The Legend of the Missing Gray Goo Bad End Submission


New Member
Mar 27, 2020
This is something that's been dogging me for years at this point; prior to the big forum shape-up there was a submission created by someone with the aim of creating a progressive corruption/assimilation situation wrt/ the Gray Goos on Tarkus.

Featured an example of a scene in which Steele hears the voice of a Goo coming and hides out of sight, but what they see is someone parasitised by a Gray Goo, someone masculine that's clearly had big, fake, shiny metallic femininity grafted onto them by the chipper nanomachine colony puppeteering their body, and Steele can hear them weakly mumbling for.....something, it's too quiet to hear, but it's definitely desperate.

There was also progressive forks for repeated losses to Gray Goos, and bodily effects of consuming unprogrammed microbots for healing - if it was kept in its' own document, then that's fantastic, 'm not holding out too much hope that it's definitely still in someone's D:/ drive somewhere.

Am I the only one who remembers this and kinda misses just reading it? It was seriously fun, considering the concepts of body puppeteering, the prospect of being the passenger and living hard drive of a B-2000, potential tying in to the somewhat underutilised Synthetic-type description for Steele...