The Oak Question

What Gender|Sex is your Main-Steele? [Up to Two Votes]

  • He | Male

    Votes: 39 38.6%
  • He | Female

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • He | Herm

    Votes: 10 9.9%
  • He | Neuter

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • She| Male

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • She| Female

    Votes: 32 31.7%
  • She| Herm

    Votes: 42 41.6%
  • She| Neuter

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It | Anything

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters


Jan 6, 2017
Where the crows are.
Most of my Steeles are pure females - though occasionally a few become herms or I play males for content exploration. I'd probably play cuntboys more often if there was specific content for them. And, y'know, if scenes featuin mutual cunnilingus didn't use words like sapphic if at least one member is you know... Male identifying.
I've never played a neuter character in TiTS, but I did actually play through the entirety of CoC with one. More interested in anal then. A singular they pronoun'd be great, but rewriting every sentence in game with a pronoun call to account for the necessary changes is is a pretty unfathomable amount of work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Wait. You can be an It???
Well, trough save editing, there is a option to 'force gender 'It''. I do not know if it works or if there are any ways to be recognised as a It by the game using a regular way.
That is why I asked in the OP if there even is the possebilety to be a It in a regular way.

So do not let the hope down, since nobody got a clue if it is possible!

You can get all your genitals removed by Dr. Lash.
Tht would be Neuter, not a It or They. Or at least not nesecary


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
A singular they pronoun'd be great, but rewriting every sentence in game with a pronoun call to account for the necessary changes is is a pretty unfathomable amount of work.
Acctually, it would be pretty easy.
Gender runs over a parser, meaning that insted of the male/female question, the document asks:
"Hey, standart line of code, give me the correct pronoun."
Then, the code looks at your Gender and looks at the gender and spits out the correct word, wich then will be displayed in text.
NPC which use specialised words depending of your gender, like propably Kase and his 'Sir/Madam' could strugle, trough. I am not sure what the coders solution was in their cases...

[pc.he] or [pc.she] or [pc.heShe]
Returns he or she as appropriate.

[pc.him] or [pc.himHer]
Returns him or her as appropriate.

[pc.his] or [pc.hisHer]
Returns his or her as appropriate.

Returns his or hers as appropriate.

I hate when it says "manhood" and the like even though I'm a woman...
Well, it is obviously not your womanhood. and Hermhood would end up even more confusing.


Jan 6, 2017
Where the crows are.
the code looks at your Gender and looks at the gender and spits out the correct word
Correct word doesn't mean correct phrasing. Adding an extra pronoun to the list doesn't solve every issue.
He/She/It goes, but they go. You'd need to fix all of the verbs etc.

And the complaint isn't necessarily that "ew it should say a different gender" it's just - why are we using gendered terms for things in a porn game where I can reasonably decide my character is a male identifying neuter with 2 rows of tits and a cuntail? Just use dick/cock/etc instead of manhood.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Well, trough save editing, there is a option to 'force gender 'It''. I do not know if it works or if there are any ways to be recognised as a It by the game using a regular way.
That is why I asked in the OP if there even is the possebilety to be a It in a regular way.
"It" refers to the androgynous consideration. It's hard to hit and easy to miss so some might not even know it's there but there's a threshold; it goes from male to androgynous he and then to androgynous she and finally to female.

There's some unique dialogue for it but I think the only time the parser actually throws out an it is with your cousin and in that context it sounds like an insult.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Tht would be Neuter, not a It or They. Or at least not nesecary
And how would you address a Neuter? You wouldn't use Neuter as a pronoun, so what people here have done is assign "it" to neuters as they don't have genitals that conform to either biological sex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
And how would you address a Neuter? You wouldn't use Neuter as a pronoun, so what people here have done is assign "it" to neuters as they don't have genitals that conform to either biological sex.
The problem is, the question is asked diffrent. It asks of your combination of pronoun and biological gender.
In TiTS, you can be any combination of Pronoun and Sex, afterall.

The game does not assign you a gender based on, or at least not purly, your genitals. Not even the lack thereoff.
It says to you that you are a Neuter. But it still gives you a Male or Female pronoun based on your other features.

But is it possible to be so andrognyn that the game just says "Fuck it, and I mean 'It' literally."?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
But is it possible to be so andrognyn that the game just says "Fuck it, and I mean 'It' literally."?
No, it currently isn't.
(and I'd rather have singular they pronouns when I'm playing nonbinary/agender Steeles)


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2017
Mine is just a she all the way because it’s easy to customize. Boys and herms are great too but I always manage to mess up a physical stat or two and make it weird/thicc/muscley or far too feminine to even be considered trappy. An it just defeats the point of playing a smut game entirely, since sex where most of the focus will be, even though the rest is pretty amazing too.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017

I am not losing the Patient yet!
Not as long as I can still add something, that is.
And makeing a new therad for this post would not be worth it, anyways.

So, after We got a good amount of data, I belive We can start to draw some lines...
Given that at everyone was able to give two votes, We got at least 55 persons awnsering, maybe a few more.
With this many participants, I belive that this is propably even representative of the playerbase in general, trough who knows...

