Fen said he wasn't going to do Body Hair.
Goes hand in hand with what I said.
Fen said he wasn't going to do Body Hair.
TBH, this seems more like a rant than a bug report.
I agree, hack thread already since this definitely isn't a bug report
it may be a good idea to stop insisting on referring to the 'default vagina specifications' as 'loli' and 'child'.
This, please. I just spotted this thread (why is it on this subforum?), started reading it because it caters to my interests and the constant "loli" thing was getting on my nerves already. "Featureless" works fine as a description.
I have to say I agree with OP in the sense that female bits get little to no description and customization aside from colour and blurbs, i.e. gabilani ones having special muscles, or those winking marecunts. There's a reason why my Steele currently sports three vanae ones: unless I have skipped anything, they're the only ones which get a little bit more on outer description (double clitoris and cillia-as well the chance of becoming a squirter). Personally, I'd love it if we could get some of the Treatment blurbs, or the ability to get puffy labia, a relatively deep, textured, stretchy tunnel and holes that tend to gape all the time because muh fetishes and, well, personal experience.
But I don't like to keep on banging about it once my opinion has been stated because not every writer will take every instance into account. in an ideal scenario everything would be taken into account and used for more than cosmetic reasons, but since it's not the case I just prefer to express interest in such things and hope for the best (want it? Write it) as a way to let people know that there's at least one user who's interested in that. I know I cannot win the war, but I am rather positive you're not going to win battles with the likes of "I don't expect most, or possibly even any of you would understand." Yes, I am a female, and a straight one to boot with a taste for variety both for human and inhuman flavours, but I am not going to cry bloody murder: I am not the kind of player that the game caters to, and the writers might not be into vaginal descriptions. Hell, I recently found myself happy at a scene which gave a realistic arousal reaction of my Steele's female parts. Thank goodness I play female herm characters.
Having a character oozing down juices (both rear and front) has been there since CoC, so I won't complain about that issue. Much.
I think I will.![]()
I can't defend my sarcasm or negativity though, that just come with waaay too many years experience of the hypocritical double moral bs in the porn fandom. Only difference on me being a total bitch about it, is that I'm not a famous popfur, so people don't find it endearing xP But that aside. I would say that: That's literally the writers problem then. They have a job to do, they better fix it. I offered to do female focused content, as apparently one of the top authors of the genre... (I blame lacking competition) But as said: was assured they had more than enough authors. So, that said: I would expect that they simply get their thumbs out and remember to include said flags. If anything, only because they are expected, and demanded to remember every single male flag. So that can't really be an argument used if you ask me. As, if they already have to do it, and with dozens more flags for the male PC... yes, "straw that broke the camels back" and all that. But most the time it's utterly opposite scenes. And if anything, if they write their female PC scenes with an identical focus as their male PC scenes, they need to step up their game a bit.
As for the "thank goodness" part, that's also a bit "part of the problem", as with CoC, it is heavily "promoted" that you play a "guy with tits" archetype. As, without a dick, you miss like what? 40 % of all content/depth? And it is highly likely I am being a bit more pessimistic than I should. But considering so far, all non-text based, and most text based 18+ furry+non-furry stuff (Like HTH and C:O) have been close to complete trainwrecks in terms of female PC's/focus. I have very good reasons to be skeptical.
@StarJ: You just said it yourself: Almost all in game are described as such. And, that is how a juvenile female's junk looks like. Heck, while not official (I don't think) both pictures linked as "proof" before both sport these pre-teen pussies. And yes, they do exist irl. At around ~5 % of sexually mature women. Not even plot convenience up the ass can excuse how EVERYONE in the universe just so happens to be that 5 %. Unless everyone is forced to undergo ritualistic circumcision, or everyone is given that flat, featureless look via fucking with their DNA.
