The science behind Fenoxo


New Member
Nov 9, 2016
Greetings gals and fellas, i'm here to talk with you about SCIENCE in the Fenoxo's universes.
At first, i read CoC and TiTs, and i'm a simple man, i fapped myself dry.
But, the more i read, the less my penis react and the more my brain cogitate, because truth be told my maleness don't care about "How the f*ck that 60cm long horse cock could fit in here".
So, here's the point of this topic: Trying to answer with SCIENCE's help the most burning questions you would have about Fen's strange/weird/crazy/awesome/whatever stuff he made.

As the first one, i'll suggest some questions we could think about aaaaall together:
-How Galotians (and goo species in general) work
-How the Galomax transformation works
-How the Treatment affects the body
-How it affects the brain
-What is X species ancestor, how did it evolve, how did it reach space age

Dunno where to put this topic, and sorry for the few mistakes i've made

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Space Magic


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
-How Galotians (and goo species in general) work
Either single cell body (giant ameba) or unspecialized cell conglomerate.

-How the Galomax transformation works
Since it it not exactly how real goos work, it only partially transforms body.

-How the Treatment affects the body
Skyrockets libido and all sexual mechanisms.

-How it affects the brain
Inflicts permanent organic brain damage.

-What is X species ancestor, how did it evolve, how did it reach space age
Since almost all species have exact same biochemistry and more or less compatible body compasition, it looks like there are some "creators".

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
-How the Treatment affects the body
Skyrockets libido and all sexual mechanisms.

-How it affects the brain
Inflicts permanent organic brain damage.
From what I've gotten from the codex is that it doesn't cause brain damage but rewires it and redirects the neural pathways towards more kinky, lewd and overall sexual behavior.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Even if both "technically" have the same IQ and/or critical thinking skills (which, despite being insisted as canon, is a really hard pill to swallow, especially for females)
It is easy to explain. What we call "canon" is from officials of NT, not infindependent researches. So it is old good propaganda.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Brain damage can be subjective based on the capabilities of the average brain you're comparing it the "damaged" brain to. In the case of the Treatment, we're dealing with human brains, because New Texans are humans.

I'd consider the Treatment's effects indicative of diminished overall cognizance, ability to focus, and general ability to function mentally by way of forcibly suppressing an individual's interest in anything other than sexual gratification.

A Treated human is less capable mentally than an un-Treated human. Even if both "technically" have the same IQ and/or critical thinking skills (which, despite being insisted as canon, is a really hard pill to swallow, especially for females), a Treated character requires sexual stimulation in order to fully utilize their mental faculties. So they can't function at the same level as people that don't take the Treatment in a general sense. Mentally, at least. There's an extra step involved in order for them to be fully coherent.

So you could call it brain damage pretty easily.

Of course this isn't always the case in certain circumstances, Amazon treatment is a good example.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
*writes all this down as he forms his evil scientist list of things to do to the real world.*

lol shenanigans aside makes complete sense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
It is easy to explain. What we call "canon" is from officials of NT, not infindependent researches. So it is old good propaganda.
The Codex information you receive is supposed to be based on UGC's sources and the results of research they have conducted way back when, right after the first contact with the planet. Which means that whatever conspiracy you imply must go pretty high up the food chain.

Time to call up the goblinbro.

A Treated human is less capable mentally than an un-Treated human. Even if both "technically" have the same IQ and/or critical thinking skills (which, despite being insisted as canon, is a really hard pill to swallow, especially for females), a Treated character requires sexual stimulation in order to fully utilize their mental faculties. So they can't function at the same level as people that don't take the Treatment in a general sense. Mentally, at least. There's an extra step involved in order for them to be fully coherent.

So you could call it brain damage pretty easily.
It's not technically correct to call those the Treatment specifically either 'brain damage' or 'mental deficiency/retardation', though it can still easily be classified as a 'mental disability'.

And it has some serious gradation in the potency of its effects, on top of having several vectors.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
That's why a thread like this is... sort of pointless.
Some people might just find it fun to imagine, and would perhaps like to know what's canon and what can be put under the rug as space magic.
Don't you ever get questions popping up like, "would galomax make you immortal, since galotians basically have an infinite life span?" I know I have had a lot of weird questions pop up in my head :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I don't see how pinning an explicitly negative term to it is "wrong" in any sense other than trying to make people feel less uncomfortable about what it does. All three of those terms have an immense amount of overlap.
They still have very distinct definition and the Treatment fits one of them and not the other two. And I don't think that classifying the mental effects of Treatment as 'mental disorder' - which is what I was going to use before a brain-fart - can make people feel less uncomfortable.

