Wiki Down?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
So, wait--is the complaint here that there are too many furries/alien races based on animals in TiTs, or not enough?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

Although I'd like some more hypno and S&M, myself.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Isn't it always the case? Actually, let me go further...

Which are the differences between gryvains and fanfirs, wings and height aside? Should I read the codices more often?

Will we ever learn to show respect to our tastes and remember that, whilst being a furry is a thing in the TiTSverse, monsterfolk are easier to write about and, apparently, more pleasant to one's senses? How come I often find myself checking furry-related websites because they cater to kinks I'm into? Could it be that we just simply write about the inhuman by taking a look at non-human beings closer to us, such as animals (unexpected, I know)?

Will there be a writer out there who might try his/her luck by introducing a "proper alien"? Is "I'm not going to make you gulp down my kinks, whether they have a place in the game or not" one of the reasons why I have refrained from submitting stuff?

Will Spehs Economiks be handled from a sensible perspective one day?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will there be a writer out there who might try his/her luck by introducing a "proper alien"? Is "I'm not going to make you gulp down my kinks, whether they have a place in the game or not" one of the reasons why I have refrained from submitting stuff?

Even if such writer of "proper alien" show up it would still need to pass Fen judgement and if Fen say no to this it wil never make it off the ground. So you should expand that question ...and will Fen allow it been coded into the game


Aug 27, 2015
Which are the differences between gryvains and fanfirs, wings and height aside? Should I read the codices more often?

Aside from having human faces and dragon-y features, try "everything". Gryvain are an all-hermaphrodite race of dragon girls. Fanfir are wyvern that require prosthetic arms to function.

Will we ever learn to show respect to our tastes and remember that, whilst being a furry is a thing in the TiTSverse, monsterfolk are easier to write about and, apparently, more pleasant to one's senses? How come I often find myself checking furry-related websites because they cater to kinks I'm into? Could it be that we just simply write about the inhuman by taking a look at non-human beings closer to us, such as animals (unexpected, I know)?

Nah. Fuck furries.

Will there be a writer out there who might try his/her luck by introducing a "proper alien"? Is "I'm not going to make you gulp down my kinks, whether they have a place in the game or not" one of the reasons why I have refrained from submitting stuff?

Maybe. It's something I'd like to do one day, certainly. I'm not going to repeat the reasons why we haven't got a "proper alien" for the hundredth time though, and if I'm to be blunt with you Kesil if you were ever going to inflict your kinks on us via the medium of writing you would have done it by now.

Will Spehs Economiks be handled from a sensible perspective one day?

Good one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Gryvain are an all-hermaphrodite race of dragon girls.

Err if they all-hermaphrodite race why at PC creation I can create full female Gryvain Steele? It looks like they're always female or herm race to me -_-'


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Err if they all-hermaphrodite race why at PC creation I can create full female Gryvain Steele? It looks like they're always female or herm race to me -_-'

Same reason we can't start as herm Kaithrit despite those being naturally occuring.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Same reason we can't start as herm Kaithrit despite those being naturally occuring.

If it reason that PC at creation need to have "male" and "female" option at the time of picking gender then...well it kinda silly to make whole build up later ingame about how some races can be herm or are all only herms and yet at start of the game you need to pick still "male" or "female" gender for Steele.

If it not human nor some of more typical races when it come to possible genders why not limit those others to been only pickable "herm" option? And make people deal with it like: so you wanted gryvain PC? Then deal with it you will aleays start as herm...wanted feamel/male otpion then pick other race.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Err if they all-hermaphrodite race why at PC creation I can create full female Gryvain Steele? It looks like they're always female or herm race to me -_-'

Steele Junior starts as a half-breed, which gives them more leeway in choosing the sex they want. Tgough whatever prevents gryvains from being born without a vag and a pair of big tits seems to still stand just as strong as the thing that prevents kui-tan from being born without a penis and fluffy balls.

Same reason we can't start as herm Kaithrit despite those being naturally occuring.

 The 'statistically significant number' is a pretty vague description.  More importantly, that's a really minor issue (the fact that had been pointed out to you previously on multiple occasions) and not being able to get your ideal PC from the get-go, outside of offbeatr rewards, seems to be a part of the design philosophy of TiTS.

If anything, I would rather see those rad looking stripes featured in the illustrated Codex being added to Kaithrits, either as an option at the start or as rare effect of Nepeta.

@Nonesuch it's probably not my place to butt into that conversation, but srew it. I'd like to point out that, judging by some of the things Kesil disclosed about her kinks, the 'whether they have a place in the game or not bit' is a valid concern. And that she didn't list it as the only thing that prevents her from submitting content.

