Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra had gathered a fair amount of ingreadiants and food, her bag looking a tad heavy at this point. The four of them leave the hide out and Amy takes Dryvus over to the side of a large looking lake, nothing like the forest but still big enough that something could live in it. She whistles loudly and takes a step back, three frog girls hopping out of the water.

"Oh? Does this mousey want to be our pet?"

"Oh no, not me. We have someone better." She nods to Dryvus to throw the unconcious goblin to the frog girls. "Here, a gift from me to you. his balls will be a bit sore for a while but other than that he is a fully productive male. Consider him yours until the end of time!"

The frog girls look confused..but simply smile and grabs the goblin. They strip his clothes  and promptly start gang raping his still knocked out body.

Amy huffs and turns back to Dryvus. "Thanks for that big guy. I feel much better!"


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Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes flip back to green and she looks around frantically. "Huh? What? Why are we here? What is going on? Is that Gamlin under those girls?!" The poor thing is very confused now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hey, Amy. Look at me." Dryvus says kindly, placing his hands on her shoulders in a comforting manner. "I put you under a spell, and you led me here. I just released you from the spell, and your obligation to that piece of shit over there." He says, tilting his head to the unconscious Gamlin. "I'm sorry, but he was just too much of a damn prick. I couldn't leave you alone with him. He took everything he got using you, and gave you nothing in return. No proper clothes, not enough food, judging by how skinny you were before I filled you up, and you can't exactly call that a nice home." He says, gesturing with his eyes toward the hideout. "Look. You have a choice. Come with me, and I'll find somewhere or someone that can keep you safe. If you can't fight, it's better that you find someplace safe. If you can, you're welcome to stay with me." He says, gazing into the confused mousette's eyes with his own. 


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Oct 1, 2015
She listens to his words and slowly nods. "I...I can't fight. Would you really find someone who would want me?" Her eyes look a bit moist but also slightly hopeful.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I have a person in mind. She's back at the Bazaar." He says, smiling and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Come on. Let's go back. It's getting dark. Oh, that reminds me... Frasia, you remember what to do, right? Altra, you might wanna stay in range. We'll need you to pass the message on to Isabelle when the plan succeeds." He says. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia nods "Yea, I will go to the bar now, see you two soon enough." She walks off ahead of them.

The other three head back to the Bazaar and move for the east side. Sure enough there is a store just called "The Dairy" that Isabelle mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Fittingly, there is a cat girl behind the counter. she has a slightly plump frame, black and tan fur, shining gray eyes and a winning smile. "Hi there! I am Tammy! Welcome to the Dairy! What can I get for you today?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hi, Tammy. I need to speak to Isabelle, please." He says, unashamedly letting his eyes roam over her curvy form, eyes lingering on her plump rump. He wondered how loud she would mewl if he started spanking her... "Probably pretty loud. You do have a rather heavy hand..." Kestral comments dryly. Dryvus smirks, agreeing with him for once. 


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Oct 1, 2015
"Oh! you are issy's friends? Ok, just a second!" She heads into the back part of her large tent and comes back soon with a topless Isabelle, her titanic tits on full show and nipples looking a tad moist. "Hello again Dryvus, what can I do for you? And who is this cute little mouse?"

Amy blushes and looks away.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well, Issy," He says, emphasising on the word to tease her, "This cute little mouse is someone I was hoping you could take in. She's been... Uh... Orphaned. So I decided to bring her here to see if you would take her in." He goes up to her and pretends to kiss her cheek, instead whispering into her ear. "The plan will be carried out tonight." He pulls back. "I know you're just the sweetest cowgirl, so pretty pweaaase?" He says, batting his eyebrows at her and giving her his best puppy eyes.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Isabelle bursts out laughing and Dryvus' completely unfitting display. She gives him a hearty slap on the back as she composes herself and looks at Amy. "Well, she certainly is a cute one. How old are you dear? I can never tell with you mouse folk."

"twenty one ma'am"

Isabelle nods while sizing her up and down. "Kind of skinny aren't you? But if you were on the streets that is to be expected. Well, Amy, if you promise to listen to what I say and do as your told. I would love to have you with me."

