The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira heard Dirk's approaching footsteps before she heard him shouting her name. She stopped as he approached, the same forced stony expression glued to her face that belied how she was really feeling. She didn't want to shout or cry, so she opted for cold neutrality. That being said, the fact that Dirk had chased after her in such a manner filled her with a spark of hope. He hadn't just brushed the matter aside, he wanted to address it now, face to face. Valira was more than willing to hear him out, even as she was still angry and upset with him. Still, those feelings were mellowing just a tad as she calmed down.

''Yes Dirk? Is there something you would like to say?''

Valira kept her tone neutral as best she could, although her voice wavered slightly with emotion and the blank look on her face cracked ever so slightly.


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Akalfa kept her gaze off to the side, shaken by his indifference after the moment the three of them had shared, leaving with a mix of worry and discomfiture. The brief goodbye had left a pit in her stomach. After exposing something deeply personal about herself and seemingly being shrugged off, the feeling made her want to close right back into her shell. Leaving her to wonder if what she had said upset him. It had to have. Akalfa knew she wasn't the best at social awareness, but being rejected so bluntly was more hurtful than she had expected.

Hearing him shout after Valira came as a shock to Akalfa, yet she remained silent as his footsteps neared. Eyes fixed to the ground in discomfort, her lips trembled. Not sure if she should apologize, be upset, or stay quiet and let them talk.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
His mask had fallen in his haste and now hung limply around his neck. With his entire face exposed, Dirk was significantly easier to read, and it made two things abundantly clear:

The first was that he was a bit younger than he’d implied. Judging by the softness of his face, Dirk hadn’t seen even twenty summers.

The second was that he was trying very hard to maintain his composure, such as it was. His eyes and mouth trembled under their gaze as he struggled not to break down or flee in front of them. He swallowed heavily to clear the lump that was trying to strangle his words.

“I… I’m sorry! After everything we talked about tonight, everything we’ve been through today, I- I’m sorry I doubted after any of it, even for a moment. I... I'm sorry I upset you. I-I just... I'm not... used to it. Compassion."

He cast his wavering eyes down, wringing his hands guiltily and fighting back tears.

“But I do care, about you both, even if I never know how to show it..."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes widened as she saw Dirk's face properly for the first time. His youth surprised her, although it actually made a bit of sense when she thought about it. He was quite handsome, which was less surprising, but that was not what Valira was really focused on. The emotion on his face and the sincerity of his words struck Valira immediately, and she felt guilty that she had ever doubted him. He hadn't done what he did out of malice, it was a mistake born of the fact that the poor man had clearly never experienced true warmth or friendship before. He said it himself, compassion was something that he wasn't accustomed to. He didn't know how to act when faced with it. Valira felt deep sympathy for him, no doubt he had gone through such pain and misery in his short life. Her respect for him grew, as did her understanding of why he closed himself off so much and affected an air of mystery. She was no longer angry or upset and she smiled warmly at Dirk, tears filling her eyes as she hugged him.

''You are forgiven Dirk, I know you did not intend to upset me and Akalfa. We care about you too, and we genuinely want to get closer to you. You are our friend and comrade, never doubt that we will always stand by your side no matter what happens. I know you are not used to this sort of thing, that you make mistakes and second guess yourself, but we will be here to help you learn. You only need to ask. And if you feel comfortable with it, we can get to know the real you. Because from what I've seen so far, he's a pretty wonderful man.''

Valira shed a few tears at that, holding Dirk in her arms as she rubbed his back soothingly.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk hugged her back tightly, his whole body shaking as he sniffled into her shoulder. This was as vulnerable he’d ever been, and yet there were no barbs in her words. No hooks or caveats or promises of blackmail, only genuine warmth. And he’d almost spurned it on principle, blinded by his fears…

“Thank you,” he whispered, between nearly-restrained sobs. “I won’t hide it anymore. I promise.”

He raised his head again, and for the first time they could properly see him smiling.

"I hope you both sleep well tonight. We did say we would go scouting together, after all!"