As a side note, if one's 'hat' is to be kind of an ass, does that make them an asshat?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Steele Junior starts as a half-breed, where which gives them more leeway in choosing the sex they want. Whatever prevents gryvains from being born without a vag and a pair of big tits seems to be just as strong as the thing that prevents kui-tan from being born without a penis and fluffy balls.

kui-tan case is due to that virus outbreak around 500 years prior to TiTS start that alrered forever whole race on genetical level. So to find pure kui-tan it would be to find some female survivor from before that viral outbreak ages ago or more presise to find her descendant that is also female so that again imply existance of some sort of colony where few luckly kui-tan of old times not been infected till today. And now since race definition is that everyone got male genitalia would such female still considered kui-tan? Or some throw back stain of the race.

On half-breed thing: yeah I would not see issue with seeing thigs as you said thus allowing some more freedom in making choices for half-breeds gender. When I think more on this it good explanation and excuse to still let player choice "male" and "female" at the start of the game no matter what race we pick...unless someday in future e get starting race from some that is monogender. But then probably due to half-breeed status other gender will be still accesable to PC ^^
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Jan 8, 2016
 it's probably not my place to butt into that conversation, but srew it. I'd like to point out that, judging by some of the things Kesil disclosed about her kinks, the 'whether they have a place in the game or not bit' is a valid concern. And that she didn't list it as the only thing that prevents her from submitting content.

Anyone who says the reason they're not submitting their stuff is because they don't know if it'll get in is absolutely full of shit. I literally just did it with my hyper herm taur. Will it get in? I don't know. Does that really affect me? No, because that character isn't my 'waifu', and it won't break my heart if it's not deemed suitable for mass consumption. That's actually what bothers me about this whole conversation; it seems to be a lot of "well, _I'd_ like to see more of x" without a) doing it yourself and b) without even TRYING. Even Etis, the whiniest most vocal furry on the forum, codes/wrote a bit of his own furriness TF stuff. Will that get in? Dunno, not up to me. Did he do the work? Yes, and that's worth respect.

If your kinks are too out there for the game like scat/beast/watersports/whatever else is explicitly banned, they shouldn't even be a point of discussion because it'll never happen period and you're barking up the wrong tree.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Anyone who says the reason they're not submitting their stuff is because they don't know if it'll get in is absolutely full of shit. I literally just did it with my hyper herm taur.


If your kinks are too out there for the game like scat/beast/watersports/whatever else is explicitly banned, they shouldn't even be a point of discussion because it'll never happen period and you're barking up the wrong tree.

Well, for starters, having 'I don't want to write stuff that has pretty slim chances of being accepted' as one of your concerns is entirely valid, if you ask me. Writing a certain amount of smut words may require different amount of effort from different people, for various reasons. Not least of which is the language barrier.

The fact that their work will have a great chance to be ignored (or worse) can serve as a major deterrent even for proven writers (see Nonesuch and mpreg). Sometimes it can even happen when those fears are unfounded (see MP's recent mini hiatus).

As far as your example goes, I have a hunch that it had a couple of things that improved its chances of being implemented. :smugdog:

There are a lot of kinks that exist outside if both the list of banned or semi-banned content and things that constitutes mainstream for the devs and/or the majority of TiTS audience.

Lastly, seeing how you are the next best candidate besides NS, will you help me serve that linguistic conundrum instead of him?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
kui-tan case is due to that virus outbreak around 500 years prior to TiTS start that alrered forever whole race on genetical level. So to find pure kui-tan it would be to find some female survivor from before that viral outbreak ages ago or more presise to find her descendant that is also female so that again imply existance of some sort of colony where few luckly kui-tan of old times not been infected till today. And now since race definition is that everyone got male genitalia would such female still considered kui-tan? Or some throw back stain of the race.

On half-breed thing: yeah I would not see issue with seeing thigs as you said thus allowing some more freedom in making choices for half-breeds gender. When I think more on this it good explanation and excuse to still let player choice "male" and "female" at the start of the game no matter what race we pick...unless someday in future e get starting race from some that is monogender. But then probably due to half-breeed status other gender will be still accesable to PC ^^

This is one of the things that I don't like about the character creation considering the setting.

Making the gender/sex potential solely based on the race of the mother, instead of considering both parents as possible variables, makes no sense to me. Specially when considering that the player is already a designer baby,
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That's how it is with these games; it's just easier to base it off whatever's easier at the time.

PC + Minotaur = Minotaur
Steele Sr. + Mommy Steele = Mommy Steele Jr.

Sort of.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah definetly much esier if later during playing game attempt to think what race is PC to decide what race will be child could end hard. Unless we would agree to all of them been considered as hybrid alien race, which isn't proper type of race.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Even if such writer of "proper alien" show up it would still need to pass Fen judgement and if Fen say no to this it wil never make it off the ground. So you should expand that question ...and will Fen allow it been coded into the game

There's that bit, too.

Thanks for your replies, even if sleep deprivation made me ramble a little. Whilst I enjoy checking those old Renezuo race designs, I know they might or might not be outdated and I have yet to get some ingame gryvain interaction.

