The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
(Damn right we couldn't hehe!)

Valira's eyes widened in shock as Sune suddenly appeared behind them, tensing up before she realized who it was. She really shouldn't have been shocked, it was just like Sune to pull something like this, ignoring her question from earlier and deciding to just pop in with no warning. She had managed to get the drop on them, which Valira chalked up to a combination of demonic stealth and her own distracted, compromised state of mind. Sune really was full of surprises, obviously enjoying keeping the rest of the group on their toes, no matter the circumstances. Valira craned her head to try to get a good look at the demoness's gorgeous body, but sadly she failed. Sune's form was obscured by Dirk's own, the sight of her shapely behind, not to mention her knotty cock, just out of the High Elf's visual range. She could see the barest hint of sideboob however as Sune's breasts pressed against Dirk's back.

Speaking of Dirk. Sune's question to him made Valira genuinely curious and more than a little competitive. She could tell what the demon was doing, not only was she teasing both her and Dirk, she was also attempting to one up Valira, to get him to admit that Sune had the better posterior and was the better anal fuck. There was no real malice or jealousy behind it, it was simply a bit of fun, a dirty little competition. That being said, Valira had no intention of losing. Her pride was on the line, not to mention she couldn't let Sune have the last laugh. Returning the demon's gaze and playful smirk with gusto, Valira raised an eyebrow as she too spoke to him without taking her eyes off the other woman.

''Yes Dirk, do tell, who's ass do you prefer? Mine or Sune's?''

Valira's voice was playfully accusatory, making it clear that she was acting catty for the sake of the fun and that she wasn't really upset. Her smirk turned into a smug grin as she heard his answer, moaning softly as she felt him squeeze her ass cheeks as he led up to it. That moan became much louder as Dirk smacked her ass, the vibrations spreading throughout her body and making her shudder in a mixture of pleasure and pain. She knew what Dirk was doing, teasing the demon and getting her riled up so that she would compete even harder to defeat her Elven rival. Valira couldn't wait to see Dirk ''test'' and compare the two of them, like they were nothing but choice pieces of meat for him to savour. The question was, would he prefer Asharan or Infernal? Before she could reply to his answer however, Valira let out a yelp as the tentacles dragged her into the air and held her in place. Valira let out a moan of pleasure and pain as they roughly yanked her away from Dirk, his cock slipping out of her asshole with a loud plop and a most undignified sound that almost sounded like flatulence. As it did so, a torrent of cum began to leak out, falling into the water and leaving part of it a cloudy mess. Valira grimaced at that, a blush forming on her face. She didn't have time to be embarrassed however, as the tentacles began to assault her body, moaning loudly as she felt them grope and rub every inch of her. Valira's body was even more sensitive than usual so soon after orgasm, so the pleasure she felt was increased several fold. She turned to see that Daisy and Akalfa were experiencing the same thing she was, the sight of them in such a lewd and compromised position turning her on even more.

Beneath the arousal and the pleasure however, Valira felt a mixture of annoyance and respect towards Sune. It was clear that Dirk's statement had struck a nerve with the demoness, hence her rather extreme reaction. She had used her powers to remove any potential competition for Dirk's affections and had gotten a bit of revenge on Valira for fucking him. While she felt flustered and embarrassed, she had to admire the demons ingenuity, not to mention her moxie. That being said, she wasn't about to just let her get away with this. She knew that if they wanted they could just order her to drop them by using her true name, but that seemed a bit unfair. Valira wanted to defeat the demoness using her own wits, using magic like that would be cheating. Suddenly, she hit upon an idea, just barely poking through the haze of pleasure that her mind was slowly falling into second by second. Moaning like an animal in heat, Valira just managed to speak a few words in a shaky and husky voice.

''B-Bad Sune, interrupting m-my time with D-Dirk, not to mention Daisy and Akalfa's f-fun. W-What's wrong? Afraid that you won't win without these t-tentacles to give you an edge? Worried that Dirk might c-choose me over you if you don't stack the deck? Let me and the others down and let's let Dirk d-decide who.... oh fuck!''

Valira couldn't help cursing as she felt one of the tentacles lightly graze her throbbing clit, eliciting a jolt of pleasure and a mini orgasm that rocked her body for a brief few seconds. Her pussy squirted just a little as she moaned loudly, biting her lip in an effort to remain focused and not allow herself to be subsumed by the incredible feeling. While she was enjoying the tentacles immensely, as she could tell Daisy and Akalfa were as well, she also knew that it wasn't what they had originally had in mind. While they could allow the writhing appendages to bring them to orgasm, indeed would relish it, she figured that they all would be against Sune taking almost complete control of the situation.

While it was hot as fuck to be dominated by the demoness, as was the form such a thing took, it completely disrupted their plans and removed their agency. They had to at least make the attempt to regain control, even if the High Elf found it unlikely that Sune would take the bait, especially given how much she was clearly enjoying watching them moan and squirm. Still, it was worth a shot. Besides, it was a win win situation as far as Valira was concerned. If Sune agreed than she and Valira would enjoy a threesome together with Dirk while Akalfa and Daisy went back to savouring each other nearby. If she refused, then they would cum their brains out while watching Dirk fuck the ever loving hell out of the demon, probably throwing quite a bit of pleasure in along with the pain to punish the upstart creature. Either way, the outcome would be pleasurable for them all.

As she watched Sune passionately kiss Dirk while waiting for the demon's response, she mused that this was the third time that she had been had been manhandled by tentacles during this journey. She was curious to know how Sune summoned the things, not only would they be useful against enemies but they would make amazing sex toys. The incredible pleasure she was experiencing, turning her brain to mush and making her moan and groan like a depraved whore were more than evidence of that. Besides, Valira wouldn't mind giving the demon a taste of her own medicine one of these days. Not that she thought Sune would just outright tell her, if it were possible to learn she would have to be sneaky about it. Normally she wouldn't invade another beings privacy like that, it was the height of rudeness. But this situation was different, Sune had fired the first shot and retaliation was clearly in order. Besides, it wasn't as if she would make a habit of it or use the ability for untoward ends. It was just a mischievous little prank, not something Valira was known for but there was a first time for everything, right? Valira idly wondered whether Dirk would want to help her in that little scheme, giggling inwardly as she imagined the look on Sune's face as she was pranked by the two most unlikely practical jokers in the world.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk's soft whine of disappointment at being drawn away turned into a muffled moan of contentment as Sune claimed his mouth for herself. He wrapped his arms across her shoulders and pulled their bodies closer together while the demoness' flexible tongue had its way with his. He brought his hips forward, grinding his own twitching member against her bestial length as the kiss continued.