It has a fairly standard collection of universal effects that come together to create an artificially-enhanced version of nymphomania that is incredibly severe in a serious context. Nymphomania and sex-addiction are serious disorders in the real world, ailments that can cause great distress and disruption of everyday function in an otherwise healthy and functioning person.
The intensity and the specifics of symptoms displayed by Treated individuals still vary. I won't argue that it's something that would impede a person's functioning in any environment or society that isn't built around accommodating such condition. But NT's is. You can further argue the feasibility of such society functioning successfully and that's when you may need some porn logic and hand-waving.

Again, bouncy, bubbly cow planet works via TiTS logic just fine. It would not work via real logic. Most of TiTS wouldn't.

That's why a thread like this is... sort of pointless.
What shade said. It's just people having fun. It's not in the Helldump for nothing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I do. Quite a lot, actually. Rarely are the answers I find more than a shrug paired with a "didn't really think about it."
Space magic and "didn't think" seems to be the standard response :p

I guess if this is just a fanon theorycrafting thread, that's fine, but people need to know that none of this is actually canon unless Fen walks in here and says it is. The absence of an abundance specific canon and the vagueness of lore in general is an important tool with how TiTS operates.

Some questions simply don't have answers.
It was in my understanding that OP just wanted to have a little fanon discussions. I could be wrong, I've done that a lot lately...need to git my head back in the update my knowledge :p
Most questions don't really have answers, but people can still try to wrap their heads around it as long as it's acknowledged as just fun and games, and not canon. Just like you said :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
And that's fine, it's just that, as a forum where aspiring content creators come for feedback and ideas, it's important to be very clear with this kind of stuff. If some lurker just rolled by this thread, saw some bit of theorycrafting, and then began writing something with the assumption that is was canon... Well, that's their fault, but we cans till do everything we can to ensure that no one might mistake this stuff as "lore-accurate answers."
...So...people should put something like "theorycrafting/fanon" in front of such threads? :p
JK. I understand where you're coming from. More experienced forumers won't really be affected much, but the newbies might actually take it as canon if it's not labeled/established well enough.

Maybe you should suggest this to Ted, so that no one can read it in the forum guide?

Am I the only one who actually read those guides, way back when I was a noob?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd still call it brain damage. The Treatment affects physical transformation on the structure of the brain. It can't just "rewire" shit without doing that. It'd be assumed that it swells the amygdala a great deal, and probably atrophies bits of the frontal lobe. In-game blurbs also point towards it doing something to the occipital lobe, at least for females.

And then the net result is something that, by my standards, is a decrease in overall mental capability based on how humans naturally operate.

If someone were to inject themselves with something that modified the structure of their brain in such a fashion in real life, I think it'd be concluded that they gave themselves brain damage.
Alternatively, we can see those effects as the result of some sort of chemical agent/nanomachines/strange-alien-bullshit continuously staying in recipients systems and messing with their chemistry and namely the production and release of neuromediators. That would explain why the damage can't be easily reversed even with the medical technical level that TiTS has.

BTW, stuuf like that is what this thread is for.:p

I have. Several times. You know this. :p
True, but note how I mentioned 'that's where hand-waving and porn logic come in'. You decided some time ago to accept those things, or at least to stop actively fighting them and bringing them up for this particular case. That was a reminder.

I guess if this is just a fanon theorycrafting thread, that's fine, but people need to know that none of this is actually canon unless Fen walks in here and says it is. The absence of an abundance specific canon and the vagueness of lore in general is an important tool with how TiTS operates.

Some questions simply don't have answers.

IMO that makes all the more fun. Lots of free idea space to fill in. I have a hunch that OP might have the same opinion.:)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If some lurker just rolled by this thread, saw some bit of theorycrafting, and then began writing something with the assumption that is was canon... Well, that's their fault, but we can still do everything in our power to ensure that no one might mistake this stuff as "lore-accurate answers."
It's not in the TiTS section of the forum, and aside from you, there aren't any creators or devs here. I guess we can rename the thread into 'Wild Mass Guessing and Speculations about...' and/or mention whenever we aren't using hard canon.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Some people might just find it fun to imagine, and would perhaps like to know what's canon and what can be put under the rug as space magic.
Don't you ever get questions popping up like, "would galomax make you immortal, since galotians basically have an infinite life span?" I know I have had a lot of weird questions pop up in my head :p
Heh, actually, Gray Goo TF is in my "want to do" list, which would make you immortal. Well, like in "can't die from age immortal", not "can sutvive anything immortal".

