Akalfa scrambled as the seconds ticked down. There was nowhere near enough ice for it to hold properly! Before full on alarm could take her, Daisy's command snapped the Dark Elf away from her dismal thoughts. This was not going to be pretty. Akalfa had exhausted herself physically using such time consuming spells within mere seconds of each other without heed, but there certainly was enough in her for another large blast, at least one more; and it needed to count.
"This has got to work..." Taking a deep breath she steadied her shaky hand, aiming straight for the cyclops left leg. "Steady...steady..." The sorceress spoke under her breath stilling her nerves.
She needed to give this everything she had.
Reeling her hand back Akalfa channeled her arcane magic, the intensity of the heat radiating off of the second fireball nearly being too much to bare. Without ceremony the Dark Elf sorceress threw the fireball straight for the cyclops leg. Holding her breath as she watched the the ball of heat flit through the air like a catapult.
"This has got to work..." Taking a deep breath she steadied her shaky hand, aiming straight for the cyclops left leg. "Steady...steady..." The sorceress spoke under her breath stilling her nerves.
She needed to give this everything she had.
Reeling her hand back Akalfa channeled her arcane magic, the intensity of the heat radiating off of the second fireball nearly being too much to bare. Without ceremony the Dark Elf sorceress threw the fireball straight for the cyclops leg. Holding her breath as she watched the the ball of heat flit through the air like a catapult.