kiro. <i>“No, the sensors would have alerted me if you were capable of large scale reality alteration. You...”</i> Doctor Po rounds on you, <i>“...are determined, skillful, and most importantly... lucky.”</i>");
if(pc.isBimbo()) output("\n\nAwww, she likes you! There’s no reason not to beam a giant, happy smile back in response. <i>“Thanks, I guess! Can I rescue my friend now?”</i>");
else if(pc.isBro()) output("\n\nYou shrug graciously at the praise. <i>“Great. Now give me my friend.”</i>");
else if(pc.isNice()) output("\n\n<i>“I wish I could say that any of that mattered, but you kidnapped my friend. I’m going to take her back, and I’d appreciate if you stayed out of my way.”</i>");
else if(pc.isMischievous()) output("\n\nYou graciously shrug. <i>“I get that a lot, which I guess means you’ve got to ask yourself - do you really want to stand between Kiro and I? Do you feel lucky enough to get in the way of the [pc.guyGirl] that just breezed through your entire trap collection?”</i>");
else output("\n\nYou narrow your eyebrows. <i>“You’re the reason I had to race through a baker’s dozen of half-ass traps and mind-fucked slut-puppets. Get out of my way. I’m taking back my friend.”</i>");
output("\n\n<i>“Slow down now.”</i> Illustria Po takes a step back and puts her hands up. <i>“I’d rather not battle anyone in such a delicate locale, but...”</i> Her eyes flicker back to Kiro, who seems to have gained a measure of alertness during the discussion. <i>“...my time is valuable. 65’s acquisition and training materials represent a significant outlay of capital. A legal outlay of capital, I must say. I am fully licensed to apprehend and socially recondition pirates, debtors with over one million credits of delinquent credit, and home invaders thanks to the classification of this vessel as New Texan soil.”</i> She pauses to let that sink in. <i>“I recommend making a monetary offer if you’d like to resolve this peacefully. If not, I can always find a buyer for a 66th doll.”</i>");
//Kiro snaps out instant
else if(flags["KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF"] < 30)
output("You step into the lab to find Kiro restrained, and Doctor Illustria Po slowly rising out of her chair. The fluffy pirate in the background immediately struggles against her bindings and shouts, <i>“Hell yeah! Kill this crazy bitch, Angel! Fucking ruin-”</i>");
output("\n\nA mouthguard slams across the infuriated kui-tan’s muzzle, silencing her diatribe.");
output("\n\n<i>“Hello, [pc.name].”</i> Illustria offers a formal wave. <i>“I must admit, I did not expect you to ever get this far. That was my mistake, but do not make one of your own. Battling me in my own lab would go badly for you, I assure you, and the services I provide are entirely legal and aboveboard.”</i> Her smile is so self-assured that it’s almost painful to look upon. <i>“I am licensed to capture and socially recondition pirates, debtors with suitably delinquent loans, and home invaders thanks to the classification of my vessel as New Texan territory. It would serve us well to resolve the matter financially rather than violently.”</i>");
if(pc.isBimbo()) output("\n\nYou giggle, <i>“So you’re gonna pay me?”</i>");
output("\n\nYou narrow your gaze. <i>“How much are you offering?”</i>");
output("\n\nDoctor Po violently throws back her head and unleashes a screeching cackle of unrepentant delight. <i>“You... you thought... you thought I was offering to pay... pay you? Oh my, dear, you really are a special case aren’t you? Are you sure you don’t want to become one of my dolls? I could make you such a sweetheart.”</i> She giggles, <i>“No, no, of course not. The miscommunication was mine, I suppose. What I was suggesting was reimbursement for the capital I had to lay out for your friend’s treatments, conditioning, etcetera <b>and</b> the damages your presence has inflicted upon my lovely home. For the right price, we can all leave happy.”</i>");
output("\n\nKiro grunts through the gag.");
output("\n\n<i>“Oh, hush. If your dear Captain Steele comes through for you, you’ll get to go home with the benefits of my work </i>and<i> a fully intact mind. You have no idea the lottery you’re about to win, pet.”</i>");
//Kiro snaps out slow
else if(flags["KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF"] < 36)
output("You step into the by now familiar lab. Kiro is strapped down to a table and drooling all over her [kiro.chest], but more pressing is the presence of Doctor Illustria Po, now rising out of her seat to confront you. Her body language conveys extreme confidence mixed with a bit of obvious concern about your presence. You ignore her to call out to the sexually-blissed tanuki, <i>“Kiro! Kiro, are you okay?”</i>");
output("\n\nIllustria rolls her eyes and steps aside, quietly talking to herself. <i>“The durability of unfinished conditioning is a facet of my research that deserves further attention in the future.”</i>");
