The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen did a pretty timid handshake to Katyusha and said to Gridon "Speaking of Jen her state is way worse than I first thought... I will need some extra herb from the forest to deal with the infection... I think I could easily find what I need in the woods with Katyusha to watch my rear"

Helwen turning her attention to Katyusha "I need to speak to Gaia before leaving, I need a thing or two from her, but after we can leave to be in the forest before the night" after a couple of seconds of silence Helwen said "Or we can leave tomorrow if you prefer to sober up before leaving?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Katyusha shook her head, "Nyet, Comrade Healer, I would prefer to leave after you talk to Gaia. I will only drink more if we wait." Making her way for the door she called back, "Perhaps you teach me to speak without accent while we search woods, yes? So long as watching rear is not too distracting." She chuckled at her own joke.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Before I come back, can you write something so I can see how well do you write" Helwen said to Katyusha, then she murmured a shy bye to Gridon and Nine before leaving the tavern. While on the doorstep she realized what Katyusha said about her ass and felt stupid. 

On her way to find Gaia, her old robe got stuck in a vine and all the lower half was cut. Her robe was more looking like a short skirt more than anything else "Why the cloister didn't gave us panties" Helwen mumbled while inspecting her robe.

Having no idea where to find Gaia she decided to ask two mercenary around a fire.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
After the two women left, Nine cocked an eyebrow at his new commander before speaking, "Reborn-slut? Just what is this mage that supposedly works for you?"


Jun 24, 2016
As the two ladies left the inn, Gridon's eyes moved to rest on Nine and a frown came to his face.

"To put it bluntly? She's a being born into a mortal vessel. With her affinity for the sun, I imagine she's a type of demon... but with how slutty she is I'm partial to believing she's a minor god or something. Gaia was able to tell my heritage with but a simple glance... not that it's terribly hard to discern for most, but she's kept that talent up with everyone we see. So if I had to wager... I'd think she's the mortal incarnation of Alaghast, the Goddess of Truth. It's far more likely that the magic she can achieve was earned through her mortal powers... but that woman saw Arabore as a monster in human flesh before he ever started acting like a fat fuck."

Idly calling the innkeeper over, he looked to Nine and made it a nod of the head toward the business owner.

"Order a drink... I'm sure you got questions about everyone in the company. You've not been here long enough to know all of them... so ask whatever you want and I'll try my best to answer you."


"Gaia? Man, she was sucking our pal dry a minute ago! The best mouth in the whole damn Company!"

The two mercenaries shared a look and a chuckle, but the healer wouldn't have to go searching. The sun-like glow of her hair was beside Helwen as a hand pat the girl's ass through the much shorter skirt, as if to examine the girl's pert posterior and get a rise out of her. But there was no one there to swing at if Helwen chose to, a glimmer of light flooding the square as the woman flickered about to between two shocked men and sprawled out on her back. The mage smiled and gave pats to their clothed crotches before looking up to Helwen. She had no reason to acknowledge Katyusha as it seemed she knew exactly who was seeking her out.

"I heard I was being looked for~... how can I please you? I take it that with a look so innocent, Gridon isn't in need of my services. Not that he ever is, that tease. This must be important matters to interrupt my regular stress relief for the Company, though, so out with it."

At the words "stress relief", Gaia had performed a lewd mockery of fellatio with empty-strokes and a tongue-in-cheek mix. The two men on either side of her seemed to bubble with lust at the dark-skinned mage resting between them but knew better than to do something lewd in public. As a result, the two mercenaries turned and spilled away, dashing off to one of the tents to no doubt handle their growing "stress" and leave the women to talk.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Nine got dressed before sitting at the bar, and ordering a mug of ale. "You mentioned something about a sniper... Otto?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen was quite nervous. She had a demon right in front if her a. "H... Hi Ga... Hi Gaia... My name is Helwen... Happy to know you" Helwen said in a stressed maner. Her face was red as she realised that it was Gaia that had touched her ass. "Do you think I can borrow you alchemical supplies, mistress" Than Helwen realised what she just said. Beign a slave, master and mistress was used to be extra polite when asking for favor, but saying mistress to a demon was not the best idea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
"Is perhaps best if you do not mention that around others, or you will have many people peeking up skirt." Katyusha chuckled as they walked. When the pair ran into Gaia she opted to largely stay out of the conversation beyond briefly chastising the Mage, "Be kind, Gaia, she is new here. She does not know about your 'stress relief'."


