The Hellhound Companion


I am currently going through the Hellhound Companion Gdoc to update/revise/edit it and then I want to see if I can finish it up with some free time i've carved out this weekend. This is simply me taking a quick break from Angus for TiTs before starting the next leg of his content.

Before any of you ppl say this is a waste of time the HHC is, at this point, mod fodder. The ppl on the Mod thread have already expressed interest in a finished version of it and therefore I'm laying the ground work... also please don't be an ass.

Hellhound To Do List

  1. When you come home with a hellhound pet your pure followers aren't gonna play that shit and if you let them they will run his ass off... thus turning him back into a feral hellhound whom you won't see again. Otherwise you lose Khia, Jojo and Amily who all refuse to be around it.
  2. Finish Up Anal Sex Scene (started, unfinished as fuck)
  3. Finish Up Vaginal Sex Scene (started, in first draft state)
  4. MAYBE:Write additional rape dream sequences: Satyr, Goo Girl, Fetish Cultist, Fetish Zealot, Minotaur
  5. MAYBE:Rathazul adding a butt hole to your HHC (because reasons)... will probably involve satyr wine/whiskey/spirits
  6. MAYBE:Threesome Scenes w/corrupted followers: Jojo, Vapula, Corrupt Amily, Latexia
  7. MAYBE: Special name responses
  8. Edit/Revise/Color Code whole document
Thoughts, suggestions and what not are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
i just thought of a really fucked up scene for you to do...

since hell hounds have 2 cocks and if your hell hounds as sufficient length

you one a follower on the other hell hound fucking both your asses while you fuck your follower

or with tentacle cock u could shove it in their mouth if their male

also if you don't mind i am not trying to add to the work load these are just suggestions

if you unlock the worms and their attacking the camp if no one is guarding or your hell hound is guarding the camp then how about a chance for them to be infested?

and a chance for it to go into a rut ever 2 weeks from there i just starts humping you leg (may i suggest a bonus scene if the character is heat?)

also add a squeaky toy for some comic relief xD


i just thought of a really fucked up scene for you to do...

since hell hounds have 2 cocks and if your hell hounds as sufficient length

you one a follower on the other hell hound fucking both your asses while you fuck your follower

or with tentacle cock u could shove it in their mouth if their male

also if you don't mind i am not trying to add to the work load these are just suggestions

if you unlock the worms and their attacking the camp if no one is guarding or your hell hound is guarding the camp then how about a chance for them to be infested?

and a chance for it to go into a rut ever 2 weeks from there i just starts humping you leg (may i suggest a bonus scene if the character is heat?)

also add a squeaky toy for some comic relief xD

ok... stuff and things

- If the hellhound is fucking both you and the followers asses how are you fucking the followers ass as well?

- Rut/Heat content isn't really my thing

- I will probably never write content for worms unless I am being commissioned

but hey if you want these scenes you are more than welcome to write them yourself. Although you may want to proof read and pay more attention to what you're saying than you did in this post because, sorry, its a mess.


Aug 27, 2015
Maybe rather than excuses you use the handy edit function for anyone else unlucky enough to think someone had something to say.


Created Sex dream involving a satyr

In the lore heavy corruption is required to join with a hellhound so I've altered the corruption requirement to reflect that which means I no longer have to write a scene for Amily and Khia leaving because they leave when your corruption is too high anyway. Also got rid of unnecessary shit and now I'm thinking about just writing up an entirely new anal scene... i'm not sure but I'll figure something out


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will there be a way to purify him or at least find a way keep him with everyone else (I feel like this option could only be achieved for PC's that have a very high intelligence)? Because it sucks that he leaves because of your growing purity or that the moment you bring him to your camp its choose him or Jojo (and maybe other Lovers and followers). In my opinion, it would be freaking awesome if you could put him on the of purity or helping him become a better being.

Also read his talk scene's, and holy crap I already like him ALOT!!


Will there be a way to purify him or at least find a way keep him with everyone else (I feel like this option could only be achieved for PC's that have a very high intelligence)? Because it sucks that he leaves because of your growing purity or that the moment you bring him to your camp its choose him or Jojo (and maybe other Lovers and followers). In my opinion, it would be freaking awesome if you could put him on the of purity or helping him become a better being.

Also read his talk scene's, and holy crap I already like him ALOT!!

I'm glad you like him

And story wise no there will not be a way to purify him or even a way to explain to your pure followers that having the demon dog there with you is a good idea. However in the CoC revamp mod Kitteh has a system where, through use of ascension if I recall correctly, you can have your pure and corrupt followers together without any issues. I, personally, am not a fan of this (I believe that for the world to be realistic your choices should have actual consequences like in me3) but yeah you'll be able to have pure and corrupt followers in the same camp with some work.

