Temple of terrestial flame


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I can get into the inner sanctum but nothing happens no fight with the elementals nothing.

Brienne has the pyro set before coming into the temple


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"The innermost sanctum of the Temple of Terrestrial Fire is a broad, oval-shaped chamber that was likely once the same red brick as the outer halls, but as long since been scorched black by the abyssal flames contained within this place. A southern door leads back to the Terrestrial Flames. A set of sweeping stone stairs lead up from this chamber to a square stone altar at the peak. You must be near to the surface of the hill, as sections of the ceiling have been chipped and cracked away by the passage of years, allowing sunlight to filter in, narrow beams dancing across the stone. Each corner of the altar bears a flame burning from a small candle, and in the center is a large depression filled with a bronze ritual bowl, much like the one you filled in the outer chambers. The altar is covered in runes that glow like embers, but they don't make any particular sense to you."

There's no option besides go south back to the entrance


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This is the text that's suppose to happen when I initially enter the inner sanctum:

You ascend the stairs up to the altar, placing your grimoire and [pc.weapon] down on either side of it. The candles on it flicker as you raise your hands, beginning to intone the arcane writing etched upon the stone. The runes burn as if filled with embers, and they flare one by one as you recite them, weaving the ancient carvings into a spell which you finalize with your own memorized invocation: the same one you use to conjure your loyal flame spirit.

The flames on the candles grow brighter, flaring as you complete the spell... before snuffing out entirely. A chill washes through the sanctum, as if the fire's gone out of it entirely. Did you do something wrong, or...?

Your attention snaps to your rear as a wave of searing-hot pressure slams into you, nearly pitching you over the altar entirely. You grab your [pc.weapon], turning to face the center of the chamber where a pair of figures now stand incandescent in their own inner flame. They look like salamanders, with coal-black skin and flaming hair that's shaped into ponytails. One figure is tall, broad-shouldered and masculine while the other is curvaceous and feminine; both are extraordinarily muscular, idealized far beyond realism, and wreathed in auras of black flame. They must be elemental spirits, but to take such life-like shapes...

"If you seek to bind us," the male spirit says, stepping forward. A flaming sword of pure ebony fire erupts from his hand, scything through the air between you.

"Then you must prove your worth, aspirant!" the female finishes, conjuring a pair of curved blades, whirling them to bear.

but I only get the room description, as if I already did the fight. The hellhound also has a pup already if that matters.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
The altar is covered in runes that glow like embers, but they don't make any particular sense to you.
This means that you don't know very much about the intended reward of the area.

Maybe you should learn how to summon flame spirits first.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This means that you don't know very much about the intended reward of the area.

Maybe you should learn how to summon flame spirits first.
I'm aware of the intended reward however nothing in the scene says summon flame spirit to trigger the event. or even suggest that that would be an option or that anything other than go back south is available


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I'm aware of the intended reward however nothing in the scene says summon flame spirit to trigger the event. or even suggest that that would be an option or that anything other than go back south is available
Your character needs to know the Summon Flame Spirit power before you can use the altar to summon better flame spirits. Go train it and come back.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
So, if you're a mage or arcanist or acolyte, there is a much better hint. But as it stands if you're not, there isn't really much of one. We'll be making the hinting better.
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Your character needs to know the Summon Flame Spirit power before you can use the altar to summon better flame spirits. Go train it and come back.
Where do you find that summon I’ve been looking for it for ages.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2016
Where do you find that summon I’ve been looking for it for ages.
3 year necro but, if your looking for the Summon Flame Spirit power, see Black Mage trainers Ivris or Viviane