Well-Known Member
Akalfa gasped seeing Dirk rushing forward to apologize. Maskless, no less! Her first thoughts shocked by his youthful, boyish appearance. Her earlier words were right, he was cute! Not the gruff, seasoned adventurer she had imagined by a longshot. Now she could better understand his actions. The mask was both literal and figurative, used to protect himself from judgement and to hide. Lacking warmth for such a long time, years spent without comfort especially so young must have wounded him terribly. Immediately any sourness she felt evaporated the moment she saw tears fall from his face. Valira's words coupled with her and Dirk's actions couldn't help but make the Dark Elf teary eyed herself.

"I did say we were all friends, and I meant that. We care about you just as much. I understand why you reacted the way you did, but know we aren't here to judge. I myself cannot, even if I wanted to, knowing the person I was two days ago. We're all growing, little by little. If you ever feel unsure of yourself you only need to ever ask, we are here for you." Akalfa clasped his shoulder with a smile, lightly giving it a reassuring squeeze and wiping away her own tears.

"I hope you rest easy tonight." Akalfa said, voice soft as a feather. Before she continued her walk she turned her head back, wanting to make sure he'd make it back to his room alright, and remembering the foreign dialect she had used that may have made him upset.

"Oh, and by the way, it seems earlier you may have misconstrued what I had said. I do apologize for not being forward. So allow me to reiterate. I said you were cute. Very cute. And I'm happy to see I wasn't wrong, not that I assumed I ever was. Know there's no need to be so shy. If you ever want to talk or spend time, our door is open to you. Whenever you feel comfortable enough."

Her words both amicable yet dripping with salacious intent. Spoken in a warm tone as not to seem mocking, but genuine. Rarely was she direct but Akalfa didn't want any misunderstanding. She meant every word. Though making sure to tone down her intensity as not to spoil the moment or scare the poor man off.

"Goodnight. Here's to our future expedition!"

She gave his shoulder one final pat and a grin beaming with warmth before turning to Valira, absolutely proud of the night's proceedings.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I apologize for walking out on you all like that, and for taking my time in getting Sune her tea. We ended up having a very stimulating conversation." Daisy said with a small yawn. The exertion of getting to this cave, the time of night it, and the fact that she just got her back blown out by Sune was starting to make her realize just how tired she was.

And then everything else happened a bit too fast for her to follow. First it seemed like they were parting ways for bed, and then Akalfa said things Daisy didn't understand, Dirk got mad for some reason, and then an explosion of emotion erupted from the other members of the group. She witnessed it all with very little idea for what the context of it was. She decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and promptly stayed quiet through it. Dirk then ran past her and Sune, and, with no clue what was going on or where she was going to sleep, she decided to follow after. If only to provide some measure of damage control.

When Daisy caught up with them, she just managed to hear Dirk apologize. She was shocked to hear his confession of never feeling compassion. She opted to stand still, not really hidden by anything but not wanting to intrude (more than she already was at least) on what was definitely an intimate moment for the group. She watched from afar as he dropped his mask, still not aware that he had done so in a literal sense as well, and was forgiven and embraced by the two elves.

The emotionally charged moment got to Daisy, bringing a few tears to her eyes despite her lack of knowledge regarding Dirk's past lies. It was a moment that made the witch think that, perhaps, they should know of her curse. But stating it here and now seemed rather rude. At worst she'd tell them the night before the full moon, if she didn't make them aware tomorrow. She silently watched as the elves and Dirk began to go their separate ways, still standing a bit away from them. Then she realized that she didn't exactly have a room to sleep in. She wiped away the few tears that remained and decided then was a good moment to finally announce her presence.

"I don't really know the three of you all that well, though I can tell that you are a good person Dirk. You may have grown up in a rough environment, but it isn't in your nature to be truly malicious to your friends." Daisy said, stepping forward to make herself known and heard. "Take as much time as you need to get acclimated to the compassion everyone here will show to you, as it will not be stopping anytime soon." She said, giving Dirk a small smile and comforting look.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s flustered expression was just one more bonus to his mask falling down. On their own, his shifting eyes had once seemed reluctant and evasive, but now that they were joined by reddening cheeks and a sheepish grin it was obvious how he really felt about their words.

