[Steam][0.6.2] Critical Error in Abyssal Depths F1 of [Winter Wolf], at start of 1st Combat


New Member
Nov 18, 2021
Critical Error occurs at the initation of combat during the Abyssal Depths dungeon, Floor 1, of the Winter Wolf questline.
Specifically the "AbyssalDepthsBarricadeDoCombat" aptly named in the .js file I saw in the raw data dump.
Utilizing a Crystal Grenade or Advancing results in the same critical error, which makes me believe this begins at the initation of combat with these enemies.
Autosave does not allow recovery (in my attempts), requiring a game restart and loading back a save.
Combat outside of this dungeon does not yield this error, and the game runs normally.

How Often: Consistently. (~4+ Attempts to Reproduce, 100% Success Rate)
Edition: Steam ver, 0.6.2.

I have not, to my knowledge, modified the game in any way, aside from what is possible within the game itself (settings).
I have seen other bug reports of this bug, however sought to create my own with the most information possible, and to confirm that this bug occurs in Steam version as well.
I looked at the fixed category and found no fixes to this problem.

Raw Data / Console:
Note: Username typically found in Users/[your name here] has been replaced with [REDACTED] for privacy reasons. However, the rest of the raw data is unedited.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasPerk' of null
at st (file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/826.a4bb9dd6350781509418.js:1:3672355)
at Function.value (file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/826.a4bb9dd6350781509418.js:1:3673036)
at file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/Content_Dungeons.2b0f2bf37872292c2fee.js:1:3064834
at Array.forEach ()
at window.AbyssalDepthsBarricadeDoCombat (file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/Content_Dungeons.2b0f2bf37872292c2fee.js:1:3064792)
at Object.func (file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/Content_Dungeons.2b0f2bf37872292c2fee.js:1:3064171)
at doClick (file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/256.14af222395261528c56b.js:1:38245)
at l (file:///C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Desktop/Bulk/Games/steamapps/common/Corruption%20of%20Champions%20II/resources/app/826.a4bb9dd6350781509418.js:1:3553611)
image (5).pngactivate windows
Let me know if you need any more information, I'll be happy to provide more. Thanks for the game and effort you do, you are all truly wonderful. :catte: