The Last Sovereign


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I must be getting old because this

I just put out a big TLS update for patrons!

excites me substantially more than this

This update also contains the longest sex scene in the game... several times longer than the previous record. It's as long as a short story, long enough that it might be a bad idea. =P

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm actually wondering if a Garden could be built at the Headquarters, like Kara wants?

And also wondering if any small Incubus King will become a subordinate of Simons?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm actually wondering if a Garden could be built at the Headquarters, like Kara wants?

And also wondering if any small Incubus King will become a subordinate of Simons?

To the first question see this message on the blog.

I wouldn't mind seeing more male characters in the periphery of Simon's group, but if I had understand the Shards lore right, there is a zero chance of peaceful coexistence in the same place between two shard holders.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.48.0 is now out for patrons:

Starting off the new year with a new update! This one continues to launch the final chapter with some major updates and a return to Eustrin. Not much else to say for now, but you can expect it in a week.

No preview images this update, as it has been an unusually busy day. But a new year is a good time to reconsider old habits, so I'm contemplating not including screenshots anymore. People seem to have shifted away from forums and I'm thinking that perhaps no one would really miss them. Speak up if you feel differently, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On here at least I feel it's been a staple to have pics of the upcoming release. It helps in making me look forward to what will be in the public release while also speculating what could happen.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Please no more spider dungeons. I can handle the status effects and the dwarf killer super bite, but that damn skittering strikes does too much damage for something that hits so often. Simon and Uyae were both stuck constantly healing while Vhala used defensive rain just to survive and Robin used fire magic to kill them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you're using Uyae for healing, you should be better with Carina or Qum. Also, Vhala should be using her Arrow of Abstinence once you have nerfed their attack twice. Believe me, was harder on the Patreon build.

Having said all of that, it's an optional challenge so...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
If you're using Uyae for healing, you should be better with Carina or Qum. Also, Vhala should be using her Arrow of Abstinence once you have nerfed their attack twice. Believe me, was harder on the Patreon build.

Having said all of that, it's an optional challenge so...

I tried both Qum and Carina. Ultimately Uyae's group revive and healing stance made her more useful than them. Most of the time I get through these optional dungeons with only moderate struggle, and at most 3 tries for the final boss. The Skittering Nightmare took me about 20 attempts as I cycled through several different party combinations to look for weaknesses and find out which healers could survive long enough to use skills.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That it's interesting to know, thanks. Do you mind if I mention your healer's choice in the Bosses' wiki page?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
That it's interesting to know, thanks. Do you mind if I mention your healer's choice in the Bosses' wiki page?

I have no problem with that. If it also helps, I typically don't use a healer at all. I usually let Simon counter deaths and status effects between attacks while my other party members prioritize doing as much damage as fast as possible. Maybe Vhala uses defensive rain early to lower enemy attack and agility. Otherwise I do most of my healing between battles with either Carina or Qum depending on who has more MP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, looks like finding pieces of Tertia's memories will be the next potential collectable. I wonder if we'll finally be able to travel to some ocean based sites from, this, as some would likely be underwater on the ocean floor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
Please no more spider dungeons. I can handle the status effects and the dwarf killer super bite, but that damn skittering strikes does too much damage for something that hits so often. Simon and Uyae were both stuck constantly healing while Vhala used defensive rain just to survive and Robin used fire magic to kill them.

I had great results with Simon/Hilstara/Vhala/Robin. I used Hold the Line over Shieldwall first turn, which let the initial Skittering Strikes spread damage across the group. After that, the damage was mostly manageable by Indomitable Will and Support Allies, with the occasional Healing Lance thrown in.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.49.0 is available to patrons, and it's a big one! I normally don't put update notes here, but I'll paste them in this case:
TLS 0.49.0
- Complete world overhaul for Chapter 5.
- Access to new nations: Erosia, Ghenalon, and Tatseni.
- Up to three new harem members (depending on your decisions).
- Several potential new staff members (heavily decision-dependent).
- Seven new plot scenes, plus four new affection scenes.
- Four new synergy skills.
- Three new Orcent conversations/events.
- Assorted minor retroactive changes. Yhilini civilians comment on the Thenoursan War, the monster patrol investment has some cosmetic NPCs, etc.

This is an open world segment that sends you all over the world, but it's not just (tons of) updated NPCs. For the first time in the game, you can freely visit Erosia, Ghenalon, and Tatseni. There are various quests and developments across the world as well:

Many plot threads are followed up, depending on your decisions so far. If you've made the right decisions, you might be able to add up to THREE harem members this time:

Transformations are a bit of a theme this time. Again, if you have the right stats, you can have some characters change in ways that will prove extremely consequential to the plot.