“Er, yes! U-until tomorrow, then.”

He waved as the two headed off to their room, feeling both excited and exhausted, but mostly… relieved. Ever since they’d set out he’d been afraid of what might happen if he opened up to them, but now that he actually had, he felt much better than ever. And they thought he was cute! Not even in a demeaning way, after all.

So distracted was he that he nearly walked straight into their newest companion as she stepped out in front of him.

“Oh! S-sorry, Daisy, I didn’t see you there...”

Without thinking he automatically reached up to affix his mask again, and stopped. After the briefest moment of contemplation, he pulled the bandana off his neck and stuck it in his pocket.

"...Thank you. To be honest, there's still a lot that I need to work on, but this was a good start, I think. Did you need help finding your room?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Oh my, your face is a lot cuter than I thought it'd be. Far less hair and scars..." Daisy stated unintentionally, surprised at what Dirk's face actually looked like. She realized what she had said not even a second later, and a flush came across her face. "Sorry for blurting that out. Yes, I'd very much appreciate it if you could show me to a room."

"And it is a good start. Understanding that you can improve is the first step to improving." Daisy said, looking him in the eyes. "Now, are we going to be using separate rooms, sleeping together to save on space like the elves are, or something else. Because I get the feeling that we're both quite exhausted at this point." She chuckled lightly, giving Dirk a knowing look.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk sighed, rubbingthe back of his head. "Oh, you can say that again. Emotional venting like that is tiring. Anyway, I figured you would take the third bedroom and I'd just find someplace in the barracks, since I figured everyone would want a space to themselves. Could also commandeer Sune's room, I guess, but I don't know how restful that would be."

He led her down the hall a bit and indicated the vacant room. "Ordinarily I'd dismiss bunking together on principle, but I'm pretty sure we both slept with the same demon on the same day that we met her, so it might be hypocritical to reject it outright." Memory stirred, and a moment later he added: "A friend of sorts once told me that getting intimate is a good way to get more familiar, so I guess I'd be okay with it if you were."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy followed after Dirk, thinking about his words as they went. "Very true, we've both already had sex with a demon. But we don't need to have sex you know. Not that I don't want to, mind you. But it isn't really something you should force yourself into." She finally said, looking over at Dirk. "I'm fine sleeping on my own if you don't want to sleep with me. And even if we share a room, that doesn't mean we can't be chaste about it."

Daisy's desire was quelled, for the most part. It would take a pretty significant push for her to be as horny as she had been when she came to the cave. Though, if Dirk did want to fuck, then Daisy would absolutely take him up on it. "Or we could always just go into Sune's room together. Though I get the feeling that we wouldn't be sleeping at all if we did." She finally added.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk shook his head and smiled. "I wasn't saying we should get that intimate. What I meant is that sharing a room might help us get used to each other's presence, y'know? Besides, if Sune was as thorough with you as she was with me, then I'm certain you've had enough tonight. It'll be sleeping only."

He opened the door and stepped inside, taking a good look at the interior. This was possibly the last room he'd entered, between the afternoon adventure and Sune's tour of the outpost, and the bed here looked much more comfortable than the troughs of straw that he'd seen in the barracks.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Ah, sorry. Seems it wasn't completely out of my system, despite the exhaustion." Daisy smiled nervously as her face grew flush. She really managed to misread the man's intentions there, ascribing meaning to his words that wasn't there. He had a very good point as well. Despite her eagerness, she definitely needed to rest before going at it with someone again.

