Think-tank: Adding new races, TFs and locations to CoC


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
Well so they technicaly would be something like furless cows and minoses at least as I see dwagon choice of body parts for them. Plus I think they usualy got not typical human color of skins usualy having...err demon fav type of skin color...hum suspicious how mareth demons and draenei could be the same if we well take out demons wings and both genders had hoofed legs instead of clawes/high heel ones xD


Red is for corrupted, blue otherwise. Yeah, they also made a corrupted version just in case :3


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Ormael: You can always play the starter edition for free with limitations and create a draenei-character.

Please note, that we can't name them Draenei due to trademark problems, so you have to come up with a different name first.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
They looks like they got some light purple(ish) skin tone (me think this 2nd from left on top row would be closest to purple color). Mostly ofc different shades of blue and this red one (lol why fem corrupted drenei is clother in this bare skin textures when all other are seemly naked? xD Should be totaly opposite. Also damn even LoLking viewer not chocking my net like this WoWhead viewer o_O

@Stadler Well of we won't name them so blamant as Draenei even if that race would look almost like their twins. I'm sure someone taking on mission to make such race would do something to make them slight different from Blizz creation.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
They looks like they got some light purple(ish) skin tone (me think this 2nd from left on top row would be closest to purple color). Mostly ofc different shades of blue and this red one (lol why fem corrupted drenei is clother in this bare skin textures when all other are seemly naked? xD Should be totaly opposite. Also damn even LoLking viewer not chocking my net like this WoWhead viewer o_O

@Stadler Well of we won't name them so blamant as Draenei even if that race would look almost like their twins. I'm sure someone taking on mission to make such race would do something to make them slight different from Blizz creation.





As I said, it's from the game files and the reason is that most textures are meant to be used for player characters but the corrupted one is supposed to be only available for NPCs. When building a character you basically overlap different texture layers on top of the base model (including underwears). For an NPC model, that's useless, there's only one file with the full texture in it.

Note: the corrupted underwear is far more skimpy than the traditional one but totally inaccessible in-game without modding. My game is modded, worth it.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Maybe an omnibus race could be made and gated behind a quest.  Horns, wings, cock, vag, perk for activation of high corruption perks at low actual corruption and fluid dependency.   All other parts could be anything else, so you could be a 'bus variant of any other race that isn't horn or wing dependent. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Stadler Well of we won't name them so blamant as Draenei even if that race would look almost like their twins. I'm sure someone taking on mission to make such race would do something to make them slight different from Blizz creation.

Whats blamant? Did you mean blatant? Anyway: Just saying! I'm not complaining at all. Give them a new name and a slightly different description and I'm fine with it ;)

btw: IIRC Draenei are a pre-demon race, meaning, that corrupted draenei became demons on draenor.
My approach to them would be:

  • New race and tf
  • New hornType
  • New tailType similar to demon tails or lizard tails but without the scales.
  • New lowerBody: either hoofed or the existing LOWER_BODY_TYPE_HOOFED (their transformative item could be a resource for centaurinum or make it easier to become one of the horse-taurs without the need of centaurinum)
  • Demon tongue reverts to human, while others will be left intact
  • They can gain any wings, but lose insetile wings
  • Skin reverts to human skin (or a variant of human skin for easier disambiguation between them and other races)
  • skinTone could probably range from a hue (See Wikipedia entry about the HSL-color table) of 180° (=cyan) to 360°/0° (=red)
  • Open up a HSL-color picker to play around with colors. (Maybe you come to the same conclusion that HSL rocks and RGB sucks ;) )

Just my 2 cents.
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Active Member
May 24, 2016
Drem (Dremmic plural)

This was posted without context, I was suggesting a name for that weird WoW race. :p
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New Member
Jul 13, 2016
In case anyone was wondering 'bout dinosaurs, they've been up and written for the Volcanic Crag for a few weeks... They need some polishing before they're ready, but they're there. Plus, Jackal-morphs are there too, but I wrote them for Badlands, simply because Urta mentions them in one of her dialogues. (I think? Need to find it.)


