The Oak Question

What Gender|Sex is your Main-Steele? [Up to Two Votes]

  • He | Male

    Votes: 39 38.6%
  • He | Female

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • He | Herm

    Votes: 10 9.9%
  • He | Neuter

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • She| Male

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • She| Female

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • She| Herm

    Votes: 42 41.6%
  • She| Neuter

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It | Anything

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017

"Are you a Boy? Or are you a Girl?"
~Professor Oak, 1996 2001 (I need more sleep...) 2000 (ポケットモンスター クリスタルバージョン)

What Gender is your prefered Steele?
Does said Steele actual reflect said Gender physicaly?
Do you use the Force-Gender option?
Do you change the body so constantly that it does flipflop?
Has anyone ever archived 'It' without save-editing a status to do so?
And is there any other gender-related question one could ask?

This are the questions I want to ask in this Thread.
That and a simple question for myself:
Is there any more simple way then asking Kase to fing out what Gender one is when you do not force a specific one?
After all, feminity is not the only factor, perks, breast, genitals... It is hard to know what one is if Kase wouldn't be so polite.

EDIT: Doing First Aid here, this post still stands and his is new to the pool of questions:

I am not losing the Patient yet!
Not as long as I can still add something, that is.
And makeing a new therad for this post would not be worth it, anyways.

So, after We got a good amount of data, I belive We can start to draw some lines...
Given that at everyone was able to give two votes, We got at least 55 persons awnsering, maybe a few more.
With this many participants, I belive that this is propably even representative of the playerbase in general, trough who knows...

The results, data from 25.03.2018:

  1. He | Male
    31 vote(s)
  2. He | Female
    3 vote(s)
  3. He | Herm
    6 vote(s)
  4. He | Neuter
    0 vote(s)
  5. She| Male
    5 vote(s)
  6. She| Female
    28 vote(s)
  7. She| Herm
    35 vote(s)
  8. She| Neuter
    1 vote(s)
  9. It | Anything
    1 vote(s)
Well, it looks pretty clear cut. From what I can garther out of this, Neuter are near non-existant, unsurprisingly.
While Neuter got a bit of content for themself, mostly reactions from others, like Alex who is simply surprised to see something new (A neuter with interest in sex, that is) and Lash, who is pleased to not see another pair of genetails walking arround, Neuter mostly lose content. Afterall, they are unable to have vaginal sex and since the focus of most scenes relies on the sexual organs of the player, they are not allowed in two-thirds of the main content.

The next smallest group would be the Traps and reverse-Traps, who for my guesses share a simelar appeal to each other. Both try to screw with the expectations of their partners and subvert them. Given that most Characters share the savvy of the players and are seldom surprised by saied Traps (after all, they are not rare in TiTS-verse), I doubt that tey are exspecialy after the reactions themself and do it more for their own enjoyment of the idea.

Pure Males and Pure Females do propably not need a big description or explanation. Given the normalety of saied two gender-genital combinatons, They are the easyest to immerse into or imagen oneself. They are, unsurprisingly, still the norm in TiTS playerbase, and propably even in TiTS-verse itself.

The Herms, who got both pairs of Genitals, are the most previlant of groups, with a disinct focus on Female Hermaphrodits and just a small number of Male ones. From all I read here I came to the belive that many, if not most, are a purly practical choice. Herms gain access to a majorety of scenes, near always meet requirements for special scenes, and lose just few specilised scenes of a handfull of NPCs that are more picky then others. Just as ready to have sex with absolute strangers, but more picky about what they pack or even if their phisical apperance reflects this.
In general, trough, a Herm got the bigest access to content.

The one thing that is exspecialy interesting is the diffrence between Females with Penises and Male with Vaginas.
While Female with Penises, both standing alone and as Herms, are far from rare, Males with Vaginas are rare and even their number of Herms is miniscule. My thesis on this is that people prefer breast over flats and when takeing a Vagina, generaly also tend to take the secondary Female organs. As Alex stated, Chicks with Dicks exist in abundance, but Guys with Clits are exotic. While MaleHerms got their persence, Males without their associateed endowment are basicly out of the picture. I would love to hear more of the people who main such a Steele to hear their reasoning, since I simply find it Fascinating.

So, this are my tougths on the polls results, or at least its current stand. What are yours? Do you notice a trend i did oversee? Do you got some thesis that go diffrent to explain the results? Did I made a terrible mistake and horribly missrepresent the statistic? Please add it to the therad if anny of this brougth you thinking.

Last but not least, someone claims that the game recognises their claim of being a It or They or at least neigther of the other two. Tell us how. I need to know!
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I play masculine Steeles, generally male-herms. Occasionally i play genderfluid Steeles using Galomax stage 3, primarily keeping only female anatomy downstairs when not breeding NPCs (which is almost always, givin how few NPC pregnancies there are)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
~Professor Oak, 1996
More like 2001. Pokémon Green/Red/Blue/Yellow only had a boy character.

What Gender is your prefered Steele?
Female sex, femenine gender (I guess...?). Has herm genitalia, but don't bring those silly or plural pronouns to me.

