The Island of Doctor Lessau [SUBMITTED]


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Hmm, this seems to be plentiful with interesting, useful ideas, places, NPCs, and items. I can't wait to have it incorporated in the game. Dr. Lessau and Cynthia look interesting to talk with (even if their barbs at a Treated Steele are catty at times) and a fascinating glance into cutting-edge genetic research, It is always good to see future CEO Steele interacting with more of her future employees besides Anno, and just as good to notice genetic science is at least giving a serious nod to try and make the effects of mind-altering drugs reversible or changeable. I am most eager to give the Bubble Butt perk to my PC (even if most other potential effects of Holstaria seem to run counter to her intended cosmetic customization, so that's another session of intensive save-scumming/save-editing coming, but that's the price of careful, loving character fine-tuning). I had understood Uveto to be an iceball planet, so I had not expected it to have liquid oceans. I assume to reach this research facility is going to require some significant travel from the one where Steele meets the good Doctor and Cynthia, since the former is under the sea and the latter on the outskirts of a glacier. Unless, perhaps, Irestad is supposed to be placed on the equivalent of the coast of Greenland or Antarctica. I second the suggestion for frostwyrms to provide a third kind of combat-capable pet/companion beside the transformative item - the more follower options the merrier, even  if I fear the Casstech Z14 is starting to resemble the stateroom in A Night at the Opera, if those options for better, more spacious starships do not indeed become available.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Added a route to unlock Synth Sap, which Jacques coded but never had the associated quest completed.

It is an interesting addition. I am just concerned this would create an annoying availability unbalance between the male and female version of the same TF, if Synth Sap becomes freely available at this facility but you still have to run back and forth through the Mengha jungles and cross your fingers to get Vanae encounters with the right drop to gather some Sky Sap. Therefore I propose Sky Sap too becomes available at this facility once its male equivalent is unlocked.


Aug 26, 2015
Vanae appear in only one location, in which they are the only enemy encounter, and you are given a taxi straight to that location.  I'll consider it, but I really don't think it's an issue.
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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
Vanae appear in only one location, in which they are the only enemy encounter, and you are given a taxi straight to that location.  I'll consider it, but I really don't think it's an issue.

True to a degree, but in my own experience the respective areas of savage regions where specific enemy encounters occur often aren't any easy to identify with precision, the wiki is no real help here, and you are still subject to the vagaries of random spawning. I have repeatedly run into mimbranes when I was trying to collect some sky sap, into vanae when I was trying to gather a full set of mimbrane symbiotes, into all kinds of flora and fauna when I was trying to unlock Yammi's last recipe, all more or less in the same broad southern zone of Mengha. Random encounters are an entirely different league of frustration from walking into a shop. Moreover, I'm remembered of the precedent of Honeydew, Honeypot, and Honeyseed. All of them become available in the same shop once you complete the relevant quest.
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Aug 26, 2015
The vanae enclave is very clearly marked by Penny's drone.  Pay attention to the text.

Regardless, I've added the ability to buy regular Sky Sap.
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Aug 26, 2015
This took a ridiculously long time.  Remind me never to do male characters again.  Walt can now also be encountered at the Freezer after the office gangbang, providing exhibitionist sex and access to his custom item, the werewolf transformative Lupinol.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Aww, PC doesn't get knotted and can't get under the table.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This took a ridiculously long time.  Remind me never to do male characters again.  Walt can now also be encountered at the Freezer after the office gangbang, providing exhibitionist sex and access to his custom item, the werewolf transformative Lupinol.

Wait what are you referencing there and why not?


Aug 26, 2015
Oh, secret for now?


Walt was much harder to write good dialogue and sex scenes for than Cynthia was.  It took a much longer time and I'm not as personally excited by the results.

Walt is male.

Cynthia is female.

Writing male NPCs is harder than writing female ones.

Have I made myself clear?
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Aug 27, 2015
Remind me never to do male characters again.

Male character pros: They have a dick

Male character cons: They are male.

Also, I'm afraid every time I see this topic I automatically read it as "The Island of Doctor Lmao".

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I read it as Lasso and pronounce it the same. I mean, I quickly correct myself but still.


