The Golden Venture (RP/IC Thread)


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Katelyn slowly pulls her clothes back on with shaky hands, still recovering from her first orgasm. She slowly stands up, proping herself up against a tree and panting heavily.

She turns a bright red colour at his casual talk of fucking her. "W....what do you mean by that?!?" She picks up her crossbow, looking relieved to finally have the familiar weapon in her hands, the girl holsters it and walks over to the cages, still recovering. "And umm, thanks for the help." She says in a quiet voice before looking at the tied up orc and the caged.

"Well i would say we should take them back home but......" She looks sad as she studies the sex crazed faces of the slaves. "It looks like their minds are too far gone to even know their own name let alone where they lived."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"My whole life I lived following what my god said, no what the church said... Where am I now... Living in rag as a slave, in the middle of nowhere... I think it's time for me to take my fate in my hands and to stop relying on fate and destiny... Still I am probably accepting a deal with a demon..."

 Helwen was clearly in shock. Then she started to look at her dirty and broken clothes, her nails full of grimes and her body victim of malnourishment.

 "What i've I to lose in this deal. Nothing" Helwen was starting to smile. The feeling of control was something now to her, never in her life she made a meaningful choice about her future. "Never will I accept to wear such rags again" She said while ripping what was left of her religious robes. 

"Who ever you are, demon, I accept your deal" Helwen said standing naked. 


Jun 24, 2016
No response came to Helwen as she played around with her new powers and ripped her clothing off to leave her naked in the woods. With her having accepted such powers, however, she could feel her body was something more. Not that she could change her inert strength or speeds, but the size and shape. It was only then that he would receive a single thought and command from the new deity watching over her. And it came, of course, just as Jen's voice could be heard as the scout no doubt had followed to look for the healer. She was holding onto her horse, having redressed considerably and looking quite ashamed of herself. In her free hand hand, it seemed she had even found the flower they had come to retrieve. The scout hadn't spotted Helwen's naked form, however, as the command came once more with true meaning to a mortal tongue.

She is fertile. Make her carry your child.


"Then we take them back to town and put them in a brothel. Their holes work, even if their minds don't."

Otto's voice had come without hesitation, looking down to the orc and then back to the wagon once more. Moving to bind the large orc to the wagon, it seemed he had made the choice simple enough now that she had pointed out the sole fact that prevented them from simply abandoning the prisoners. With the orc tied to the front of the wagon, he'd cut enough of the bindings to expose the orc's legs. It was clear he was intending to use the feral monster like a horse to continue pulling it, the ranger taking enough time to prepare a leash-like control rope for himself. One final tug to stir their orc hostage was all it took to get him rising from the dirt, the beast thankfully bound around the mouth and ultimately silencing him, but the look he gave them made it clear he'd rather be raping the duo. A quick tug to the leash to make the beastly monsterman notice his situation, however, was all it took before Otto looked to Kate with a frown.

"Anyhow, you can stay here... but I'm going back to our town. If you want a job or just want to stick around until I find a way to get a dick again, why not come along?


While a mercenary woman was getting turned into the breeding ground for a tentacle man, one feminine boy had reached the town. Willow as she was called would find the town's walls guarded by strangely different-looking guards, the town's slave population working and moving about alongside similarly unique mercenaries. But Willow didn't have to get very far before she'd hear a loud and powerful moan from one of the tents. It appeared quite large, the opening revealing just enough to show a tattoo-covered man on his back with a blonde, blue-eyed woman straddling and riding his cock. The two guards outside the tent symbolized that the person was important, two twins tied up outside the tent on their knees. The duo were a female and a male, the male trying to peek inside to watch the fucking while the female seemed desperately trying to keep her eyes closed. Willow could see and read the sign being hammered into the ground beside the slaves, marked with a simple "Pay to Use" on it, but would have options on how he proceeded. This town certainly seemed friendly for the most part to its slaves, however, as many willingly appeared to ride the various soldiers and occasional free man or free woman. It seemed Willow had found a place where being a slave wasn't even that bad!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow walked about town, looking left and right taking in the sights and seeing what there is to be seen while thinking out loud to himself. "This doesn't make any sense...some of these slaves seem happy to be here! Are they all brain washed? No, I doubt that...maybe they are all just broken from years of use...I have seen that more than I would care to think about." Seeing the sign 'pay to use' was tempting, but he had very little money to his name, certainly not enough to use a slave...even if he wanted to be on top for once. With a resigned sigh he looked for a place to get some cheap food, his rations having run out a while ago.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Kate looks around the clearing, then back to Otto. She holds her hand to her chin for a bit then seems to come to a decision. "If you would take me, I'd be glad to come with you for that job. I don't suppose we could take a stop at this village on the way to pick up my payment?." She hops up onto the wagon, now fully clothed, and pulls out a crude map. "It's just down here." She points to a town on the map and a red X, the clearing they are currently in connected by a curving black line that represents a road. "Are you sure this asshole won't try something?" She loads a bolt into her crossbow and pokes the back of the orcs head with it, she sits back but keeps the deadly weapon trained on him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
It was the first time Helwen was fully seeing a cock in her life. Sure she saw a few dicks before but it was the dick of her patient she never fully took time to observe the thing. The residual arousing from her encounter with Jen mixed with the magic affecting Helwen gave her a boner extending to a solid 7". But the sound of someone walking in the forest broke her concentration. than she saw Jen.