Alternatively, we can see those effects as the result of some sort of chemical agent/nanomachines/strange-alien-bullshit continuously staying in recipients systems and messing with their chemistry and namely the production and release of neuromediators. That would explain why the damage can't be easily reversed even with the medical technical level that TiTS has.
Actually, it's quite opposite. It would be easy to suppress/counter/remove external agent. But if it removes something important, that would make it permanent. You can't heal it because there is nothing to heal. It's gone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Actually, it's quite opposite. It would be easy to suppress/counter/remove external agent. But if it removes something important, that would make it permanent. You can't heal it because there is nothing to heal. It's gone.
Not if the agent is capable of resisting said removal(see - nanomachines/ alien weirdshit). And I was under the impression that TiTS-verse has the technology needed for any tissue regrowth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not if the agent is capable of resisting said removal(see - nanomachines/ alien weirdshit). And I was under the impression that TiTS-verse has the technology needed for any tissue regrowth.
Resistance removal is just a question of efficiency. It can't be THAT high-tech, it's very old technology, after all. But... You can't just regrow brain tissue. Because the brain is a structure first of all. And fixing it is very, very difficult task. Not exactly impossible, but close to. It is always easier to destroy...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
TiTS has a lot of focus on getting into fucked up situations via space magic, but it has nowhere near that level of application when we're talking about getting out of them. And I don't know why.

So there's a question I'd like answered. Why can't TiTS doctors figure out how to fix that stuff? It's just so easy to completely ruin someone's life in a single instant in TiTS. You'd think medical science would be focused on working out how to reverse such things.

I've had two projects dedicated to exploring those concepts at various points, but I was essentially just flopping about helplessly as I tried to outline them, because there's not much information there.
Because it's Fen's fetish. Simply as is. It is easy to see - each of his NPCs is the same set of fetishes. Hyper, horsecocks, uncontrollable libido, forced libido increase without any way to help it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So there's a question I'd like answered. Why can't TiTS doctors figure out how to fix that stuff? It's just so easy to completely ruin someone's life in a single instant in TiTS. You'd think medical science would be focused on working out how to reverse such things.

I've had two projects dedicated to exploring those concepts at various points, but I was essentially just flopping about helplessly as I tried to outline them, because there's not much information there.
Couch, keeping with his role of bringer of good things, has Dr.Lessau speaking about a potential fix for a PC that got subjected to any of the major chemical mindfucks of TiTS. So it's doable. And as for why it wasn't done before...

For Treatment, it's the problem of any research data being gated behind a special UGC clearance, one that they might be hesitant to give out in order not to piss off NT bosses, as well as general lack of giving a damn.
For Dumbfuck and whatever BS Badger is using we don't definitively know that there is no cure, because nothing about is is mentioned. And Throbb changes aren't permanent, cause we know Libido can be lowered, thanks to doctor Lash.

But most importantly for all of those things, their permanence is usually a big part of the associated fetish, so the cure either has to be absent or doesn't get mentioned.

Resistance removal is just a question of efficiency. It can't be THAT high-tech, it's very old technology, after all. But... You can't just regrow brain tissue. Because the brain is a structure first of all. And fixing it is very, very difficult task. Not exactly impossible, but close to. It is always easier to destroy...
I don't think that either of us is well-equipped to discuss in detail just how hard it would be to repair a certain kind of damage done to the brain while having a futuristic tissue regrowth technology.

Because it's Fen's fetish. Simply as is. It is easy to see - each of his NPCs is the same set of fetishes. Hyper, horsecocks, uncontrollable libido, forced libido increase without any way to help it.
While the first part of your statement is somewhat true, the second one is a gross exaggeration on top of being rude and disrespectful.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
While the first part of your statement is somewhat true, the second one is a gross exaggeration on top of being rude and disrespectful.
Not so much of exaggeration.

I will, as usual, defend Fen's right to make any kind of NPC he chooses. I will also say that, while Penny/Kiro/Emmy/Nayna/anyone I'm forgetting do exist, they're not the overwhelming majority of TiTS' cast. I don't even know if they're necessarily the majority of Fen's work. They're undoubtedly what he's most passionate about, but that's to be expected, and is totally fine.
He also had written Dally. just to point on in such cases, I think. OFC, this, being his own creation, he can write whatever he wants. But it doesn't mean we have to like whatever he writes. Especially if it is an extreme fetish in a quite mild otherwise game which feels out of place but is shoved everywhere.

Should probably be able to help Penny out, then. I thought Throbb was permanent. I always got that impression. >_> I mean, I've defended leaving Penny as-is in the past, but that's only because I was under the assumption everyone involved knew Throbb would fuck her forever.

Is it really part of the fetish? I mean, the absolute sense of total damnation and the knowledge that the victim is permanently fucked no matter what? That you could let them go and they're still ruined forever? That your actions or the actions of the abuser in question have essentially ended a life in every meaningful capacity?

Because that's going to change my perception of said fetishes quite a bit...
Throbb is permanent. It adds an irremovable amount of libido.