Aug 26, 2015
Ouf of curiosity, why's that?

So, how to put this...okay, imagine if there was a male character who acted exactly like Kiro does.  Hung panties like trophies on his wall, you scored relationship points with him by playing wingman after which he sent you selfies of his newest trophy and the chick he'd just ruined with his monster dong.

The reaction to this character might be closer to Kelt than to Kiro.

Nobody wants to see the guy in porn.  He's a prop for the girls to use.

Also, I'm afraid every time I see this topic I automatically read it as "The Island of Doctor Lmao".

Lessau is like the oldest Dr. Moreau joke there is.  I just never bothered to change it and it stuck.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I liked Kelt. Well I mean, I hated Kelt, but I liked his scenes. Then I turned him into Kelly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I liked Kelt. Well I mean, I hated Kelt, but I liked his scenes. Then I turned him into Kelly.

Ah, this brings back memories! This particular feature has ignited the fires of my physical feminization fetish. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, how to put this...okay, imagine if there was a male character who acted exactly like Kiro does.  Hung panties like trophies on his wall, you scored relationship points with him by playing wingman after which he sent you selfies of his newest trophy and the chick he'd just ruined with his monster dong.

The reaction to this character might be closer to Kelt than to Kiro.

Nobody wants to see the guy in porn.  He's a prop for the girls to use.

Then don't create male characters who act exacly like Kiro does (unless that's your thing and/or you want to spice up the game-someone's bound to like that archetype)..Also, I can't believe I am actually typing this, but... I swear I prefer Kelt rather thank Kiro. At least Kelt was a Strawman Abusive Figure (tm), whilst Kiro is... uhh, I'm too biased to even type a word.

lol ultimate form of revenge for a dick character :p exactly proving his point of all women being like that. Not a fan of how it was dealt with.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I swear I prefer Kelt rather thank Kiro. At least Kelt was a Strawman Abusive Figure (tm), whilst Kiro is... uhh, I'm too biased to even type a word.

Isn't Kiro's attitude just that of a pick-up artist? So leaving the fact that in the old-ass lore that exists outside of the game she raped another prominent in-game character at a gunpoint, everything that she does in the game isn't that hard to stomach in comparison to a lot of other things of the same venue.

And I'm sure that a guy!Kiro would have gathered some following, especially if he had the same arc with opening up to PC and wholeheartedly embracing a whole new side of his sexuality with their help. I mean, anyone who will really dislike such a character on the grounds of them being misogynistic wouldn't have played the game past the introduction of New Texas. exactly proving his point of all women being like that. Not a fan of how it was dealt with.

Well, the PC wasn't supposed to teach Kelt a lesson in equality and respectful attitude in order to make him a better person, like in a typical MtF revenge plot; and even those often slip up and fall into the same trap.

Rather, you are showing him who's the top dog(horse) and vent out your frustration in the most rapey way possible, since that's how corrupted PC rolls.
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Aug 26, 2015
Then don't create male characters who act exacly like Kiro does

That doesn't change that:

Nobody wants to see the guy in porn.  He's a prop for the girls to use.

Notice how most male characters in the game are sub-leaning.  This is not accidental.  Making the PC dominant in sex scenes with a male character puts more of the focus on the PC and less on the guy.  The guy is a prop.  Walt barely talks in his scenes in favor of mostly growling and is basically ear-scratched into submission immediately, while Cynthia is very talkative and takes charge much more frequently during all of her scenes.  The only major exceptions to this are characters like the New Texans or Gene, for whom male dominance is part of their fetish set.  I managed to strike what I think is an okay balance with Lessau, but it's a difficult balancing act.

There's also personal preferences to consider: most of the FenCo writing staff, myself included, favor sex with women over sex with men.  Writing female characters means there's going to be at least one girl in the sex scene, which helps make the task more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hmm that Lupinol Alpha scent perk... Can it be kept if we TF away from being a werewolf? Are we gonna be required  to have a minimum werewolf / canine score? Cause to be honest the scent TF is probably the only effect I want from that item/ I am probably gonna try to switch over to either a plant or demon as soon as possible afterwards. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I liked Kiro and Kelly.