"This room looks comfy enough. I wouldn't mind sharing it with you. If you're fine with that, of course." Daisy said, peeking her head in the room and looking around. Only one bed, but she was confident in her exhaustion preventing her from making any moves on Dirk.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Like I said: I'm okay with it if you are." Dirk sat down on his preferred side and started pulling off his boots, closely followed by his outerwear. As he did, he considered how else he might help put Daisy at ease. A moment later he pulled the bandana back out of his pocket and tied it over his eyes like a blindfold. "There we go. At least it still has some use."

Then, Dirk lied down on the mattress to sleep, making sure not to encroach out of his half (not that this took much effort on his part).


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy turned her head as Dirk began stripping, doing her best to give him some privacy. "Then we'll share a bed." She responded, still looking away. She waited, taking a few more cursory glances around the room before setting her bag down on the table off to the side. After a moment, she turned back around as he said something about something still having some use, only to find that he had blindfolded himself with the bandana. "Ah, thank you." The witch said, seeing that the man was respecting her privacy in turn.

Sitting down on her side of the bed, Daisy began taking off her boots as well. Her blouse was next, though she decided to not take off her skirt, seeing as there wasn't anything underneath it. She laid down, facing away from Dirk while trying to give him as much room as possible while still remaining comfortable. Which wasn't very hard, given that she was rather small. "Sleep well Dirk." The witch said as she began trying to drift off to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was touched by Dirk's heartfelt declaration, as well as in full agreement with Akalfa and Daisy's sentiments. She hadn't known the latter for long, but judging by her words and deeds so far she would be a valued addition to the group. She was grateful for the help, as well as the smiling face of Akalfa as she returned her radiant grin. As they said goodnight to the others and made their way to their room, Valira walked with a spring in her step as she held her friend and lover by the hand, despite the fatigue and the effects of the venom. Stripping back down to her undergarments, she got back under the covers and bade Akalfa to join her.

''This was an eventful night, though I am glad for it. Not only did we meet a new and wonderful companion in the form of Daisy, I think we have made great progress in befriending and understanding Dirk. We saw another side of him tonight, and I am truly honoured that he trusted us enough to show it to us. I know that our expedition with him tomorrow will only serve to make our bond even stronger!''

Valira smiled warmly as she said that, sighing contently as she prepared to let sleep take her. The venom was strong, but not strong enough to win out over exhaustion.''

''Goodnight Akalfa, sleep well my dear friend....''

At that, Valira's eyes fluttered closed and she began to snore slightly, having drifted off in an instant.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa happily held onto Valira's hand, elated and motivated by the nights events. It felt like everyone was so much closer together, a sensation she relished. Truly feeling a part of a group of friends rather than simple acquaintances. Daisy already felt like a wonderful fit, and with Dirk opening his heart to them she could only feel joyous, having helped him overcome his inner pain even by a little. The Dark Elf Sorceress could see nothing but good times ahead in their future, optimistic for the day ahead.

"I couldn't agree more. The words you spoke were truly beautiful. You are quite awe-inspiring in all honesty my friend." Akalfa smiled softly, slowly shedding her overcovering's down to her meager strip of cloth and undergarments.

"I can't wait for us to get to know them both even more. I'm glad we were all there to comfort him. I'm sure the expedition tomorrow will be a great point of bonding for us all. I'm quite excited to scout the land." Plopping onto the bed Akalfa didn't waste a second more, scooting underneath the comfortable sheets and laying into the arms of her High Elf paramour. Snuggling into her neck as she began to drift off.

"Goodnight..." She whispered. Regardless of the venoms potency the poison had finally met it's match, with sleep taking her no sooner than she had closed her eyes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The next morning would find the companions rested, and more importantly, no longer under the effects of Sune's venom; the tea having done wonders to speed it along. Now, they could face the next leg of their journey with clear heads, as they set forth into the foothills of the high mountains.

The trees quickly began to thin, and the land grew rocky, as they made their way over the lower hills, and through the gullies between the larger ones. Things quickly began to look bleak, as the vegetation faded to near nothing, and they realized that they were now well and truly beyond the reach of civilization. There would be no more towns or villages from here on; at least not the sort populated by decent folk.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Well, this is… desolate," said Dirk, to break the silence. "It’s like everything’s been dried up.” Or scorched. he thought. They are ‘the Burning Mountains’ after all…

The rocks at least provided some cover, for better or for worse. Dirk half-expected something to leap out from behind every boulder they passed. And yet, despite that, he had been in very high spirits all morning. It felt as if he had dropped a heavy weight that he didn’t even know he’d been carrying.

