[Submitted] Flahne: Now With Eggs


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2018
Minnesota, USA
Kaska preg got shot down.

Mitzi preg is ok. But would involve fixing her mentally and physically. She took way too many drugs so currently she is sterile. In that case it’s turned into a longer term project and I have to brainstorm how I want to do it. I want to take some time to think about it and not rush right in.

In the more near term my most fleshed idea involves Gel’zon.

- Beat him 3 times in a row and you can get fed up with all the challenges. Push him down, mount him and ride his cock making him repeatedly cum until he passes out. Show him just how superior you really are. The victor does get to chose after all. ;)
- Lose 3 times in a row and he’ll keep you a while and fill up all your holes. He'll show you that your rightful place in this world is with your face down and ass up, ready to take his cock.

On the female NPC side more concrete ideas floating around involve a sub expansion for Inessa involving preg but mostly a whoooooole lot of exhibitionism. Walkies, or in her case floaties/flappies. Making her oral you in public. Fingering her in public. Making her interact with customers with a vibrator in her puss AND her ass and you would be able to set the speed of each individually. Making her model her products for her customers. Etc.

Finding the Naleen female in heat and setting foundations for crew.
Well I hope you get inspiration on creating a Mitzi breeding expansion someday.

Inessa is another one I'd love to see pregnancy content for.

I like the naleen idea as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
Wait does that last part mean that the Female Naleen will become a crew member? If so Yes! I’ve always dreamed of having that kitty snek as a crew member! :yes:

Perhaps. I don’t want to make any promises on that front. It would have to be run by Fen simply due to the fact she’s an enemy. At this point it would mostly just involve a developing of the relationship and a deepening of the bond so she would be receptive to the idea in the future.

Although perhaps she wouldn’t become crew but move to Tavros and get a job in the forest park or perhaps as snekcop. [Beware the long tail of the law!] I’m not sure how happy she’d be cooped up in your tiny ship.

With Mitzi it’s more like my current plans went out the window so I have to adapt ideas and come up with new ones.

I have an commission coming with Wsan involving a snek waifu on crew but she won’t be Naleen but another race entirely.
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Well-Known Member
Perhaps. I don’t want to make any promises on that front. It would have to be run by Fen simply due to the fact she’s an enemy. At this point it would mostly just involve a developing of the relationship and a deepening of the bond so she would be receptive to the idea in the future.

Although perhaps she wouldn’t become crew but move to Tavros and get a job in the forest park or perhaps as snekcop. [Beware the long tail of the law!] I’m not sure how happy she’d be cooped up in your tiny ship.

With Mitzi it’s more like my current plans went out the window so I have to adapt ideas and come up with new ones.

That’s understandable and I agree that she probably wouldn’t like being cooped up in your ship all the time.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2017
After reading the doc got two questions, is it possible for Flahne to visit her kids on Tavros and can we get some time spending scenes with her and our kids?
Second, will she get new generic welcome scenes based on her affection?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
I’ve thought about it but there isn’t much point.

Rahn fully mature about two weeks after birth.

Basically the only reason they’d stay at the nursery is for an education.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2018
Pumped over 500 edits into this puppy. Reworked a number of sentences. Improved word variety. Cut about 600 words of things that didn't fit or flow well.

Still waiting on review.

Naga will work now. I think I caught all the logical problems for Naga but let me know if you notice something. I may try to add something special for those players later. Depends if Fen reviews it anytime soon or not.

Taur probably has no realistic hope of making it in as it would require major rewrites or new variants on my part.


Jul 1, 2016
I feel Breedwell is something separate entirely. Maybe at most I'll throw in an easter egg where they'll send you congratulatory mail if you have x many kids with Flahne.
It would be super cool if having kid/s with Flahne acts as an alternate method of proc'ing the Breedwell email. This looks great!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It would be super cool if having kid/s with Flahne acts as an alternate method of proc'ing the Breedwell email. This looks great!
The Breedwell email procs after your steele births 5 kids and/or 500,000 ml or cum donated


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
As a suggestion feel free to shoot this down but would it be possible to make it so we can opt out of carrying the eggs and juss have like cumslut/bimbo penny do it??