Does said Steele actual reflect said Gender physicaly?

Do you use the Force-Gender option?
No, I don't.

Do you change the body so constantly that it does flipflop?
I don't. At least, not when I play my main Steele. I keep a tertiary Steele for those issues.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I play female herms, and that's about it, unless it's a rare experiment or I want to check something that needs a plain male. I always play woman characters in games if I can, and I don't like men in my sex scenes. Simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
My Steele(and in fact almost every character I ever make in anything ever) is basically a self-insert. So I have lady-dick. I did make a couple test Steele's for scenes and classes, but I don't really care about them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Lady herms are what I play the majority of the time. Though i do sometimes be shemales and traps. Also pure females are pretty common but that's mostly for characters that will only bang such characters.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I'm honestly kinda suprised there's so many herms... You'd think that'd be a more niche fetish, but apparantly not.

I only play masculine males or feminine females, I have never played a herm, and I likely never will. Just not my thing y'know?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
I'm honestly kinda suprised there's so many herms... You'd think that'd be a more niche fetish, but apparantly not.
For most its probably more a practical thing, herms get the most content. Back at CoC i always played either herm or neuter, because herm gave almost all the scenes female and male got.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I guess I shall be boring, I play a male character as my main, though I do have a female character for an alt for those female exclusive scenes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I usually play as female herms, straight up female, or dickgirls but recently I've been doing a playthrough as a straight up male guy, it's been quite enjoyable.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
You'd think that with a predominantly male player base there'd be more men...
I am acctually not surprised. Most games got a even Split in the Gender of their Characters, even trough the Playerbase is often male dominated.
Many males enjoy laying a female Character. Female players playing male Characters, on the other
hand, is more rare. It balances itself out.
I guess I shall be boring, I play a male character as my main, though I do have a female character for an alt for those female exclusive scenes.
Greetings, I have the Opposite: Main a Female, Secondary A Male. Trogh He is very Andrognyn and only barley recogniced as male by the game, being the small trap that he is.
Trough both of them were herms at some point or another. Dr. Lash is basicly a friend of the family, also someone has to pay his rent...

Oh, and to awnser my own questions: I do not Force Genders. It feels wrong to do so, like Steele would go and scream at everyone as what S/He wants to be seen...

I am a bit confused why Male-Herms and Female-Herms do not have a simelar split to Males and Females. But well, the best Herm-Transformative is Futazona, afterall...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
What Gender is your prefered Steele?
Does said Steele actual reflect said Gender physicaly?
I usually play as a guy Steele (genitals don't matter, although I usually avoid playing cuntboy or total neuter, because the lack of options and variants is just sad), and yeah, he usually has very low feminity (except when I feel like playing ambiguously gendered characters).
Do you use the Force-Gender option?
Do you change the body so constantly that it does flipflop?
Depends, I guess. I use force-gender when playing androgyne PCs.
And I usually do what needs to be done for my Steele to stay masculine, so...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Mostly play a female that sometimes grows a dong to check out some of the donger content.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
For most its probably more a practical thing, herms get the most content. Back at CoC i always played either herm or neuter, because herm gave almost all the scenes female and male got.

Well yeah, but to me at least there's just something profoundly unsexy about herms. Even if htey got a ton more scenes, it would just ruin all of htem knowing that the hot woman I'm playing actually has a dick, or the manly dude I'm playing actually has a vagina (in addition to their usual stuff)

This is why I play multiple characters; to experience all the scenes. I got my main male, who's a dragon-morph (or as close as I can get right now) with 2 dicks and 4 balls. And I got two main females (i switch depending on mood), one of which is a nekomata and hte other one who's a demon-morph. And I got a taur for taur scenes, and I got a Hard character for hard scenes (nekomata is Kind, demon is Mischevious, Dragon is Kind)


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
What Gender is your preferred Steele?
Male. Always male, I never play females or anything female-identifying. I can't get into playing as girls in porn games at all.

Does said Steele actual reflect said Gender physically?
Uhm... To an extent? I play traps and traps only. I usually go for a hyper feminine body with my guys, all around girly everywhere except the chest and groin. I don't play masculine-looking PCs because it just ain't mah thang. I do have one male androgynous Kui-Tan PC though, but that still counts as a trap.
Rarely do I go for any other genital arrangement that is just dick and balls. I have a furry arctic fox Kitsune who is a femboi maleherm, and I think I had a Laquine other than my main one that was a femboi cuntboi. But I rarely touch them, for they are experimental, I prefer playing with a dick without a pussy.

Do you use the Force-Gender option?
I kinda HAVE to force the gender. Given I play fembois, feminine males, I want my traps to IDENTIFY as male ingame, otherwise the game would treat them like dickgirls. I don't play PCs that are girls with dicks even to the smallest degree.

Do you change the body so constantly that it does flipflop?
Nope. I think of what appearance I want for my PCs before I start a game and I stick to it the entire playthrough. It's a static appearance for that file.