Active Member
May 24, 2016
In case anyone was wondering 'bout dinosaurs, they've been up and written for the Volcanic Crag for a few weeks... They need some polishing before they're ready, but they're there. Plus, Jackal-morphs are there too, but I wrote them for Badlands, simply because Urta mentions them in one of her dialogues. (I think? Need to find it.)

Well that's 4 different types of convenient. Badlands is just a name and can be flopped around really easily. It was originally a debate between Canyon/Outback/Wasteland/Badlands.

As for you writing the scenes for the jackal, that makes me super happy, as that was the one I was least interested in. I have completely finished the Jackrabbit encounter and am currently working on the Vultures. 

As for the "dino-girl" character, I'd suggest being a tad more specific with her character. Her physical description matches that of a humanoid Rex-Morph, but the word "dino" just kinda makes it incredibly odd. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
In case anyone was wondering 'bout dinosaurs, they've been up and written for the Volcanic Crag for a few weeks... They need some polishing before they're ready, but they're there. Plus, Jackal-morphs are there too, but I wrote them for Badlands, simply because Urta mentions them in one of her dialogues. (I think? Need to find it.)

Aah, nice :) I've just updated T-Rexes and added the location Offshore Island (Reference to ARK: SE) as an alternative to Volcanic Crag.

I'll add your other suggestions in a whiff ;)

[Edit:] Added Rattlesnake Naga by Hades
[Edit 2:] Added Jackrabbit Morph by Hades
[Edit 3:] Added Platypus by Zevos
[Edit 4:] Added The Canyon by Hades. Nice idea btw. :)
[Edit 5:] And added the Panda Morph by Coalsack
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
PS: An idea for aquatic races could be adding new locations:

  • The Beach: Random Exploration or?

    Races: Mermaid, Merman, Herm Mermaid/Merman

[*]The Ocean: (Submerged/Deep Sea exploration)

  • Has a boat to travel between Offshore Island and Beach that magically follows you just in case you decided to swim there
  • Discovered, when having enough features to submerge without drowning (gills, LOWER_BODY_TYPE_MERMAID or generic LOWER_BODY_TYPE_FISH, webbing on hands and/or feet)
  • Notes:

    Fish type lowerBody's have two appearances (fish tail and feet version), depending on the new flag player.submerged
  • New skinType: SKIN_TYPE_FISH(_SCALES) would require to refactor my hasScales()-method (easy going search and replace) to hasReptileScales() and to add hasFishScales()
  • Upon submerging aka start deep sea exploration a short is displayed, where your feet TF
  • We could relocate certain races there, like the shark-morphs
  • PC refuses to eat TF items, that would remove aquatic features, while submerged (aka in Deep Sea combat)
  • Could lead to new Bad ends: e. g. though shark-tooth overdose:

    Player crawls with his fish tail, that won't go away to the ocean and finally submerges
  • After submerging: Arms become fins, neck disappears an head relocates
  • The player is a (tiger-)shark now, doomed to roam the Deep Sea for the rest of his/her life.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Whats blamant? Did you mean blatant? Anyway: Just saying! I'm not complaining at all. Give them a new name and a slightly different description and I'm fine with it ;)

Well even if I want to work on some new TF it will be fore sure first in line plant TF one I promised Milkman some time ago already. So I probably try to restarin of throwing too wild ideas as I ends up try make them (like I really want to look over and help include dino-morph(s)) to game too.

Other thing about locations. If you maybe noticed all locations discovered by using Explore button are on first page. On second page (in revamp moved to fill still free space on first page) ar elocation that are discovered by exploring those primal locations. So you could think if not keep this scheme for new location aka one or two main ones and others discovered by exloring some of location at the first page.

