KravenarGames, I'm playing 1.0.1, and I've tried following your official walkthrough, but there might be some comunication problem with it very near the begining. For example, I'm unable to find any female sucubous other than Rasya in the Middleworld main area, and she doesn't appear only at morning nor speaking with her allows speaking with the King. Either there's a bug there, or there's a problem with the walkthrough.
EDIT: Found the answer myself. It *IS* a bug. It's Rasiya the one to talk with, and it works with a male MC, but speaking with the King with a female MC gives only the "move on" message instead of allowing the plot to progress.
I hope that bug gets fixed in the next version, because the game is VERY adictive but I'd rather follow the female character. (So I like lesbian scens. Sue me.)