Starting Options/Customization and etc

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

This pretty much summarizes my initial reaction to this thread.


Mar 8, 2016
@Cor: Probably. On most sites, unless something involves dicks, people just shove it in a "things that doesn't directly negatively affect me" folder and ignore it.

@Eth-D: Logical or no, a fact has been presented. And most people do seem to rush to the "Well, it doesn't affect me so...." ignorant side of it. Of fear of getting involved and/or having to care. As, like said: They can avoid it, so they will. Even if they would refuse to be treated the same way. But, as they are on the bully side of the event, they don't give a fuck. Very classic mentality of people to adapt.

@Star: The porn industry is the backstory to why child pussy is the go to genital in porn. I tried to give some context to it, as you asked what was up with it.

As for descriptions: There's literally none. All the character page mentions is that you have a pussy. You get 0 info on how it looks, while if you're a guy, you get a monologue about your dick. And the few NPC ones I've been able to find, it's always described within those terms. As "slender", "slit", "tiny" and etc. As for actual visual appearances: The ones we were just linked are perfect examples of that. Both the females in those have flat child genitals. While the kaithrit males in particular got some massive clusterfuck in place of a genital. Not even making them the same species on any level. Can't tell if it's "official" artwork or not. But in either case, that should say something on how terribly designed the species are to begin with. Not to mention how lazy the writers are for slapping the same identical pussy design on almost every single female in the game.

And yes, you might be correct that it could just be the overall incompetence towards female genitalia that... basically all fandoms, especially the furry one have. But that still has to stem from somewhere. And as said: with the facts that there is NO description whatsoever in TiTS for a female PC's genital, aside from lubrication amount and clit size, says a lot. Atop as said, the fact you can't change the pussy's appearance or traits in any way, as all superficial traits are male exclusive. And all species just have the same identical human child vulva.

Also, if I was soapboxing, I would prolly bring up that the game incorrectly refers to the hymen as "intact", unless this universes humans have a different hymen than our universes. Which is a basically an internal collar. (which 30-40 % rate to be defunct granted) Plus, as shown above, multiple times: It's not unrelated. As a female PC, you are given no superficial customization whatsoever in your genital, you are always forced to pick human child in terms of design. While male PC's are given a shitton of options, many of which are game altering. Along with having 2 male exclusive races to pick from. AND exclusive access to ALL the traits that has physical altering effects. It's honestly insulting in how lazy people have been with this. And yes, sorry. It's rude to call out. But when I can literally bet money on that people would be flipping their shit if this was done oppositely, said people have lost ALL rights to both bitch about this, and/or complaining that "it doesn't matter/no-body cares". When they have clearly shown that it matters a ton, and that they care a shitton, for it not to happen to them. But, as it currently isn't happening to them, they act all high and mighty, trying to be high horse about it.

@Sicaa: As said: Most of these wouldn't need to be even be addressed in actual sex scenes. Just mentioned in the character sheet. Pubic hairs could be a neat addition. And as said: simply being addressed in your description, but never (or only ever if relevant) in any sex scenes, would STILL be a huge improvement. It gives a lot more immersion to have your characters appearance, actually be acknowledged in the game. Not be primarily exclusive to if you're a male character. It's like if ex: the rogue and mage class in a game offered the rogue class 9 different playstyles, but for mage, nope, you were only allowed to play as a frost mage. And only one spell was viable.

It's getting increasingly frustrating that I barely can play jack shit if I want to be a female PC, as the game doesn't bother to adress even major details, as they're not even included as options in the game. But if I pick a male PC, I get exclusive scenes, species, genitals, traits and the whole package. Along with having tiny detailed catered too, and directly mentioned in sex scenes. Again: I' not expecting anything massive to be included for females, but ffs, SOMETHING would be nice...

As for NPC vags, I haven't dug through the whole game, as I far too often got bored to tears. So if there actually exists some detailed ones out there, then that's really neat. But yeah, so far I haven't been able to drag myself much further than 1-2 hours into the game. And I always quit out of frustration for how lackluster and neglected the female PC route is. Again: I know most people prolly have only, or primarily have experience in writing male focused work. But it's at many parts as stupid as the "Meet and fuck" game's level. Where you as a male PC, pay to pleasure yourself using female NPC/PC's, but as a female PC, you pay in order to be allowed to pleasure male NPC's/PC's. Which is as retarded ass backwards as you can get. And in both CoC and TiTS, I more often than not found the scene to drift off to be about the male. (There are some really good female focused scenes, but so far, all of those have been F/F to what I've noticed) Like, one scene had around 2 text rows of dialog, describing how amazing this guy I was with's dick was. Then it went to my, mentioning "your pussy was wet", then back to talking about his throbbing manhood. While if I played male, I was the one getting several rows of text dedicated to my genitals. What species, size and all that it was. And about any change I got to said penis was almost immediate and/or included in the scenes. When basically the most I could get after 10 times longer as a female was "your pussy got wet...ter..." like, woo... feels like I'm playing a game where you can only unlock achievements if you play as the male protagonist. Heck, "Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell" is a perfect example of that. You can play as a female PC, but it doesn't matter for jack shit, as it's the male in all cutscenes. And you play the male at the final boss regardless.