His ears perked up at Valira's words, and he shot her a vaguely understanding glance out of the corner of his half-lidded eyes, but it was difficult for him to concentrate under Sune's oral assault. At the very least, she could have asked them first.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa's face was a deep purple hearing both her lover and Daisy's words. Biting her lip in anticipation. Valira knew just what to say, and was exactly right that Akalfa would love nothing more than a little rough scrub down by the beautiful witch.

"Valira is quite right. I cannot lie, I would adore nothing more
. You can be as rough as you'd like. Wherever you see fit."

Akalfa said with a shaky smile, speaking with honesty despite her shy feelings. Her pussy was wet and ready for the taking, throbbing, begging for the slightest touch; there was no way she could hide her desire, nor did she want to. She was just as needy to be devoured as the witch surely wanted to do the same to her. Eagerly embracing Daisy's incredibly soft touch, fur comparable to that of velvet or silk. Each caress feeling better than the last. The predatory look in her eyes only furthering the Dark Elf's excitement and arousal. Being stared down like prey by an apex predator on the hunt. Her scent an intoxicating ambrosial perfume, mixed with something a little more primal and hungry. Hearing Valira and Dirk go at it made her even more wet. She could almost cum hearing Valira's dirty exclamations, unaware her lover could be so submissive, so...relatable. Yes, she too knowing what it was like to enjoy being on the bottom, getting roughly taken and loving every second of it. Akalfa could almost feel jealous, wishing for a moment she too could have a cock and join in the fun, or better yet feel Dirk's manhood for the first time herself, lovingly holding Valira and Daisy's hand the entire way through as she was fucked silly. Damn it all, that demoness needed to share that glorious cock every once it a while, it wasn't fair! But her newest companion's coming approach was more than enough to satisfy the horny little Dark Elf. Daisy towering over her only made Akalfa's heart flutter.

She sighed in pleasure being rubbed down by the tall bunny-witch, absorbing every bit of affection greedily, dying for just another touch. Daisy's hands lingering on the more tender parts of her flesh left the sorceress panting under her breath, breathing labored and slow feeling the heat in her core rise. The warm water just felt so good, as did the witch's habile palms. She could make a fortune with those hands of hers. Akalfa unable to keep her moans silenced as Daisy's hand made it's way towards her sensitive inner thighs. The Dark Elf grinding her hips against Daisy's hands in an attempt to get her to touch her pussy, to no avail. The torturous teasing both giving ecstasy and near-painful need.

"Ah, please, no more teasing! I need it so badly Daisy!" Her eyes were pleading, almost akin to a puppy asking for a treat as she stared the witch down.

Before her request could be answered however, the tentacles springing forth from the water momentarily jump scared the elf, worried about another adversary until she noticed Sunelarra. That naughty demon! Sneaking up and waiting for the right opportunity to get some pleasure for herself. Not like she didn't earn it though, Akalfa had to admit. The slick appendages rubbing about her most sensitive spots making the Dark Elf groan out in ecstasy. God's was she close! And the sorceress doubted Daisy would appreciate Sune stealing the Dark Elf's first climax. So for the sake of fairness she held out, riding the heavenly precipice being stimulated on all sides. The noises she was making were surely indecent, and probably loud enough to break a glass. Though, enraptured as she was, Akalfa just couldn't be bothered to quiet down.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Upon seeing Valira's reaction to the tentacle grazing her clit, Sune smiled. "I don't need any help at all, but it looks like you might just have a taste for tentacles. Why don't you enjoy yourself, while the rest of us figure out who Dirk likes best?" she replied. At that, the tentacles holding Daisy, and Akalfa let go, and swarmed Valira, who found herself under the full effect of their assault. A pair wrapped around her prodigious breasts, twice over, and began to squeeze them in turn, as if they were the udders of a cow. Others, slithered over her ass cheeks, and rubbed her inner thighs. A pair began rubbing, poking, and prodding at her pussy, and asshole, though neither one ever penetrated her. Worse of all, one particularly thin one, began flicking her clit, mercilessly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
(But of course. These things tend to happen when you're enjoying yourself.)

Daisy smiled at Akalfa's reactions, relishing in caressing and teasing the poor sub. She knew that the blushing dark elf wanted to be treated rough, and that the best way to drag out the torment was to go gently. At first, at least. Gently lead her through the first one or two orgasms before really letting her have it. These plans were interrupted, however, as Sune decided to coil them all in tentacles. All but Dirk, at least. The fiend's plan was obvious, she wanted to hog Dirk all for herself. Well that wouldn't do at all. Daisy struggled against the tentacles, moving them far more than Sune probably expected her to be able to, as they caressed and teased her most sensitive regions. It elicited a small whine out of the were rabbit before her eyes turned back to the one controlling the tentacles.

"Hey! I don't mind this kind of treatment, but at least save it for after I finish playing with Akalfa!" Daisy protests, just as the tentacles drop her back into the water. She watched as the slimy appendages that were assailing her moved over to Valira, intending to violate her further instead. She didn't really mind all that much, Valira already got her chance to play with Dirk after all. She wanted to have a go at the high elf as well, but that could wait. The ones that piqued her interest at the moment were Akalfa and Dirk.

"Oh? Is this a competition now? Well, go ahead and take a squeeze then Dirk." Daisy asked as she walked over to where Sune was grinding on Dirk, very clearly taking her words as a challenge. Once she was next to them, she grabbed Dirk's hand and placed it onto her rear. Her ass was probably the second smallest, only larger than Dirk's, and the same could be said for her tits. Though she definitely looked the most fit of the group, at least in her transformed state. Her body was more firm than it was soft, though there was a comfortable amount of give as he squeezed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira appreciated Dirk's look of support, even if it was clear he was rather unfocused due to Sune distracting him in the intensely pleasurable way that she was. She didn't blame him for not breaking the kiss to verbally voice his displeasure with Sune's behaviour, not only was his mind and body as sluggish as her own, Sune wasn't exactly giving him the opportunity to let go. Valira glared at the demon's words, but there was no real anger in it. If anything she found being talked down to by the other woman in such a manner arousing, even if she was a bit miffed all the same. Those mixed feelings increased as she noticed Daisy approach the pair of them, taking what had once been Valira's position. She didn't mind too much though, after all Daisy competing with Sune for Dirk's affections would be an incredibly arousing sight to behold, not to mention she had already gotten a turn with the human so it was only fair. Valira knew that Daisy would give the demon a run for her money, and would punish her in Valira's stead. She was also gratified by the fact that Daisy and Akalfa had been set free, even if it had been at her expense. The thought that Akalfa would also join in turned her on even more, even as she was put out at being left out. Valira had no time to dwell on all that however as the tentacles began to truly ravage her defenceless body.

Valira moaned loudly, the sound turning into a whine half way through as she felt the slimy things grope and squeeze her huge breasts, flicking her nipples like they were oh so many skilled fingers. If she had been lactating she would have been milked dry, Valira almost wishing she was just to enhance the already wonderful feeling swirling through her tits. They were rough, but not overly so, as if they knew just how much pressure and pain to inflict upon her massive mammaries, along with all the incredible pleasure. The ones groping and rubbing over her ass felt just as amazing, that area still sensitive due to Dirk's earlier attention. She groaned harshly as she felt it massage the hand print that Dirk had left on her cheeks earlier, hurting slightly but in a delicious way. The tentacles rubbing along her inner thighs felt teasing, like they were warming her up for the main event, almost like a considerate lover. That came in the form of the pair that began to assault her pussy and asshole, eliciting shaky moans and guttural growls as it did so. Valira felt frustration as neither one of them actually penetrated her, willing the appendages to give her what she so desperately wanted. Her ass was still sensitive but she didn't care, she wanted, no needed something inside of her. As it happened, Valira soon forgot about that particular wish as she felt a long, thin tentacle begin to roughly tease her aching clit.

''F-fuck! T-That feels fucking incredible I-I can't hold back! Its going to make me cum, a f-fucking tentacle is going to make me cum from my pussy! R-right there! D-Don't stop, don't you dare stop you dirty fucking thing! HOLY FUCK I'M CUMMMMMMMIIIIIING! I'M SQUIRTING AS A TENTACLE PLAYS WITH MY CLIIIIIIIITTTTTT! IT FEELS FUCKING AMAZINGGGGGGGGG!

At that, Valira's orgasmic scream pierced the afternoon air, her entire body shuddering as she squirted hard, soaking some of the tentacles as she did so. Her tongue lolled out of her head as her eyes were filled with a look that was glassy and unfocused, her mind drowning in pleasure as her orgasm filled every cell in her body to bursting. It seemed to go on for ages, Valira could just not stop squirting! When this was all said and done, not only would she need to rest her throat for a while ( an annoying but tolerable fate for a chatterbox like Valira) but she would also be left rather dehydrated. Finally, after what seemed like millenia, her pussy juices were reduced to a trickle and then finally stopped, the immense shudders and spasms finally subsiding along with them. If it wasn't for the tentacles holding her aloft Valira would have collapsed and fell into the lake right then and there. The others would have had to pull her up as she was in no condition to keep herself up under her own power in that moment. As it stood, she simply stood where she was, head held low as she did her best to catch her breath and regain her sense of equilibrium. She felt exhausted and her body was covered in sweat but she wasn't done yet, aiming to watch what would happen next unfold and hopefully join in when she had fully recovered. She gave a small, shaky smile at Akalfa and the others to let them know she was indeed alright, even as she blushed in slight embarrassment at her filthy display.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The tentacles loosened their grip on Valira, but didn't let go, instead holding her up on her wobbly legs, hands above her head, while they began peppering her with tiny pokes, as if kissing every inch of her body. Then, one rose up to hover in front of her mouth. It sat there for a brief moment, before moving forward to gently press against her lips. Two of the once she had squirted on did the same to her pussy, and ass, gently pressing, but not forcing their way in... yet.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira sighed in contentment as she felt the tentacles poke her, making her giggle a bit as they did so. Valira's eyes widened slightly as one of the tentacles moved towards her mouth, kissing it softly as it pressed against her lips. She kissed it tentatively, like one might due to a partner after a bout of vigorous fucking. The things phallic shape only added to the feeling, as if she was about to be face fucked by a rock hard cock and this was foreplay before it actually happened. She continued to kiss up and down its slimy length, eyes lidded as she did so. Opening her mouth just slightly, she began to lick at it too, small and short swirls and strokes that filled her mouth with a strange, but not unpleasant taste. It was salty and bitter, not unlike a penis, and Valira moaned as she felt it on her tongue.

She moaned even louder as she felt another pair of the wriggling things pressing against her pussy and ass, eliciting a shudder that down her spine. Valira was grateful that they were being so tender and delicate with her, clearly giving her the time she needed to recover before fucking her properly. Valira didn't know how intelligent the tentacles were, she knew that Sune controlled them but they clearly had some agency of their own. Perhaps they were subconsciously influenced by Sune's own desires? If so, then this betrayed a side of the demon that she had never new existed, a more caring and gentle facet to the normally mischievous woman's personality. It would make sense, after all Sune was a masochist and so she would know just how she would wish to be treated after a good, hard fucking. After care was an important part of any self respecting dominant's job after all. If it was just the tentacles doing their own thing without any input, perhaps they were smarter than Valira had first assumed. She didn't think they were sapient, but they may have been possessed of a certain animal cunning at the very least, perhaps akin to a friendly dog or cat.

That possibility, combined with the pleasure they had brought her and the gratitude she felt towards them, motivated Valira's loving and respectful treatment of the tentacles. She would not engage with them as disposable sex toys, but the same as she would any other partner. They had earned that right, even if Valira felt a little silly anthropomorphising them like that. Then again, who knew? Perhaps they would be grateful and if it was the same group of tentacles that was summoned every time, she could develop a real rapport with them. That would not only make any further interactions between them even more pleasurable, it might also make her plan to prank Daisy even easier to accomplish. Valira considered these outlandish possibilities as she continued to tenderly kiss and suck the tentacle in front of her mouth, even giving it a look of deep affection as she did so. She blushed a bit in embarrassment at that, wondering what the others might think if they saw, but she didn't stop or look away. After all, it wouldn't hurt to try right?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk fidgeted uncomfortably in between Daisy and Sune. He'd rather hoped to avoid becoming the center of attention like this...