Helwen knew that she would have to obey to the voice. "Jen tried to rape me... Even if it is wrong she must pay... It's not like I am doing this to an innocent girl..." With a simple thought Helwen made her genitals return to her natural feminine state, "Jen you followed me? I am sorry I must have overreacted. I see you have found the flower we were seeking! Good work like this must be rewarded"


Jun 24, 2016
As Helwen apologized and moved to compliment her, the wounded scout smiled rather shyly. With a light blush, she'd offer the poisonous flower to the healer with a quick clear of her throat.

"L-look... I... I didn't mean for things to go... I... I didn't think you weren't into it. I'm not a slut or rapist, I just... a woman gets pent-up being with this company. Don't reward or thank me... I... I found it to hopefully apologize. And... uh... where are your clothes?"


With Kate aboard the slave carrying wagon, Otto examining the map as they started off.

"We can drop by once I regroup and get this oaf put up. Feral Orc have a tendency to find each other when in need of help..."

As they walked, the Orc grunting and watching Otto's hips, Kate and the Orc could see well enough that the ranger... was no man. A nice rump was just visible as the shroud moved with the bow man's stride. Had he lost more than his cock?


Willow wouldn't find any restaurants in this town. After all, the populace had been enslaved and working manual labor. Farming and building, with sex on the side! But, by some bad luck, he'd found his way into the tavern that had remained open. The bartender looked over, moans from the blonde outside loudly reaching through the walls.

"We... aren't serving unless ordered anymore, miss. If you want to eat or drink," the bartender paused as a shrill cry of an orgasm sounded, "You should speak to the man reaming that gal senseless. And uh... tell him his room got cleaned up if he wants to use it and a proper bed..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Miss? No you don't understand...I'm a guy! I...oh never mind, everyone makes that mistake anyway." He sighs and turns around, bashfully approaching the two people locked in what looked like rather aggressive sex. "Umm...sir...I would like to...sir...I..." willow frown and raises his voice. "HELLO! Stop fucking that girl and listen to me would ya!? Yeesh, what do I have to do to get some food around this crazy backwards place?!" 


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
Kate decides to keep such thoughts to herself, thinking it would be rather rude to say something out loud about it. "Hmm ok then, how far away is this place we're going to first then? I don't have any money left and I really need this payment by tonight so I can buy some food and a room in an inn." Despite trying her best she takes a few sideways glances at the androgynous man's shapely ass and hips, some of the potions effects still lingering as she normally wouldn't take notice of such things.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Jen commentary on Helwen clothes made her snap back in reality. "My clothes well... Let's just say they tried to fight some tree ... As you can see the tree won" Helwen story was clearly made up, lying was not her best skill. "It's getting late, I need to be back in town, I don't want to be late for Arabore medical check, last time I was late he said he would sell me as a sex slave" Helwen was scared at the tought. "Jen it's getting late we need to go back at the town, Kat will make it by herself she probably on the way back to us" while saying this she was already untying her horse from a tree nearby, and jumping on the sadle. 
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Jun 24, 2016
Jen definitely didn't buy the story, but she did take her time to slowly and carefully mount her own horse. They had places to be as the sun began its descent in the sky. There was still time in the day yet, but it was vital for Helwen that she make the check with her flower in-tow to properly poison and proceed their plan.

