Tech's Guide to Defeating Dr. Lash


Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
If you want Lash services, you can just not snitch. If you really need to do both, fuck life's unfair.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you want Lash services, you can just not snitch. If you really need to do both, fuck life's unfair.

Thing is he's at the same time that shiny beacon for all that want to prove they PC is umber-god in game world. I not think he would bring such 'emotions' if he would be just some npc/enemy that you need go some on one of planet explorable area to fight. Yeah he would be a huge challange but then again all to him would be to go beat him then been proud you beat all the game can throw at ya.

About the only thing unique from Lash is going gender-less, I think.

Yeah back in times he was added there was less options to become genderless or full change gender. Nowadays there is much easier for this so maybe with time all his advantages as npc not as enemy to beat will be enough small to make it easy move to add 'arrest' option.
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
Sometimes you just have to decide what you want more. Like badger's case: you want her bimbofication services or to turn her in?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Sometimes you just have to decide what you want more. Like badger's case: you want her bimbofication services or to turn her in?

So long as they stay on Tarkus and don't force anything on me/others cuz I didn't act or disappear on me, I'm content to let them sit and check the given updates followed by a quick load of a previous save. I get a feeling some anal will fix Lash in some funny manner though.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For now I want much more to keep beating him to get credits (yeah I know it's a lowly motivation). As for his services I never actualy needed them but I aware some people at least back in a days was happy to have this option opened for them even if it costed quite much. Plus he was way more 'peacefull' npc to deal with not like some nearby shop owner ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lash confesses to you (on record, since Steele's Codex apparently has such functionality in canon) about one of the major crimes he commited. He certainly is up there in some of the most wanted lists of UGC and its member planets. So if PC was to come up to any Peacekeeper and point towards his whereabouts and bring up evidence, they would send in Space SWAT immediately. Or at least as quickly as the bloated space beuracracy would allow them to.

I get that a lot less people bitched and whined about Lash than about Badger, but it won't take much effort to get the 'Snitch' route in.  If only to provide us more options to cut off content we really don't want to be there in our run, in a lore friendly way.

Penny already knows about Dr.Lash and where he is though. (She just doesn't care... She points you his way if you want to Bimbo Badger.)  And she's the nearest UGC officer...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Penny already knows about Dr.Lash and where he is though. (She just doesn't care... She points you his way if you want to Bimbo Badger.)  And she's the nearest UGC officer...

*Blinks* ... Oh derp! I completely forgot that bit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Penny already knows about Dr.Lash and where he is though. (She just doesn't care... She points you his way if you want to Bimbo Badger.)  And she's the nearest UGC officer...

IIRC, Penny only finds out about him after she starts searching for someone capable of tweaking Badger's tech. And by that point she had decided to go along with your hairbrained scheme instead of properly reporting you and Badger. Which, IMO, makes zero sense for any non-libido crazy version of her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
IIRC, Penny only finds out about him after she starts searching for someone capable of tweaking Badger's tech. And by that point she had decided to go along with your hairbrained scheme instead of properly reporting you and Badger. Which, IMO, makes zero sense for any non-libido crazy version of her.

It's not like you've actually done anything wrong when you walk up to Penny with the intent on turning in the dangerous weapon you were given by an incredibly dangerous terrorist to the nearest UGC officer. Hell I doubt it would be hard to lawyer your way out of accepting the job as it being under duress if you felt like stretching the truth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Quite interesting thing is that atm Penny is nearest UGC officer we can report it too. Like one warp jump away. We have that comanding officer and some of ugc forces at the tether entrance but nada we run to Penny (oh yeah that officer can be easuy cut out if Tarkus only reduce to Nova ship. Anyway asking Lash to change weapon won't count as quite naive using one evil to fight other evil. But this time well we not actualy make them both fight so we then clean up the one remaining.
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May 9, 2016
What started as a half assed attempt to mess with the good doctor yielded pretty good restults.  So, i've refined the strategy until i could beat him.   Here is the Zevos guide to beating Dr. Lash (or, how to use the random oddities of your grand adventure to make an instant fortune)

What is needed


Reflex, Aim, Intelligence late 30s


Shield Booster (not mandatory, but if you take drone you'll need more luck to do dis)


Second Shot


Crystal Shard (before fight)

Focus Pill (Before fight, if int =/= 40)

Pilixia Saliva

Fungal Extract




Black Void Armor Plates (Use goovolver/volley to get past Amara)

Sal. Longcoat

Sal. Shield (Reaper works if you want to be cheap, the difference is only one to three hits)

Thermal Undies

The Fight!

