The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Aw damn, that's too bad! I would have loved to go!" The driver says, lightly pounding the steering wheel. "Oh yes! I'm sure it would have been fun!" The woman says, all smiles again. "I suggest you shut your mouth for the rest of this ride. I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to harm him or take him from me." The woman says in Klaus' head again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I hate to break your illusion... but she is actually full grown like that. She is an imp, imps don't get very big. In fact, she is really big for an imp, most are a foot shorter than her. Just makes her a rare find!" She smiles proudly and puts together a tasty sandwhich for Felicia and another one for herself. She puts them on plates and heads over to the couch, handing her the second one. "Here you go."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I know. She told me." Felicia says, taking the sandwich. "Um... What's in it...?" She asks, peering into the sandwich.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ravener meat, spicy mustard, lettuce, pickles and a bit of mayo. You humans may be weird in many ways... but your food is awesome!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor smiles at the woman interested to see more of this side of Rikaria he pats her head and smiles closing his eyes before whispering one last thing "I kinda like you too...and don't you worry dear I plan to make frequent visits.." Melkor says before finally deciding to relax some with her laying at his bare chest. Might as well get a nap in before heading out she sure did work me out. He thinks as he slowly closes his eyes patiently awaiting her sleep before joining her in rest.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"What? Ravener meat? Er... I wonder if it's okay to eat... From- uh- from a religious point of view, I mean..." She mutters, still staring at the sandwich. "Well... If there's nothing else..." She opens her mouth and hesitantly takes a bite. "Not... Not bad..." She murmurs, swallowing the bite and taking another.

Rikaria squeals happily and hugs him tighter, burying her face in his chest. "Thank you!" She murmurs, smiling happily as she closes her eyes to get some rest as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Trust me.. it's fine to eat. If you don't eat the ravener the ravener will eat you. Nasty bastards but they sure are tasty when cooked up right!" She says happily, taking a big bite and chewing it up.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh. I haven't seen any, have I?" She asks, glancing at Phorsaal. Ash decides to wake up, and immediately groans, rubbing her full belly. "Aww! What the hell! Did someone fuck my ass while I was asleep!? Why do I feel so full!?" She asks, looking accusingly at Phorsaal.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Given the number of hiccups and complications that had been brought upon his seemingly simple task that day, Klaus wouldn't dream of messing with the supernatural force that had found him out. Humans were hopefully everywhere in the city, and he wasn't hellbent on taking the driver anyways. "You have me intimidated. Trust me, I wouldn't dare try and take this man from you. I've had a difficult day as is. I don't need the wrath of whoever you may be to dissuade me. Today is enough as a failure on my part as is. Though, you have me curious. If I may ask, who and what are you?" He thought back to the woman.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I'm an exile. That's all you need to know." The woman says into his mind.
"So what are your names?" The driver asks, looking in the rearview mirror at Klaus.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hey, put those accusing eyes away young lady! It was your own greedy body that did that. You just spent like... fourty minutes gulping down Felicia's breast milk in your sleep! If I had fucked your ass, you would have a huge cum gut right about now." She snorts and looks to Felicia "Yea, you have not seen one... be thankful for that."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I did? Did I? I don't trust her." Ash says, pouting and looking at the blushing Felicia. "Yeah. You kinda did..." She murmurs, smiling. "Oh man. I must have been reaaally thirsty..." Ash mutters, rubbing her belly. "And why are you blushing so much?" She asks, giving Felicia an odd look. "Um... You're so... Blatant... With words like that..." She murmurs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I'm Kyle, and this is Rich." Klaus didn't care enough to think of another fake name, so he goes with the same one as before, regardless of whether or not it's the absolute smartest idea known to man. The role of this exile woman was curious, but he sets it aside for the moment at least. "And you two, who are you?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ash... I am going to need your help with Felicia. Try to help her ease in to this new life and the things around her. Remember, she knows nothing of the under world and we will have to get her comfy here."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor sleeps for a good 5 hours in her bed before regaining conscious he held his head for a moment before giving a audible yawn, he forms into a plume of smoke before reforming next to the bed doing some stretches. "Ah man I could go for a shower!" Melkor announces looking back at the bed to see if Rikaria was still there including the elf.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I'm Markus! And this is my girlfriend, Kara!" He says, grinning. Kara smiles at him, a beautiful, loving smile. "My past is none of your business." She says.

"Yeaah I can see that. We need to fix that. Felicia, say the word fuck!" Ash says, crossing her arms and looking like the world's most adorable mean teacher. Felicia blinks and starts laughing. "Oh my, Ash, you're so silly!" She says, hugging the little imp, who practically melts in her arms. "Booossss... I can't doooo iiiittt!" Ash says, her voice muffled by boobflesh.