output("\n\nFortunately, the fearless, fluffy pirate begins to blink, drifting back to awareness with your increasingly urgent calls. Blushing so thickly you can see it through her fur, Kiro turns to you and says, <i>“Angel! You came... a little late, but you came!”</i> She shudders and twists around, eyes widening at the sight of a very alive and undefeated Doctor Po. <i>“Kill her, [pc.name]! Kill that fucking bitch!”</i>");
output("\n\nA strap flips up and neatly binds the kui-tan’s muzzle closed.");
output("\n\n<i>“Yes, yes, you’re shaking off the incomplete programming quite effectively. Now the individuals not classified as property can have a conversation about the sexdoll in the room.”</i> Illustra saunters in a slow orbit. <i>“I would prefer to avoid open combat if possible. This lab represents a significant outlay of capital... and the work I did on your friend was anything but cheap. I am an artist, and my supplies are as refined as my palette.”</i>");
output("\n\nYou growl, <i>“Give me a reason not to.”</i>");
output("\n\n<i>“I’ll give you several,”</i> the cocky scientist promises. <i>“First, my work is 100% above board and legal. I am licensed to subdue and recondition pirates for reintegration into proper society. Debtors too, if they owe enough. More pressing is the classification of this vessel as New Texan soil and their incredibly liberal laws regarding home defense. I could walk you into the core with a leash around your neck and nobody would bat an eye, not even your poor Daddy’s surprisingly impressive legal team. I’m giving you an opportunity to find a solution that works for both of us. If you throw that away, your new station as a literal sex object won’t be my fault.”</i>");
output("\n\nWell, it’s a good sign that she’s worried enough to seek a peaceful solution, but it sounds like she wants you to pay for it. What do you do?");
//Kiro snaps out barely
else if(flags["KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF"] <= 42)
output("You charge into Doctor Po’s lab, and more or less as predicted, both Kiro and the cyborg scientist are present. The latter is closer, rising out of a chair with a look of raw disappointment, but your concern is squarely on the tanuki pirate and her expanded rack. Right now, her eyes are closed and her hips are resolutely pumping against a toy they’ve been mated to. She whimpers continually, nearly mad with the need to cum, while the heaving tits she’d been burdened with quake along with her every motion.");
output("\n\nYou call out, <i>“Kiro! Are you still with me?”</i>");
output("\n\nThe cyborg steps back while you advance on your friend, muttering about testing the limits of incomplete programming.");
output("\n\n<i>“A-angel?”</i> Kiro moans, humping faster and harder. A fine sheen of sweat slicks her fur to her body, fully revealing the changes Illustria’s science has wrought. <i>“My angel... so hot. Yeah, you’d take my cum, [pc.name]! You always let me cum. Always so much easier to c-c-cum with you!”</i> Her flare acts as its name would imply, and a torrent a rich, creamy kui-tan spooge issues forth into the collection tube, flooding it to capacity. <i>“F-f-fuck I should’ve just been </i>your<i> doll instead of a pirate...”</i>");
output("\n\n<i>“Kiro,”</i> you try again, touching her cheek, <i>“Come back to me baby.”</i>");
output("\n\nThe tanuki, still leaking jism, blinks her eyes open. <i>“[pc.name]? You... I...”</i> She shudders, flare audibly slapping against the glass as she violently cums once more. <i>“F-f-fuck you came to rescue me, and I can’t stop cumming like some kind of broken slut!”</i> It’s then that she notices Po’s presence in the room, and Kiro’s eyes sharpen from glassy orbs to focused diamonds. <i>“The bitch is still here? Kill her, [pc.name]! Kill her before she gets you too!”</i> The tanuki thrashes against her bindings, still hard. <i>“Or cut me loose. I’ll do it for you... right after I fuck her slutty, stupid holes.”</i> A look of confusion flashes across her features before she decides. <i>“No, screw that. Kill her and fuck me. Do it!”</i>");
output("\n\nDoctor Po gestures with one finger, and a band slaps out of the table around Kiro’s muzzle, binding it tight. <i>“This is a conversation for non-property individuals, 65, though you’ve revealed impressive tenacity in shaking off so much of my conditioning.”</i> She turns to you with a blood-curdling smile. <i>“Now as for you [pc.name], you have invaded my home, which owing to its classification as New Texan soil means I am authorized to end your life... or use my status as a pirate reconditioning expert to turn you into an object of servile pleasure.”</i> She pauses and stares at you unblinkingly. <i>“Yet you have fought hard and come far. Further conflict would be deleterious to either of our interests. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement.”</i>");
