Start of all problems


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Lol sorry just wanted to make sure... xp)

Alex cries out in a mixture of pain and forced pleasure as the wolf violates his anus, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders what it would be like if he actually were a girl. "AAHHHH, ye-" he cried out in a voice that didn't sound like his own, it made him stop in the middle of his sentence and then re focus taking aim at the wolf's snout with his elbow. "Get OFF me!" He cried out as he jabbed his elbow at the wolf's nose.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Attack Alex 13

Defense Latex Wolf 1

You hit directly in its latex nose, spreading a part of its blood infected that falls a little in your mouth

Its savour is salty and immediately you like it, when you lick the rest of the blood of the wolf, you see that you are alone in the dark street and a howl sounds in the other part of the street calling to the rest of the herd of latex wolf, you need to go out of the street immediately and quickly...


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Alex takes advantage of the wolf's distracted state and pushes it off of him and attempts to run away.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(the wolf had disappeared in the shadows of the street when you didn´t see it and you licked its blood latex)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Ah ok i understand now. Lol)

Alex quickly makes his way to his appartment to grab his gear and extra food stuff and water to load into his backpack trying to forget the taste of the latex wolf's blood and the pleasure he felt while being violated. (Question can i possibly have a bow an arrows waiting for me at home? Alex wasn't made for close combat lol. Oh and maybe a combat knife for when i do have to fight in close range?)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(the knife yes, but the bow and some arrows, a little difficult, i will think it and i will give my answer tomorrow)

You arrive safe almost to your apartment, only with a biiig hole in your back of the trousers directly in your ass, that is a little wetted and with the mixed of the blood with it (the semen of the wolf), your organism falls very quickly to the hottest, and your hand goes immediately to your cock and fuck it...

You lose the time that you fucked with it, and you notice that your cock is dripping not the classical semen, but it is a little rubbed the liquid and all black like the semen of the latex wolf (you didn´t know but the latex wolf was herm) and your flats breasts grows a little more and the hottest continues in your body...

After more time, you take a backpack with foods, water, gear, and weapons (your hunter knife) and others things, you go out to the street, a little more changed that you arrive to your apartment, your appearance is a little more girlish (you don´t know all these changes but if you have luck, you will discover it)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(If its all the same to you ill change my clothes before i head back out, no point in walking around with my ass exposed lol)  Alex pulls his hood on his hoodie up and  heads down the street trying to ignore the growing heat in his loins, all the while keeping an eye out for other creatures to avoid and the highest building he can see. To get a good feel for how bad the situation is. 

(By the way i have to work tonight so my next post will probably be my last till a little after 12 am my job is pretty relaxed and i can play on my phone since they dont mind what i do so long as all my work gets done. And with how slow business is i can afford post actions while im there.)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(is your horny body still activated? and your body will start to act more or less now like a girlish, please to all the players, write correctly like i try)

You go out of the apartment and you don´t find any creature and any latex wolf ("more horny assaults your mind") while you run in the direction that you suspect that the couple went when the attack happened...

(Ok, more or less here i go to sleep in 1 hour, i will look your post tomorrow) 


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Lol its probably still on his mind, but its not like he's going to drop in the middle of the street and fondle himself) Alex runs in that direction then (though probably with shorter steps and his arms out to the side like a girl might.) 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(English is my second language, Emerald, and i think that i talk almost perfectly it and write less than perfect, normal) (Dalgon, don´t worry about your horny, it´s all in your mind, but the girlish style not)

You cross the street abandoned with some encounters of the infected creatures with you but to a distance you and them, after half an hour, you try to find any clue of the location of the couple and when you are sitting on the entrance of a building, you listen some words unidentified in a direction between some apartments buildings near to the museum...

(You don´t know but you heard the voices with your new latex wolf sense, only you have this gift of the latex wolf, of moment)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Alex heads in the direction of the voices and tries to cautiously approach them not coming around a corner too quickly and makeing sure to look before i make a turn. (Oh and I found out that the profile pic im using which is also supposed to be my character is from an anime so ive got a few to work with now. With out noticing the subtle chages to his body (not sure what cup size his chest would be now) when Alex left his appartment he went out wearing this...