Amy perks up and smiles "Really?! Even though I can't fight?"

Isabelle nods "Yes, I am sure you can learn something as we move about. I promise to keep you safe dear...but you must refer to me as 'Mommy' from now on, ok?"

Amy blushes and nods before moving up to Isabelle and giving her a big hug. "Yes Mommy!"

Isabelle nods and picks up the little mouse. She gives Dryvus a knowing wink and a silent thank you as she presses Amy's mouth to her breast. "Eat up little one, I will feed you properly."

Amy, completely unaware of the consequences, happily wraps her lips and suckles from Isabelle's tit. She takes three good mouth fulls before her eyes glaze over and she starts moaning. Her pace suddenly picks up and she drinks like it is the most delicious drink in the world. Dryvus can see juice dripping from the mouse girls pussy almost instantly.

Isabelle sighs happily. "Thank you Dryvus, she is pretty much gone now. The initial drink puts them in a bit of a haze, she can't hear us. Right now her entire world is my milk."

Tammy chuckles and watches the display happily.


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Feb 13, 2016
"Er... Mommy?" He asks with an eyebrow raised. "You have a mom fetish or something?" He asks, chuckling. 


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Oct 1, 2015
"I suppose I do, just a bit. But it is also a fitting title! a mother provides and protects for their children. Is that not what I am doing now?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes, except she's not your actual kid." He shrugs. "Ah, who am I to judge? I get off on anal and rough sex. Especially when the bottom bitch has an ass as nice as hers..." He looks at Tammy, winking and grinning. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Tammy grins back "Naughty boy!"

Isabelle chuckles "Adoptive child then? Either way, it doesn't matter. Thank you for this surprise gift, I will take good care of her!" She cradles the mouse in the crook of one arm and uses her other hand to finger her gently, making her squeak while drinking. "Good luck tonight!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus nods, then looks outside. "So I should come and tell you when it's done?" He asks, still looking at the sky. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Come at get me when you are moving to the town square with the display. Natalie will see it, know her boyfriend is gone and I will swoop in and claim her while she in vulnerable."

Tammy perks up at that. "Oh, finally got a plan to snag her? Good stuff!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks at Tammy. "Why did I even bother with subtlety...?" He mutters before marching out cutting a path to the tent, and hiding out in an alley, his armour and weapons out of sight, but close by should he need them. He is currently wearing his casual clothes, and he covered with face with a bit of dirt to make him look as sleazy as possible. Then, he sets up a makeshift table and chair with some empty discarded crates, and sits down to wait, slouching over to make himself look shifty. His disguise complete, he lays in wait for the unsuspecting Orc, the vial in his pocket. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
An hour passes before he hears Frasia's familiar voice. She come saround the corner with a huge orce, nearly seven feet tall, hulking muscles and a huge bulge in his pants. His face is red from drink as is Frasia's as they stagger walk over to Dryvus.

"This the guy with the moon shine hot stuff?" 

"Yea, hardest hitting drink you will ever taste. I bet my ass on it!"

He slaps her ass and laughs. "Alright then, gimme some of that moon shine guy!" He holds a large hand out to Dryvus


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus quickly pulls out the vial. "Ze whole zing down in one go! Zat's 'ow it hits ze hardest!" He says in a whiny, nasally voice to disguise his own, cackling at the end of his dialogue. "30 dons first, mister! Ze ingreezients are 'ard to get!" He continues. 


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Oct 1, 2015
"Yea yea, whatever you want you filthy beggar." He tosses the dons at him and grabs the drink. With a laugh he chugs the entire thing down in one go, smacking his lips. "Hey....what...what is this stuff?"

Then it hits. He drops the vial onto the ground where it shatters. Clutching his head he lets out pained groans as his body starts to change. First are his muscles, shrinking away until nothing but smooth soft flesh is left behind. Next is his height, coming down to six feet just like Frasia. Then his tone, shifting for soft curves and supple shapes rather than hard angles. Brown hair spills from his once bald head, leaving him with shoulder length wavy hair. his chest pushes out, growing into impressive E cup breasts. His clothes no longer fit and quickly fall away. His once might cock shrinks and shrinks until it fades away along with his balls, leaving a moisture dripping cunt behind. his ass rounds out and fills in leaving him with a perfect jiggly ass.

