Tainted Space: Another Rush [IC]


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
(So sorry for my absence, stuff came up and I forgot to check in! Please forgive my idiocy.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
(Let's move on from the scene for now.)
After a few days of travel, they manage to reach PL-M04, with the debris field circling it, ships are hard pressed to break free without diverting all power to shields to avoid having orbiting debris hit them going thousands of miles per hour. While some debris is merely at a standstill.
Your crew were in the Outer Limits, where old ships and cargo was strewn about, you all could go explore these wrecks or head to the surface.


Well-Known Member
After a few days of travel,
(Shouldn't this be hours instead of days? Interplanetary travel times in TiTS are ~8-10 hours, a lot of which is spent stuck in space-traffic.)
Your crew were in the Outer Limits, where old ships and cargo was strewn about, you all could go explore these wrecks or head to the surface.
"I think we should explore the shipwrecks, figure out how they got wrecked in the first place. If it's due to orbital defences, it might help us prepare for... whatever they are." There might also be some good salvage opportunities, but Isabel figured that goes without saying.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
Standing on the bridge with the others around him, Jason looks to them and says,

"I agree with boss lady, let's check the wrecks out first."
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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"I agree with boss lady, let's check the wrecks out first."
"Yep, im curious to see what damaged them and since some are cargo ships im hoping we can get our hands on something expensive that was left behind."

Khal goes to his room to prepare his equipment, he spends a few minutes making sure everything is working as intented.

"Im ready to go boss." He says leaving he's room, wearing he's armor and holding his saurmorian hammer he asks. "Just a quick question boss... We are probably not going to find anything alive on this wrecks, but if we do find something what are your orders?"


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question boss... We are probably not going to find anything alive on this wrecks, but if we do find something what are your orders?
"Try getting them to safety - send them here, if you have to. If they're hostile, make sure they can't fight back, first."

Though she's already almost ready for physical exploration (the remaining preparations being the space suit, as there'll probably be sections without an atmosphere), that would have to wait for now. "Erik, bring up the scanners - let's see exactly where we should search first."


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
"I'm detecting a few wrecks, one is the WSS Fangvolt, and another translates to...the ES Patrine." I say as I put on the Steele tech space suit.

I suit up into an sexy Steele tech space suit that accentuated my curves and lithe figure, an acceptable, modest bulge jutting out a little as I fit on my helmet. Grabbing an Bullpup Rifle and boost pack for spacial maneuvering.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
Jason finishes suiting up as well, fitting on his helmet and equipping his Apollo plasma rifle.

"Ready when you all are."


Well-Known Member
I'm detecting a few wrecks, one is the WSS Fangvolt, and another translates to...the ES Patrine.
The fact that we already knew the names of the wrecks disturbed Iabel a bit; it implied they were ships from the UGC or one of its member states, which means they had to be fairly recent - post-dating the opening of the Warp Gate leading here, which can't've been more than a few months ago.
Ready when you all are.
"Not yet. Keep scanning for more information - damage, hull integrity, layout, potential cargo, active power sources in particular, anything else of note. We shouldn't go in with just names to work off."

(I think we should also get some context as to what the acronyms mean; if not the acronym itself, at least which faction(s) and/or ship type(s) they belong to.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
(Wogelynd Star Service, Elvadawn Starfreighting)
"Translating data, I picked up an data pad while scouting the systems as a contractor, seems these ships were bombarding the planet itself, along with defending ships. Some of the defenses were online still, powerful, long range weapons, with only funnel of approach to enter the debris field. I'm detecting power in several ships and asteroid defenses. The latest additions...the sensors are close range but the weapons are powerful and long range, not enough time to escape an Sudden barrage of powerful particle cannons."
Erik says knowledgeable about the planet as you detect ships that range from a few moths old to ships that look positively ancient!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
Jason winces when he hears what Erik is saying.

"Yikes. Why the hell did the former inhabitants need such potent defenses?"


Well-Known Member
Yikes. Why the hell did the former inhabitants need such potent defenses?
"Perhaps they were at war? Or maybe they were extremely isolationist."
you detect ships that range from a few moths old to ships that look positively ancient!
While Isabel might've been wrong about the age of the two named ships, the fact there were still months-old ships in this debris field meant: "There's a good chance the planetary defences are still online. If they can hit us here, it might be safer to come back after we've disabled them." While technically a military-grade vessel covered in geddanium armour plating, any defences powerful enough to stop an entire bombardment fleet would certainly be capable of stopping the Sidewinder if she didn't make a beeline out of their effective range.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"There's a good chance the planetary defences are still online. If they can hit us here, it might be safer to come back after we've disabled them."
"Considering we didnt get blasted to bits since we got here i believe we could take the opportunity to board one of the derelicts, its a risky call but like i said before, there may be valuable stuff left behing, plus, theres a possibility to find data about the planet, i doubt this ships got destroyed before they could find something interesting that we could use, i think this is our best call to find a blind spot on the planet's defences, the only other ideas i have to touch ground on the planet is to take a small and stealthy ship, you know, those with military grade camuflage, to try and pass through the defence systems, if they work like our stuff that is, and my last idea is the most reckless of them all, to find a big enough debris, make so it goes into the atmosphere and stay close behind it in the hopes the defence system doesnt see through the disguise."