output("\n\nAn arrangement? She’s been mutating and brainwashing your friend without a second thought, and she wants you to keep your hands to yourself? Then again, Illustria’s wealth has clearly come from holding up her bargains. Buying Kiro’s way out of her plight might not be heroic, but it’d be safe and reliable.");
output("\n\nWhat’s a Rusher to do?");
//Kiro broke
output("You charge into Doctor Po’s lab, and more or less as predicted, both Kiro and the cyborg scientist are present. The latter is closer, rising out of a chair with a look of smug success disappointment, but your concern is squarely on the tanuki pirate and her expanded rack. Right now, she kneels on the floor with her firmly erect prick buried inside an ultraporn-star’s worth of cleavage. The atmosphere of the lab is musky with the scent of her arousal, a small puddle of slick pussyjuice ever so gradually thickens beneath her knees. If she’s aware of your presence, she doesn’t make it known. Her eyes stay fixed firmly upon Illustria’s backdoor while she silently licks her lips.");
output("\n\nYou call out, <i>“Kiro! Kiro! Are you okay?”</i>");
output("\n\nThe cyborg steps to the side and kneels down next to Kiro. <i>“Go ahead. Tell [pc.himHer]. Tell [pc.himHer] if you’re upset, or worried, or whatever’s on your mind.”</i>");
output("\n\nYour tanuki friend regretfully drags her gaze from the scientist’s fluid-filled form and meets your gaze with lidded eyes. <i>“Uhh, hey, [pc.name]. Sorry about the call. I was really, really confused, but Miss Po has made me so <b>obedient</b> and horny.”</i> She shudders and reaches into her mammoth mounds, producing an entire handful of slick pre. It takes her a single swallow to devour most of it. <i>“But she made my titties so big and good, and I cum so easy now. And like, no matter what I might think about a person, when I know that they own me, it makes me so hot for them, like... If you were my owner I could just live between your legs and be happy like that, ya know? It’s like that syrupy lovey goodness that you get when you first bed a girl, but it never goes away and it’s always sloshing around my slutty little dollbrain!”</i> She looks back over her shoulder at the cyborg scientist. <i>“You should totally help [pc.name] like you helped me! [pc.HeShe] would make the best doll!”</i>");
output("\n\nNo...! She sounds completely, totally broken - the kind of psychological taint nobody comes back from. It’s clear from the fluffy fuckdoll’s expression and mannerism that she has wholeheartedly devoted herself to pleasure and service. Even with the galaxy’s best therapists and doctors on the case, you doubt you’d ever get the old Kiro back. Like or not, your inaction gave Doctor Po all the time she needed to turn your freewheeling friend into a simpering slut. Still, you’d rather not leave her in the mad doctor’s hands. <i>“She’s not yours to own or sell.”</i>");
output("\n\nDoctor Po seems completely taken aback by the statement. <i>“The law differs, my simple-minded friend. I am legally licensed to capture and recondition pirates so that they’ll be of some use to society. Debtors and home invaders too, though the latter is only thanks to the classification of my vessel as New Texan soil. 65, or Kiro as you knew her, is legally my property to do whatever I want with. The galaxy wouldn’t bat an eye if I sold her organs for parts, and to be frank, the wealthy and powerful are quite taken with my wares. Legally, you are in the wrong.”</i>");
output("\n\nShe can’t be serious, can she?");
output("\n\n<i>“I am as serious as your friend’s crimes are, but I am not unreasonable. Combat within the confines of my lab is an outcome I would prefer to avoid, even if it does result in 65 getting a sister to sell with her. No, I would much rather we handle this like the businesspeople we’re both supposed to be. For your trouble, you can have the opportunity to buy sixty-err, Kiro, before anyone else. Of course, for the damage you’ve done while traipsing through my home, I’ll need to charge a little extra. It’s only fitting.”</i> She pats Kiro’s head fondly. <i>“It will be worth every cred, I promise. This is one of my finest works.”</i>");
output("\n\nShe wants you to <i>buy</i> your broken friend back from her? The audacity of this woman! Still, it would bring a swift and safe end to this unfortunate saga. What do you do?");
addButton(0,"Barter",barterWithPo,undefined,"Barter","Try to buy your friend’s freedom.");
addButton(1,"Fight",fightDatScientisto,undefined,"Fight","Put an end to this.");
if(kiro.isBimbo()) addButton(2,"Leave Kiro",screwSavinKiro,undefined,"Leave Kiro","You’re too late. You might as well go home.");
return true;