Finally it ends, leaving a hyper feminine female orc on her hands a knees. She has a voluptuous body, thick around the thighs and chest, a nice juicy rear and lovely E cup breasts. Dainty hands and feet top off her limbs and slowly she sits up on her knees.

"What...what happened? What did you do to me?! What was that?!" Her once low voice is now high pitched and very soft on the, Altra brews some hard stuff!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus vaults over the table, landing on the Orc and pinning her face down. His dicks, already hard and oozing precum from watching the transformation, prod at her virgin asshole and pussy. "Shut up. You're my bitch now, slut!" He growls before slamming into both her holes in one hard thrust, savagely mauling her breasts and nipples and slapping her ass hard while he's at it. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She let out a loud pained cry as both her anal and vaginal virginity are taken cruelly at the same time. Frasia acts quickly and shoves her crotch in the girls face, muffling her cries. The orc struggles, squirms and flails, desperately tring to get away from her rapist, but completely lacks the muscles to over power him now, let alone Frasia as she grins her moist pussy into her face.


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Feb 13, 2016
"Bloody fucking hell she's so fucking tight it almost huuuurts~!" Dryvus whines, fighting to pull out and ram back in, her spasming asshole and pussy making Dyvus fight for every inch. He spits on his dick a few times, trying to get it a little wetter. It succeeds somewhat, as he finds it slightly easier to glide back in. He starts picking up the pace, brutally thrusting into her for all he's worth. Then, he reaches down and yanks her up by the hair. "Bitch, you're my personal slut now! You're going to obey every single command I give you, no matter how carnal!" He keeps repeating it over and over with every thrust into her tight holes, twisting her nipples and slapping her ass hard enough to leave marks. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
After the third or fourth chant, she starts to relax, her holes widening a bit and making thrusting so much easier. Frasia backs off to let Dryvus work his magic. 

"Your...personal slut? I...your slut? Obey...everything?"

Her pussy has started drooling juices that Dryvus could use as lube as her asshole continues to spasm and twitch over his member.


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Feb 13, 2016
He pulls out and flips her over, ramming right back in, her dripping pussy providing all the lube he needs to pound her ass harder and faster. "Yes, my personal slut! I'm going to turn you into a cock hungry whore, ready to suck anyone's dick if I tell you to!" He growls into her ear. "Not only that, but you're also going to drop and spread your legs for anyone who asks, you dirty slut!" He picks up the pace, his hips turning into a fuck machine, seeking only to breed this bitch. To fill her up with his cum, and mark her as his. He bends down and bites her neck, hard enough to leave a mark. "You're going to love every cock that fills you up. You're going to beg them to cum inside you and make you pregnant!" He says, his eyes alight with a mad light. 


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Oct 1, 2015
Dryvus can feel the mark on his shoulder grow warm, then grow hot! He feels his demon essence grow strong and an arc of power lances from his hands into the orc. Her eyes turn pink and he gets this feeling that she will never turn back. Even more so, her body starts to change! her hips widen, her ass grows, her breasts grow and even leak a little milk! She has turned into a fertility goddess! Any amount of cum is surely to get her pregnant!

"Yes! I love cocks! I will suck any cock in front of me and spread my pussy wide for whoever wants it! I will never wear clothes again so the world can fuck me freely! Cum inside me! Make me pregnant! Bloat me with your seed!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes... Take my cum, but not in your pussy. You don't deserve that yet!" He cries out, pulling out and forcing both dicks into her abused asshole. The friction and tightness is enough to set him off, and set him off it does. His dick practically explodes with cum, filling up her tight ass to the brim with his cum. He pants for a few minutes before walking around to her head and slapping her face with his cock. "Just remember, slut. I'm your master. You can call anyone else by their names, but if you see me, you may address me only as Master. Now, be a good slut and clean me off, whore." He says, poking his dicks at her plump lips.