He wasn't bothering with the mask anymore - there didn't seem to be any need.

After a moment, Dirk glanced over his shoulder at Sune and Daisy. “I don’t suppose either of you ever came out this way? Anything you might know about this place could be useful.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes, watch out for ogre tracks," Sune replied, the usual hauty playfulness notably absent from her voice.


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Akalfa was feeling great. Invigorated and no longer impassioned by the demonesses powerful venom; getting a good nights rest in her lovers arms was enough to keep her cheerful and beaming. Even as the verdant grass and lush mountains vanished she tried to see the good in their situation. They were all together, no one was injured, and they were in high spirits! She wouldn't let a little unpleasant scenery bring her down. This was a new territory to explore!

"...Well, this land may not be the prettiest but I'm certain we are all well equipped to handle anything it throws at us! I'm sure there's something salvageable or useful around, even out here." She replied to Dirk. Walking ahead with a confident stride. It was as though she was taking a leisurely stroll with her companions, filled with uncommon assurance. Until she listened to Sune's warning. The lack of playful pomposity in her tone instantly worrying the Dark Elf, causing her to fall back and turn to Sunelarra.

"I'm sorry, I might have misheard, watch out for what sort of tracks?"

Gods, did she hope she misheard. Never had the Dark Elf came across an Ogre, but it didn't sound pleasant. And if Ogres trailed the land, what other horrendous dangers may await? She nervously gulped, attempting to keep a straight face but her concern was blatantly apparent.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Ogres," Sune repeated. Many people heard about ogres, but few who ever saw them were able to tell the tale. Lumbering mountains of muscle and tusks, who saw anything smaller than themselves as nothing more than convenient snacks, seemed to be the prevailing story.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The closest thing Dirk had to a frame of reference was a giant of a man he'd encountered in a Goldarian tavern once, but somehow he doubted that would be a properly comparison. Anything that could survive in a near-lifeless place like this would have to be tougher than any human.

"Hypothetically speaking," he asked, eyeing the crags around them warily, "...what should we do if we run into one by accident?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Don't look weak," Sune replied, sternly. "Weak equals food to them, though, they do tend to be skittish around magic."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Um..." Dirk examined himself apprehensively. "That might be difficult."

Valira would have no trouble of course, mighty warrior as she was. And Akalfa, Sune, and Daisy all had at least some magical aptitude. But him? The only way he would avoid looking weak was if he avoided being looked at.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Yes, it's a veritable wasteland." Daisy said, looking across the rocky and desolate landscape. "And no, I've never gone farther from the town than the woods. This is all new territory for me as well." Her nervousness grew at the mention of ogres.

Breathing a sigh of relief at Sune's explanation of what to do in the event of an ogre appearing, Daisy became much more confident. "Well, if all we need to do is flash a few lights and throw some fire to send them running, I doubt we'll have many problems with them." She claimed, trying to calm everyone's nerves rather than brag.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's frowned as she took in the veritable wasteland before her, so different to both her homeland and everything they had seen so far. At least the scenery had been pleasant so far (well barring the swamp of course), but now they had entered some place truly melancholy. Still, she tried to remain as optimistic as Akalfa, after all there was a certain stark beauty to the region if one looked hard enough. That combined with a great night sleep in Akalfa's embrace, the end to the venom and Dirk's more open demeanour, dispelled any negative feelings that might rear there ugly head. Sune's explanation about ogres did give her pause, however she shared Daisy's confidence on the matter. She hadn't ever met an ogre personally, but she knew from reputation that they weren't exactly the smartest sort. They were all more than strong enough, and more than clever enough, to handle it should any decide to set their sights on the group.