Seriously though people. While I know you'd just puss out with the "I don't have to prove anything" excuse.

I'd DARE you to try and post a like, "light" version of this game where the male options and crippled down to the lame, heavily restricted gameplay+near non-existent customization of them female options.

People would swarm the comments, trying to tear it a new one over how (supposedly) shit it would be. But that said, I don't expect most, or possibly even any of you would understand. Not entirely unlike how: (just to use one of the most cliché examples, just to ensure people will recognize it) rich, white kids claim that racism doesn't exist, cuz "they've never experienced it". I'm not comparing the lackluster effort (or lack thereof) of this game in this specific area to this loose comparison. I'm just saying: Conceptually, it's not that far from it. As many people here (not all though thankfully) are doing the "psh, that doesn't negatively affect me, why would I care?" ignorant routine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I think the problem is that only you have a problem with it and no one else really does. Like I said,  if you see a problem and would like to deal with it, you can always submit content yourself.  Hell, you could commission one of the content creators to do it for you if you want. Plus the game has a lot of options for female PC sex scenes and customization options idk what your going on about.

TBH, this seems more like a rant than a bug report.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
it may be a good idea to stop insisting on referring to the 'default vagina specifications' as 'loli' and 'child'.

This, please. I just spotted this thread (why is it on this subforum?), started reading it because it caters to my interests and the constant "loli" thing was getting on my nerves already. "Featureless" works fine as a description.

I have to say I agree with OP in the sense that female bits get little to no description and customization aside from colour and blurbs, i.e. gabilani ones having special muscles, or those winking marecunts. There's a reason why my Steele currently sports three vanae ones: unless I have skipped anything, they're the only ones which get a little bit more on outer description (double clitoris and cillia-as well the chance of becoming a squirter). Personally, I'd love it if we could get some of the Treatment blurbs, or the ability to get puffy labia, a relatively deep, textured, stretchy tunnel and holes that tend to gape all the time because muh fetishes and, well, personal experience.

But I don't like to keep on banging about it once my opinion has been stated because not every writer will remember and write for each flag. In an ideal scenario everything would be taken into account and used for more than cosmetic reasons, but since it's not the case I just prefer to express interest in such things and hope for the best (want it? Write it) as a way to let people know there's at least one user who's interested in that. I know I cannot win the war, but I am rather positive you're not going to win battles with the likes of "I don't expect most, or possibly even any of you would understand." Yes, I am a female, and a straight one to boot with a taste for variety both for human and inhuman flavours, but I am not going to cry bloody murder: I am not the kind of player the game caters to, and the writers might not be into vaginal descriptions. Hell, I recently found myself happy at a scene which gave a realistic arousal reaction of my Steele's female parts. Thank goodness I play female herm characters.

Having a character oozing down juices (both rear and front) has been there since CoC, so I won't complain about that issue. Much.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This, please. I just spotted this thread (why is it on this subforum?), started reading it because it caters to my interests and the constant "loli" thing was getting on my nerves already. "Featureless" works fine as a description.

I have to say I agree with OP in the sense that female bits get little to no description and customization aside from colour and blurbs, i.e. gabilani ones having special muscles, or those winking marecunts. There's a reason why my Steele currently sports three vanae ones: unless I have skipped anything, they're the only ones which get a little bit more on outer description (double clitoris and cillia-as well the chance of becoming a squirter). Personally, I'd love it if we could get some of the Treatment blurbs, or the ability to get puffy labia, a relatively deep, textured, stretchy tunnel and holes that tend to gape all the time because muh fetishes and, well, personal experience.

But I don't like to keep on banging about it once my opinion has been stated because not every writer will take every instance into account. in an ideal scenario everything would be taken into account and used for more than cosmetic reasons, but since it's not the case I just prefer to express interest in such things and hope for the best (want it? Write it) as a way to let people know that there's at least one user who's interested in that. I know I cannot win the war, but I am rather positive you're not going to win battles with the likes of "I don't expect most, or possibly even any of you would understand." Yes, I am a female, and a straight one to boot with a taste for variety both for human and inhuman flavours, but I am not going to cry bloody murder: I am not the kind of player that the game caters to, and the writers might not be into vaginal descriptions. Hell, I recently found myself happy at a scene which gave a realistic arousal reaction of my Steele's female parts. Thank goodness I play female herm characters.