Still, it was happening anyway, with or without his input. He let go of Sune's shoulder to feel Daisy's backside with both hands. The witch may have been less shapely than the others, but her firm, muscular body had an allure all its own - equal parts intimidating, and arousing... He squeezed and massaged her taut ass, tracing his thumbs around the base of her fluffy little tail before his hands moved down to feel the soft fur around her thighs. Now and again he glanced over to make sure Valira was doing okay, but she seemed to be quite enjoying the tendrils' personal attentions, if her cries of ecstasy were anything to go by.

"You're very... impressive, Daisy," he said, looking up at her with a glint in his eye that teetered on a blade's edge between assertiveness and meek submission. He'd been doing a good job with taking charge of late, but his deeper instincts really liked the idea of yielding to the lithe, amazonian bunny-girl... "Different from how I remember, but it's a good look for you."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Valira felt the two tentacles begin pushing in, slowly, stretching her womanhood, and anus, as she lavished the one in front of her with attention. Eventually, they would part her lower lips, and pucker, and slid in, wriggling as they did. The feeling was amazing, as they could go as deep as they needed, and eventually start to hit sweet spots that even Valira didn't know she had.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was close as could be until the tentacles retracted, as did her bewitching partner. Danmmit! She was almost there! A whine leaving her lips as her legs buckled over, sighing as she was seemingly left out. Perhaps this was a case where she would have to be more vocal if she wanted to get fucked at all. Idly touching herself just wouldn't cut it, she wanted some attention and relief too, and soon. Watching everything unfold was simply too much to bare! Speaking of soon...

Slowly walking over, she sheepishly tapped Sunelarra on the shoulder. She was nervous asking but she couldn't have wanted it more.

" wouldn't happen to have any more tentacles, would you? Perhaps enough for a second elf?"

Her smile was innocent but the glint in her eyes certainly wasn't.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune smiled, wickedly, and shook her head. "Nope, fresh out. If you want some slithery fun, you'll have to ask Valira to share," she replied. The high elf did seem to have more than she knew what to do with. Several of the things were just wriggling in the air behind her, as if waiting for the first two fucking her to be done.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy leaned into his hands as they explored her posterior, enjoying the feeling of his dexterous fingers working her toned body. She jumped a bit as he traced his thumbs around her tail, clearly a bit of a weak point for the otherwise intimidating woman. As he reached her thighs, he could feel that they were wet, and not just from the lake she was wading through. She gazed back at him with a very similar look in her eye, though leaning a bit more on the dominant side of the spectrum.

"I'm glad you like it. I was actually a bit worried this body would be a bit of a turn off." Daisy responds, a very light red tint on her cheeks as she looked away a bit. Clearing her throat, she affixed her gaze on Dirk once more, though traces of the blush were still present. "Oh, and I was worried one of you would try and run me through with a sword or something of the sort after seeing me like this. Thanks for not doing that, it would have been really awkward."

One of Daisy's hands traced down Dirk's toned body, feeling the grooves of his abs and the slight swell of his biceps. "You're a bit more scarred than most people I've seen." She idly comments before leaning in to his ear. "It's really fucking hot. I'd love nothing more than to have one of us with our ankles next to our ears as the other one slams your cock deep inside of me." She whispers while pressing herself against his body. He could feel her inhumanly fast heartbeat as his head was pressed against her modest chest.

Daisy blinked as Akalfa finally approached, somewhat brought out of her lustful stupor as she heard the elf's request. It made sense that she'd want to join her lover, rather than allow Dirk to grope her. "I'm staying here. I prefer Dirk over tentacles every time. He has really good fingers." She states, looking at Sune.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira moaned softly as she felt the tentacles stretch out her pussy and asshole, not neglecting the one in front of her mouth for a moment. She moaned loudly as she felt them finally penetrate both of her needy holes, taking the opportunity to take the one before her into her mouth as she sucked and gagged on it earnestly. Gods she felt incredible! Not only was her mouth filled to the brim with a throbbing piece of meat and the intoxicating flavour that came along with it, her pussy and asshole were being absolutely ravished in the same manner. They were so fucking deep, practically reaching both her womb and her stomach, eliciting harsh groans and whining mewling as they discovered parts of her body that Valira hadn't even known existed. Smart or no, these things were damned skilled and Valira's half lidded eyes held a look of pure gratitude as she drifted in a sea of pleasure. While they were being rougher and more insistence, they still took care not to go too far or injure her, Valira feeling her heart pound and face flush at their tender ministrations.

She was so enamoured with what she was experiencing, so focused on the task at hand, that she almost missed what Akalfa was asking Sune. The fact that her lover wanted to join her both touched her heart and turned her on to no end, delighted that they could share such wonderous pleasure together. Valira would be thrilled to give Akalfa as much guidance as she needed to enjoy the tentacles to the fullest, that is if she could get a word out over the pseudo cock currently thrusting inside of her mouth and if she could actually say it in a coherent, non sex drunk way. Regardless, she couldn't wait to have her paramour by her side, hearing her moans of depraved pleasure mingling with her own as they achieved climax together. It was such a delicious thought that Valira drooled a little, spittle falling from her mouth and dropping into the water.

Akalfa needed to hurry though, Valira felt so much pleasure coursing through her body that she knew she couldn't last much longer. She wanted to ride that wave with her lover, to shout their cries of pleasure so loud that any gods up there listening would be sure to hear them, perhaps even blessing them for such a boundless expression of both love and lust. That wasn't exactly likely, but in Valira's delirious state, mind a hazy fog and intoxicated by pleasure, anything seemed possible. Besides, she and Akalfa had overcome unlikely odds before, them being together in the first place was clear evidence of that. Who's to say that their love for each other wasn't enough to draw higher powers attention down upon them? That may have been a matter for clerics or poets to decide, but Valira didn't let that stop her from imagining a thing like that happening, sighing contently between the harsh moans and pulsating fuckmeat inside her mouth.

She heard the conversation between Dirk and Daisy as well, eagerly listening as they flirted with one another. She couldn't hear everything, but she could tell that whatever the were rabbit was whispering into Dirk's ear was very lewd indeed. She chuckled inwardly at Daisy's reply to Akalfa, the were rabbit as blunt as ever. Valira knew that she didn't mean anything by it, she wasn't judging Akalfa's decision. She just knew what she liked and was sticking with it, that was admirable. Besides, she fully agreed with Daisy on the part about Dirk's fingers. In fact she would say that the human was as good with his hands at providing pleasure as the tentacles were, and that was really saying something given their unlimited endurance and supernatural qualities. Valira couldn't wait to hear as the Daisy got to experience those fingers for herself once again, indeed she couldn't wait to hear all three of them, Dirk, Daisy and Sune fucking each others brains out. This wasn't exactly how they had all pictured this going down, but it was no less wonderful for that.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The dominant lean in Daisy's eyes was enough to trip Dirk into the opposite direction. He nuzzled into her bosom, brushing his cock against her furry thigh while caressing her own muscles in return.