''You are correct Daisy, after all I doubt military discipline is among their virtues as a people''.

Valira chuckled as if she just made an amusing joke, noticing the apprehensive looks on Dirk and Akalfa's faces and shooting them both a reassuring smile.

''Do not worry Akalfa, your magic is very impressive, both in substance and flash, more than a match for any ogre who would dare to challenge you and I dare say enough to scare off any contenders. They will be the ones who are cooked if they try their luck with you. As for you Dirk, ogres are by reputation slow and cumbersome beasts. With your agility, and penchant for stealth, you shall be able to out manoeuvre them in combat quite easily, if it comes to that. Any ogre who tries to munch on you will chew on a dagger for his troubles. Besides, you are stronger than you both think and as long as you carry yourself with confidence those creatures will see it too.''

Valira gave a beaming smile at them both, having full faith in both them and their skills. Things would only get more daunting from here on out, but she knew that they were up to the task!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Valira finished her speech, a shadow kept across the group. That was odd, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Looking up, a shiver ran down there spines, as they saw a large, familiar, winged shape coasting through the shy high above. Zira.
Dirk's 'old flame' made her way lazily across the sky, having not noticed the group just yet. In her claws, she carried what looked like a person, though she was too far away to be sure. As she passed, they could see that she was heading towards the flaming peak that was there destination.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
As soon as she saw Zira, Valira's good mood was soured, replaced by rage at the monster who's wingspan cast the ground in shadow and sorrow at the sight of her friend held in its evil clutches. That had to be Sholgra, she was sure of it, the thought of her friend in such turmoil piercing her heart. She would not rest until the orc was free, no matter what they would rescue both her and the princess, then see Zira and her wretched father brought to justice for all that they had done. She had no illusions, it would be no easy task, but regardless of the difficulty they would not fail! Pulling her sword from her scabbard, Valira pointed it towards the direction Zira was heading, eyes burning with fierce determination.

''It appears that our old foe is leading the way towards our ultimate victory, how kind of her! Come my friends, let us show these foul creatures the folly they have committed, let us rescue their captives, and let us return to the queen in honour and glory! We are the servants of righteousness and we will no be denied our justice!''

Valira said this with complete conviction, the blade of her sword gleaming in the sun as Zira's shadow finally passed by, an apt metaphor if ever there was one.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa smiled bashfully at Valira's comment. Filling her with the renewed vigor she so needed at that moment. Sune, Daisy, and Valira had a point, If ogres were weak to magic then it'd be over quicker than a battle could properly begin! Not to mention Dirk's agility! If he could out match a Bugbear and sneak into a fort he certainly shouldn't have trouble facing a slow, lumbering mass of low wit.

"You're one to talk! With that shining sword of yours, any ogre would be sliced to ribbons trying to match your skill. I think we'll all manage well." She grinned, fully confident in the party's skills once more after such an inspiring pep talk.

The dark shadow that was cast over the sky did cause the Dark Elf to look up in confusion. For a moment her eyes widened. Was that...? No. A humanoid figure by the looks of it. Two? Or something else in it's claws? But it just didn't make sense, how? She thought, until she listened carefully to Valira.

It had to have been the she-dragon. The creature that caused such grief in Dirk, that stole away their orc priestess and friend, and the daughter of the great dragon they seek to defeat. Akalfa could already feel the heat of arcane magic running through her blood. That dragoness would not get far.

Rallied by Valira's words Akalfa looked towards the sky and glared, motivated to take down that winged fiend and rescue their missing companion.

"Ah, I see. So that's the one who stole away Sholgra? Who threw a fit, simply from rejection alone? What a horrible wretch! She made a critical error crossing our paths today. We will put an end to that dragon's reign of terror, and his daughter's tyranny! We shall go post haste and mount our rescue in full swing!" Akalfa said, both with rage and pride, turning to her friends with a look burning with perseverance. This is what they've been working up to for so long. And while she did tremble at the thought of journeys end, she refused to hesitate walking forward.
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