Having a character oozing down juices (both rear and front) has been there since CoC, so I won't complain about that issue. Much.

Well, it would be helpful if we had a list of suggestions for vagina types.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It would certainly be. As I see it (note: I'm typing this on top of my head), different types could be built based on simple differences:

*Labia (thin, engorged, long, short)
*Mound (bulgy, non-existant)
*Clit (big, small, fat, thin... different numbers and placements. Also, attention to the clitoral hood)
*Feel (bumpy, with cillia, muscled)
*Ability (not to) gape after taking certain sizes

To be honest, I am not too knowledgeable in types outside of human ones, so I am afraid I shold call for help here. CoC was what opened me the door to different types of penises, so who's to say writers won't do the same for female parts in TiTS? Damn, I'm a dreamer.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe I should do a thread asking for vagina suggestions.

Edit: Or you should, since it would be more fitting?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Will do. I like how you're managing the manly content thread.


Mar 8, 2016
Man, got more delays than usual, entire weekend was caught up.

Might have been for the best anyhow, got some time to look over it. Anyhow~

@Kori: My problem with it, is that everyone has a massive problem with it, except if it doesn't affect their preferences.  Like the examples given that no-one would be okay with if the male PC options were gutted down to what the females have. But, as that's not the case: they don't give a fuck. Ergo: They care a shitton about it, but only as long as it strays from the status quo, otherwise not. A classic, contradictory "bully mentality".

And really? So far I've pointed out the utter lack of even close to as in depth options and scenes for female PC's as for males, and your response has basically been "Yupp, that doesn't exist in the slightest. But be happy over the vast options for female PC's we can't give examples off, but it's totes there." As for content, I've offered that, but Fenoxo assured me that they had plenty of people already working on it. And that booting up their butts towards fixing and adding more content to pad out missing content would be better spent time than dragging in another writer.

@Eth-Drag+Star: That's what I said. But Fenoxo more or less said "No, that is definitely a bug, go report it to the forums so we can help fix it."

Granted I did trail off a notable amount. But I'm not one to argue with the game's creator if they say it's a f- up on their part, and that it belongs in the bug report forums.

@Kesil: Welp, sorry if you find the loli part a nuisance, but I'm not one for sugar coating. I can stick to "flat+featureless" or simply "juvenile" if you'd prefer though. But that's literally what it is though. And that goes for the pics posted as well.

And you summed it up well there. Like, I literally got a way more in depth and catering description as a newly created male PC, than my 2+ hours in female PC.

I can't defend my sarcasm or negativity though, that just come with waaay too many years experience of the hypocritical double moral bs in the porn fandom. Only difference on me being a total bitch about it, is that I'm not a famous popfur, so people don't find it endearing xP But that aside. I would say that: That's literally the writers problem then. They have a job to do, they better fix it. I offered to do female focused content, as apparently one of the top authors of the genre... (I blame lacking competition) But as said: was assured they had more than enough authors. So, that said: I would expect that they simply get their thumbs out and remember to include said flags. If anything, only because they are expected, and demanded to remember every single male flag. So that can't really be an argument used if you ask me. As, if they already have to do it, and with dozens more flags for the male PC... yes, "straw that broke the camels back" and all that. But most the time it's utterly opposite scenes. And if anything, if they write their female PC scenes with an identical focus as their male PC scenes, they need to step up their game a bit.

As for the "thank goodness" part, that's also a bit "part of the problem", as with CoC, it is heavily "promoted" that you play a "guy with tits" archetype. As, without a dick, you miss like what? 40 % of all content/depth? And it is highly likely I am being a bit more pessimistic than I should. But considering so far, all non-text based, and most text based 18+ furry+non-furry stuff (Like HTH and C:O) have been close to complete trainwrecks in terms of female PC's/focus. I have very good reasons to be skeptical. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No one has a massive problem with textured female genitalia. It's just that no one cares enough for it, and if no one cares enough for it, no one writes about it, and since no one writes about it, it's not in the game. People would complain about lack of male options because, like it or not, most of the game audience's bulk is comprised of males who like to play with characters sporting male genitalia. And even if it wasn't as much of a niche content, you wouldn't be guaranteed to get that in the game. Currently, you're rather out of luck if you're a pregophile who plays TiTS, for example. The contents submo-pipe is always clogged up unless your submission is straight up Fen's tastes. And EVEN if the contents were included... I'll say it again: not every writer will remember and write for each flag because it's a massive pain in the arse. One wonders why would they offer them in the first place other than for the sake of nice cosmetics, buy hey... And no, it's not their job unless they're getting paid for it. So they're neither expected nor demanded to do that. Case in point: Ben/Bess for TiTS and Ember for CoC.

