

Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
I just replayed it the whole turn you into a Kitsune and he says both of them during it

they are both completely and utterly dead inside. Perhaps you may say I'm not being quite correct, that they have a communal soul they rely on... but that doesn't change their nature, nor the boons and banes which that nature grants them."
. All of them, as far as common theological and metaphysical parlance would put them, demons. Dead inside. Creatures incapable of possessing nobility or empathy."

directly about Miko and mai
But for all of their pleasant natures, they are dead inside as well. By the reckoning of almost all the world, they are demons, monsters."
All of these people that live beneath the boughs of this sacred tree whom you have come to know in at least some capacity up to this point — have they shown themselves to be anything but people in their foils and foibles? There is a need inherent in their nature, to be sure... but as the saying goes, is it better to not be challenged to begin with? Or is it better, through not just individual will, but also the bindings of all those around you and the structure of the society you live in to not just overcome your nature, but put it to beneficial, constructive use?
"To you, maybe. To the people who have adopted you, 'dead inside' is merely a statement of fact and the nature of existence. A deeply profound statement of the long-suffering state of affairs that life is — it's up there with 'nothing can be done about it' and 'one day at a time' as the watchword of the kitsune. Is it physical? Spiritual? Cultural? Metaphysical? Or more likely, an agglomeration of it all?

as for interaction with the NPCs I would say Kasyrra shows more empathy that some of them


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
You quoted the part where Keros goes on about the kitsune supposedly being 'dead inside', but omitted this part which was the entire point.
Keros lets go and slowly turns to you. "The point, my friend, is that not being possessed of an individual soul does not quite have the monstrous implications that common knowledge would have you believe it has.
And if you need it directly stated, here's what Keros tells you when he first makes the offer.
"There's no need to be overly concerned about the loss of your soul — not in this fashion, at least. You will retain your capability for empathy as well as any other kitsune — access to the benefits of having a soul, while not risking losing it to any number of never-do-wells looking to rob you of it."
And here's where Keros goes into it in more detail.
You swallow hard. If that's true... but then why aren't they rampaging demons, then? From everything you know, the soul is what gives you your ability to empathize, your compassion and moral compass. It is also what binds the body into the shape of, well, you. When lost, that essence — what some might call your humanity, for lack of a better term — is lost.

"Why, you're quite learned on the subject. Yes, sometimes they do, hence the concept of being declared no-face. Over centuries, the judgement has been passed down on other heinous or shameful acts... but its original purpose was to mark those of mine who had lost their connection to... well, perhaps a communal soul would be the best way to put it."

A communal soul. That's the first you've heard of such a thing.

"It is a natural quirk of their being which makes them the way they are. By banding together, they are strengthened in certain metaphysical aspects at the cost of losing their individuality in the same arena. It's the reason why my favored people, for example, are impervious to many transformative effects, or why they always breed true. But individually, all of my favored folk are dead inside. In order to maintain that link, they must feed. So no. If you allow your soul to join with all the others... you will not be lost to yourself.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
Thank you zazig. Now to go back to my previous statement if someone were to somehow corrupt the communal soul, all of the kitsune who draw from it would doubtlessly be affected. I imagine there are similar ways to corrupt soulless beings whether their soul isn't on their body and is kept elsewhere or they're some kind of hollow desperate to be filled with something. Being soulless really only complicates the matter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
also when he removes your soul it is in crystal form very similar to when we directly see a demon made main difference is colour but not sure if different lethicite have difference colors
WHat e removed is your soul, not lethicite, lethicite is quite literally a corrupted soul. Shit if you have Kiyoko with you when you beat the gdemon general she tells you "Its a soul drained of its chi" its literally a pure crystal of Ki.