The Alien Conspiracy


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
A New TF Game could start in the firsts days of June controlled by me.

I think i have the plot of the New TF Game, and it have latex, parasites, "aliens", humans, TFs and more TFs, including BDSM (a little).

Of my old players (Phil, Dracomic and Dalgon), one of these three players or the three players can or could join it. And also new players.

Of moment, i only want to know the players that should want to play this New TF Game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's a little bit vague, could you elaborate a little bit on setting and tone, perhaps?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
The setting starting are that the characters will be humans, they try to discover what is happening in their country with the disappears, and they discover that the government is...

I can´t say any more from this point. Sorry Woider. 

From the tone of the game, it could be between normal and hard like a RPG Game. With some moments of BDSM and other TFs moments.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
The action will happen in the Earth in year 2318, with the alien´s life discovered in anothers planets, but not in the own Earth.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Yes, you can make a character but now it´s a bit early to make the character. Of moment, the only thing that you can do is to choose man or woman "human" of course, his/her work and nothing more

Another vict...., sorry, player to the game. Enjoy to add this game TheAnnoyingNoob


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
After thinking this, i write this for the players futures. I accept all types of TFs (furry, lizards, latex, insects, aliens, etc...) in my games, including this game


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Prylly and... at last ¡¡dracomic!!, you two are very welcome to my game. You already know what to do, so let´s go...


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
For all my players (Prylly, Dracomic, TheAnnoyingNoob and Dybbuk), i accept all the changed forms (insects, furries (dogs and cats), lizardly, slimes, and the rest of the anthros forms) but in their bases they are HUMANS. But you have to explain me why your characters chose to change, meaning, the decisions of why their change of body, or if you like, you can keep your humanity intact.

Could you 4 send me a PM with your "acceptation" for this my game and your character´s resume along these weeks, please? 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
People i have a surprise to you in this game... .

Only i will say a name...


But it´s not the lasex that Dracomic knows, it´s a new "Lasex"


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
People, i have to say that the answers of you (my players) are in good way. I have two (bases or ideas) of the four characters in my box. You have time to send me your base character but don´t sleep in time


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Your world is in the year 2318. All the technologies are advanced, like the Earth of Blade Runner or Mass Effect. The people of the Earth had colonized another planets of the Solar System and they want to go out of it (the solar system).

You (the human race) have discovered some years ago, in the 2259 that you are not alone in the galaxy and there are good "alien" races and others "bad" alien races, that you didn´t see them still

In the moment of the game, you (the characters) have listened some rumors or gossips that there were a lot of disappears of people in the world relationed of somehow with these "bad aliens" race but without no clues of that... . But you hear gossips of them, relationed with parasites and latex.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Only miss the character of TheAnnoyingNoob. AnnoyingNoob, please send me a base of your character along these days or weeks


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Ok, guys. I decide, after seeing your efforts with your characters, to change the start of this game to the lasts days of May (more or less the 27th to the 29th).


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Chapter I: "The Discover"

It is a raining Saturday in Madison, a medium city of the USNA, in the morning of the Saturday our protagonists are doing their own lifes without knowing that an incredible and awesome adventure will change their own lifes. Let´s start with our protagonists:

- Lester Barnes: After you lose your father in an accident with an "alien" thing that he didn´t catalogued and decontaminate 13 months ago, you continue the work of your father selling "alien" artifacts to people that don´t know that the "artifacts" are common things changed or painted.

You are working now in your flat and you have between your hands an umbrella that you changed into an "alien" ray-gun, and in that moment, the phone starts to ring in the other room...

- Kolt: After you worked on a job that gave some money to survive, you see that this weekend there is not work for a smuggler like you. And you have all free time to do anything that you wanted to do. You wake up in your bed after had had a pleasant dream with your neighbor female.

- Ashrafa Shirazid: You have the big final exam in the middle of the next week, it´s very important that exam because it´s part of your grade in Biology and your flatmate and friend Susan return to her parent´s house, having all the flat for your own enjoying. But you have to study this big final exam to have the degree in Biology...

