Thoughts on the new weapon crafting system


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Since it was now made public, I would like to know everybody thoughts on the new weapon crafting system. I made a few test mostly with making freezing weapons with crit chance and got some crazy results, like Shattering with crits for 200+ per hit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Knuckles (Defense)
Geddanium Crystal (Corrosive, because it's not resisted much.)
Geddanium/Lucinite (Defense)
Geddanium (Vampiric)
Take less damage, heal for half of the damage you deal.

Dagger/Spear/Whip (Evasion)
Whatever (don't care about damage type)
Adjite/Savicite (Evasion) OR Oxonium (Shields) OR Satyrite/Dull Behemoth Crystal (HP)
Satyrite (no extra Flag, better base stats)
The ultimate Stat Stick.
Edit: Whip seems to have better raw stats. Probably because it doesn't have Penetrating.

The semi-random stat bonuses are annoying, though.

What Class are you testing with? Kineticists get better stats.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
I was mostly testing with Tech and Mercenary since are the 2 classes I play with. Yeah, semi-random stats are indeed annoying, manage to make one hammer with 42 crit but a lot of times you get less than that. I was mostly interested in Freeze + Crush combo. There are also some weird interactions, like if you add freeze chance but no freeze damage you can still freeze the enemy but it only happens occasionaly while if you have freeze damage it's almost garanteed freeze. There's also a bug that I should probably report later where if you drop any item all of the weapons you have that aren't equipped disappear.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Yeah, semi-random stats are indeed annoying, manage to make one hammer with 42 crit but a lot of times you get less than that.
I've noticed a rough inverse correlation between Damage and Bonus Stats. Total Crit Bonus seems capped at 50%. For a Mercenary 35 is enough to max it out. 40 for a Tech with Linked Emitters.

There are also some weird interactions, like if you add freeze chance but no freeze damage you can still freeze the enemy but it only happens occasionaly while if you have freeze damage it's almost garanteed freeze.
That's because Freezing damage* needs to exceed the target's Freezing Resist to even have a chance. Do the ones you Freeze have negative resist?
*Including Physique bonus, but not Crits. Is multiplied by Power Strike/Vaulting Strike/Assassinate/Static Strike.

There's also a bug that I should probably report later where if you drop any item all of the weapons you have that aren't equipped disappear.
I just tried it and couldn't reproduce.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
So you mean that lower weapon damage equals higher crit? Weird. I've been testing them on Dhaal itself since it's close to the shop and still a high lvl planet and I see now what you mean, the Leyaks got -100% so that's why they get frozen even without it dealing any freeze damage, makes sense now. As for the bug, if you have a custom weapon equipped and another one in your inventory, whenever you get the prompt to drop itens because you inventory is full the custom weapon disappears from the drop menu and if you drop any item it will disappear alongside the item you dropped.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
It seems that the weapons disappering has been fixed, I went to check out the bugs report page and noticed that the version I was playing was outdated. Downloaded again and now it's not doing that anymore.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
So you mean that lower weapon damage equals higher crit? Weird.
Not really. Weapons have a 'stat budget', and it seems the custom weapons adhere to it. I've seen about 33-26 Freezing damage, for example. But you also get Physique/2.

The only times it really matters is Freeze & Burn Chance.
Anything with more Freezing Resistance than your base Freezing damage is effectively immune to Deep Freeze from that weapon. However, it counts the bonus from Physique & Weapon Tweaks (Damage as displayed in the Codex, basically). And you can push it higher with attacks that do a multiple of base damage. You can actually Deep Freeze say, Milodans with Power Strike (though there's not much point, they still reduce Freezing by 90%). 50 damage is enough for most enemies.
The initial Burn DoT is 1/3 base weapon damage. When Burn is infected on an already Burning target, it's increased by 1/2 the weapon's Burning damage. I don't think this is increased by Physique.

I've been experimenting with the Max Defense, Vampiric Knuckles. I was able to get 18 Defense. Add the Paragon Hazard Armor and Hardlight Bracelets for 41 Defense (it's possible to go higher, but I don't think Behemoth Scale & Ballistic Breast Liners are worth it). You don't get the crazy damage, but you're basically unkillable.

High Crit is very valuable on a Kineticist with Deep Impact. Stun Chance requires you to be doing HP/Lust damage, but Deep Impact doesn't, essentially freeing up a slot for Deep Freeze or Vampiric.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
Oh, I see. So basically you take almost no damage and the little damage you do take you heal it right away because of vampiric. The only problem there would be losing combats by Lust. From what I tested, trying other damage options. Stun Chance and Blind Chance are also really strong and even if you don't add anything of special, only pure damage and crit chance it is already super strong.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
there's wiki pages on every crystal, listing what they drop from, all of which are linked on Qailla's page. which also happens to have been linked here for you.
Then I don’t know why google doesn’t give me her wiki when I look up weapon crafting