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Spoiler tags are your friend. ;)
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Well-Known Member
What parameters should I be tweaking if I want to manually change Kiro to a later stage of her bimbofication post-recruitment? I tried changing “KQ_Last_Hour_TF” from 24 (the time I actually rescued her) to 36 (the time I am trying to retroactively change her to now), but it didn’t do anything. orz
KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF is only used for tracking if you've seen the scene that plays when that hour is reached; the TFs are applied separately in the same scene. The possible values and associated TFs are:
  • 12: none
  • 18: refractory rate +1, gains MinCumQ perk (v1 = 2000)
  • 24: gains Ever-Milk perk (v1 = 5000)
  • 30: breast size +17
  • 36: vaginal and anal bonus capacities +100 each
  • 42: lip mod +1, breast size +16
  • 48: lip mod +1, vaginal and anal bonus capacities +150 each, gains Ditz Speech perk
I personally have no idea how to do it (I just sat around outside Po's lab until hour 42 so I could get all the TF's Kiro wouldn't break from), but if I had to make a suggestion, I'd say change the "KQ_RESCUED" flag so it matches the time for the "KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF" flag.
Nope. KQ_RESCUED tracks the exact time when Kiro was rescued, and is really only used to check if KiroQuest has been completed at all.
I have a question, though i figure the answer is no as i'm quite familiar with the editor. Is there a way to remove children you've had? I had no idea i'd copped some fertilised Nyrea eggs and popped out a few 3 tiles after fucking a huntress (thought she was a beta) cause i have my pregnancy incubation time set to 100 as i hate waiting, now i'm stuck with some kids that i don't really feel are my kids. Never do with butt pregnancies tbh. I'd have flicked back to a save had i known but i was rushing through no Myr's land and saved when i got to the end of it.
Not so far as I can tell; the Child Manager stats seem to be read-only. I'd imagine messing with objects like that would be rather complicated to code into TiTsEd.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2018
That's a more complicated process that i know @TheShepard256 knows how to perform but my point was that the actual changes aren't necessary because the only text you will see is written such that it assumes those altered properties, as far as you'll see, once bimbo text is enabled, she is so altered.