As for that TiTS shouldn't be held accountable: That is partially true. But it still doesn't excuse it for "just so happening" to enforce said trope. I agree that it's not TiTS fault. But with the massive effort put into attention to dick, the least they can do is bother to put SOME effort into the pussies. Again: 100 % exclusive access to ALL customization genital wise, in every regard. Is waaaay too bs to ignore. I'd be fine with a 75-25 % split. But it doesn't even do that.
As they do a "whatever", while they themselves would UTTERLY REFUSE if it was them being treated like that.
Yes, they are both expected and demanded to do it.
it's totally fine and accepted to bitch and moan on an artist to draw a specific dick, or to improve the detail of one. While it's utterly unacceptable to even ask them to do anything with a cunt, even if it's simply to draw them at an acceptable quality. With people defending the both as "That's just how things are", followed by contradictory statements. (like how animal genitalia would look retarded on a anthro, and how they're not a zoophile.
And "guy with tits" is futanari. It's the #1 used futa archetype. Used approximately by 90+ % of all futa.
In content where the exclusive focus is on his oversized dick. There are some variations on the archetype/trope. But usually it's always the same. Just like how most use the "cardboard cumdump with no needs or self-regard" for female archetypes.
Man, got more delays than usual, entire weekend was caught up.
Might have been for the best anyhow, got some time to look over it. Anyhow~
@Kori: My problem with it, is that everyone has a massive problem with it, except if it doesn't affect their preferences. Like the examples given that no-one would be okay with if the male PC options were gutted down to what the females have. But, as that's not the case: they don't give a fuck. Ergo: They care a shitton about it, but only as long as it strays from the status quo, otherwise not. A classic, contradictory "bully mentality".
And really? So far I've pointed out the utter lack of even close to as in depth options and scenes for female PC's as for males, and your response has basically been "Yupp, that doesn't exist in the slightest. But be happy over the vast options for female PC's we can't give examples off, but it's totes there." As for content, I've offered that, but Fenoxo assured me that they had plenty of people already working on it. And that booting up their butts towards fixing and adding more content to pad out missing content would be better spent time than dragging in another writer.
@Eth-Drag+Star: That's what I said. But Fenoxo more or less said "No, that is definitely a bug, go report it to the forums so we can help fix it."
Granted I did trail off a notable amount. But I'm not one to argue with the game's creator if they say it's a f- up on their part, and that it belongs in the bug report forums.
@Kesil: Welp, sorry if you find the loli part a nuisance, but I'm not one for sugar coating. I can stick to "flat+featureless" or simply "juvenile" if you'd prefer though. But that's literally what it is though. And that goes for the pics posted as well.
And you summed it up well there. Like, I literally got a way more in depth and catering description as a newly created male PC, than my 2+ hours in female PC.
I can't defend my sarcasm or negativity though, that just come with waaay too many years experience of the hypocritical double moral bs in the porn fandom. Only difference on me being a total bitch about it, is that I'm not a famous popfur, so people don't find it endearing xP But that aside. I would say that: That's literally the writers problem then. They have a job to do, they better fix it. I offered to do female focused content, as apparently one of the top authors of the genre... (I blame lacking competition) But as said: was assured they had more than enough authors. So, that said: I would expect that they simply get their thumbs out and remember to include said flags. If anything, only because they are expected, and demanded to remember every single male flag. So that can't really be an argument used if you ask me. As, if they already have to do it, and with dozens more flags for the male PC... yes, "straw that broke the camels back" and all that. But most the time it's utterly opposite scenes. And if anything, if they write their female PC scenes with an identical focus as their male PC scenes, they need to step up their game a bit.
As for the "thank goodness" part, that's also a bit "part of the problem", as with CoC, it is heavily "promoted" that you play a "guy with tits" archetype. As, without a dick, you miss like what? 40 % of all content/depth? And it is highly likely I am being a bit more pessimistic than I should. But considering so far, all non-text based, and most text based 18+ furry+non-furry stuff (Like HTH and C:O) have been close to complete trainwrecks in terms of female PC's/focus. I have very good reasons to be skeptical.