"Well, if... g-guh... you say so. When we get back, just... we'll say Kat found a guy and decided to fuck his brains out or something."

The woman moved a hand to her still damp and exposed stomach as she caught her breath. While she had looked tired and not too well-off, it seemed even getting off hadn't helped her much. She looked exhausted and about ready to sleep atop her horse. The ride back to town wouldn't take long, the two hearing someone shout at what could only be Gridon rutting his woman somewhere in the town. After all, you had to be fairly loud to get above the cries of that ex-pirate woman...


"Well," the ranger said with all-eyes-on-datass, "not very long... another few minutes hopefully. Now that we're not needing to move quietly..."


Kate could hear one of the slaves moaning behind her, one of the females mounting one of the trappy males inside and now smacking their hips together with her hands on his chest. It was clear they were getting antsy, much to the disdainful but smirking orc even as he was forced to haul them to no-doubt safety. The potion's after-effects would still be picking at her system with the lust of hearing (if not watching!) the slaves going at it. She'd find her eyes drawn longer and more often toward the other human's concealed form as they moved through the woods. She'd need to endure a while longer to avoid letting her urges get the better of her!


Back outside and shouting at the two, Willow was making a scene. Specifically, Reya looked back and shot him a look as she rode a cock that was easily ten inches long and probably two or three inches thick. A real bitch-breaker. The gal was breathless and red in the cheeks from exertion as she hilted herself and the man beneath her cursed and sat up. Pulling her against his muscled chest, the giant man known as Gridon looked at the one who had insisted on stopping him from his duties to his lover of a slave.

"You've got my attention... and unless you want me to put you on the ground and let the guys in the company take a spin at you, you'd better use my time wisely. If you want to eat, then you join or you sell yourself to slavery. Considering Reya here was wanting her cock and I still have to think of a way to train those two out there, I'm leaning toward slapping a collar on you so you'll at least get manners... but if you want to join just go inside and wait. Tell that bastard that Gridon said to give you some bread and a drink and I'll be in after I'm done here!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow backed up a few steps when he got a good look at the sheer size of the man...and he was just sitting up! With a shudder Willow takes a more submissive tone and looks at the floor. "R-right...sorry about that I was just...yea...I will just leave you two alone. I will be inside whenever you feel like...doing...whatever. Yea" With a few more muttered words the little wyvern shuffled back into the bar and walked up to the counter. "Umm, excuse me...that giant guy out there, Gridon, said I could have some bread and water while I waited in here."


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
The effects of the potion is a lot weaker but it hasn't gone away just yet, thankfully she manages to control herself and decides conversation is probably the best way to distract herself from the still alien feeling. " what did you mean by if you still had your dick? Not to be rude but, you do look more like a girl than a guy." She curses under her breath for the first thing she thinks to say being sexual in nature but she is still curious. After all Otto does look androgynous but there is no way any man would have hips and an ass like that, even the mostly innocent Kate knows that!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"What am I thinking, I cannot make Jen pregnant she is the only reasons, beside Arabore health, that I did not end like the other unlucky girl, beign used as fuck toy by the whole company. If she become pregnant she will be out of combat for a year. It's been two week since her accident and already Arabore and Gridon are getting impatient for her return. If I do this I am dead or worse".

 Helwen was finally back in town. Then she realised that she was naked in front of all the mercenary. "I forgot about my clothes, I will need new ones, the girls in the tavern should have that" Helwen jumped from her horse and started to run toward the tavern while trying to cover her tits from the lustfull gaze of the mercenary.
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Jun 24, 2016
Both Willow and Helwen had different reasons, but as one fled from the sight of an angry and big-dicked demon while the other abandoned Jen, they'd come into the same building. The barkeep at least smiled at the nude form of Helwen, enjoying the view momentarily before pulling some food and drink out.

"You can find a slave dress... or gown, whatever, in the back. That fatty is napping, so just go quietly to get it unless you like being nude. Maybe this pretty boy wouldn't mind sharing clothes with you since they need to eat."