Jun 24, 2016
As the innkeeper served Nine and the man asked who Otto was, Gridon put on a smirk.

"A man in a women's body. Otto came from some place north of here... found him floating in the sea when we first set out to this place. He swears he was a male and with how masculine he acts, it's more likely than anyone else. There's a bet of all kinds to what might have caused it... but that's beside the point. Otto's a flat-chested woman who insists he's a man... and he's trained in a bow larger than any back from my homeland or made here. He's hit a harpy flying full speed almost a hundred meters away. With a shot like that... hell, he could be walking around as the largest breasted woman alive and I'd call him a man. Only drawback is the bastard needs a personal guard to prepare his bow and to fire it... a true sniper not fit for a frontline battle."


The lustful glimmer in her eyes was cut short with what she must have interpreted as Katyusha being a kill joy.

"Tch... no fun. But I suppose I can give you my supplies. You seem like the sort of mortal who I enjoy... you'd not try to lie, but when you find that point someday you'll turn into quite the dangerous one~."

Taking a moment to enjoy her spot on the ground, the golden-haired woman closed her eyes and motioned toward the mage quarters.

"It's all in there. You can use it once you come back. I think taking along Jen might be a good idea. You gave her some medicine, but I think she's not taking it. To tough for her own good, that one... quite pent up since she won't let any guy or gal help with her cu-... "stress relief", not even myself or Gridon."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
In a quite timid maner Helwen responded to Gaia "Thank you, mistr... Gaia. Everybody told me to take Jen with us, I will give her special plant. I don't normally give it to people. I can make an exception this time..." Then Helwen left. On her way to Jen place she said to Katyusha "Do you think what Gaia said about me is true?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
"That you would be dangerous liar?" Katyusha said walking side by side with Helwen, "You do not seem like type to ever become liar, but maybe that is what she is getting at. Those who do not look like danger are very dangerous indeed. So to answer very helpfully; yes and no."

Sighing, she continued, "You are so very nervous. You say you were raised in convent, yes? Perhaps teach me of your god or goddess to relieve stress?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"My God is great, good and the fairest of beign on this world... but I really started to doubt that... I don't see why a good and fair God would punish me like this... I've done nothing to deserve that... Either he is testing me or the force of evil are stronger than him. Why would he test me?  Do you have a God? And who is stronger the force of good or evil?" Helwen said nearly crying as her faith was in distress.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Wrapping an arm around Helwen's shoulder and pulling her close as they continued onwards, "Perhaps sisters at convent were too zealous and made your god seem stronger than he was, yes? Perhaps he is simply busy fighting evil, yes?" She cleared her throat and continued, "I worship many gods, it all depend on what I need at the time. Given job, it is usually Arosa, goddess of conflict. If you are looking for new god though, I think you like Alaghast, goddess of truth. As for strength of good and evil, I think it depend on who is champion of good and evil at time." She nudged the healer and gave her a goodnatured smile, "Is why I should be goddess, yes?"


Jun 24, 2016
(Moving on again.)

As the two began their talk near the tent, Helwen seeming to have qualms with her past, a single voice reached them with a since of androgyny to it. It was the voice of someone who sounded feminine but with a masculine edge.. and a voice that Helwen would have noticed calling for help earlier.

"Both of you... wh-wherever your going... p-please... let me go with you."

Jen, with her hand on her banadage-covered flat chest, had quite a few slaves trying to stop her. With a spear in her right hand acting like a cane, she'd hobbled her way out of the tent and the look on her face suggest exactly what sort of pain she was in.