"Perhaps they were at war? Or maybe they were extremely isolationist."
Khal seems to think for a moment "I find it funny that this plannet's inhabitants made weapons such as this, they couldnt be fighting each other with them, unless they were going to space to go back down to the ground, which it would be a strange strategy to say the least, but hey, im curious to see the true motive behind this defenses..."


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
"Considering we didnt get blasted to bits since we got here i believe we could take the opportunity to board one of the derelicts, its a risky call but like i said before, there may be valuable stuff left behing, plus, theres a possibility to find data about the planet, i doubt this ships got destroyed before they could find something interesting that we could use, i think this is our best call to find a blind spot on the planet's defences, the only other ideas i have to touch ground on the planet is to take a small and stealthy ship, you know, those with military grade camuflage, to try and pass through the defence systems, if they work like our stuff that is, and my last idea is the most reckless of them all, to find a big enough debris, make so it goes into the atmosphere and stay close behind it in the hopes the defence system doesnt see through the disguise."

Khal seems to think for a moment "I find it funny that this plannet's inhabitants made weapons such as this, they couldnt be fighting each other with them, unless they were going to space to go back down to the ground, which it would be a strange strategy to say the least, but hey, im curious to see the true motive behind this defenses..."
Jason nods in agreement.

"Yeah, this whole situation smells fishy, but there's only one way to find out what's going on here. I'm hoping i can salvage system software and electronics from the carcasses of the vessels. What are you hoping to find Khal?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"Anything that can sell for a good price, if i find a cool weapon its a plus for me... But ill focus on any information that can get us to the planet, if they have planet-space artillery like that theres probably some sweet tech down there that can be sold for fat stacks, ill also keep a look out for shiny rocks since the boss owns a mining business.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"The Sidewinder is a blockade runner; we could easily make it to the surface in five seconds flat."
"Oh, in that case we're fine... i think... So the only reason we have to board the wrecked ships is to loot stuff and see if there are any survivors... We still doing it or we are just going to the planet?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
Erik nods as he accesses the data of an functional but blasted ship. "Found an Scavenger Class ship, says we can fly through the ring and inject ourselves anywhere, the hard part is pulling out without disturbing the debris ring and getting sighted outside the blind spot."


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
"The Sidewinder is a blockade runner; we could easily make it to the surface in five seconds flat."
Jason's eyes widen when he hears that.

"Damn, I knew this was a good ship when I saw it but I didn't think it could be that fast."


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
"You didn't think those massive engines in the back were just for show, did you?" Isabel asked, with a little smile and tone of voice to let him know it was a rhetorical question.
Jason laughs and says,

"Fair enough, I guess. So when are we boarding that ship?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
Erik makes a calculation as he sets the ship docking procedure, "Here we go, I fixed the astrogation chart toalign with the ship. We should all be good to go, 6 minutes to bay lock."


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
(Sorry, basically just need a post with you about to board the derelict ship


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Putting on her bubble helmet, Isabel's preparations were less physical and more mental, psyching herself up so that she would hopefully not panic if they encountered something... less than pleasant. The Kashima incident was scary enough, and that was with the crew still alive (as parasitically-puppeted tentacle zombies, but still!*) - and given that these ships were outright destroyed....

*(They all made a full recovery, except for Captain Henderson, who was far too mutated to remove the parasites.)


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
As Steele made her preparations, she was was able to see an ship she was docked with as they go to board the vessel. Erik uses his maneuver gear to lightly jet over to the ship as he opens the escape pod hatch to use as an entry point.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2021
Jason follows in behind Erik, waiting until he had opened the inner hatch into the adjacent hallway the pod hatch lead to.

"I dont know about you guys, but my internal life support has enough air for two hours. How about you guys?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2022
"Hmmm..." Khal looks around as if looking for a display inside he's helmet"...Dont really know... I used to help on emergency repairs on the outside of my old crew's ship... so i probably have a few hours... But if push comes to shove i can just hold my breath!" He says with a smile on his face.

As soon as a entry point is found/made Khal is going to head inside and make sure nothing is going to jump on the rest of the party, if everything seems fine hes going to stand guard untill everyone else is aboard.