Thanks to the several degress of customization CoC and TiTS have, you don't have to be "a guy with tits". Myself, I play as "a female with several penises and four balls". As it turns out to be, futanari is a kink I like and it's a way to unlock more scenes. I said "thankfully" because female herms is a kink Fenoxo likes as well. As for other games... well, there's little left for me, so I feel you there. How to raise awareness concerning that issue's a different matter altogether.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
You still haven't managed to give a single good justification for it being loli or loli - like in reference to TiTS itself. It's featureless via a lack of description, rather than every vagina or even most vaginas in the game being described as such. And even if it were, you admit yourself that some grown women have vaginas like that.

So you're just being inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory. No one cares how awful the rest of the porn industry is. TiTS should not have to answer for the rest of porndom. If you got issues with other stuff doing other things, go throw a little temper tantrum about it with them, rather than trying to assert that TiTS somehow has to answer for it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I can't defend my sarcasm or negativity though, that just come with waaay too many years experience of the hypocritical double moral bs in the porn fandom. Only difference on me being a total bitch about it, is that I'm not a famous popfur, so people don't find it endearing xP But that aside. I would say that: That's literally the writers problem then. They have a job to do, they better fix it. I offered to do female focused content, as apparently one of the top authors of the genre... (I blame lacking competition) But as said: was assured they had more than enough authors. So, that said: I would expect that they simply get their thumbs out and remember to include said flags. If anything, only because they are expected, and demanded to remember every single male flag. So that can't really be an argument used if you ask me. As, if they already have to do it, and with dozens more flags for the male PC... yes, "straw that broke the camels back" and all that. But most the time it's utterly opposite scenes. And if anything, if they write their female PC scenes with an identical focus as their male PC scenes, they need to step up their game a bit.

As for the "thank goodness" part, that's also a bit "part of the problem", as with CoC, it is heavily "promoted" that you play a "guy with tits" archetype. As, without a dick, you miss like what? 40 % of all content/depth? And it is highly likely I am being a bit more pessimistic than I should. But considering so far, all non-text based, and most text based 18+ furry+non-furry stuff (Like HTH and C:O) have been close to complete trainwrecks in terms of female PC's/focus. I have very good reasons to be skeptical. 

Well since you claim to have writing skills you're most likely only gonna get results if you start putting up your own event submissions for the sort of content you want to see into the game. The main reason why vaginas are mostly featureless is that none of the current writers care enough about that to write in more details on that front. Making demands and insulting them isn't gonna be likely to win the over/ get them interested in it either. The general response to content demands unless they already line up with one of the writer's interests is "Write it yourself or pay someone to specifically write it for you." 


Mar 8, 2016
@Kesil: My issue with that as said is that people are massive bigots in that regard. As they do a "whatever", while they themselves would UTTERLY REFUSE if it was them being treated like that. And yes, I know people love stepping on, and mocking minorities. But that still doesn't make it any less of a dick move. And going with what I've heard: Yes, they are both expected and demanded to do it. If they don't, they get reported in the bug forums for having failed to include it. Which again, is part of why I'm so pissy about it. As, just like with furry porn, it's totally fine and accepted to bitch and moan on an artist to draw a specific dick, or to improve the detail of one. While it's utterly unacceptable to even ask them to do anything with a cunt, even if it's simply to draw them at an acceptable quality. With people defending the both as "That's just how things are", followed by contradictory statements. (like how animal genitalia would look retarded on a anthro, and how they're not a zoophile. Both as a reply to the same picture of a male with animal junk, and what they think human pussy looks like.) Like, it's gone way past ridiculous how double moral this fandom is.

And "guy with tits" is futanari. It's the #1 used futa archetype. Used approximately by 90+ % of all futa. (in porn specifically. OC's and whatnot tend to not follow it as slavishly) And generally sport a hyper dick, large tits, and the personality of a stereotypical male porn star. In content where the exclusive focus is on his oversized dick. There are some variations on the archetype/trope. But usually it's always the same. Just like how most use the "cardboard cumdump with no needs or self-regard" for female archetypes. Whichs only character trait is how they want to pleasure oversized dicks xP So again, you're basically stuck on playing as a dude, or essentially a dude that happens to have tits. Else you can barely experience jack shit in the game. Though yes, you are fully correct that it's not up to TiTS to carry the slack of, literally almost the entire rest of the fandom. But again: it's a little insulting in how grand scale it is, and how little it supports a female PC. Granted, it it still kinda impressive in comparison to the competition. (I mean, it doesn't fuck up backwards like Crowjob does. I mean come on, so far it has completely trainwrecked both it's launches of a female PC. First one was utterly void of both a climax scene, and any focus of the PC whatsoever. And the second one also had 0 climax scenes, no PC focus AND just made you play as whatever male NPC you were screwing at the time...) So how to raise awareness I have 0 clue on. I mean, last time I exposed a scam artist in the fandom, people bitched on me over how they'd be happier not knowing they were getting ripped off, and how I was ruining their enjoyment of the slapdash art with my pesky truth. So, how the fuck one would even go about pointing out something like this I can't even begin to figure out.