"My savior Aralisk... sh-she came to me... i-in a haze. I-I surely must have better fortune... than last time! If you'd jus- erk!"

The woman winced and clutched at where a woman's left breast would be had she any sort of pillow-like mounds. Falling to one knee, the slaves seemed ready to help her up but she gave a wave back with her spear to signal them to keep away. Hunching over and clutching her weapon, the scout looked up through her lengthy hair to the two with immense pain.

*P-Please, Katyush... I-I can't stay bedridden another day... t-take me with you... let me serve... the company as I-hrkech!... As I always have! J-Just something for the pain... th-that's all I'd need! I wouldn't slow you... d-down... just to get... out of bed..."


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
"Jen! Is good to see you again!" Stepping forward and lightly embracing the woman she planted a quick kiss on either cheek. "But look at you! You must not do this to self." Draping one of the scouts arms over her own shoulder she wrapped her other arm under the woman's legs and deftly lifted her from the ground.

"We will find something for pain. Then I let you walk again." She said in the most authoritative voice she could muster, though she quickly softened her tone to that of a dotting lover, "Gaia says you will not let anyone help with 'stress'. Are you okay? Do you need me to visit you in hospital?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Jen I said don't without asking me first. But you seems to have better shape. Now go back to your tent and remove your clothes I will make you new bandage so you can go with us. Katyusha do you know how to make tea? If so start a teapot of boiling water for two cup of tea. I will give you the herbs at Jen quarter" Helwen said in a authoritarian tone, showing that she was in charge when it was questions of injuries.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
"Well, you hear the doctor. We will go back to your tent now but you will be out soon enough. Helwen, where is Jen's tent? Oh, and I cannot make tea. Sorry."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Just there" Helwen said pointing toward Jen tent "You are only good at killing big things and being a sinner don't you? Before I teach you how to speak like a true lady I will teach you how to make tea" 


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Katyusha giggled to herself. "Yes, I am very good at sin. Perhaps too good, eh?" Slipping into the indicated tent and lowering Jen into a seated position on the bed she had grown to loathe she called back, "Okay Miss Helwen, I will learn to make tea."


Jun 24, 2016
(For now, Ecna is going to be skipped. Try to slow down, you two @_@. Ecna, PM me before you post.)

Jen had been blushing the entire time she was carried, somewhat annoyed but too weak to resist the carrying. When she was sat down and sitting within her tent once more, the flushed-face reached out weakly and taking hold of Kat's wrist.

"I-If you... mean what Gaia prefers to do... i-it's not like that... I can't imagine someone trying to... "help" me with my wounds like this...'

Despite her defiance at resting moments before, she begrudgingly reached to her shoulders and lightly tugged at the bandages she wore. It was the only thing covering her wounds and chest, but even with the slave boy who ran in with the spear in hand she didn't hesitate at the healer's words. With a tug and releasing Kat, the scout took hold of the unraveling bandages. As they fell and exposed her bare flat chest and average-sized pink areola and nipples, it also revealed the reason she wore the bandages. Three entrance wounds sealed up by now ran along the top of her chest, thankfully healed and only somewhat sickly looking by now. Such a wound, though it'd healed considerably, was taxing due to having required magical healing of her lung and it was easy to understand why she'd been bed-ridden for a while now. The slave looked over with clear signs of lust for the androgynous woman, but a quick look from the rebellious gal had him scampering out in time to avoid seeing her lower down to her back for the moment and lay an arm across her form and turn to stare into a corner of the tent in shame.

"To think I'd b-be forced to such a state... what man would ever love me beyond being a woman now? I've been scarred by those arrows... and I don't even have proper ti... breasts..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Taking a long draw from his mug, Nine turned to the commander. "So, how long are you, er, we going to be holed up in this town?"


Jun 24, 2016
(Posting to make up for the missed round.)

Gridon considered the question for a short time, but remained quiet as he rose from the ground to stand up and toss a look toward the doors their current boss was behind.

