She shakes his hand and nods "It is no problem. I hope you find your brother sooner rather than later... and do not hurt him too much, that would make his little lover sad."
"Oh don't worry. I'll send him back mostly intact." He says with a laugh, before getting to his feet. "I suppose this is where we part ways. See you later, Aila." He says, smiling as he starts walking away. "Come on Hina!" He calls out over his shoulder.
"Mmhm. I hope we can find some shelter without running into something nasty." He murmurs, holding her hand as he walks. Though he pretends he's not doing anything out of the ordinary, he has a slight smile playing at his lips.
"A fair enough idea." Hina says while matching his pace. "The rass doesn't seem long enough to really conceal anything but then again.. those ferals were rather sneaky."
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I don't have much stamina, but I recover quickly. Breathing exercises. Don't know how it helps, but it does!" He says, maintaining a normal jogging pace.
"Very well, so long as you are certain." She mutters as they head further into the grasslands. By the time the sun is going down they reach the bottom of the first large hill. "Well, we made it to the hills at least. But there is sitll nothing but grass."
"Me either, but... What choice do we have? There's no shelter." He says with a shrug. "It's all grasslands. On the upside, we can see ferals coming from a good distance away. If the grass is moving without wind, then... Yeah. Feral." He says with a wry chuckle.
"Good idea. I'll take a nap. Wake me if anything happens." He says, crawling into her lap and covering himself with the paper blanket, before closing his eyes and falling into a light sleep.
She rests her hands on his shoulders and keeps watch through the night. Eventually he feels Hina lightly shaking his shoulder "Kai... kai wake up... we are not alone." She whispers.
She nods off to the left where the grass is moving without any wind to make it rustle. It is slow... and subtle, hard to notice without looking really hard.
He readies his spear, narrowing his eyes at the moving grass, before slowly moving towards it. Once it's in range, he quickly stabs downwards, trying to impale it before it gets too close.
His spear misses by an inch and he hears a terried MEEEEEEEEEP! before what looks like a little sheep person shoots up out of the grass "DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!"
Still thinking it's a trap [pun intended. XD], he calls Hina over, nodding to the sheep person. "Just... Comfort it, will you? I hate it when people start bawling." He grumbles, looking down at the sheep.
"Well, you could have hailed us from a safe distance away. It would give you time to run if we were hostile, wouldn't it?" He asks, sitting down next to the sheep person. "Sorry I tried to stab you. But... You know... Ferals and all..." He murmurs.
"Ah. Okay then. Sorry for scaring you." He murmurs, chuckling. "You guys live somewhere nearby? I could use a safe place to stay for a night." He says, smiling at the infected. "Ah. Where are my manners!?" He shakes his head before holding out his hand. "I'm Kaizen. Kai for short. What's your name?" He asks.