@StarJ: You just said it yourself: Almost all in game are described as such. And, that is how a juvenile female's junk looks like. Heck, while not official (I don't think) both pictures linked as "proof" before both sport these pre-teen pussies. And yes, they do exist irl. At around ~5 % of sexually mature women. Not even plot convenience up the ass can excuse how EVERYONE in the universe just so happens to be that 5 %. Unless everyone is forced to undergo ritualistic circumcision, or everyone is given that flat, featureless look via fucking with their DNA.

As for that TiTS shouldn't be held accountable: That is partially true. But it still doesn't excuse it for "just so happening" to enforce said trope. I agree that it's not TiTS fault. But with the massive effort put into attention to dick, the least they can do is bother to put SOME effort into the pussies. Again: 100 % exclusive access to ALL customization genital wise, in every regard. Is waaaay too bs to ignore. I'd be fine with a 75-25 % split. But it doesn't even do that.

@Milk: Yeah, I know. I can only do that if I was asking for dick related things. Though which again: Is why I'm even snarky about it to begin with.

And: They can't give me both a "Nah, don't worry, we got this." and "Psh, no, do it yourself!". If they claim they got enough writers, and that they can handle it. They can't also make a "we don't have to prove anything to you/do it better yourself if you say it's so easy". Either be open for new authors, or put your pen where your mouths at... or however that phrase goes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
@StarJ: You just said it yourself: Almost all in game are described as such. And, that is how a juvenile female's junk looks like. Heck, while not official (I don't think) both pictures linked as "proof" before both sport these pre-teen pussies. And yes, they do exist irl. At around ~5 % of sexually mature women. Not even plot convenience up the ass can excuse how EVERYONE in the universe just so happens to be that 5 %. Unless everyone is forced to undergo ritualistic circumcision, or everyone is given that flat, featureless look via fucking with their DNA.

As for that TiTS shouldn't be held accountable: That is partially true. But it still doesn't excuse it for "just so happening" to enforce said trope. I agree that it's not TiTS fault. But with the massive effort put into attention to dick, the least they can do is bother to put SOME effort into the pussies. Again: 100 % exclusive access to ALL customization genital wise, in every regard. Is waaaay too bs to ignore. I'd be fine with a 75-25 % split. But it doesn't even do that.

The bolded part? Go re-read my post. Because that's the exact opposite of what I said. I'd elaborate, but it's already explained in the post you grossly misinterpreted to mean its opposite, somehow.

Those pictures linked were linked of as "proof" that there's not so much difference between male and females of ausar and kaithrit as to not even seem like they belong to the same race. And it was noted with both of them that some stuff in them differed from the official, in game descriptions of the races. So they're fan art. You're criticizing the game over fan art. You're hold the game responsible for fan art.

You've yet to establish ANYWHERE that the game is describing the majority of vaginas this way. All you've done is literally taken me pointing that out, and somehow interpret it as me saying that the game is chocked full of descriptions explicitly saying that. You might have a point if you were like "Hey! Vaginas could use some more and better descriptions and options, guys." You know, rather than, "It's all a bunch of loli!" You've not got a leg to stand on with the loli business. From everything you've said, you're just bringing it up because you want to be inflammatory and/or hold TiTS responsible for issues you have with the rest of the porn industry. That kind of activity makes me care even less about whatever legitimate issues you may bring up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As they do a "whatever", while they themselves would UTTERLY REFUSE if it was them being treated like that.

Yes, they are both expected and demanded to do it. 

it's totally fine and accepted to bitch and moan on an artist to draw a specific dick, or to improve the detail of one. While it's utterly unacceptable to even ask them to do anything with a cunt, even if it's simply to draw them at an acceptable quality. With people defending the both as "That's just how things are", followed by contradictory statements. (like how animal genitalia would look retarded on a anthro, and how they're not a zoophile.

And "guy with tits" is futanari. It's the #1 used futa archetype. Used approximately by 90+ % of all futa. 

  In content where the exclusive focus is on his oversized dick. There are some variations on the archetype/trope. But usually it's always the same. Just like how most use the "cardboard cumdump with no needs or self-regard" for female archetypes. 

Not being able to force oneself to care for something does not mean being a bigot. People have priorities and tastes, and it's only normal for people not to actively support causes they're not interested in. This is why there are less sexable guys and more big breated females in TiTS, for example. Rarely, you'll get the odd writer that writes something else (I cannot thank Nonesuch enough), but that's all. They're not going to write about your alien freckles on your left chin and how they glow when a Vanae Maiden squirts there: this is not a paid job except for the few ones who get commissioned or get Fenbucks. At the end of the day, this is just a smut web game, and what you're playing's not the final product.