"Well, we own the town now... so technically we could stay here for as long as wish as long as we protect it. It'll be supplying us from now on. As for when we plan to leave... I've got the lead on a job. One that could get us rich down a ways south. I was going to send Jen out to check it out, but with her down... how about we do it?"

He turned his eyes toward Nine, a smirk on his face as he'd grab hold of the cleaver's holster and deposited the weapon. Slinging it up and over his bare chest, he'd put his bottle down and continue.

"Just the two of us. I'm sure you couldn't take me even without my armor so it's not like it's a risk... and I'm sure we can ride fast enough to at least make it back within the hour... think you're up for it?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Well, somebody is cocky, I hope he doesn't underestimate enemies like that. Still, if we can get out of this village for a while, that would be nice; that witch gives me the creeps. "Alright, I'm game," replied Nine. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Calm down Jen" Helwen was speaking with a rather soft voice, like one of a mother speaking to his sick children "Don't worry even with those scar you will look better than me" at same time Helwen started a teapot full of water and separated some dried herb in three pile, one big and two small, in three mug.  

While she was waiting for the boiling water, Helwen ran her soft finger to Jen wound and kissed her on her front head. "She is hardy, her fever is disappearing" 

The water was boilling, so she filled the three mug with water. She gave the one with more herbs in it to Jen. Then took another mug and said " Katyusha, the last one is for you. The effect of this tea is to make the drinker feel less pain. But if you drink it in small quantities it just give you a fuzzy feeling" Then she took a large swig.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
(Aye boss, message recieved)

Taking the offered cup of tea, Katyusha downed in in a series of large, continuous gulps. "Maybe I should give up spirits then, yes? Make tea instead?" She said, grinning, "Would be less sinful, yes?"

Turning to face the recovering Jen she scowled at the scout, "Scars make you look tough and strong. If man would see this as bad then he is not worth worrying over. Also let man know you will not give in if he is mean and nasty. As for breasts, you do not need them to get man. If you would like breasts though, I will help you find someone who can help. We could start with Gaia, yes?"


Jun 24, 2016
Jen's face flushed with shame and embarrassment, the scout slowly sitting up to take the mug and held it close to her bare chest. She didn't drink right away, instead looking to Katyusha and biting her lip.

"I... n-no, I've never had any... I'd need to get use to them! B-besides, I... I'd rather~..."

She'd bring the mug to her mouth, her eyes closing as she drank the tea from the container. Unlike the various other members who were scouts she had served with the company as such for many years, the stories going that she had been saved by Gridon in some distant land back when they were still growing.

"I know plenty of m-men who think of me tough and strong, but... I... I'm not like you. A-And Miss Healer, don't sell yourself short..."

Running a hand through her hair, she raised the mug and seemed to chug it more quickly with the resolve expected of a soldier. Once it was empty, a soft slurp sounding as she finished it off, she'd lower the mug with a relaxing sigh and set her eyes on Helwen with a mix of determination and toughness at the residual pains not quite covered by the medicinal drink.

"Aralisk will have fortune on us... she saved me from a life of slavery. I know there's someone out there for me... I just need to pray for my fortune that she and her son work in harmony... that's all."


Gridon smirked, thankfully either not picking up on Nine's feelings or choosing to ignore it, before he'd start moving for the door. The sound of clunking furniture and grunting, however, brought him to a halt as he turned his gaze toward the double-doors leading to Arabore's chambers. Not but a moment later, the door opened and the greasy man himself walked out. Wearing an improperly-fitted vest that exposed a somewhat distended stomach and brown pants, he was a man of almost the same stature as Gridon at a height of six feet and six inches tall. Tugging a slave girl by her hair, he slung her ahead of him, the brown-haired girl in rags crying out and curling up as the man spat at her.

"Fuckin' worthless! Learn to cook!"

