Suggestion: Sex Tooltip Displaying Which Parts Are Used


Apr 27, 2019
This is pretty much a high effort, low value, QoL change, but I would like it that when the PC is in control of sex options that the tooltip tells you which body parts are used, for example, I want to sex up Kassyrra, but not if it means birthing imps, so if the tooltip told me "hey you're about to vaginally penetrate her" (in the intro you can chose to do anal instead, so how was I supposed to know that that isn't an option in all interactions) that would be appreciated.

Also, some sex option names make it obvious, but others are more vague and I'd like to know if I'm about to lose my anal virginity before it happens.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2021
This is unlikely to happen this game unfortunately due to the effort required, but I am definitely a supporter of more/clearer signposting for scenes in SavCo's future titles and I encourage voicing the suggestion again in the future.

Semi related, I also support letting the player back out of any sex option before you choose a specific one because some characters lock you into the choice before you even see what your options are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I think that clearly signposted content; thorough, clear tooltips; and a "back" option for "nah, I changed my mind" sexos are all best practice. I know I'm a relatively minor writer for this game, but if y'all do notice anything about my content that's not adequately made clear before you get into it, please let me know.
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