You can't get demanding on female anatomy (even if it's something half of the world population have) when artists are not accustomed to do it properly, if only because when it comes to do something you have no clue about, that something needs a research work and heaps of trial and error until it comes as an acceptable product. Losing manners on dealing with the issue is a different thing altogether. Or how you get anthropomorphic scalies with breasts :p But, hey, I like variety and I like my drawn smut to get all kinds of combinations.

In fantasy, sporting male genitalia doesn't automatically make you a male. Breasted males is a different kink altogether, and a rare one to boot (even if you included twins and femboys). The likes of CoC made me grow tired of that big size stereotype, by the way. The behaviour... not so much. Then again, it might be because I was interested in submissive contents. Both CoC and TiTS give you enough space to get your own headcanon on character behaviour, and TiTS has three sets for Steele's behaviour.

P.S. I quoted the parts I was interested in. If anyone could educate me on dividing same person quotes, I'd appreciate it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Man, got more delays than usual, entire weekend was caught up.

Might have been for the best anyhow, got some time to look over it. Anyhow~

@Kori: My problem with it, is that everyone has a massive problem with it, except if it doesn't affect their preferences.  Like the examples given that no-one would be okay with if the male PC options were gutted down to what the females have. But, as that's not the case: they don't give a fuck. Ergo: They care a shitton about it, but only as long as it strays from the status quo, otherwise not. A classic, contradictory "bully mentality".

And really? So far I've pointed out the utter lack of even close to as in depth options and scenes for female PC's as for males, and your response has basically been "Yupp, that doesn't exist in the slightest. But be happy over the vast options for female PC's we can't give examples off, but it's totes there." As for content, I've offered that, but Fenoxo assured me that they had plenty of people already working on it. And that booting up their butts towards fixing and adding more content to pad out missing content would be better spent time than dragging in another writer.

@Eth-Drag+Star: That's what I said. But Fenoxo more or less said "No, that is definitely a bug, go report it to the forums so we can help fix it."

Granted I did trail off a notable amount. But I'm not one to argue with the game's creator if they say it's a f- up on their part, and that it belongs in the bug report forums.

@Kesil: Welp, sorry if you find the loli part a nuisance, but I'm not one for sugar coating. I can stick to "flat+featureless" or simply "juvenile" if you'd prefer though. But that's literally what it is though. And that goes for the pics posted as well.

And you summed it up well there. Like, I literally got a way more in depth and catering description as a newly created male PC, than my 2+ hours in female PC.

I can't defend my sarcasm or negativity though, that just come with waaay too many years experience of the hypocritical double moral bs in the porn fandom. Only difference on me being a total bitch about it, is that I'm not a famous popfur, so people don't find it endearing xP But that aside. I would say that: That's literally the writers problem then. They have a job to do, they better fix it. I offered to do female focused content, as apparently one of the top authors of the genre... (I blame lacking competition) But as said: was assured they had more than enough authors. So, that said: I would expect that they simply get their thumbs out and remember to include said flags. If anything, only because they are expected, and demanded to remember every single male flag. So that can't really be an argument used if you ask me. As, if they already have to do it, and with dozens more flags for the male PC... yes, "straw that broke the camels back" and all that. But most the time it's utterly opposite scenes. And if anything, if they write their female PC scenes with an identical focus as their male PC scenes, they need to step up their game a bit.

As for the "thank goodness" part, that's also a bit "part of the problem", as with CoC, it is heavily "promoted" that you play a "guy with tits" archetype. As, without a dick, you miss like what? 40 % of all content/depth? And it is highly likely I am being a bit more pessimistic than I should. But considering so far, all non-text based, and most text based 18+ furry+non-furry stuff (Like HTH and C:O) have been close to complete trainwrecks in terms of female PC's/focus. I have very good reasons to be skeptical. 

To put things into perspective for you TC, let me mention that this is a community driven game, meaning the game will shape itself dependant on the community that supports it and writes scenes for it. The vast majority of this game's audience, is male, which is why you have such a huge disparity between male vs female customization and how it is addressed ingame. Males will typically be better versed in male genitals and be able to draw and describe them more in detail... because many of this game's writer's are male.

 But let's dredge up a scenario in which that the audience was an even 50/50 split and this disparity still existed. Well, again, this is a community driven game, even if that was the case, it would mean the disparity between female vs male genitals stems from a lack of interest in such content. Basically, if there's a lack of interest in the subject matter, you're pretty much SOL if you want it in the game, even if you decide to write for it. Because this game gets a lot of community ideas and suggestions coders need to find time to take a look at and THEN they need to sort through the accepted material and find which to prioritize, which is very much dependant on how much of the community is on board with the idea. So even if it gets accepted, there's no guarentue it won't get lost in a sea of other suggestions and ideas, especially when there's a lack of interest in it.