Yep, it is. It's the core of it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Heh, actually, Gray Goo TF is in my "want to do" list, which would make you immortal. Well, like in "can't die from age immortal", not "can sutvive anything immortal".
If you decide to proceed with that idea, I'll be interested to see what you're gonna do :D

Based Couch. Brings a tear to my eye. :p
Couch can be such a MVP

Should probably be able to help Penny out, then. I thought Throbb was permanent. I always got that impression. >_> I mean, I've defended leaving Penny as-is in the past, but that's only because I was under the assumption everyone involved knew Throbb would fuck her forever.

Is it really part of the fetish? I mean, the absolute sense of total damnation and the knowledge that the victim is permanently fucked no matter what? That you could let them go and they're still ruined forever? That your actions or the actions of the abuser in question have essentially ended a life in every meaningful capacity?

Because that's going to change my perception of said fetishes quite a bit...
I believe it is. At least from all my knowledge of mindbreaking hentai, and the fetishes that comes with it.
Of course not everyone might like the permanent thing, but I think the majority enjoys it like that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I will, as usual, defend Fen's right to make any kind of NPC he chooses. I will also say that, while Penny/Kiro/Emmy/Nayna/anyone I'm forgetting do exist, they're not the overwhelming majority of TiTS' cast. I don't even know if they're necessarily the majority of Fen's work. They're undoubtedly what he's most passionate about, but that's to be expected, and is totally fine.

Thank you for putting in more eloquently than I could, MP. And no, even if you only consider proper named NPC's, hyper-endowed futa with Libido problems (that optionally are PC's fault) aren't the majority of Fen's creations.

Should probably be able to help Penny out, then. I thought Throbb was permanent. I always got that impression. >_> I mean, I've defended leaving Penny as-is in the past, but that's only because I was under the assumption everyone involved knew Throbb would fuck her forever.

I was weakly pushing/asking for that since my first day on Fenforum. It's stated as doable but no one has just bothered with writing that cure path.:(

Is it really part of the fetish? I mean, the absolute sense of total damnation and the knowledge that the victim is permanently fucked no matter what? That you could let them go and they're still ruined forever? That your actions or the actions of the abuser in question have essentially ended a life in every meaningful capacity?

Because that's going to change my perception of said fetishes quite a bit...
Should have seen that one coming...

I was talking specifically about the self-inflicted bimbofication of a character, at worst the instances where they get convinced by someone they trust - though most of that partcicular variant of fetish-fuel scenarios present in TiTS are centered around libido spikes, not bimbo-/brutofication.

The only instances of forced bimbofication that are in the game are written by Dr. Badger's author.

I get why you care about the unexplored possibilities as well, and that aspect might indeed also be important to the darker subset of those fetishes. But those fetishes don't get explored in the game much and are gated specifically because they make a lot of people feel bad.

As someone that is weak and timid, it's why I consider the TiTSverse to be so overwhelmingly frightening and dark. The knowledge that there might be help for the victims of such things would mitigate that a great deal.
Nothing says they don't exist at all, or that they can't be written. Same as with war/disaster relief efforts and other humanitarian causes, it's just not very prominent atm, and are done by private organizations, with an occasional megacorp stepping in when it sees some possibilities for profit.
I remember now that one of the charities mentioned during Puppyslutmas is dealing with something like that.

I think. OFC, this, being his own creation, he can write whatever he wants. But it doesn't mean we have to like whatever he writes. Especially if it is an extreme fetish in a quite mild otherwise game which feels out of place but is shoved everywhere.
Of course you have the right not to like something. But you can do it without being so disrespectful to a person's work, especially if it's a man on whose forum you are and whose games we are all playing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Of course you have the right not to like something. But you can do it without being so disrespectful to a person's work, especially if it's a man on whose forum you are and whose games we are all playing.
So, I can't say that I dislike something and why?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So, I can't say that I dislike something and why?

"I don't like x,y and z fetishes that a lot of Fenoxo's characters have" - OK
"I think that there are too many characters with x, y and z fetishes in the game/written by Fenoxo" - OK, though nobody is obliged to care about it or change anything.
"Each of Fenoxo's NPCs is the same set of x,y and z fetishes" - factually incorrect and disrespectful.

Same problem as with Adjatha. You pretty much outright called him a hack in public. That's what I disagreed with every time. Even though I don't like 90% of his busts 90% of the time.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I don't like x,y and z fetishes that a lot of Fenoxo's characters have" - OK
"I think that there are too many characters with x, y and z fetishes in the game/written by Fenoxo" - OK, though nobody is obliged to care about it or change anything.
"Each of Fenoxo's NPCs is the same set of x,y and z fetishes" - factually incorrect and disrespectful.

Same problem as with Adjatha. You pretty much outright called him a hack in public. That's what I disagreed with every time. Even though I don't like 90% of his busts 90% of the time.
Okay, add "almost" to "all", in both cases. Better now? I don't believe that it is bad to call a spade a spade.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
I posit that Light Drive is a type of subluminal Alcubierre Drive.