

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
So. after watching Fen and Savins DnD stuffs for a while, I've decided upon myself to find a party of rather pervy adventurers and one Dungeon Master. It's been on my mind for a long while now and I've got nothing better to do with my Saturday nights. Wadda ya say m8s? Typically thing, Skype is obviously going to be in use, mics preferred but not necessary. I know it's not just me wanting to do this so lez go. 

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Golly, yet another "Let's play a RPG, strangers!" post.

Scope around the RP forums for something, I'm sure you can find some half-orphaned group.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Part of me wonders if you've even own the Pathfinder rule book or ever played a game of Pathfinder, let alone actually GMed one.

Do you have a setting for the story to take place in?

Do you have a narrative you want to use?

Do you have a preferred number of players?

Do you wanna DM or be a player yourself?

If you can't answer any of these questions, you should take the time and do so.
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Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
You should read better cuz they're clearly seeking a GM, too. Good effort on the sassy vitriol tho.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wait, wait wait.  You're not offering to GM?  You're literally asking for a GM and a group of people, as well as setting guide lines for said GM and group of people?  You're sure as hell not going to have someone hand you a campaign just because you asked for it.  It'd be wise to ask around if there are any active campaigns, or even start one yourself. Or ask your friends. Or do something else.  
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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2016
Alright then, simple no would've sufficed. Did I post in the wrong forum or something? That it? I think that's a factor. Didn't expect such an apprehensive response, damn. 

Well regardless, I'll leave this here or delete it at a later date, but I guess I'll just rephrase my initial post. Never mind players at this point, I suppose that was asking a bit much. So a DM is kinda all I'm looking for. Thought the setting and narrative would be obvious, this being a CoC forum and the title and all. I haven't played in a while, having been DMing another session. 

I'll admit I was kind of vague, bit too eager and optimistic, which was my mistake. Next time I'll know better. System would be Pathfinder, as per parody title, thusly would follow Pathfinder rules with a CoC twist. As stated prior I'm just looking for a DM and we'd fish for players later. I just want to play a CoC themed game, damn.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Wait, wait wait.  You're not offering to GM?  You're literally asking for a GM and a group of people, as well as setting guide lines for said GM and group of people?  You're sure as hell not going to have someone hand you a campaign just because you asked for it.  It'd be wise to ask around if there are any active campaigns, or even start one yourself. Or ask your friends. Or do something else.  

This isn't uncommon, dude. There's (on average) five people in a group, any one is going to start looking to form it, not just the would-be GM.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would love to GM for you, but I got to Maou my monster girl campaign. (those hero's ain't gonna corrupt them selves)

What your asking for is quite a lot of work. Keep asking though, you will find some one. Maybe bring some other DnD Friends into it, they like porn to don't let them say otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You should read better cuz they're clearly seeking a GM, too. Good effort on the sassy vitriol tho.

Awww... thanks Ted I love you to! <3

Alright then, simple no would've sufficed. Did I post in the wrong forum or something? That it? I think that's a factor. Didn't expect such an apprehensive response, damn. 

Well regardless, I'll leave this here or delete it at a later date, but I guess I'll just rephrase my initial post. Never mind players at this point, I suppose that was asking a bit much. So a DM is kinda all I'm looking for. Thought the setting and narrative would be obvious, this being a CoC forum and the title and all. I haven't played in a while, having been DMing another session. 

I'll admit I was kind of vague, bit too eager and optimistic, which was my mistake. Next time I'll know better. System would be Pathfinder, as per parody title, thusly would follow Pathfinder rules with a CoC twist. As stated prior I'm just looking for a DM and we'd fish for players later. I just want to play a CoC themed game, damn.

A vague thread will get you a vague response. If you want people to give you a detailed response ask a detailed question. The way you worded it I had strong doubts you even knew what Pathfinder was. A lot goes into planning a Campaign, you should know this as a Pathfinder player.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alright then, simple no would've sufficed. Did I post in the wrong forum or something? That it? I think that's a factor. Didn't expect such an apprehensive response, damn. 

You've tapped into a sore subject. There have been several attempts to get some pathfinder/3.5 action off the ground without much success. The bottleneck is definitely a competent/committed DM that is willing to run games on a regular basis. Consider yourself "that guy" that enthusiastically joined a line that hasn't budged in ages.

Framing your post a little more carefully would definitely have gone over better, but you had the right idea. The more people that make requests, the more likely someone will be convinced that it's worth it to run a game.

Something that kept itself near the top of the sub-forum without a bunch of obnoxious bumps would be an ideal way to advertise continued community interest. A character concept thread or something similar would work. I realize that not everyone has time to make characters for games that might never get started, but no effort, no reward, right? I for one would be eager to read people's smutty character concepts :3

Part of me wonders if you've even own the Pathfinder rule book

Not a requirement in even the remotest sense. ¬¬  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
with the way the internet works, no one needs a rule book anymore.

All you really need is a fillable character sheet.

PS. I have spell sheets as well but their not forum fill PDF, If any one wants to make them that I'll toss them your way. I have been thinking about building a "Smut" School of magic.

View attachment CharacterSheet.pdf
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not a requirement in even the remotest sense. ¬¬  

I'm well aware of that site, I browse it frequently.

with the way the internet works, no one needs a rule book anymore.

All you really need is a fillable character sheet.

Some "hardcore" groups don't like it you don't own a Rulebook/any books for 3rd Party material currently being used, Paperback, PDF or otherwise. In hindsight I guess it really doesn't matter, does it? People like them are just hardliners to the "old" ways I guess.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
yeah i don't play with those people any ways. the way we do it is we all bring our laptops/tablets which contain the books and sheets then play from them. The DM keeps a copy of each character sheet so we don't cheat. Its just easier then actually owning the hardback books. On that note I have 50+ .pdfs for 3.5 and Forgotten Realms and 25 pathfinder .pdfs. i dotn know how the rules on file sharing but I'm assuming its a no (caugh)
