Sammy was not in a state to answer her, she was too busy feeling all kind of lovely pleasure from Jade's peen rubbing her. It could be said that Sammy had a very.... shall we say... "old fashioned" view on sex and other lewd things. Believing a knight must always act with dignity, pride, and all that other noble knight shtick. Suffice to say this was all extremely scandalous to her and somehow that make it even more arousing! Jilma was loving this for more reasons then one. "Oh~ mmm~ yes.... I'm going to guess its the latter dear she doesn't seem like the type to use her sexy body for intimate... oh~ use....", Jilma said with her lusty moan breaking in here and there. Sammy was just so full of fuck right now this was possibility the lewdest thing she had done in her life. Jilma was moving her hips back and forth to make it good for all three parties involved.
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