"Well, then... I think I know which way we'd both prefer." He smiled, taking hold of her hands (paws?) and letting her take the lead. "Why don't you show us what this form can do? If it's to be a competition, then let's see your talents."


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's thigh pressed back against his cock in response. The feeling of it was strange, a feeling that Dirk hadn't really felt before. The soft, tickling sensation against his glans bordered on addicting. Knowing just what kind of effect she had on him, Daisy decided to tease the rogue a bit more by rubbing her thigh against his manhood. She squeezed his hands in hers, before letting them go. They drifted under his armpits, and Daisy lifted him into the air with ease, putting the two of them at eye level, and breaking contact between her thigh and his dick.

"I'd need you on dry land for that. Not that it would stay dry for long, though." Daisy said, locking lips with Dirk. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, the rough texture of it dominating the inside of his mouth and pressing down on his tongue. Her eyes were lidded, and she maintained eye contact with him as she continued the kiss. Eventually, she pulled away, panting slightly and setting him back on his feet, though with a hand still on his shoulder to support and guide him. She lead him out of the water and onto the rocky shore of the beach, before stopping at the least rough patch of land. "Lay down. And put your feet next to your head." She commanded, finally letting go of his shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was close enough that she could hear Daisy and Dirk'c conversation in full, even if she continued to doze in and out of lucidity due to the intense pleasure that continually racked her body, tentacles positioning inside each of her holes like living dildos. She could tell that Daisy would be taking the lead in this one, Dirk had been dominant so far but it was clear that he was aching to let his submissive side get just as much attention. Not that she blamed him for that, as a switch she fully understood wanting to experience both sides of the coin, even during a single bout of fucking. Besides, the thought of being dominated by the brash and muscular were rabbit was a dream come true and Valira knew that Dirk felt the same. If she had been in his shoes she would have submitted just as easily to her commands, just as eager to be ravished by the beast that had always lurked within their friend. The fact that it was a rabbit of all creatures that Daisy's alter ego took the form of only made it more of a turn on, that incongruity between an animal that was normally cute and defenceless and the raw and aggressive sensuality of their friend being a truly titillating one.

She couldn't see everything that was going on, Daisy obscuring Dirk's body with her own, but she couldn't miss it when she lifted the human into the air like he weighed nothing. Dirk wasn't the heaviest person around in Valira's estimation, but he was still many pounds of densely packed muscle and the fact that the were rabbit had been able to carry him so easily was an impressive testament to her strength. Her powerful legs, in conjunction with those muscular arms, made Daisy quite the powerhouse indeed. Valira was no slouch, but even she would think twice at the idea of facing the therianthrope in hand to hand combat. As the pair began to kiss, staring hungrily into each others eyes, Valira found herself wishing she could be in either of their roles. Not that she was unsatisfied with the treatment she was currently undergoing, the complete opposite in fact. She continued to moan and whine like a wanton slut as the tentacles made her theirs. If anything she was the one being used like a cherished sex toy and she was loving every minute of it.

As she heard Daisy order Dirk to get on dry land, Valira idly thought how ironic it was that they would probably end up dirtier than when they went in. The idea of cleaning had clearly fallen by the wayside for the moment, as they all lost themselves to pleasure. Daisy and Dirk would definitely need a thorough scrubbing to get rid of the sand that cling to them when they were done. Not that Valira was complaining that things had taken this turn, indeed she was positively delighted. As much as she genuinely wanted to get clean, it was so much fun to be dirty! Besides, they could properly wash themselves when they were done, making a proper bath even more enjoyable than it would be normally after they had relieved so much stress. Valira had a feeling that there wouldn't be much of Daisy's soap left over by the time that they were finished, but at least it would be sacrificing itself to a more than worthy cause. Daisy no doubt had more on hand anyway, and even if she did Valira assumed it be too difficult or time consuming to make more, should that become necessary down the road.

Valira couldn't crane her head to see what Dirk and Daisy were doing on shore, but she could get a pretty good idea from the words and tone that the were rabbit used. She had used that position before, reverse missionary or as some called it the amazon position. It was such a turn on, almost as if the woman was fucking the man and not the other way around. It made perfect sense that Daisy would want to do it with Dirk, after all the were rabbit screamed Amazonian, in both body and mind. Valira knew that Dirk was in for the ride of his life, waiting with baited and ragged breath for the sounds of the pairs grunts, moans and screams of pleasure. Valira swore to herself that she would do the same to Dirk at some point, after all if he truly wanted a proper comparison she would have to. Valira knew that would have to be a bit into the future though. She highly doubted that Dirk would be able to stand after Daisy was finished with him, let alone have Valira put him through the same paces. Dirk was going to be quite sore indeed when this was all said and done, and she knew that he would absolutely love it.

Valira was so damn close to orgasm it was a wonder she had lasted as long as she had. She used every ounce of willpower to hold back, desperately wanting to wait until Akalfa was by her side so that they could cum together, perhaps even holding hands as they did so. She was practically sobbing at this point from the pleasure, her body aching for a release that she continued to deny, at least for a little while longer. The sounds of her gags, moans and squeals of pleasure mixed with that of the sloshing sounds emanating from her pussy and the pops of her asshole as the tentacles worked their magic, still giving the one assaulting her mouth a look of pure gratitude and love. She wanted to cum so badly, but still she restrained herself. Even if she couldn't last long enough to cum with her lover, at the very least she wanted the Dark Elf to be as close as possible when she finally squirted her slutty fucking brains out, a front row seat to her boundless lust and depravity.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk tensed up as Daisy hoisted him up to eye level, squirming slightly from nervousness and excitement. His eyes widened in surprise as her lips captured his, only for them to close in contentment as her invading tongue swiftly subdued his own. He moaned into her mouth, clearly enjoying the rough treatment. Something about being absolutely manhandled in such a manner sent a surge of warmth to his already-throbbing erection, which bobbed helplessly in the air between them.