Make sure you have low lust (fungal extract causes 50 on use), full energy going in.  Pop the focus pill and crystal shard. 

The fight itself?  Spam volley.  each hit of the goovolver will deal 4-6 lust, so you'll need about 20 hits to beat Lash.  Keeping mind mind that your overall accuracy will be low, so you'll need well more then 20 hits to defeat him.  However, since your fire resistance (after shield is dead) is 100%. the only damage he can deal to you is 1/attack plus his aim mod, which you'll resist 20% off.   Expect 3 damage per hit, 6 hits minus dodge per round.  Use fungal extract for 50 hp when hp dips bellow 30, palixia saliva for getting back some energy after it runs out.  Expect a rng fest.  And, RNG being what it is, you might or might not win the first/second/third time.  I beat lash 2 out of my first three attempts with this setup, so i can say with general confidence it works.  Good luck,

PS. My compliments to whoever wrote the Gryvain race.  Instant all time favorite race, despite the fact its stuck as feminine on creation.  Nothing a few spams of ManUp can't solve tho. 

I had to take a diff approach to the fight since I went for a melee build on my PC, and this is mostly geared towards a Ranged-build PC.

First off, I would like to note that I have through various legitimate methods in-game, I increased all my stats to 40. I used most of this set-up, but I didn't have Black Void so I just used Goo Armor. Didn't have Volley either since again, Melee build, but did use "Take Cover"(Increases Ranged Evasion for 3 turns) in it's place to negate damage. Please note that while you will evade a large number of his attacks, he may land 1-2 hits per turn every now and again. And my weapon of choice: Vamp Blade, for high accuracy. Other perks that helped IMO were "Heroic reserves"(max energy +33), "Bloodthirsty"(Melee attacks restore a few points of Energy), "Second Attack" (Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you perform a melee attack), and lastly and MOST IMPORTANTLY, "Second Wind"(Grants the ability to recover half of your maximum HP and Energy once per combat encounter). With this set up, I only really needed the Crystal Shard and not much else. Maybe a Shield Booster right after re-applying Take Cover, but I don't feel the Shield Booster makes that much of a significant difference.

The fight with this set up is rather simple, but RNGesus may take a shit on you at some point, so be sure to save before hand. You start by using the Crystal Shard before engaging Dr. Lash, then just spam Take Cover and Basic Melee attacks. You can choose to re-apply Take cover before it's effects wear if you like, but you may need to use a Pexiga Saliva if you do. I just kept attacking until it went down, re-aplied, and repeat. Once your HP gets Dangerously low, Second Wind while Take Cover is still in effect, and continue as before. With a bit of luck you'll land quite a few double attacks thanks to "Second Attack", and maybe a few crits in there too, spelling near-certain doom for Dr. Lash. 

Using this method I have been successful 4/6 attempts on Dr. Lash, pretty good odds if I do say so myself.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Proof that Lash can be defeated in 6.90. Details edited into original post on page 1. Good luck, this fight is even more RNG crazy then the previous tactic.
Apologies in advance for necro. But i do believe this is a relevant advancement of this thread.

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Screenshot (5).png

Calico Cat

Apr 28, 2017
I started as a mercenary, but the only real difference is that I really used headbutt, second wind when health went below 50%, and rapid fire for my skills. For my weapon however, was the Aegis S.M. gun. I also did a lot of shooting with my double shot perk. Also... HOW DID YOU GET 100% WILLPOWER!? IS THERE ANY SLOW TRAINING AVAILABLE!?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I started as a mercenary, but the only real difference is that I really used headbutt, second wind when health went below 50%, and rapid fire for my skills. For my weapon however, was the Aegis S.M. gun. I also did a lot of shooting with my double shot perk. Also... HOW DID YOU GET 100% WILLPOWER!? IS THERE ANY SLOW TRAINING AVAILABLE!?
You... put points in willpower? Like a smart person?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
No there isn't. You can only put your points from levelup in it.

Calico Cat

Apr 28, 2017
Aw, I wish there was because that is the one stat I need to get because I only have 21 of it
(Edit was adding after the aw, I don't want to end up making a second comment right after this one)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
With promised event on Uveto there should be some way to get at least some/all points in willpower till cap. But that yet song of the future.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Aw, I wish there was because that is the one stat I need to get because I only have 21 of it
(Edit was adding after the aw, I don't want to end up making a second comment right after this one)
You could train the other stats in the ten ton gym.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Luckly for him (Calico Cat) Dr. Lash fight not req. willpower maxed (other matter if we talk about Frost Wyrm fight).