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Lol I find it hilarious that two pages into the game and more then half the party's infected.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(also don´t forget your new latex wolf cock, Dalgon. Noooooo, Ami and Yosuke are pure humans, you, Pleb and me are infected)

(what will we do with Pleb and Etheria? they didn´t say anything and didn´t post anything in all day, i haven´t seen them connected)

You approach them very slowly but you crush a limb in the ground and a ¿girl or an insect-girl? and a boy pure human look to you and prepare them to defend a scared girl behind them
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Well this my last post till after i do some work tonight if you want to, you can npc me for the time being. As for what to do with the missing people, ill leave that up to you two. I dont think i really have a horse in that race lol.)

Alex holds his hands up in right angles to either side of him with his palms showing hes unarmed (probably spreading his jacket wide and unknowingly showing off his budding breasts)

"Whoa there pal, my name is Alex... I... I just came here cause i hear people talking and i figured it was probably that couple being chase by that latex wolf i saw earlier (mutters a little lower "though would have been nice to know i was gonna be the bait for the damned thing")... "so i thought i come see if i could help whoever i can since the whole towns gone to hell in a hand basket!" (Ok everyone goodnight/goodday, all i know is im way too sleep deprived lol. Have fun)


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(Don´t worry, Dalgon, i won´t npc your character this night, normally i don´t do that)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(See ya)

Yosuke narrows his eyes, but relaxes his stance "Alright... But this doesn't mean we trust you completely. Same goes for you Jenny. It's not because I don't like you, but I don't wanna take any chances I don't have to."


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Alex lowers his hands and straightens his jacket. "Completely understandable, but think we all can agree we need to work together to get the hell out of here or to at least find some shelter from psycho gimp wolf rapists in black latex" Alex says with a smirk before desiding to fallow Yosuke and and his group. (I guess if you all go on further from here and we get into a fight ill help Yosuke or however needs the help more. Your call Game Master Lilith   :) .) goodnight for real this time. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(See ya bro)

Yosuke nods before leading the group to Ami's apartment, which was nearby. He hoped that they didn't encounter any other infected along the way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
(Seeing that Etheria and PlebMistress are disappeared, we three continue with the action)

The three new friends arriive at Ami´s flat in an empty flats´s building, some are busy by families that can´t go out with the infected creatures, others don´t know what to do and look you with tired faces before that they close the doors, when they see Jenni or Alex

While Jenni is understanding how it work the group and she doesn´t have any hottest moment, because the hottest moment does that the human brain lose more of the "human" word. And she supports to Ami and Yosuke, in that moment in Ami´s flat, the normal radio works and a voice recorded says

The evacuation will be in 15 days, 10 hours. All people infected that want to hold, have to take foods (a lot), water (more), weapons, and more things

We shall continue to inform, we don´t forget you...

Ami goes to her room to change her broken clothes, while Jenni goes to the fridge to drink something but in the way of the kitchen, the strange ball that she found in the zoo after the encounter with them, puts very hot and she feels strangelly a little dreaming, her dreams are arousaling with the insects and the strange ball, but it disappears immediately, her brain is in middle of the pleasure.

She looks under the fridge and find a little creature that is really an insect baby that changed her, she keeps and cares in secret the creature after she hides it...

(Of PlebMistress, i will not put anything of moment)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yosuke sighs, sitting on the couch in Ami's apartment, twirling his kunai as he thought to himself. He then stood up and sighed, looking to find Jenny so the two of them could head to his apartment and get more supplies.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Alex looks around the apartment admiring the little things in Ami's appartment that makes it hers. He then walks over to the couch and sits down beside Yosuke. Then as he satnds up to go get Jenny, Alex speaks up "should i come with you two, or just stay here and hold down the fort?" He says as he sits back with his arms along the top of the couch. Still unaware that his (barely A-cup) breasts are on display.

(Dont know if you know or not Emerald (or if Yosuke is just ignoring it) but for all intents and purposes Alex now looks more like a girl with no modesty, who dresses like a boy.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
((Yosuke is ignoring it.))

"Well, I would be able to keep an eye on you. Alright, you can come too. No offense, but I still don't trust you enough to leave you alone with someone I care about... Yet." Yosuke stated before entering the kitchen in search of Jenny.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Ok was just curious. XD)

"I understand completely," Alex said standing up, "I don't think I would trust a guy like me straight out the gate either, especially in times like these." Alex then fallows Yosuke into the kitchen with his fingers laced together behind his head and whistling a tune.
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