Was this how Akalfa felt all the time?

Dirk gasped for breath as Daisy broke the kiss and set him down, leaning into her hand for support. He gave the two elves a final wave goodbye as Daisy led the way ashore. Fortunately, she'd found a good spot that was more sand than stones.

Lay down, and put your feet next to your head... As he sat down, Dirk tried to envision how this was supposed to work, and gave up. In his inexperienced mind, every configuration left either his legs or his butt in the way. Daisy seemed to know what she was doing, though, so he would trust her experience.

"Like this?" He leaned back on the sand and raised his legs, though he wasn't quite flexible enough to put them all the way to his ears. He stuck out his tongue in concentration and grabbed under his own knees to pull them further, unintentionally lifting his ass off the ground in the process. From nearby, it almost looked like he was making a spirited effort to taste his own dick.

He looked to Daisy for confirmation, hoping that he'd positioned himself properly for whatever her purposes were.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy smiled as Dirk struggled to get the position right, clearly less flexible than she initially believed. No matter though, it would have the same effect in the end. She knelt down, straddling his hips as her legs prevented him from lowering them back to the ground. She grabbed his ankles and guided them down so that they rested on her hips. "There. Now it's almost perfect." One of her hands went down to idly stroke his hair, while the other moved to his erect cock. Slowly, she lifted her hips and drew his dick back so that its tip met with the lips of her pussy. Her needy juices dripped onto his cockhead, coating it in a warm, sticky feeling.

"Tell me if you start to feel uncomfortable, okay? This position is fun, but it might be a bit much for some." Daisy looked at him with caring eyes for just a moment, before her gaze returned to that of a starving beast in heat. She slowly dropped her weight, taking the head of his cock into her. A very wise choice, as the inside of Daisy's pussy felt like a velvet vice, compressing around his tip in all the right ways. A low moan could be heard from her as she took the rest of him inside of her, until their hips finally met. Dirk could feel the inferno of Daisy's pussy as it squeezed around his shaft, so tight that it likely wouldn't have been able to go past the tip if it weren't for the ridiculous amount of moisture that dripped from her pussy. She shuddered a bit, grinding his cock into the walls of her pussy as she got used to having him inside of her. "Like a lock and key~. Tell me when you're ready, and we'll start to have some real fun." She said, taking one of Dirk's hands into her own.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk held his breath in anticipation as Daisy positioned herself above him. From his vantage on the ground, she seemed to tower over him like a grand statue brought to life, giving him a clear view as she guided his cock toward her glistening pussy. A soft whimper escaped his lips as they made contact, which turned into an outright cry of pleasure as she descended upon him fully. She was so soft... so tight! So hot! As she took hold of one of his hands, the other dug its fingers into the sand as he savored the sensation.

The angle itself felt... odd, at first, but not at all unpleasant. He brushed his ankles against her skin and wiggled his hips underneath her, testing how much range of motion he still had. It wasn't much, but that just made him more curious. When he was comfortable enough with the new position, he gave Daisy's hand an affirming squeeze and nodded up to her with an eager look in his eyes.

"I'm ready. -hah- Give me all you got!"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's smile grew wider as she heard Dirk's words. She leaned in, her free hand moving up to trace its claw down his cheek as she cooed in his ear. "If you insist. You might walk funny after this though." She whispered, her voice heavy with need as she leaned back once more. Slowly, she raised her hips up so that only the tip of his cock remained within her. The open air was cold as ice compared to her insides, and Daisy felt a sense of longing as she pulled the cock out of her pussy. Then, without warning, she slammed her hips back down, taking him all the way back inside of her.

Daisy looked down at Dirk, never tearing her eyes away from his. He gave his hand a gentle squeeze as she slowly rose up once more, before slamming back down again. And then she did it again. And again. Each time she repeated the motion, the tempo got faster. And each time his cock fully reentered her, she squeezed down on it, as though her pussy craved for it to not leave her. All the while her half lidded and hungry gaze never left his face, moaning like a beast as she fucked him from above.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk's breathing was steady and measured as she began to move. Their positioning meant that he couldn't return her efforts with a thrusting of his own, but the muscles in his hips would nevertheless clench reflexively every time she descended. His eyes wandered all over her front, from the powerful legs propelling her along with a building intensity; her modest bust which bounced in time with her movements; to her needy eyes, fixated on watching his expression as he writhed and panted underneath her.

Soon she was going so hard that it made him gasp each time her hips came down on him. A few tears rolled down his flushed cheeks: it did hurt, just a little, but the pleasure was worth the pain. Dirk couldn't even speak between his own moans, but no words were needed. His face said it all:

Keep going.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Seeing Dirk in his current state triggered something within Daisy, and her movements got much faster. The way he gasped and moaned under her as she bounced up and down, the sorry yet eager look on his face as pleasure mixed with pain, the way he kept trying to thrust himself up even though he could barely move. It sent the were rabbit into a frenzy, as she began pounding him into the ground hard enough for him to feel the sand beneath him compress slightly. She moved his hands together, grabbing them by the wrist with a single hand as her other traced the muscles on his body.

"Don't you dare hold back Dirk! I'm not going to stop after the first, so cum when you need to!" Daisy shouted between pleasured grunts and moans as she rode Dirk into the ground. She was no longer speeding up, but the pace she was moving at was inhuman and showed no signs of slowing down. Her eyes wide open as she looked down at Dirk with a manic and wild expression, her mouth twisted into a wide grin as she looked down on him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira wished that she could turn her head to see Dirk and Daisy going at it, but if she did at the rate the tentacle was thrusting in and out of her mouth it would end up just end up plopping out and smacking against her face. She didn't really need a visual however, their grunts, gasps and moans, as well as the slapping of flesh upon flesh providing more than enough stimulation for Valira's lust addled brain. The exclamations they were making only added to the experience, the commanding tone of Daisy's voice contrasting with the more shy and innocent one of Dirk's own. It was like music to Valira's ears, a lustful sonnet that enflamed the senses and drover her even more wild.