Also, you were not blunt at all. I've been around for long enough to submit stuff and hone my skills. Too bad that many things refrain me from doing it, just like Nik noticed. On the one hand, writing about what one likes could make things flow better and I'd personally like to give players (and myself!) a public service of sorts. On the other hand, I am aware that certain things I like are not suited for TiTS. Or maybe they are: believe it or not, I have yet to do an in-depth run, so it'd be hard for me to write tiny patches for this and that (a single scene, a specific item... I would NOT start creating an NPC unless I had a clear idea about what I want to pitch) without knowing what's currently around. And then there's that thing of not bothering the crowd. As a dicknipples fan who's not into goo characters or hyper endowments, do you think I am interested in triggering a scene with Liriel to get a chance to unlock her stall and try my luck with the transformative she sells? At least Sera has different ways to sell Clippex if being a sub is not your thing!

Anyone who says the reason they're not submitting their stuff is because they don't know if it'll get in is absolutely full of shit. I literally just did it with my hyper herm taur. Will it get in? I don't know. Does that really affect me? No, because that character isn't my 'waifu', and it won't break my heart if it's not deemed suitable for mass consumption. That's actually what bothers me about this whole conversation; it seems to be a lot of "well, _I'd_ like to see more of x" without a) doing it yourself and b) without even TRYING. Even Etis, the whiniest most vocal furry on the forum, codes/wrote a bit of his own furriness TF stuff. Will that get in? Dunno, not up to me. Did he do the work? Yes, and that's worth respect.

If your kinks are too out there for the game like scat/beast/watersports/whatever else is explicitly banned, they shouldn't even be a point of discussion because it'll never happen period and you're barking up the wrong tree.

Gee, thank you :p One thing's for sure: I do not want to work in vain. But I'm not going to shove it down anyone's throat. Etis' case was exactly the prime example of what I do not want to do. "Oooooooh, I like foxes, let's submit fox stuff to TiTS without rhyme or reason!". Swap "foxes" with "giantesses", "hypnotism", "purple-skinned orcs" or whichever one's kink is, I don't care. Well, I do: "I want to create my own special OC for TiTS and/or have the means to do it" is not enough of a valid reason for me to even try.

As for my kinks, well... they're not banned ones (even if I personally dip my toes on them from time to time), but I have been around on these forums to notice "ewww, gross" reactions to them, even if I wasn't directly involved on the conversations. I especially remember that one time someone posted on the CoC mod thread an image of a satyr giving birth to little satyrs and the thread page in which it was posted filled with complaints.

If only there was a way to gauge interests outside of the forums... I hope Fen launches a survey similar to the one we had for CoC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Every writer got his/her reasons to write stuff. Be it some low one of hig one reasons it's only they own drives behind writing. As long that writing getting into game and people not cry loud about it for whatever reason majority will not give a fuck about reasons why this particular writer write.

Then again trying push any writer into doing things they not want or well trying to rush them isn't brilliant idea either, right?


Jan 8, 2016
As for my kinks, well... they're not banned ones (even if I personally dip my toes on them from time to time), but I have been around on these forums to notice "ewww, gross" reactions to them, even if I wasn't directly involved on the conversations. I especially remember that one time someone posted on the CoC mod thread an image of a satyr giving birth to little satyrs and the thread page in which it was posted filled with complaints.

If only there was a way to gauge interests outside of the forums... I hope Fen launches a survey similar to the one we had for CoC.

You cannot afford to get hung up on that petty forum bullshit, believe me. Just look at the "Most hated character" thread and you'll walk away with the conclusion that not only did literally every single player hate Kelt in CoC, but that the forum is inhabited entirely by bloodthirsty children unable to deal with Bad Things in a fashion beyond murdering them. Neither of these are even close to the truth (weeeeellll, the second one might be. I don't know) - while it may be true that whatever your fetishes are they're less popular than whatever is already in the game, you cannot judge that from the forums. They are next to worthless as far as deciding what to write goes; even if you get a full page of "Oh god burn it with fire" that's like 20 people out of the literal thousands that play the game. I'm telling you this because I think it's dumb as heck that the forums are keeping people from writing what could be quality content, even if it's not my thing. As for Nonesuch not writing mpreg, that's inherently a little different; he has tens of other projects he could be working on with the assurance they will make it into the game. You and anyone else who wants to write don't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, I'm a Sith I guess. Do it well or don't do at all.

Funnily, it wasn't a Sith the one who once uttered "Do. Or do not. There is no try". Trying matters. Of course it does (thanks for reminding me why, people ^_^), but there are way too many reasons why I will not try and see what happens. At least for the time being.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Funnily, it wasn't a Sith the one who once uttered "Do. Or do not. There is no try". Trying matters. Of course it does (thanks for reminding me why, people ^_^), but there are way too many reasons why I will not try and see what happens. At least for the time being.

He doesn't say that you should necessarily do it good.