In case anyone was wondering 'bout dinosaurs, they've been up and written for the Volcanic Crag for a few weeks... They need some polishing before they're ready, but they're there. Plus, Jackal-morphs are there too, but I wrote them for Badlands, simply because Urta mentions them in one of her dialogues. (I think? Need to find it.)

If I may ask are yoo by chance person who wrote it or just linked it for those who not visiting revamp trello too often?

Well that's 4 different types of convenient. Badlands is just a name and can be flopped around really easily. It was originally a debate between Canyon/Outback/Wasteland/Badlands.

Yeah changing Urta talk meantionong Badlands for other place would be quite easy. As long we set up on how to name this area. Also Hades...that idea for Canyon area you meantioned was listing Giacomo there. Does it mean he would be possible to meet there as random enc or he will be like pernament enc there when we pick correct part of canyon to visit (aka some akin to him having his onw place there that will be added after finding him there to Places menu?)


Jun 19, 2016
They've been lost forever...until someone decides they want to write their own version: Suo'Jure and the Goblin City. And throw in Priscilla's hidden Goblin City as well.


Active Member
May 24, 2016
Well even if I want to work on some new TF it will be fore sure first in line plant TF one I promised Milkman some time ago already. So I probably try to restarin of throwing too wild ideas as I ends up try make them (like I really want to look over and help include dino-morph(s)) to game too.

Other thing about locations. If you maybe noticed all locations discovered by using Explore button are on first page. On second page (in revamp moved to fill still free space on first page) ar elocation that are discovered by exploring those primal locations. So you could think if not keep this scheme for new location aka one or two main ones and others discovered by exloring some of location at the first page.

If I may ask are yoo by chance person who wrote it or just linked it for those who not visiting revamp trello too often?

Yeah changing Urta talk meantionong Badlands for other place would be quite easy. As long we set up on how to name this area. Also Hades...that idea for Canyon area you meantioned was listing Giacomo there. Does it mean he would be possible to meet there as random enc or he will be like pernament enc there when we pick correct part of canyon to visit (aka some akin to him having his onw place there that will be added after finding him there to Places menu?)

I never liked the idea of Giacomo being able to only be found using the explore option. He's a traveling merchant and way too easy to find for the amount of good cheap shit he sells, so I always kinda pocketed the idea that you can encounter him in certain areas instead of exploring.

So basically he would be found in all areas except for Swamp/Bog/Volcanic Crag/Glacial Rift


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I never liked the idea of Giacomo being able to only be found using the explore option. He's a traveling merchant and way too easy to find for the amount of good cheap shit he sells, so I always kinda pocketed the idea that you can encounter him in certain areas instead of exploring.

So basically he would be found in all areas except for Swamp/Bog/Volcanic Crag/Glacial Rift

It could be slight changed to lower chance for him to show up so other encounters would be more frequent. And if we talk about truly wandering merchant I think eventual demon bastion area would be possible exception (so in Xianxia case Blight Ridge) unless we assume he somehow managing to avoid all demons there and still wander there safetly wihtout been forcefully turned into deomon or just enslaved for a fucktoy.


Active Member
May 24, 2016
It could be slight changed to lower chance for him to show up so other encounters would be more frequent. And if we talk about truly wandering merchant I think eventual demon bastion area would be possible exception (so in Xianxia case Blight Ridge) unless we assume he somehow managing to avoid all demons there and still wander there safetly wihtout been forcefully turned into deomon or just enslaved for a fucktoy.

Yeah, my intention was for him to be a rare encounter. As for Xianxia's Blight Ridge, I'd likely have him avoid that area.

Also, I often see people give you feedback for your races or something like that, but I played a huge amount of Xianxia and should mention a few things you should change to make it better =w=


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, my intention was for him to be a rare encounter. As for Xianxia's Blight Ridge, I'd likely have him avoid that area.