Valira envied them both, adding to her promise form earlier that not only would she fuck Dirk in the amazon position, she would also be fucked by Daisy like that too. It would have to be more like a different form of scissoring however due to the High Elf's lack of a penis, but Valira would gladly grow one temporarily if it meant experiencing the same pleasure that Dirk was. Besides, if Sune's dream was anything to go by it would feel fucking amazing. Like any good reverse mating press, Daisy was riding the hell out of Dirk, fucking him into the cold, hard ground with all the vigour and intensity of an animal in heat. Which made sense, after all in this state she was a manner of beast, an intelligent and noble one but no less primitive and lust driven for that. That wasn't a condemnation, far from it. Valira loved that Daisy was like this in her were rabbit form, it only added to the sheer arousal of the situation.

Speaking of arousal, Valira was barely holding on by a thread at this point, her orgasm building moment by moment and threatening to overwhelm her as the tentacles continued their assault on her lewd little holes. The sounds she was making between the pulsing and throbbing appendage in her mouth sounded more akin to some gargling monster or snuffling pig than a proud and noble knight, hell she didn't even sound like an Elf at that point. In that moment, she was nothing but a fucktoy for tentacles, a series of warm, wet orifices for them to have their way with. If Valira had known this would feel so good she would have asked Sune to do this to her ages ago. Valira's eyes were half lidded and filled with tears, staring towards Akalfa in a powerful mixture of lust, longing and apology.

She had tried so hard to hold back, to time her orgasm with Akalfa's own and share the pleasure with her, if nothing else she had hoped that the Dark Elf would be closer to have a great of a view of her squirting as possible. But Valira couldn't take it anymore, the pleasure wracking her body was just too powerful to resist. She needed to cum or she felt like she would lose her mind! She hoped Akalfa wouldn't be disappointed, but she had a feeling that the Dark Elf would understand. Besides, it may not have been up close, but her lover would still get to watch as she squirted like a depraved animal for the third time today. Valira thanked her lucky stars that she was born a woman, multiple orgasms with less of a refractory period being one of the many gifts the gods bestowed upon the female gender.

Finally, Valira felt a familiar heat burn between her legs as the dam finally burst, her body spasming and shuddering in sheer pleasure as she screamed her orgasm around the tentacle in her mouth. She did her best not to injure the thing, as her eyes rolled back inside of her head and drool fell in rivulets out of her mouth. If it was truly self aware it would not appreciate being bitten or hurt after all. Besides, this was like a blowjob and the golden rule of any good blowjob was no teeth! Valria may have only had a penis for a brief time inside Sune's fantasy world, but even without that experience she could well imagine the agony that would be produced by teeth slicing against bare skin, especially in an area as sensitive as that. That was the only part of her reaction that she controlled however, giving into the full range of her lust in every other way.


Normally, Valira verbally voice her pleasure with trademarked verbosity, but in this case she couldn't let out a single peep other than that ineloquent exclamation. It was just as well, her voice was so ragged by this point it probably would have just made her lose her voice altogether. She would need to rest her throat for a while when they finished, hopefully with copious amounts of tea and honey from Daisy. Speaking of sweet things, Valira rode the wave of pleasure that threatened to drown her mind, squirting once more with no less intensity and heat than she had previously. The tentacle hammering at her pussy was once again in the splash zone, Valira hoping if it was sapient that it didn't mind. The scream turned into moans and groans, which turned into grunts which turned into a long whine before Vaira felt silent, the orgasm finally ending after what seemed like a blissful eternity. Breathing heavily, she slumped as the tentacles held her aloft, grateful that they were there to help keep her from falling into the water. She made no move to remove the tentacle from her mouth, wanting it to cum down her throat, or whatever it was that those creatures produced. She gave Akalfa a dazed and satisfied look, as if she was telling her that this was the pleasure she would soon be sharing with her, all she had to do was get over here and take it!


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was momentarily awe-struck watching as the tentacles caressed, twisted and curled inside of her lover. The sight being too hot not to watch for the little Dark Elf who loved to nothing more but to take in sultry sights. In and out. Each pump bringing a delightfully lewd sound with it, Valira's muffled cries of pleasure endearing the Dark Elf, happy she was lost in the euphoria Sune so offered in waves. It wasn't that she was not interested in feelings Dirk's nimble fingers, but that she was more interested seeing what Daisy had in store for the rogue than what she herself could provide. And was that a good idea ever. The loud echoes of flesh smacking flesh as Daisy drilled the man into the ground, indeed keeping her promise to drain him down to the last was a downright gorgeous sight. The sweat gleaming off her immaculate fur, Dirk giving the cutest moans and expressions she'd ever seen in Goldaria...Today was turning out to be just wonderful for everyone involved. But it could get better.

Slowly stepping forward toward Valira Akalfa had a tender smile on her face. Lovingly rubbing the High Elf's back and whispering down into her ear, with a husky, warm breath,

"Don't hold back for my sake, my love. You've earned every bit of enjoyment, and deserve to cum. Don't worry, I'll join you very soon."

Tenderly she peppered kisses and nibbles upon Valira's ear, watching her climax with lust-driven fascination. Oh, how she so adored those heavenly sounds. Her juices mingling down her thighs in a filthy cascade, a tribute to her sheer desire to be fucked right along side her paramour. Akalfa didn't mind one bit 'being in the splash zone' of sorts. Enjoying her front row seat, and missing the taste of Valira's pussy as the seconds passed. Perhaps Sune would be kind enough to let her taste that tentacle in particular...

Laying onto her knees Akalfa was half submerged into the water. The warmth of it, along with the sweet scent now clouding the lake made for a great natural aphrodisiac. Motioning towards the free tentacles, giving them a soft rub down, gently running her fingers across their length as she refused to break eye contact with her lover Valira. Holding the High Elf's hand through her orgasm as she stroked, massaging and goading the dexterous limb to take what it so rightfully earned from her dripping body. Giving the end of one a kiss, and a cursory long drag of her tongue. Sentient or not she did hope Sunelarra could feel what she was doing, and that the demoness was enjoying their dual attentions. Hopefully a little motivation would go a long way.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira shuddered as she felt Akalfa's breath in her ear, sighing contentedly as she felt her lover rubbing her back with those soft and nimble hands of hers. That sigh quickly turned into a harsh moan as she Akalfa began to kiss and nibble on her ears, the Dark Elf knowing just how to make those erogenous zones sing. After all, not only did she possess the same ones, it wasn't the first time she had put her soft mouth on that particular spot of Valira's body. The smile on her face was as beautiful as ever, one that Valira could have gotten happily lost in. Her words were no less lovely, soft and tender yet at the same time so lewd and full of promise. That, combined with the immense pleasure of Akalfa's aural attentions made her orgasm all the more intense and all the more meaningful.