So far, there's an extremely fringe group of people who are interested in more detailed female genitalia, which means it's not a priority to get in the game over implementing new planets, combat balance chances, bug fixes, characters, etc. 

The only plan of recourse for you is to write the content yourself and spark interest in the content among others so it doesn't drown in a sea of ideas and suggestions. Or commision someone else to do it for you, but otherwise? You're just shouting at a wall. In fact, doing this type of thing makes it less likely anybody will walk in and take your suggestion with any modicum of seriousness and more likely they'll just pass over it because you come off as if they owe you something...


Mar 8, 2016
@StarJ: I know what you wrote. And again: they used the flat, featureless description, which IS the "loli vag" in porn. It's like if they wrote "some space marines entered the building", without any further description. Basically everyone would picture them as "space marines", the tall, bulky armored type. Whether they're just lazy, vague or whatnot. It's all the same "meh" hand waving. And, as they go into such intricate and specific details about basically EVERYTHING for each dick. That would visually mean that there's just literally nothing there to be described. Ergo: Same type of child vag shown in the pictures.

As for the fan art: Yes, it did prove that they weren't even the same species. At least the cats. As for critiquing the game over the fanart: As the game literally contains 0 pussy description, and 0 option to start as having anything BUT a flat featureless child vag. That fan art embodies the game perfectly. You got females with no effort put into the genitals, and a male that's a utter train-wreck in terms of "dragging it out/sparkledog". The dog one was a lot better, but it still just had an identical copy paste slit, and a penis with some actual features and details. I do agree that not all blame can be placed on the game. But at the same time: If the game itself gives those drawing fan-art nothing to work with. You can't entirely blame only the ones drawing fan art if none of them draws it. It's a bit like saying that, if people in the Alliance in Vanilla wow were stupid enough to raid without shamans, that's their fault. When they literally couldn't get access to shamans to begin with. Like people have pointed out in this, and other threads: There's like, 2-3 pussies in the ENTIRE game that has any description whatsoever. As opposed to every. single. dick.

And as said: I'm done doing handholding. I've swapped out the term to a more blunt "flat, featureless child/juvenile genital" instead of just "loli" as per request. But that still doesn't change the fact. And using the "Hey, we're only using child pussy because everyone else is!" doesn't really make it come off as any better.

@Kesil: There is a bit of a difference on "forcing oneself to care about x", and basically someone demanding that people care about x, and going "Psh, who cares?" about an identical situation, just because x is replaced with y. Like someone hysterically demanding that the firefighters HAVE to save their cat, and when someone chips in with "And my dog too! Please! They're on the same floor" the person scoffs and goes "Pfft, who the fuck cares? It's just a dog. Get a new one." as if incapable to even comprehend beyond anyone but themselves. I wouldn't expect, nor ask of them to give a ton of fucks. Just to not be so "high horse" about it. Or what to call it. To make another WoW Vanilla reference: It's a bit like an enhancement shaman saying its's rough finding gear. Vs ex: A resto/holy shaman/priest, that has literally custom tailored set-pieces made specifically for their role, handed to them, that scoffs on how the enha shaman should stop "being so picky". There's having a preference, and there's being a arrogant, condescending dick about it. (Like the hack artists that are incompetent at female anatomy, but gloats about how they don't need to be able to draw it, as their fans are too stupid to have a standard)

And while that is true. It does cross a "bs-level" when you can, and are expected to have high standards for male genital anatomy. But as said: Most artists don't even bother to learn the basics of female anatomy. Or even worse: Do a Doxy and put out incorrect refs for shit they barely grasp how they work. Which, fans that don't know better, will copy, and you got a cycle of shitty female anatomy rolling. That's kinda my biggest issue with this whole thing. Granted, it is fandom wide. And every lazy/incompetent popfur that half-ass their females contributes to it. I also love variety. But I wouldn't say there's much variety when like, 70+ % of all artists use the same, identical copy paste child pussy. Many just re-hashing and literally copy pasting it. So I can look at some of the "top artists" draw a HD, 1080 P penis, that took them hours to draw. Then watch how they next to that, have a 144 P wet fart of an excuse to what they call a pussy. That they barely spent a minute on. And this, they expect people to pay the exact same amount for. I mean, in all honesty: Would you be willing to pay the same for a pic an artist spent 5 minutes on, as for one he spent 20 hours on? As that's what we got currently, and people just drool, nod and go "Seems about right!". Biggest joke in that, is how many of them, will study and practice any dick type for free, but charge extra to even attempt drawing a pussy. Something they can't even do to begin with. Which just makes it even worse with how many of them proudly proclaim to be "exclusively straight artists", yet most of them have gone through more dicks than someone actually gay. It's like the top sous chef at a 5 star restaurant have no idea how to boil water. So they bring in a perfectly cooked marinated lamb, and a unopened sack of potatoes. And everyone just applaud and lavish praise on how both parts of the dinner are done with such finesse and skill. And when someone points out the potatoes are raw, everyone just scowl at them for daring to ruin the mood. I know people aren't the brightest, but jebus fuck sometimes...