But also, as of now, he is not finished.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And story wise no there will not be a way to purify him or even a way to explain to your pure followers that having the demon dog there with you is a good idea.

Aww man, to me he's too much of a great character and you are able to build such a strong bond him, possibly an even stronger bond then what demons could've achieved, that it REALLY hurts when he leaves.

Also I've got like two idea's for him, their small one's:

  1. The first time you find him, I feel like there should be a 'Put him out of his misery' option for those who don't want him, but don't want him to suffer anymore. Because in my opinion, the 'Leave him to die' option felt like a monstrous thing to do.
  2. I feel like there should be a mourning scene when he leaves after you know everything about him.
Edit: I also feel that just finding him for the first time require's 50% corruption seems unnecessary, cause you just prevent him for starving to death, ignore him, and if you do decide to add it put him out of his misery.
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Aww man, to me he's too much of a great character and you are able to build such a strong bond him, possibly an even stronger bond then what demons could've achieved, that it REALLY hurts when he leaves.

Well as far as connecting to you or a demon to the Hellhound its all the same. Hellhounds rely on being mentally connected to another being in order to be able to think and feel as a normal sentient being would, making them rely on the connection to be more than just another dumb beast. So for the HHC connecting to you or a demon results in his being stronger, faster and smarter.

The only reason your hellhound has the strongest connection to you is because you obtained his loyalty when he was little more than a dumb beast. This can be achieved by saving its life, feeding and taking care of it before bonding or any other ways you get a dog to be loyal (its not hard). So you may show the hellhound actual affection but he'd still respond with undying loyalty if you didn't. If you want him to do something horrible (like rape Jojo or steal candy from a baby) he'll do it with a smile, eager to please his master. If you want him to do something wonderful (save the world, put a fuck me sign on the Incubus Mechanic's back) he will also do that with a smile.

Because he's your loyal pet.

Also I've got like two idea's for him, their small one's:

  1. The first time you find him, I feel like there should be a 'Put him out of his misery' option for those who don't want him, but don't want him to suffer anymore. Because in my opinion, the 'Leave him to die' option felt like a monstrous thing to do.
  2. I feel like there should be a mourning scene when he leaves after you know everything about him.

1. Euthanasia? sounds fine. Would actually be an act of kindness if it wasn't for the fact that you have food on you and can just feed it and tell it no later when it tries to make you help it hunt, or even after that when its big and strong again. There are plenty of ways for you to help the dog...

2. No. Mourning may apply to your character you have but not everyone would mourn in this circumstance and it'd be a bit unecessary as you can just head cannon that up and be fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The only reason your hellhound has the strongest connection to you is because you obtained his loyalty when he was little more than a dumb beast. This can be achieved by saving its life, feeding and taking care of it before bonding or any other ways you get a dog to be loyal (its not hard). So you may show the hellhound actual affection but he'd still respond with undying loyalty if you didn't. If you want him to do something horrible (like rape Jojo or steal candy from a baby) he'll do it with a smile, eager to please his master. If you want him to do something wonderful (save the world, put a fuck me sign on the Incubus Mechanic's back) he will also do that with a smile.
Well you're not wrong there, the only reason I said that the bond of the PC and the HHC could be stronger than other bonds, is because at least the PC seems to give a shit about him and treat him a hell of a lot better than the demons treat him and his kind. 

1. Euthanasia? sounds fine. Would actually be an act of kindness if it wasn't for the fact that you have food on you and can just feed it and tell it no later when it tries to make you help it hunt, or even after that when its big and strong again. There are plenty of ways for you to help the dog...

2. No. Mourning may apply to your character you have but not everyone would mourn in this circumstance and it'd be a bit unecessary as you can just head cannon that up and be fine.

  1. Again true, I wasn't thinking about that part fully.
  2. Once again true.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You could actually argue that the kind of bond that the PC can get with the hellhound is an unintended side effect of him still technically having a soul.  The master didn't design them to be anything more than absolutely loyal servants to demons.  They maybe irredeemably evil monsters, but there is a shred of their old selves still in there that can let a non-demon gain one as an ally.  Maybe a corrupt PC will be a slightly better ruler of the world if they have the hellhound companion as opposed to if they didn't.
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You could actually argue that the kind of bond that the PC can get with the hellhound is an unintended side effect of him still technically having a soul.  The master didn't design them to be anything more than absolutely loyal servants to demons.  They maybe irredeemably evil monsters, but there is a shred of their old selves still in there that can let a non-demon gain one as an ally.  Maybe a corrupt PC will be a slightly better ruler of the world if they have the hellhound companion as opposed to if they didn't.