((You three can NOW answer, the game had started now. Enjoy of it. An Advise, put the name of your character first, and after your own action or post))
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Aug 29, 2015
Kolt was glad that he had barely enough money to get by this week, groaning a bit as he sat up in his bed. The dream was rather nice, but it was soon disappearing as he stood up and stretched. He mumbled a few things, something about getting a better bed one of these days as he makes his way to the kitchen to make himself some food. He didn't have much as he looked into his fridge, sighing as he grabbed the carton of milk he had and shook it. "Damn..." He put it back, hoping he'd remember to take care of it next time as he pulled out some left over food from a couple days ago to warm up and eat. He was still trying to figure out what to do for the next few days.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

Ashrafa sighed as she grabbed a bottle of fruity wine from the fridge and a glass from the sink. Taking a seat at the kitchen table (currently covered in notes), she filled her glass and turned on the radio. She hated studying, but she'd come too far and spent too much to fail now. Downing the glass' contents in one go she hummed a sweet tune as she began to study.



Active Member
Feb 8, 2016

Leaning back to admire his hard work.  Days of effort had gone into this and it would hopefully pay off big.  It's not every day you find someone willing to spend that much on a "ray-gun" after all. As the phone started ringing he went to answer it while fantasizing about how to spend the cash.

"Barnes Antiquities, How may I help you?"

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015


You didn´t know for an instant where are you now, but you remember that you asked to a friend to change of apartment and he accepted, he went some days of holidays, and now he doesn´t still return to his now occupied flat by you, you see that you didn´t go along these days to the supermarket to buy some foods, also you need to review your email in your laptop, because your actual flat is closed by mutant cockroaches 


And the Buggers said that it will take some days to disinfect your flat. You have two more days freed to do anything, work with some friends of you helping them, going to the cinema, what ever you think, you can do that..., that includes V.R. Sex, that he has...

Lester Barnes

...llo?, Barnes Antiquities?, my name is Veronique Lassoun, and i hired your services with that "alien ray-gun", you said to me that you were working in that thing 10 days, these 10 days will finish tomorrow, could i look, PLEASE, the "fucking Ray-Gun" today?

You remembered that you said to her you needed more of 10 days to work and study that alien artifact...

¡¡...tard Barnes...!! Give me back my money NOW...


You put a sweet tune on the music team, while you start studying, you keep the concentration at least two hours with low the sweet tune studying but the third hour is impossible, because your friends Katty and Emma called all the third hour, to talk with you asking to go out and enjoy of the day...

You don´t know what to do, if you concentrate again on study or going out with your best friends to give a walk and rest a little of study...


Active Member
Feb 8, 2016

" At least I got half up front" Lester thought wistfully as he tried to think of something to stall for time.

"Hey calm down Ms. Lassoun,  I managed to get lucky with a contact and the ray-gun's ready to be picked up now actually."

As Lester was saying this calmly into the receiver he was rushing around the room hurriedly throwing materials and supplies into bags and making sure he hadn't left anything incriminating out.

"Just come on down and I'll have it ready for you."

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Aug 29, 2015

Kolt still couldn't believe his place was infested so badly, glad to be out of there as he rubbed the back of his head, leaning back some as he finished his meal.He'd have to pay his friend back when he meets with him again, recalling the things he had around the flat as he stood up. The V.R. did sound fun but he wasn't quite in the mood for something like that as he checked his listing of friends, calling one of them to see if they were busy or something. He really hated not having anything to do it seemed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

She needed to study, but... To hell with it, she couldn't focus anyway. Agreeing to go out with her friends she threw on a jacket and headed out to meet with them.



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Lester Barnes

Veronique Lassoun calms with some breaths, and says to you

Ok, ok, if you have it, i will see you at the Central Park Subway in more or less 20 minutes, take with you the gun and i will give you the money, ¿Ok?

You cut the call of the woman, finishing to taking all your things and the umbrella painted, you go out of the empty shop that you found some days ago, in the street there is a "cockroach" looking you and she hides in a hole, while she keeps her multifaceted eyes on you...

You run to a corner but you don´t see that the "cockroach" follows you in your way...

((If you could see sometimes back of you, you don´t see no-body back you))



You call some friends, Roy is not in his house, Karl is doing his job, Carly is in the house and receive your call...

She accepts your invitation to go out and you meet a place to see each other in less of 30 minutes...


Ashrafa Shirazid

You go out of your apartment, after some minutes in the subway, you arrive to the center commercial with your friends, and you enjoy doing what-ever you want... ((cinemas, game plays, internet, and more things...))


Aug 29, 2015

Kolt smiled, glad to be able to do something as he cleans up some and gets dressed, making his way out to meet up near the theater. He wasn't sure what was showing but there had to be something good, and even if there wasn't there are always other places to check out.