That doesn’t quite line up with her TFs though because I know she has 3 different boob sizes and she has increased vaginal and anal capacity (the latter two are what I care about since Kiro’s not the only one who got altered by Po, though I did take a lot more than she did :p).

KQ_LAST_HOUR_TF is only used for tracking if you've seen the scene that plays when that hour is reached; the TFs are applied separately in the same scene. The possible values and associated TFs are:
  • 12: none
  • 18: refractory rate +1, gains MinCumQ perk (v1 = 2000)
  • 24: gains Ever-Milk perk (v1 = 5000)
  • 30: breast size +17
  • 36: vaginal and anal bonus capacities +100 each
  • 42: lip mod +1, breast size +16
  • 48: lip mod +1, vaginal and anal bonus capacities +150 each, gains Ditz Speech perk

Nope. KQ_RESCUED tracks the exact time when Kiro was rescued, and is really only used to check if KiroQuest has been completed at all.

Okay, so I just have to manually tweak Kiro’s values myself? I’ll give that a go. Thank you!

Edit: It worked! I even tweaked in Bimbo Kiro’s capacity without screwing anything else so I can bang her without condensol, LOOOOOOL. XD
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Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
That doesn’t quite line up with her TFs though because I know she has 3 different boob sizes and she has increased vaginal and anal capacity (the latter two are what I care about since Kiro’s not the only one who got altered by Po, though I did take a lot more than she did :p).

Okay, so I just have to manually tweak Kiro’s values myself? I’ll give that a go. Thank you!

Maybe i'm wrong, it's fully possible, even likely, all i remember is when i asked my question and Shep explained to me all i needed to unlock it was bimbo speech (i just wanted to see her cockpit orgy scene when it was added) the text kept referencing body modifications i know she didn't have as all i changed in the editor was the bimbo perk and outside of that she was set to the minimum number of changes as i saved her super fast. If i recall correctly, i think all she mentioned was the increased libido and cum production, but it's been a while (i mean before i edited in the bimbo speech, afterwards she mentioned a lot more).
Given that my suggestion was a shot in the dark since I just waited until the 42 hour mark before confronting Po, I defer to @TheShepard256 on this one.


Well-Known Member
That doesn’t quite line up with her TFs though because I know she has 3 different boob sizes and she has increased vaginal and anal capacity (the latter two are what I care about since Kiro’s not the only one who got altered by Po, though I did take a lot more than she did :p).
Maybe i'm wrong, it's fully possible, even likely, all i remember is when i asked my question and Shep explained to me all i needed to unlock it was bimbo speech (i just wanted to see her cockpit orgy scene when it was added) the text kept referencing body modifications i know she didn't have as all i changed in the editor was the bimbo perk and outside of that she was set to the minimum number of changes as i saved her super fast. If i recall correctly, i think all she mentioned was the increased libido and cum production, but it's been a while (i mean before i edited in the bimbo speech, afterwards she mentioned a lot more).
Ditz Speech is, strictly speaking, the only thing you need to access bimbo Kiro because that's the only thing the game checks for to see if Kiro is a bimbo; conversely, Kiro not having Ditz Speech is enough for the game to say Kiro's not a bimbo. However, the bimbo Kiro scenes assume that all the other TFs also happened to her since the only way to get bimbo Kiro without save editing is to go through the scenes that cause those TFs. The same is not true for non-bimbo Kiro scenes, which can vary depending on how late you saved her from Po and the TFs she received (particularly breast size and lactation). I hope that's all cleared up now.
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Caprice Dhusara

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
Ditz Speech is, strictly speaking, the only thing you need to access bimbo Kiro because that's the only thing the game checks for to see if Kiro is a bimbo; conversely, Kiro not having Ditz Speech is enough for the game to say Kiro's not a bimbo. However, the bimbo Kiro scenes assume that all the other TFs also happened to her since the only way to get bimbo Kiro without save editing is to go through the scenes that cause those TFs. The same is not true for non-bimbo Kiro scenes, which can vary depending on how late you saved her from Po and the TFs she received (particularly breast size and lactation). I hope that's all cleared up now.
So, theoretically could you have all the TFs of Bimbo Kiro without having her be a bimbo if she doesn't have Ditz Speech?