what's up fuckers we're back with more smut to guarantee my soul a lower circle of hell. Uncle Sam can economically and politcally enslave me, but under the 69th Amendment I have the constitutional right to be a degenerate. This time it's
Manticore Girl Headpats.
Also y'all are free to write whatever you want for Clementine, but I'm reclaiming Valencia because I'm a whore for manticores and I got off this stupid fucking drug that makes my dick stop working. See you when my probation officer gets off my ass because I don't want to work minimum wage in this godforsaken hell.
Oh yea and google deleted all my shit while I was in jail so I lost all of my previous documents sadly. I will still try to write Valencia's mom and updates to her and manticores, manticores, manticores.
if you ever commit tax fraud can you show me how to do it but only if you're good at it and you know what you're doing because jail food tastes really bad and there are a lot of annoying rich people in minimum security and the judge said if I do it again then I'm bad girl but in a non-sexy way