I just completed the first 'play' scene with Tessa and I gotta say.. I love her character (why else would I keep coming back to her to see if anything new has unlocked xP) but that was soo not what I bargained for. You could argue that I shoulda seen it coming what with her personality and insistence to do things 'her way' before taking the drink, but damn. I think it's only fair to the player to let them know exactly what they're signing up for ("we're doing this
my way" is said by several characters and they all mean different things it seems). Or give us an option to say "uhh, how about no..." when it becomes apparent what she's doing.
I'm only saying this cos I love the character, as said
There are plenty of instances in the game where you end up doing something you didn't want to because of misunderstandings or whatever (Mirrin comes to mind) that I don't much care about, but this one is different cos I was looking forward to some interesting interactions and now I just want to fight the bitch
Still, great work!