Otto was slowing to a halt as the eyes of both the Orc and Kate set on him, but the man didn't turn until the question finished. Grumbling, he'd brush back his cloak a bit to reveal the very feminine, curvy hips.

"I mean... I got cursed. By a monster-worshipped God or something. So... it means I'm technically not a man these days. Rather than having a cock most pure humans could be jealous of, I was given a cunt. My body even changed... otherwise I could fire my bow far faster."

Turning and unintentionally flashing her a nice sight of his hips moving, the female-bodied male chuckled.

"I bet you're considering eating me out. I have no plans on touching that or letting anyone do it. I can't imagine being the one taking dick, on top or the bottom. No telling what would happen if I got stuck like this..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow sighed as he grabbed the food offered to him. "Yea... you can borrow my cloak if you need it, might be a tad small but better than walking around stark naked right?" He moved over to an empty table on the side, not really watching to see if Helwen followed or not.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen knew that waking Arabore from its afternoon nap was a bad idea. So she took Willow offer. His cloak was too small, but Helwen was only a little bit taller than him. It was enought to cover what was needed to be covered. Than Helwen asked the barkeep for some food and followed Willow. Willow got her curiosity, it the first someone in the town gave her something without asking Helwen to speak her legs in exchange. "So you are a new here. What is your name? And how did you get in this horrible town?" She asked while sitting at the table


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"My name is Willow and I got here by walking. this entire place confuses me. Some of the slaves here look happy to be slaves, while others are miserable. There also doesn't seem to be any form of order, people just do whatever they want. I am quickly beginning to think coming here was a bad idea... but I am out of food and have no money so my options are to be here or starve on the road."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"You are right I have only seen complete chaos since I was brought here. I don't know why the majority of the slaves seems to be so happy about their fate as object to be used by the mercenary" Helwen was looking down at the soup she was given with a look of disgust "Starving on a road could have been a better choice... But if you have some skill you can live without fearing too much about being killed or worse. So you drafted into the band, so you are a mercenary of some short?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
" I mean, I can throw a good punch but that doesn't actually make me a mercenary now does it? I am actually a run away slave from Eroth. I was tired of being treated like some sort of trophy but even more tired of being used as that slimy mans cock sleeve. Every night he would take me, every night! Even more so, he got tired of needing lube so had me altered so I produce lubricant like a girl. I felt degraded and angry after that so... I may have hit him in the neck with my tail." He lifts his long scaled tail, wiggling the tip at Helwen with a smile. "He was out like a light so I ran for it. Been running since then."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Helwen chuckled when Willow mimicked how he escaped "So you are runaway like me, your story is awful, and I thought my life was hard. If you are not part of the mercenary what are you doing here even getting food, habitually when a newcomer doesn't know how to fight they enslave them or they get told to go away"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I don't have much choice now do I? I don't want to starve and I don't know where else I could go. However... they don't know I can't really fight right now. Maybe I can trick them into signing on as a mercenary? If that happens... maybe... maybe I could help you? If I get my own tent, I could at least give you breaks every now and again. Call you in under the guise of having sex, then just relax for a while?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I have to refuse your proposition, I am doing fine right now, no one in the town would dare to touch me, I am under the protection of Arabore, the leader of this band, and I have a room for me on the second floor... But thank you, kindness is a rare around here. And your cover up wouldn't have worked, I am a pristess, I made a Chastity vow. If you want a place to sleep tonight I can make some room for you tonight"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow blushes and stammers out his reply. "I..I am so sorry, I had no idea you were... please forgive me I just assumed you had... oh gods above this is embarrassing." He takes a few minutes to compose himself. "I would happily take your offer for a bed tonight. It would be nice to sleep without having to keep watch over my shoulder for bandits or horny beasts."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"No problem, I have to leave for a couple of minutes, it's time for Arabore daily checkup" Helwen left the table her diner still not touched and entered Arabore room. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Willow nods as she leaves and sets about eating the food provided to him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2016
"! I'm not that type of girl! It's that weird potion from this asshole that made me lewd....." She turns bright red and turns her head to the side, pouting. "A....anyway, how did it happen then? You must've really annoyed a powerful magic user to get them to do something like...." She takes a long look at the feminine curves of Otto, lingering on the swaying hips for a few seconds longer than normal due to the effects of the potion as it slowly works its way out of her system. "Well, like this to you."