His eyes turned toward Gridon, the large man motionless as he stared at the human who he'd known for so many years. With a bald head and quite a few wrinkles already forming across his flesh, Arabore looked the age he actually was if not older. The slave rose to her hands and knees, crawling away the horrible man in charge of the company smirked.

"Heading out somewhere Gridon? Maybe we should ride together! Find some women from the Republic to take on!" "You must be drunk if you believe we've the coin for-" "For sluts!? Come on, Gridon! What happened to the guy who fucked half a continent in a single night!?"

The fat man started over, laughing obnoxiously as Gridon narrowed his eyes with clear annoyance. Arabore didn't make it very far, however, before looking to Nine with a snort.

"Another new guy? You should be finding us more women, not loading our ranks with more dicks! What's your name, greenhorn?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Nine," he replied flatly, surprised that the man in charge had apparently already forgotten him. From what little time Nine had spent around Arabor, he could already see why so many people in the company seemed eager for a change in leadership. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen then started to put new bandage on Jen wounds. When it was over she took a backpack, put her drawing in it and some small container. Then said "everyone is ready to go ?" She was helping Jen get up from her bed. "Katyusha could you get us three horse I don't want Jen to walk around the camp like this. Her wounds could reopen"


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Katyusha gave Jen a funny look before shrugging the woman's response off and nodding to Helwen and setting off in search of a trio of horses.


Jun 24, 2016
The alcohol-loving mercenary wouldn't have to go very far, the horses of the unit housed in a stable-like lean-to that had been erected against the side of the inn. Unlike most mercenaries that had bought horses, the ones they had were gifted or captured. Jen's mare could be identified right away by its brown coat and green-dyed mane, the animal letting out a snort of air as she'd pick out the horses. There'd be slaves nearby to help her handle the beasts if need be, though she'd see a brown-haired girl round the corner from the tavern and run into the arms of a few others. It'd be a pretty clear indicator as to what had caused the woman to come running outside in tears, knowing a very obvious fat man.

Meanwhile, with Helwen supporting her, Jen was resting heavily against the healer with her hands on the new bandages. She didn't try to recover her weapon, instead turning her eyes to the healer as if she were studying her. She'd rest her head on the innocent woman's shoulder after a moment, sniffing against her and pulling back only to put on an awkward smile.

"Sorry... you uh... don't smell weird. There's not a lot of us who worry about how we smell in the company. H-Helwen, I-I'd like to ask you why you're helping us... me. At least as a slave, you wouldn't be expected to do more than feel pleasure, but as an equal you will have to see battle at some point. Don't you worry about what... could happen to you?"


"Nine? Right... right. Sorry if I forget for a while, the women of our company are far more memorable!"

Arabore let out another laugh, Gridon sighing and looking away as the man moved up between the two and finally sat at the counter. The stool strained under his gut, but didn't break by some miracle.

"Gridon, get this guy outta here. Go and handle the town's mayor. The damn woman is persistent in her efforts to declare herself a free woman... but she's my property. Fix that."

The man didn't look at the cleaver-wielding giant, causing Gridon to narrow his eyes. He'd reach a hand out to grab hold of the large guy's shoulder, Arabore turning his head in some fear. But no strike came, only a nod from Gridon and a pat as he pulled the hand away.

"Nine, let's go across the square and visit the mayor. We'll leave Arabore to his drink."

Without looking back to the newest member of the Company, he'd walk past him and toward the doors as Arabore banged the counter to summon a drink. The difference in the two men was great, both in appearance and personality, but it was clear that they somehow still had the ability to work together. Gridon would push the doors open and walk outside, standing in the square and looking just about straight across and beyond the fountain to the one large building in the plaza that wasn't re-purposed for the mercenaries. Now devoid of much of its decorations in favor of sprucing up the other buildings, the rather plain-looking building on the outside had once been the local town leader's noble-house. And inside had lived the noble who sold this place... and now his tenth and eleventh children who had been sold along with the town. Twin siblings by the name Eris and Erin, they had so far been able to stay clear of all but Gridon and Arabore... but handling them would be Nine's first job, it seemed.