They both give him a hug before looking at each other and back to him.
"So, we found a new tribe but we can't really decide what to make of them. They are very... firm in their beliefs."
"What she means is, they are a bunch of lunk heads! They believe the virus was "The great culling of the weak" and now only the strong or smart survive. They think all of this is like a test and now that the weak are dead it is up to the superior people to remake the world and decide how it functions."
"Beyond that they are a firm race on slaving. If you were not strong enough to fight them off, then you should serve under them. They don't seem cruel to their slaves but... they are very firm about it all."
"Also they have a black smith... so that is interesting. He can make stuff out of rock, clay or whatever metal they might have. Oh, and despite all that shit, gender means nothing to them, they only care about what you can do."