[Submitted] More Penis-Related Dhaal Implants


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Hello all,

I'm the person who made the Inseminator Pro. Hope that was well-received.

Anyways, I made some more Penis-Related Dhaal Implants.

Up next, I am thinking of writing some flavor text for Briha and Lys so they can be relocated to the Tavros Nursery; with Captain Steele hiring Briha as a security guard and Lys as a florist. Just some flavor text; no new mechanics or events or quests or additional sex scenes.

I think I'm allowed to do this since JimThermic retired and I'm having trouble finding info on Zeikfried, but if there's some taboo or if I should refrain from this, comment below :)
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  • It's spelled "testicle", not "testical".
  • You're assuming Steele has external testicles; it's entirely possible for them to have a penis with no testicles. Cock-wielding Steeles always have a prostate, though. Unless these aren't intended to work without testicles?
  • I'm pretty sure they'd count as combat implants despite the lack of stat gains, because their main use is in combat.
  • Don't take my word as fact on this (I'm no expert on game balance), but I'm worried they're going to be too powerful as they currently are. A 175 HP + 50 Lust heal (unless by "costs 50 Lust" you mean "increases Lust by 50") is huge, as is resetting Lust; chances are, those values are going to be toned way down, put on a significantly longer cooldown than once per battle (I'd say somewhere between once per day and once per week, inclusive), or both.

I have some thoughts on Briha and Lys, too:
  • I don't think security or floristry are concerns for the Steele Tech nursery; they're mainly interested in people who can help raise kids.
  • Briha could easily be hired on as a myrmedion specialist if she has kids with Steele. She also doesn't have any reason to stay on Myrellion.
  • I'm less certain about Lys's job, as floristry is really all we have to go on; something with the Venus Pitchers, perhaps? In any case, she doesn't have a reason to leave Myrellion; No Myr's Land is where she and her wife lived before the latter died, so she's quite attached to the area.
  • Regardless of why they're going to the nursery, they'll need some way of actually getting there; since they're deserters, I doubt either the Federation or the Republic would be willing to let them go through the DMZ (or anywhere, really), so they'll need an alternate method. My own plans for a Briha expac had her hitching a ride in a particularly large nursery pod after getting permission from Briget; feel free to use that, or to come up with your own idea(s).
  • I don't see any reason you wouldn't be allowed to write it, so long as it's not canon-breaking or banned content or anything. You'll need to do some rewrites to account for their change of scenery and clothes (if they're working at the nursery, I assume they're getting Steele Tech uniforms), and possibly scar removal if you want to do that (Steele Tech has an excellent health care policy). I also doubt they wouldn't have some reaction to a) each other, and b) Myrellion getting nuked, even if they're one-time-only scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Orgasmic Resurrector:

- 175 HP is a ton early game, not too much later on as both Steele's max HP and the enemies' damage go up (the maximum level is supposed to be 20). Maximum HP recovery as a % of Steele's maximum HP (for example) would make it useful through all the game.

Tactical Wanker:

  • There are instances where [pc.lowerGarmentOuter] and [pc.armor] may return the same name, so the flavor text would sound weird.
  • If Steele is naked, I'm not sure which word (if any) [pc.lowerGarmentOuter] and [pc.armor] would return.

Some of the flavor text sounds like Steele ends covered in lots of cum. Consider applying (multiple) layers of the mostly cosmetic "cum soaked" status effect on Steele.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
@Hanzo @TheShepard256

Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate it very much.

I've worked on brushing up the spelling for the implant, and also reworked mechanics for the Orgasmic Resurrector. At worst, the Orgasmic Resurrector gives a boost of 5% Captain Steele's HP and takes away 25 Lust. At best, the Orgasmic Resurrector increases Captain Steel's HP by 175 points and lust by 20 points, for a net total of 70 lust.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
For what little it's worth 175 HP is more than entire Steele's health bar at lvl.10, which effectively is the "end game" for now and likely still for many months to come.

The balance on the Orgasmic Resurrector seems weird, especially after the change in mechanics -- you're effectively creating three different devices, where the actual effect depends on the cum output:
  • at 500 mLs there's 5% healing, but lust reduction of 25 units
  • at 1000 mLs there's 10% heal at no lust cost
  • above 1000 mLs there's heal in 10-100% range with 0-20 lust point cost (70 points cap - 50 points initial cost)
Am guessing the last one is a mistake and the cost is supposed to scale all way to 70 points (meaning the cap should actually be 120 units, to account for initial -50)

Using the same text for 1,000-10,000 mLs range makes little sense -- there's quite a difference in utility between 10% HP heal and 100% HP heal, and yet they get the same flavor text suggesting you're much better off and highly energized. Having two different extra texts for outputs above that, which will all get capped to 100% anyway, makes even less sense.

Overall, it creates a highly confusing item, and one of questionable benefit to pretty much anyone but certain subset of players, ones who enjoy boosting their cum output to absurd values. You might want to rethink it?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020

Thanks for the feedback. I've completed nixed the whole "lust gain" mechanics for the Orgasmic Resurrector; now it just needs 50 lust to function (but it will not add/decrease lust).

I'll also probably add more flavor text for the cum ejaculation as well :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
now it just needs 50 lust to function (but it will not add/decrease lust)
This sounds like a good change; something you might want to consider -- instead of scaling the heal effect by flat cum amount, scale it by something like
ejaculated amount / max ejaculated amount?
This would provide natural limit on how often the effect could be used (without using cum-restoring items) making the usage slightly more "tactical" and also make the item more useful to a wider range of players.
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