The results, data from 25.03.2018:

  1. He | Male
    31 vote(s)
  2. He | Female
    3 vote(s)
  3. He | Herm
    6 vote(s)
  4. He | Neuter
    0 vote(s)
  5. She| Male
    5 vote(s)
  6. She| Female
    28 vote(s)
  7. She| Herm
    35 vote(s)
  8. She| Neuter
    1 vote(s)
  9. It | Anything
    1 vote(s)
Well, it looks pretty clear cut. From what I can garther out of this, Neuter are near non-existant, unsurprisingly.
While Neuter got a bit of content for themself, mostly reactions from others, like Alex who is simply surprised to see something new (A neuter with interest in sex, that is) and Lash, who is pleased to not see another pair of genetails walking arround, Neuter mostly lose content. Afterall, they are unable to have vaginal sex and since the focus of most scenes relies on the sexual organs of the player, they are not allowed in two-thirds of the main content.

The next smallest group would be the Traps and reverse-Traps, who for my guesses share a simelar appeal to each other. Both try to screw with the expectations of their partners and subvert them. Given that most Characters share the savvy of the players and are seldom surprised by saied Traps (after all, they are not rare in TiTS-verse), I doubt that tey are exspecialy after the reactions themself and do it more for their own enjoyment of the idea.

Pure Males and Pure Females do propably not need a big description or explanation. Given the normalety of saied two gender-genital combinatons, They are the easyest to immerse into or imagen oneself. They are, unsurprisingly, still the norm in TiTS playerbase, and propably even in TiTS-verse itself.

The Herms, who got both pairs of Genitals, are the most previlant of groups, with a disinct focus on Female Hermaphrodits and just a small number of Male ones. From all I read here I came to the belive that many, if not most, are a purly practical choice. Herms gain access to a majorety of scenes, near always meet requirements for special scenes, and lose just few specilised scenes of a handfull of NPCs that are more picky then others. Just as ready to have sex with absolute strangers, but more picky about what they pack or even if their phisical apperance reflects this.
In general, trough, a Herm got the bigest access to content.

The one thing that is exspecialy interesting is the diffrence between Females with Penises and Male with Vaginas.
While Female with Penises, both standing alone and as Herms, are far from rare, Males with Vaginas are rare and even their number of Herms is miniscule. My thesis on this is that people prefer breast over flats and when takeing a Vagina, generaly also tend to take the secondary Female organs. As Alex stated, Chicks with Dicks exist in abundance, but Guys with Clits are exotic. While MaleHerms got their persence, Males without their associateed endowment are basicly out of the picture. I would love to hear more of the people who main such a Steele to hear their reasoning, since I simply find it Fascinating.

So, this are my tougths on the polls results, or at least its current stand. What are yours? Do you notice a trend i did oversee? Do you got some thesis that go diffrent to explain the results? Did I made a terrible mistake and horribly missrepresent the statistic? Please add it to the therad if anny of this brougth you thinking.

Last but not least, someone claims that the game recognises their claim of being a It or They or at least neigther of the other two. Tell us how. I need to know!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
The one thing that is exspecialy interesting is the diffrence between Females with Penises and Male with Vaginas.
Women with Dicks being overreppresented and Men with Vags being underrepresented isn't that surprising when you consider that Fengames' audience is composed mostly gynophiles (people interested in feminine people).
There was a study a while back that sort of showed that straight guys get aroused by women with penises and gay guys by guys with vaginas because of some sort of "psychological optic illusion", but I'm too lazy to Google it rn.

I would love to hear more of the people who main such a Steele to hear their reasoning, since I simply find it Fascinating
I sometimes play cuntguys because :
  • "They" pronouns and gender aren't available, and I sure as hell ain't playing as a "She" because a) I strongly dislike the objectification and oversexualisation that comes with playing a female Steele, and b) dysphoria).
  • Plowing everything that can consent with Steele's Mighty Super Special Awesome Dick(s)TM can get boring pretty fast, especially when you can't relate
  • My Steeles are always bottoms
  • Even anal can get boring sometimes (and by sometimes I mean once in a blue moon)
  • It's hot
Sadly, the lack of content/variants for Cunguys means I most often play pure males.

But that's just me, I'm not representative of everyone who plays cuntguys.
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nad destroyer

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2018
I play female herms, and that's about it, unless it's a rare experiment or I want to check something that needs a plain male. I always play woman characters in games if I can, and I don't like men in my sex scenes. Simple as that.
Same here. I just started playing a pure female with her strap-on so I can get some possible missed scenes. I don't actually remember if there are scenes I missed for female and hardlight strapon's. Next to is play a pure male and see what I missed with that.

But yea my preferred character is fem/herm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seems like males get the short end of the stick on this one.

Truth be told, english noun-naming it's a bit odd to me, since in Spanish all nouns have a clear gender, and to be honest, I'm quite happy of that.

Things like 'they' and similar...stuff simply don't exist. If you want to call something you have use of an specific gender, so no chance of twisting stuff with neutral-gender things. Choose one of the two.