Balls TF:
It's triggered by having any skin-type override on your balls.
SKIN_TYPE_SKIN is nominally type 0 for skin-types.
Whoever implemented the overrides opted for -1 to signify "no change", presumably to try and model the normal case of your balls would always match your primary body skin-type unless explicitly overridden.
Your save has a skin-type override of your balls for SKIN_TYPE_SKIN, whereas this should have been set to -1 if it ever cleared.
Very few things actually change this value (some goo things and furball are basically the only explicit things I can see that ever change this value. That is to say, nothing ever explicitly attempts to set this value to SKIN_TYPE_SKIN.
A long time ago, ball-modifications like this were handled by a status effect - those were removed and real properties were put in place to carry the data instead.
I think you had one of these status effects, and the conversion process didn't account for the fact that the -1 value is default, not zero like the status effect used (ie the absence of the status effect implied what -1 does now), thus setting the value to SKIN_TYPE_SKIN (type 0)