Hm. That thing looks pretty spacious, actually. I pictured something more like
Why does it look like a cyber duck?
Hm. That thing looks pretty spacious, actually. I pictured something more like
It literally has a snout.
The Ship is meant to be a ugly junker so don't expect anything its literally a piece of scrap they attached some thrusters and a updated computer on to.
I meant to ask this in the first part of the thread so rather than start a new one and clutter up this section of the forum, so I'll ask it here: was there going to be open space exploration with your ship in the game, like in and around star systems or just in space in general?
I meant to ask this in the first part of the thread so rather than start a new one and clutter up this section of the forum, so I'll ask it here: was there going to be open space exploration with your ship in the game, like in and around star systems or just in space in general?
Can't see how that would work..
What kind of budget do you think TiTS has? Menu-based maybe, and that's a pretty big IF. Open exploration, no.
I meant like the explore button in CoC, mostly just exploring space and finding or encountering random events and people. Not like... whatever game does this, I probably should've word that better.
Given that the average consumer light drive can accelerate a ship to 1/3rd the speed of light, nevermind the incredibly handy Akkadi-pattented Warp Gates, I feel like the only way to add the Spaceship dogfights we've been promised (besides hostile pirates ambushing travelers at said gates.) is through a deep-space exploration feature of some sort... so, yes? Maybe? Idk.
Takes time to accelerate to those speeds. Plus warp gates are a choke point. Unless they're also their own battlestation.
If I recall warp gates I think in the U.G.C. are heavily defended. I mean really after the Thraggan fiasco one would think it's a very good idea to have warp gates heavily guarded to prevent invasion fleets. Though that does beg the question how the heck do pirates slip past em? I mean if the gates are guarded as such how would a pirate fleet be able to gain access to otherwise high security systems? Makes me think they discovered some obscure tech that allows them to have warp capable engines without the need to use warp gates.
Or they pass as legitimate traffic. Hiding weapons.
depends on the ship really, I mean it's kinda hard to hide those turreted weapons. I would think the fleet patrolling a system would not take kindly to a civilian owned military grade warship.
I meant to ask this in the first part of the thread so rather than start a new one and clutter up this section of the forum, so I'll ask it here: was there going to be open space exploration with your ship in the game, like in and around star systems or just in space in general?
To go slightly off-topic. Do you need another warp gate on the other side to exit from?
Yes, they are almost exactly like Stargates.
Sort of. When SPESS is implemented the "go to planet" menu will disappear and be replaced by something else. What that something else is usually changed by the drawboard overlord Gedan every few months, but you'll be flying through space in some manner.
the Warp gates sort of remind me of the gates talked about in the lore of Galactic Civilization series, Rebel Galaxy, and yeah of course Stargate, you know those Super Gates during the last few seasons with the Ori. (God I miss that series, fucking SciFY CEO didn't like the series and had it nixxed, damn bitch. There's just not that many good SF tv series nowadays that match up to some series, B5 and SG being among the few). There are probably some other examples I can give but I can't think of em at the moment.
Edit: I totally forgot about EVE online with their gates as well.