hey, etis, i know your not american, but do you know about samus from the game metroid?
Yes, but I don't think I've ever actually played any game of the series.
hey, etis, i know your not american, but do you know about samus from the game metroid?
your not american, but do you know about samus from the game metroid?
Are you somehow implying that Metroid games are not sold worldwide (the first game was released in Europe almost two years after its Japanese release, I'll give you that) or that importing video games/sources talking about games which are not released at certain countries/continents has never been a thing? xD
P.S. It's "you're".
Are you somehow implying that Metroid games are not sold worldwide (the first game was released in Europe almost two years after its Japanese release, I'll give you that) or that importing video games/sources talking about games which are not released at certain countries/continents has never been a thing? xD
Fun thing: they really weren't. Well, at least in a SNES era. And, considering distinctive lack of the internet back then, even sources talking about games which had no release in a region were... Uncommon.
Had no consoles since that time, so don't know if something changed from that time.
The first Metroid game was released in Europe. So was Metroid II (this is the UK version). Actually... If I can recall correctly, you're French, aren't you? You might fancy taking a peek at the French cartridge ^_^ And same goes for Super Metroid. Hell, here's a scan of a Spanish review from the days of old.
i just looked up the type of food Transnistria has and, it looks VERY foreign... 0.o
but it seems pretty nice by the pics ive seen.
question: even when you finish finalizing the mod, you'll continue updating it to the current version, right?
I earned the luststick adapted perk while interacting with non-follower Sophie and it repeated the message infinitely with no way of getting back to the camp screen.
Noted. BTW, you can try "forcenext" code in such cases.
um is it ok if i ask a favor of you? can you add materials to valuables category? because i want to store things like dragonscale and spider silk, but i cant put them anywhere...
thank you!
also, is there any way to reset npcs?
Flag editing?
nvm, i was trying to find a way to get dragon scales again because Kiha is now lover, but ember drops them too.![]()
nvm, i was trying to find a way to get dragon scales again because Kiha is now lover, but ember drops them too.
i didn't know any debug codes to flag edit.