Edit: Shit! I'm Donald Trump's long lost relative.
This is just me, but I learned about teasing enemies to victory because of Penny. I went to her at lvl 1 so I didn't have the strength to beat the bees. The only way I wouldn't lose from lust was to tease them back (they already had like 40 or 50 lust). So if you make it mandatory to go see Penny before leaving the settlement (she has to brief you on the natives) there's a possibility that, provided they don't try to have sex with them and want to try to get the exp, the player will learn about teasing. Penny can even make a remark before battle that beating them physically may be too tough (2v1 for someone of Steele's level) but you may be able to tease them and wear them down that way since they've been getting high off their own pheromones every time she tried to go in there. Unless it is pretty easy to beat them with merc and smuggler at lvl 1... Their health pool is pretty daunting for a tech specialist at that level. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked from the topic I wanted to talk about.
I remember there being a few games that had a flimsy or superfluous starting main quest that would change halfway through. After a turning point, you would still have the original main quest as more of a side quest that you could work on in the meantime, but this other main quest became a much bigger deal and was more developed. Kamidori Alchemy Meister had something like that I think. The original goal was to become the highest rank of alchemist in the city, but after some point in the game, you stopped needing to progress in that (only the higher ranks of alchemists were allowed to go to certain areas). I didn't even reach the highest rank until my second play through on a new game +. The same mechanic could be applied here. Y'all are saying how the side quests are so much more story heavy. The main quest could start off how it is. You're trying to reach the pods before your cousin. But after Myrellion or another planet like that, the story starts to shift to something else: some galactic threat of some kind makes hunting for the probes either pointless or a nonfactor(the planet for the next probe is cordoned off to prevent loss of life from the threat that has taken up residence on that planet). At this point in the game, Steele has more freedom to explore the currently open planets, give birth to any current babies, and generally dick around. The UGC and the threat are pretty much in a stalemate at this point and it won't be resolved until Steele and a bunch of other people (for all the people that hate that Steele is the only one that can do anything) volunteers to help. Then the story can progress forward.
But for the early game, the focus would be on finding the probes. You'd kind of be on rails; you would have a certain amount of time to find the probes before Game Over (or something equally terrible). Then, like Misty (I think) said, the game would "cannon" you out into a more open experience where you can go explore and dick about doing whatever you want. This is where most people would be able to spend their time. They could find some more probes (it wouldn't really matter since the last probe is locked behind a metaphorical...wall...), but they would have all the time in the world. Their cousin wouldn't be able to claim your inheritance without the blockade coming down.
Sengoku Rance kind of had something like that. You were tasked with conquering territories for Oda Nobunaga but, even if you didn't, the game would still force progression on you even if you didn't. The same could work here. If you take too long, J/J "Abrams" Steele could taunt you by saying "make it more of a challenge next time" and send you the coordinates to the next probe. The downside being that you don't get to complete that portion of the main quest (you wouldn't get the shock blade, or the Plat, or the royal income, etc.). I realize that for this, save files would have to be reset or take into account the 365+ days that some people have, but it could work. What do y'all think? Too much trouble?