Yeah. A master with a soul plus a hellhound sounds a lot better than a Demon with a hellhound although the corruption requirement skews this greatly... So someone who is inherently a good person being corrupt would be immensly better than a souless demon but, conversly, a person who is inherently sadistic could do far worse than a demon (having no soul and all I as

What do you think of purification paths for hellhound TDM?  Personally I feel that this would create several lore issues.

The first being how the race is one with hellfire, meaning that they depend on a corruption causing element for life and should it burn out or be purified what would be the effect on the hellhound? Would they need their bodies to be retransformed to a state where it isn't dependant on the hellfire or can the hellfire remain as it does with the player?

The second is the mental connection. I don't doubt that this can be achieved without corruption magic but I do believe it is currently achieved through corruption magic meaning that without corruption would it even work or would you just turn your brain sharing companion into a dumb beast?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah, you probably wouldn't be able to maintain the mental link or have it use hellfire if you purified him.  You'd basically end up with a two headed dog-morph.  Besides, a pure path would really work best as something you did before actually recruiting him, not something that happens after you've already allowed a highly corrupt thing to merge with your mind.


Yeah, you probably wouldn't be able to maintain the mental link or have it use hellfire if you purified him.  You'd basically end up with a two headed dog-morph.  Besides, a pure path would really work best as something you did before actually recruiting him, not something that happens after you've already allowed a highly corrupt thing to merge with your mind.

This is true


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, you probably wouldn't be able to maintain the mental link or have it use hellfire if you purified him.  You'd basically end up with a two headed dog-morph.  Besides, a pure path would really work best as something you did before actually recruiting him, not something that happens after you've already allowed a highly corrupt thing to merge with your mind.

This is true

Alternate Path of recruitment maybe?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
you know what yeah sure

go ahead and start writing that, have fun
Alright I'm sorry that I annoyed you to the point of frustration, and I'll shut up about the pure stuff.

I just hope that he does get in eventually and his content doesn't just end up sitting there.
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Alright I'm sorry that I annoyed you to the point of frustration, and I'll shut up about the pure stuff.

I just hope that he does get in eventually and his content doesn't just end up sitting there.

I'm not frustrated

I'm just not writing it... you know? Like do you realize how much work that would be? That would be a whole new follower on its on similar to male and female ember. Not to mention story issues. How can such a creature achieve an adequate level of intelligence when it depends on a mind link to to become intelligent? How does he eat without hellfire when his digestive system depends on it? How does he live without hellfire when putting it out nearly kills him in his back story? That's just off the top of my head tho. I'm sure it can be done but like i said it's a fuck ton of work and i'm just... not... you know


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm not frustrated

I'm just not writing it... you know? Like do you realize how much work that would be? That would be a whole new follower on its on similar to male and female ember. Not to mention story issues. How can such a creature achieve an adequate level of intelligence when it depends on a mind link to to become intelligent? How does he eat without hellfire when his digestive system depends on it? How does he live without hellfire when putting it out nearly kills him in his back story? That's just off the top of my head tho. I'm sure it can be done but like i said it's a fuck ton of work and i'm just... not... you know

Okay now THAT makes a whole lot of sense. Again sorry if I annoyed you about it, unfortunately I can be a dense motherfucker at times.


So just went through vaginal and anal sex (hopefully i caught everything)

editing dual pen scene has been started but isn't done and then i need to shoot down all the comma corrections that I know are incorrect and research the ones i'm not sure about.

After that he should be completely done

The only reason he isn't done is because i spent most of the day on commission projects but its time for work now


gdoc has been set to view only because, no offense, but you pple and these comas are getting on my damn nerves.

like seriously I went through and researched these commas to make sure i was right in getting rid of them now somone else is putting commas in all the places i shot them down... wtf


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
gdoc has been set to view only because, no offense, but you pple and these comas are getting on my damn nerves.

like seriously I went through and researched these commas to make sure i was right in getting rid of them now somone else is putting commas in all the places i shot them down... wtf

they were an obvious troll.


well i don't believe they were being a troll commas are hard and people are always trying to tell me how to use them without doing their research. when i find an instance where they're used in an odd way I research it. Then if i don't find anything i ask a question because its hard to search for grammatical stuff when you don't know the vocab for this specific instance of verbal fuckery.

but that post is a bit more harsh than i would want it to be, i was tired af