Gods the look in Akalfa's eyes as she stared at the High Elf was orgasmic in and of itself! It was always such a pleasure to see the normally shy and introverted Dark Elf surrender to her passion and what made it even better was the fact that Valira was the object of that incredible lust. The feelings they had for each other made any sex they had together even more mind blowing, indeed it was some of the best sex Valira ever had. Valira couldn't imagine ever giving that up, couldn't fathom a future where they would be unable to writhe in ecstasy as they explored each others bodies, head buried between each others breasts and dripping wet pussy's as they brought themselves to glorious climax after glorious climax, their screams echoing though the air and feeding into each other as like an oh so lustful symphony.

Valira could see how wet Akalfa was, her pussy soaking due to a mixture of arousal and lake water, wanting more than anything to taste those juices for herself. As long as she lived she would never get tired of the taste of Akalfa's pussy on her tongue, sweet and salty yet more than delicious than the sweetest and most expensive wines. Valira would gladly drink it by the bottle full, savouring the exquisite flavour over a choice meal, followed by dessert in the form of Akalfa's huge ass to follow up. She could think of no better dining experience, chuckling inwardly as she imagined how her parents and their prim and proper guests would react to such a prospect. That only made the thought hotter, no doubt that they would be scandalised at first but would soon get used to how ''affectionate'' her daughter and her beloved could be, in more ways than one. Her future wife would be accepted by her family with open arms, even as Valira spread open the Dark Elves legs and asshole every night.

As Akalfa lay down and began to massage the tentacles, it coincided with the end of Valira's powerful orgasm, returning her lovers gaze with equal intensity and lust despite her fatigue. Hands held in hers, Valira felt boundless love and affection for the woman it was attached to, once again thanking the gods that the beautiful Akalfa had become part of her life. How ironic that a woman who came from so deep underground could be such an angel. Valira was delighted that Akalfa was treating the tentacles with as much love and affection as she had. Gods it was like they were a single person at times, so similar in both personality, outlook and sexually that it was like they were made for each other. In Valira's eyes they most definitely were, soulmates who would be together forever, in this life and the next. Valira sighed at that, the life she imagined for the two of them worth more than any loot they would find in the dragons lair. Gold, silver, jewels, they were all meaningless next to the true treasure that was Akalfa. She was more beautiful and more precious than all the gems in the world put together, and Valira would fight anyone who dared to claim otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
[...] "Don't you dare hold back Dirk! I'm not going to stop after the first, so cum when you need to!" Daisy shouted between pleasured grunts and moans as she rode Dirk into the ground. She was no longer speeding up, but the pace she was moving at was inhuman and showed no signs of slowing down. Her eyes wide open as she looked down at Dirk with a manic and wild expression, her mouth twisted into a wide grin as she looked down on him.

The rapid pace of Daisy's wild bouncing, combined with the metahuman tightness that gripped down all around his manhood, was more than Dirk could withstand. He was going to cum, and soon. He opened his mouth to try and warn Daisy, to tell her to pull off, but only managed a to utter few incoherent consonants in between his pained and pleasured panting before the sensation was too much.

"...G- -hah!- ...c- -ah!- I... Ah!"

He cried out in ecstasy as Daisy wrung out the first climax from his twitching cock. Hot cum shot out all throughout her vicelike pussy, flecks of it flying away from their conjoined genitals by the force of her powerful hips as Daisy continued to ride him hard. Dirk grit his teeth, reflexively pulling back against the hand gripping his wrists. She wasn't slowing down at all, thoroughly using his still-sensitive cock for her own satisfaction. His eyes watered from the aggressive stimulation. At this rate, she would squeeze out another orgasm in just a couple minutes; probably even less...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy screamed out and threw her head back in pleasure as Dirk came inside of her, not stopping the movement of her hips for even a moment as he ejaculated inside of her. The pitiful moans he couldn't hold back drew her further into her own desire, loving every nonword he spoke as he tried to warn her of his impending climax. The wet slapping of their hips hitting each other continued to ring out across the lake as she rode him all through out his orgasm.

"Oooh fuck me! I'm close babe, keep hard for just a bit longer!" She commanded, bouncing faster as she let go of his wrists. Both of her hands were now beside his head as she mercilessly fucked herself on his dick. Finally tipped over the edge, Daisy's face scrunched up with pleasure as she took Dirk fully inside of her one last time. The vice grip her pussy had on him spasmed, her walls trying to milk another orgasm out of him as she came. She let out an incoherent string of noises as the pleasure washed over her like a tidal wave, and her hands compressed the loose sand next to Dirk's head into a far more solid shape.

When the intense pleasure subsided, Daisy looked back down at Dirk with a smile and far less predatory eyes. "Well fuck me Dirk, that was pretty damn good. If you're not too sore and exhausted, I could definitely take you for another round or two." She cheerily said, barely out of breath.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Just... a moment..."

Dirk lay on the sand underneath her, feeling rather dizzy after the ordeal. Small trails of cum spilled down his waist. Daisy's own climax had successfully squeezed a second load from him that had left him panting for breath with his arms splayed out limply beside him. He swallowed hard, but aside from his growing thirst he seemed to be recovering fairly quickly. Sune's gift again. That 'no refractory period' and 'unnatural stamina' thing had really been paying off lately...

"Okay," said Dirk, returning her gaze affectionately. "We can keep going now. However you wish it, Daisy." He reached up to caress her abs with his hands, while his legs brushed against her sides. That first round had been wonderful, but he still had more to give. Or for her to take, as the case may be...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Take as long as you need babe." Daisy said, placing her hand on his head and gently scratching his scalp. She looked down at the mess that accrued on his body, and the small splashes of cum on his stomach as he got his bearings. Once he finally recovered, she looked down at him with pleasant surprise. "Damn, you're almost able to keep up with me! Not many men can say that you know, and you're definitely the closest." She says, getting off of him and standing up. The feeling of his cum leaving her body sent a shiver down her spine, but Dirk seemed to be in a bit too much pain when using the previous position.

"Lay your legs down. Amazon is fun, but you need to transition from it now and again to prevent damaging your body too much." Daisy stated as she watched him lay flat on the ground. She slowly lowered herself back down, straddling his hips and taking his cock into herself once more. "And now you can even use your hands in case you want to play with something you like." She gave Dirk a knowing look as she gently moved her hips back and forth with him inside of her.