And I know. I base that on their "identity" per se. If their only personality trait is that they have a huge dick, they're most likely a "guy" so to speak. Which is in the "guy with tits" archetype. The "guy with tits" archetype doesn't refer to the physical appearance. As the classic "GWT" has a feminine body, a hyper dick, and as said: acts like a classic "male" in porn. Are they are exclusively stereotypes with the sole purpose of being in porn, they are likewise based off stereotypes. Heck, most futa I've talked to regardless identify as male. Most people just associate them as female due to the body, or the very common "no homo" defense, in that: if they call it by female pronouns, that makes it not gay. There are ofc plenty of non-porn futa that identify as female, or even "herm". But the porn standard (in pics and etc) is often the "guy with tits" archetype :p  Their role is to be "the dude", but with nicer curves. Someone the male can associate with. Granted, talked to many that genderswap the female to futa simply because they have 0 clues on how to actually write or show femdom. So to them, it's simpler to just slap a girl on the dick and treat them like any other male, while yet able to pair up some of their favorite originally female characters :p  Then there's ofc a lot of narrow minded douchebags in the fandom. Like those that claim that "anything with breasts are female". (Or those that say heshe's are just "flat chested, ugly women", because "you need a dick to be a man!".)

@VantP:  TC? Anyhow, I know that's a factor. It's just a little silly how huuuuuge the gap is. It's a bit like how if 85 % of all perks in Fallout 4 was gun based. There was 0 melee perks, and the rest 15 % was spread over the non-combat parts of the game. It just feels like at SOME part someone would have remembered that you can actually play a female.

And again: I wouldn't expect a 50-50 split. But I at least expected some lazy counterpart. (like a jizz counter for females, or well, any genital customization, at all...) Even if it was just a mirror flip of the male. If I'd compare it to a game, it's basically: Females are the standard 1 hit attack from final fantasy. Males are the limit breaks and epic teir summon spells. And literally like in TiTS, males get a wall of text describing every inch of their dick. Females get a "you have a pussy.". Like, again: I'm not expecting Shakespeare here. But: Really? That's all we get? Even when I write pure female focused femdom exploit flicks, I do better than "his dick was hard". I'm just literally flabbergasted how we're 2+ years in, and basically still have a playable "class" with almost no abilities, vs one with tons and even alternate specs. It's like Eevee vs Dunsparce.

And yes, still. It's been over 2 years, and the starting species still aren't fixed. And the female option is still basically broken and featureless. And we're at a point where there's even been introduced two new male exclusive species. This is like, Ubisoft level of trying to get you to pre-order their next game+DLC, before even having started on the ones for the last game they made. I would say part of the lacking interest, is that they basically never had anything included at the start. It's hard to get interest going for something absent in the game. But yes, you are right. Even if it's dumb how we as a culture have come to have no expectation nor standard for one thing, while we have a ton for another.

And maybe. Still, if that is the case, I do find it a bit of a dick move of the TiTS crew (especially as it was Fenxo) to tell me how 1: The shoddy female options, and badly designed species SHOULD be considered a bug, and I should take it up in the bug forums. 2: Said crew tell me that they have more than enough writers as it is. And that those writers should get to it.


It helps to suggest things to add, not just make a complaint that all the vagina's are Loli. 

If you can think of some good descirptions have a go at writing them. Perhaps also write a vag designer to let them be customised like the dong designer does.


Mar 8, 2016
@Krynh: That was just a side statement. Someone else kept spinning on it for whatever reason.

And the new post, that you've posted in among others, kinda does just that. This thread has derailed too much for that to be an option.

But it does seem to lean towards that... jebus. Why do I have to be one of the like, 1 % of people with any overall competence+knowledge when it comes to vulvae? (Take that as condescending if you want, but when several people literally are shocked, and demand proof for things like: 1: Black women don't have pink nipples+labia like "a normal person". 2: The vulva isn't located on the abdomen. 3: Females can become aroused. Then excuse me, but I'm not putting much trust in the average person online.)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, let me settle this thread like I used to settle many, many threads back in the day:

If you want something that nobody else does, write it. You're welcome to submit documents of pussy descriptions, pussy TFs, or what have you to solve your complaint. There's even a new thread dedicated to theorycrafting such things.
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