Has anyone ever archived 'It' without save-editing a status to do so?
Yup. The only time I don't force gender is with my Androgynous PC.
IIRC it was tone and thickness is in the 20s, around 3-4 in the hips area so they aren't too wide in relation, butt size doesn't affect it, and facial femininity is in the middle 50s. Albeit, being referred to 'It' ingame is rather bothersome to me really, even if that's rare, when I go for andro or see andro I rather default to 'they' if appearance is indistinguishable. Idk, I just don't like being called an 'it' because what am I some object? lol
Even still, my Kui-Tan is a male-gender leaning andro, so he still gets called a boy many other times even if he's cute yet confusing to the eye. Haha.

Wow I'm sorry you have to read all that. lol

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
It's been a while since I played so I had to look up what characters I had; generally I'd make one with certain interests in mind and then play them that way.

One kaithrit/human. I used the force "it" to keep him considered androgynous since balancing that and getting the look I wanted for him was a huge pain. The game has him in the androgynous she range but I just kind of ignore that. I was playing him as a mischievous smuggler trap who liked giving and taking in equal measures as long as it was all in good fun, as befitting a half-kaithrit Steele Jr.

One pure human. I was playing her as a hard mercenary with the austere unbringing, thinking of her as a Steele Jr. with especially harsh daddy issues. I went for a lot of the sadistic and dominant scenes with her.

One human/kui-tan tech specialist. If I remember right I gave him boyish good looks and thought of him as a wide-eyed naive type who'd get into both the overly sentimental content and also some of the more extensive submissive-themed stuff (like the Sera content) that the kaithrit Steele would get bored with.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
I play female primarily, but sometimes i do like to start a new character as a male and play through the game.

I dont really know why, but playing as both genders is equally fine by me, and hermaphrodites are pretty cool as well.

I dont play neuters though, since there isn't really a lot of content for neuters.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Traps are cute boys. p.much the whole appeal is separating that idea of cuteness that's normally associated with grills from the most visibly essential markers of femaleness (i.e. boobs and cunts), in order to allow maleness (B&D) to associate with it, too. So cuteness as an ideal rather than as a mark of gender or an element of masculinity or femininity. It's wrapped up in androgyny. There's no point in going all that way if the trap's male identity is sacrificed to get there.

Sacrificing the male identity is the sissy fetish since it's entirely about emasculation and quite different from what traps are doing even if some elements look the same (and train girls are essentially doing the trap's process backwards; instead of disassociating aesthetic ideals and behavioral markers typically associated with femininity ((i.e. cuteness)) as a descriptor of femaleness - that is to say that looking a certain way and acting a certain way signals what's up above and down below - they're seeking to come as close as they can to hitting those descriptive markers to disassociate themselves, their identity, from their maleness).

Or to put it in obtuse frenchman terms that most people don't actually understand traps follow androgynous ideals by deconstructing and reconstructing ideas about femininity and masculinity; the other two preserve those notions but deconstruct and reconstruct their own identities either by their failure to live up to masculine, and especially macho, ideals (sissies) or by a much stronger association/fixation on feminine ideals (transgender).


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
I like Traps. They are a good mindscrew, and propably also a good screw in any other way.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
I forgot about twinks.

They're also usually thought of as soft and cute but in a masculine way aesthetically. It might be described as flamboyant or effete, "a bit too much for a manly man's good taste" but it doesn't blur any lines. So they're also cute boys but in a way most people would think of as boyish or maybe effeminate as opposed to girly to the point of androgyny.

Vito Calles

Feb 26, 2018
normal male, Sorry i´m boring. but I like simple and Straight Foward.

I completely understand. I am also "boring", but I guess I am just forecasting myself into the game to increase immersion and role playability. "For myself anyways." My first playthrough I went into the game completely blind with no outside research other than. "Porn Text Game In Space".

I was trying to see myself in many of these situations and constantly avoided eating and trying foods as they changed my genetic makeup. In the end, my level 10 character ended up a bulky male with a virgin anus. I was addicted to the game however and found this forum. I realize I MISSED SO much, but I don't regret my first experience at all.


Dec 23, 2017
I forgot about twinks.

They're also usually thought of as soft and cute but in a masculine way aesthetically. It might be described as flamboyant or effete, "a bit too much for a manly man's good taste" but it doesn't blur any lines. So they're also cute boys but in a way most people would think of as boyish or maybe effeminate as opposed to girly to the point of androgyny.

so the "ikemen" or "pretty boy" stereo type from japanese origin. Something you'd commonly associate with boybands and models?

Also, for myself, I prefer playing as a female. I find an odd dislike for male focused content, or anything phallus shaped tbh. I like girls and find their bodies to be the ideal of beauty, so I'd rather play their content instead.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I was thinking about a "biseinen" idea myself, so that could be, yeah.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Pretty boy and twink could be interchangeable technically but twink is used almost exclusively in gay scenes so it carries that sort of overtone. Pretty boy doesn't have those same implications.

Moo Cow

Well-Known Member
I always start out as a guy and become a herm that identifies as female since I can fully roleplay this. Otherwise, in any other game, I just play females.