If you've been wondering when the party will finally take advantage of all those divine shards, that time is now. I've promised this decision several times, years and years ago on various forums. Well, you finally get to pick:

But I know that none of you really care about the plot, characters, or decisions. I know you're all here for hot, sexy bar conversations with Orcent, aren't you?

There are also investments, but I'll just leave the last word to Trin:

Because this update is huge and I intend to add additional content, it's going to spend two weeks in Patreon testing and improvement.


Apr 6, 2018
That is because the smut in this game is overshadowed by the amazing plot. And Brooms.

I also just have low expectations for the medium because there are so many that look like transparent low-effort cash grabs clogging up the steam store.

But this is like. Suikoden, except you're trading the more complex battle system for ECONOMICS!, way more open-ended nation and alliance-building, and the hilarity of those tasks juxtaposed with the complete insanity of all the hedonist characters, a combination embodied by objectives like 'negotiate acceptance into the pan-succubi council'.

Unfortunately I'm the sort of person who will endlessly restart the game because I start second-guessing my investment decisions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I also just have low expectations for the medium because there are so many that look like transparent low-effort cash grabs clogging up the steam store.

But this is like. Suikoden, except you're trading the more complex battle system for ECONOMICS!, way more open-ended nation and alliance-building, and the hilarity of those tasks juxtaposed with the complete insanity of all the hedonist characters, a combination embodied by objectives like 'negotiate acceptance into the pan-succubi council'.

Unfortunately I'm the sort of person who will endlessly restart the game because I start second-guessing my investment decisions.

That was one of my motivations to start collaborating with the wiki, so I know that feeling well.
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As a reminder, this update will still be patron-only until next weekend, though I've opened it up to all $1 patrons as a special bonus I sometimes do. The time has been spent not just on bugfixing, but on adding new content. For example, if you invested in the succubus bar earlier, you can now actually visit it and check in with the characters:

TLS 0.49.2
- Zirantian leaders now report on the state of their nation. This can potentially unlock the new Biyue scene.
- The Stineford succubus bar is now available if missed, and can be visited as a new map, but only going through the improved iterate event mentioned below.
- Min now appears in the Givino Vinai Court.
- Antarian now appears in Ardford Cathedral.
- Nabith now has a new conversation when first spoken to in Chapter 5 (with Yhilin Final).
- More variant dialogue has been added, notably in Ardford Business District and Orri's Restaurant.
- The physical condition of Ryoken now varies based on Erosia's country score.
- Retroactive: The Ramasta Unperson HQ now visually improves if Gawnfall helped the Unpeople.
- Lynine and Iris have conversations that increase their RP if you investigate their funded investments.
- Serious improvements have been made to the Chapter 5 iterate event, including more potential RP for Tertia.
- Quest objective bugs fixed (only if you repeat the events).
- The Duelist's Pin can now be enchanted in Ghenalon.
- The costs for a number of investments have decreased, some based on past decisions.
- Sublime equipment is in some cases more expensive, but overall buffed.
- Sublime equipment now has unique icons.
- Assorted minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

Public release this Friday!


Apr 6, 2018
That was one of my motivations to start collaborating with the wiki, so I know that feeling well.

Yeah. Sometimes my use of the wiki makes me sad - I think I would honestly have enjoyed some of the tasks with more limited scope, like figuring out the optimal path through the first treaty negotiations - but I know if I'd done the investments completely blind I would have played 100 hours without ever getting past chapter three and then quit when replaying stuff got old :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am very disappointed I found no new content involving brooms.

You mentioned up to 3 new harem members but I only found 2, Fhelial and Wendis. Not sure who the third is. Unless it's Tertia, although she actually isn't a member according to Yarra's list.

And it's so difficult to choose who to give shards to. You write so many good characters.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The 3rd harem member is Tertia indeed but you need her RP to be ≥ 30, for her to join.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
The maid made me feel bad for copying Reletima. I did that so far back I no longer have saves to go back to to alter that decision. Being somewhat industrious, I went and looked to see if I could change things in the backend and HOLY FLIPPING PANCAKES BATMAN! Sierra I have no idea how you keep track of everything these days. I don't think I'll be able to find that particular switch in that humongous list....


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2015
On an unrelated note, how is Janine going to take the news of Simon's dead wife suddenly getting better?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The maid made me feel bad for copying Reletima. I did that so far back I no longer have saves to go back to to alter that decision. Being somewhat industrious, I went and looked to see if I could change things in the backend and HOLY FLIPPING PANCAKES BATMAN! Sierra I have no idea how you keep track of everything these days. I don't think I'll be able to find that particular switch in that humongous list....

Check this message on the wiki forums.

On an unrelated note, how is Janine going to take the news of Simon's dead wife suddenly getting better?

I would love to see the conversation between Janine and Wendis...