The elf was there, but now trussed up in some sort of bright orange rope with red markings, a gag in her mouth. When she sees Melkor, she immediately starts yelling at him, probably a whole torrent of obscenities. Rikaria sits up when she notices his missing warmth. "Yep. You and me both!" She says, winking as she sits up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs and shakes her head "Ok, maybe not much to rely on your for then Ash. But she does have a point Felicia. One of the biggest markets down here is sex and all things sexual. You really need to become familiar to all kinds of language, even ones you might find rude, and learn to use them. For instance." She taps Ash to get her attention. "Ash, Suck my fat throbbing cock, I want to use your throat like a dick sleeve." She says with a perfectly straight face.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash takes one look at her and busts out laughing. "At least try to make a sexy face! Nobody says "suck my fat throbbing cock, I want to use your throat like a dick sleeve" with a straight face!" She says, hysterical. Felicia starts chuckling as well. "She kinda has a point." She says, giggling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her smile suddenly appears and she laughs along with them. "There! that should be the correct reaction! Not blushing and stammering, either humor or lust. Good job Ash, that worked very well." She reaches over and cups her chin, her eyes lidding half way and her voice becoming breathy while still commanding. "But I wasn't entirely kidding, service your master."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus smiles back, before absently staring out the window. "Nice to meet you, Markus and Kara!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor laughs seeing the tied elf up and approaches her "Why hello there dear did you have a nice sleep?" Melkor says poking the tip of her nose making a boop noise before looking back at Rikaria "Sorry if I woke you beautiful but I was in dire need of a shower..may I use yours before I am to depart?" Melkor asks giving her a slight nudge on the thigh "Maybe you can join me...?" He says giving a playful wink.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh. Er... Okay." Ash says, scrambling off of Felicia and crawling on her hands and knees to Phorsaal, her eyes fixated on her dick as her tail waves excitedly in the air. "Um... Should I...?" Felicia asks, starting to leave and give them some privacy.

"You too! Say, you guys want some music?" Markus asks, looking back at them.

Melkor recieves something that sounds very much like a drawn out "Fuuuuck yoooouuuu!" In return. "Boy, you didn't even have to ask!" Rikaria says, smiling seductively and taking his hand before walking to the shower, her ass swaying sexily the whole way. They reach the shower, and Rikaria makes a show of bending over to turn on the water before stepping into the stream. "You coming?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She reaches over and grabs Felicia's hand, pulling her down so her head rests on her leg. "No, I want you to stay and to watch. At the same time... I will grope those lovely breasts of yours." She reaches down and pulls her panties out of the way, exposing her foot long cock to Ash once more while her hand moves down and gently grabs Felicia's left breast.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Sounds great, thanks!" Klaus says enthusiastically. This man was much nicer than Richie. That didn't mean he wanted him as a slave, but still, arrogant though Klaus could be around humans, he wanted a sense of community among his slaves in the long run. He didn't like being a hardass, but when it came to capturing unwilling targets, he had to do what he had to do, and acting demeaning seemed like it worked well enough.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash reaches out and takes Phorsaal's cock in both hands. "Mm... So thick, mistress! You do spoil me so!" Ash says, grinning as Felicia blushes again. Then, she starts stroking it, getting it to full hardness before she opens her mouth wide and takes the first six inches down in one slow gulp while her hands work the rest of her length.

"Alright! I hope ya like heavy metal, electronic, dubstep, and pop!" Markus says, laughing. "You and your weird-ass song choices..." Kara mutters, smiling. "Hey, don't hate on the artists, babe! They're doing what they love!" Markus says, sticking his tongue out at her.
"So I take it that blonde haired man is your soul slave?" The woman asks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal lets out a satisfied groan as her cock slides down the slick passage way of Ash's throat. "Mmm, that is just right Ash, take as much as you can, the more you take the happier your mistress will be." She then turns and looks at Felicia while groping her other breast. "Isn't that a wonderful sight... Ash slurping on my dick?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Tragically, yes. He's none too fond of me, and perhaps understandably so. I came here to capture a couple of humans for a Djinn back home, doing a little job to make a bit of cash, you see, but it's turning out to be a lot more complicated than I initially anticipated. I captured this one just to give myself a small victory, but he's a damper on my morale at best. I wouldn't expect empathy, it's my own fault for digging at human slaves, but I needed to vent." Klaus tries to manage two conversations at once. "I think all music is good music. Then again, I'm the sort of person who would throw an egg at a wall and call it art."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash pulls her dick down a bit and manages to get another inch in before she can't take any more, and starts to bob her head, forming a vacuum around Phorsaal's dick as she sucks. Her hands continue to jerk the rest of her length in time with her bobs, making sure every part of her dick is stimulated. Felicia moans slightly as Phorsaal gropes her other breast. "It's... Odd. How is she even... Taking so much... Dick?" Felicia says, blushing and placing her hand over her mouth when she realises she just said the word 'dick'.

"I see." Is all the woman says. "Hey, technically, that can be called art! The patterns of an egg splattering over a wall are unpredictable, just like art!" Markus says, laughing. Kara rolls her eyes. "Yeah. And then summer comes around and everybody wants that art off the wall as fast as possible!" She says, laughing. "Weeeelll that's also true." Markus says, laughing along with her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus laughs as well, somewhat just to be polite, but somewhat genuine as well. These people were refreshing to be around. Well, "people" might not be the best word in reference to at least one of them. Klaus ponders this, but shakes it off. If she's convincing at fitting in among humans, then she's as much as a person as anyone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and works over her breasts a bit faster while Ash works over her cock. "that is right... she is taking a lot of cock down her throat right? See, imps are pretty stretchy and can take a fair amount of punishment. Little Ash there can take my entire cock inside her tiny pussy. Just hours ago I was using her like a proper fuck toy, grinding her up and down my dick. She loved it of course, left her weak in the knees."