Also, I often see people give you feedback for your races or something like that, but I played a huge amount of Xianxia and should mention a few things you should change to make it better =w=

So you seems to have similar thoughts about him better avoid heavy demon infested areas (suprising invanilla CoC we never had real demonic area to explore :/ )

As for changes to my mod I would be glad if you post them there (this is not my mod thread so not wanna too much pamm thread about races, locations and TF in general for any of mods for CoC).


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016


Aug 30, 2015
Nice work so far. I have just added it to the list.

Before I add The Beach and The Ocean to that list: Any opinions about that?

I'll work on Wyvern Race and TF next. Please note, that the wings would be attached to their/your arms or they/you won't be a wyvern anymore!

While on the topic of Reptilian races I was kind of thinking of Jörmungandr, but I am not sure how that would work since it is essentially a Lamia (I am talking about the actually meaning for Lamia which in CoC are Nagas) but that are much more massive.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Phew: Finally finished wyverns

While on the topic of Reptilian races I was kind of thinking of Jörmungandr, but I am not sure how that would work since it is essentially a Lamia (I am talking about the actually meaning for Lamia which in CoC are Nagas) but that are much more massive.

Jörmungandr (completly different from Naga/Lamia) sounds kinda cool. Maybe loooonger and more ferocious/threatening/wilder while lamias focus on being more seductive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd prefer something more beastly, like the Jörmungandr from the Norse mythology, working as a boss of some area, or even as a NPC


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Before I add The Beach and The Ocean to that list: Any opinions about that?

I'll work on Wyvern Race and TF next. Please note, that the wings would be attached to their/your arms or they/you won't be a wyvern anymore!

Do you plan set Beach as primal location found under explore like lake or location found by exploring some other one (I do think desert or forest would be good point of start to find this area then, eventualy plains)?

As on Wyvern it would be something siilar to lcking both arms and wings slot so if PC use TF to change either of this body parts wyvern wings will be lost? Porbably it would also mean some jingling of code to show properly in appearance screen but I trust that would be your smallest issue with wyvern wings ^^
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Do you plan set Beach as primal location found under explore like lake or location found by exploring some other one (I do think desert or forest would be good point of start to find this area then, eventualy plains)?

TBH if have no plan so far. Just some random ideas, how this could possibly go:
I guess I would probably require that some locations have already been discovered (e. g. Forest, Plains and Desert discovered)
After that it'll either be primary or secondary. Not decided yet.

About the Ocean:
I think, I'll use the following approach:
When exploring the Beach for the first time, the Ocean and Deep Sea will be added, but the buttons will be disabled, if you don't meet the requirement to explore then.
If you either found the boat or if you have webbings on both hands and feet, you can explore the ocean.
If you have gills+webbings on hands and feet (or a fish tail, or: magical fish feet like a mermaid/merman) the Deep Sea button will be enabled.

As on Wyvern it would be something siilar to lcking both arms and wings slot so if PC use TF to change either of this body parts wyvern wings will be lost? Porbably it would also mean some jingling of code to show properly in appearance screen but I trust that would be your smallest issue with wyvern wings ^^

I already have some ideas, how I would probably implement wyvern- and bat-wings. One of my biggest problems atm is: Will it result in changes++ or in changes += 2? :)

PS: Beginning with today I'm officially a Computer Science Expert: System Integration (in german: Fachinformatiker Systemintegration) :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
TBH if have no plan so far. Just some random ideas, how this could possibly go:
I guess I would probably require that some locations have already been discovered (e. g. Forest, Plains and Desert discovered)
After that it'll either be primary or secondary. Not decided yet.

About the Ocean:
I think, I'll use the following approach:
When exploring the Beach for the first time, the Ocean and Deep Sea will be added, but the buttons will be disabled, if you don't meet the requirement to explore then.
If you either found the boat or if you have webbings on both hands and feet, you can explore the ocean.
If you have gills+webbings on hands and feet (or a fish tail, or: magical fish feet like a mermaid/merman) the Deep Sea button will be enabled.

If it would be way lcations was andles in vanilla CoC all 3 locatins would be at least at 2nd page (probably due to space limitation or other reasons in vanilla CoC all secondary location like Deep Forest, High Mountain and Bog) are on second page. So here it would probably be reasanable to follow this trend. Plus it would be better add it to location that not have...sublocation. For now Forest have Deepwoods, Mountains have High Mountains and Swamp got Bog. My thoughts would be depending on lvl of enemies meet there branch it off Desert or Plains (usualy those secondary areas seems to have enemies quite close in lvl to primary location with differenc of few lvl higher) so with desert as base it would be around 6-10 lvl and with Plains I think some around 15-20. Then again to keep consistenty both Ocean and Deep Sea would have again few higher lvl enemies so this could also factor to whichlocation connect Beach.

As for Boat I think PC could find another boat or other mean of explore ocean instead of comming of explanation why boat from lake appearing at beach. Well maybe instead of boat make some more ocean themed mean of moving like..raft? xD

I hope my thoughts will be of any use for ya ^^

I already have some ideas, how I would probably implement wyvern- and bat-wings. One of my biggest problems atm is: Will it result in changes++ or in changes += 2? :)

PS: Beginning with today I'm officially a Computer Science Expert: System Integration (in german: Fachinformatiker Systemintegration) :)

I would say if it make PC have locked both arm and wings slot then +2 not just ++. WIngs only if it upgrades somehow version use +2 (or even more upgraded then +3 but that jsut my mod that added some tier 3 wings). So if that wings could have small and large variants and as meantioned before lock two slots then teir 2 of them could even add +3 ot score (well for counting as tier 2 wings and arms TF effect at once).

PS. Congrats on getting new title ^^


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
If it would be way lcations was andles in vanilla CoC all 3 locatins would be at least at 2nd page (probably due to space limitation or other reasons in vanilla CoC all secondary location like Deep Forest, High Mountain and Bog) are on second page. So here it would probably be reasanable to follow this trend.

I know that, since I played CoC vanilla and it would require pagination. However: I don't think relocating the buttons again would be a good idea. Every new location will simply be located on page 2. Button 0 (Explore on page 1) will be 'Previous' on page 2 and Button 4 would be 'Next' on page 1.

Plus it would be better add it to location that not have...sublocation. For now Forest have Deepwoods, Mountains have High Mountains and Swamp got Bog. My thoughts would be depending on lvl of enemies meet there branch it off Desert or Plains (usualy those secondary areas seems to have enemies quite close in lvl to primary location with differenc of few lvl higher) so with desert as base it would be around 6-10 lvl and with Plains I think some around 15-20. Then again to keep consistenty both Ocean and Deep Sea would have again few higher lvl enemies so this could also factor to whichlocation connect Beach.

Now that you say that: Good idea. And Plains and Desert sounds reasonable to me.

As for Boat I think PC could find another boat or other mean of explore ocean instead of comming of explanation why boat from lake appearing at beach. Well maybe instead of boat make some more ocean themed mean of moving like..raft? xD

I'm not planning to replace or to relocate the lake boat or to add the 'ocean boat' to the places section. I'll just add a new flag, like OCEAN_BOAT_DISCOVERED or something similar.
Actually it would just enable the button for 'Ocean' exploration.
The rest is a matter of the tool-tip (e. g. "Due to your aquatic features you don't need that ol' fishing boat and just swim there.")

I would say if it make PC have locked both arm and wings slot then +2 not just ++. WIngs only if it upgrades somehow version use +2 (or even more upgraded then +3 but that jsut my mod that added some tier 3 wings). So if that wings could have small and large variants and as meantioned before lock two slots then teir 2 of them could even add +3 ot score (well for counting as tier 2 wings and arms TF effect at once).

Now I'm a bit confused: Did you mix up wyvernScore() with the actual transformation?
I was actually talking about the TF and changes += 3 would only make sense to me, if 3 body parts TF at once.

PS. Congrats on getting new title ^^

Thanks :)