Sorting out thoughts involving Energy Drain idea(s)


Apr 12, 2016
I am a fan of Shiki, otherwise known as psychadelic g2 or , or easy spot to find a selection of their art is on gelbooru or their pixiv. If you have played Monster Girl Quest Paradox you may have even seen some of their art in the game, as they made 4 of the major succubi.

I love the work because it portrays women as beautiful, strong, confident, and that they are the predators of men and not the prey.

Part of what makes them the predator instead of the prey is the Energy Drain they are often shown employing. As well as how much they enjoy the debilitating mind blowing pleasure they inflict on their prey, even as they suck up their life one continuous cumshot wave to the next. Not humiliating the man (unless they want it) to show they are dominant, or tormenting the man physically (unless they want it), but making the man accept they are dominated through mind blowing pleasure.

The problem I am at is trying to come up with a way to... implement my fetish? I don't have experience writing smut.

In my mind this would be something like the treatment, a permanent change that cannot be revoked once you go through with it. Unlike the treatment in my mind this transformation would be quick (and not be available for those without vaginas), but would require you to do it at the place where the transformation is provided because in my mind this change introduces a new hunger, one that initially sends the person being changed into a survival instinct induced feeding frenzy and thus you need to do it at their facility so they can have a group of male volunteers gangbang you full of life energy to avoid you accidentally killing someone. After that it would just be a case of being required have sex with something that has a dick at least once every 2 weeks. This change would also probably make you insatiable, raising your minimum lust to the "always ready" point of 33.

My initial thought was to make a resort world built around this content, much like how New Texas is built around its treatment content. It would be, like New Texas, a side world that the player could ignore. Being something that others could freely build on if they want to help write this kind of content.

The basic layout that flowed into my mind was quite similar to New Texas actually, you go into customs from the south side of the map where you are disarmed, with a scene available for those with dicks to get their first taste of the content the world provides. After that going north from the customs exit would lead into the facility where you can get the transformation (and meet the woman behind the whole operation who has been alive for far longer then the average human life span due to all the men she has preyed upon), beyond it there is a customs gate where you can rearm before going into the tropical forest. Where there are women (who have signed waivers) who hunt for male/futa prey that is "tougher" then the defenseless ones in the resort area who are also willing to extend an invitation to fellow predators (changed female/futa PC) to "join the hunt" (leading to group sex scenes instead of one on one scenes). Or get fucked by genetically modified tentacle monsters that wont drain you to death (like the old ones that were replaced).

To the west of the customs exit would lead to road that has a north exit to a shopping center* selling fantasy products (light Succubus, kitsune, sylvanol, etc) and a south exit onto a expanse of beach with no combat encounters (plenty of room for being invited to sex, getting picked up by women, etc).

To the east of the customs exit would lead to a road that connects to a gym (alternative for those who do not want to go to New Texas), and a hospital where you can do things like...

  • Help the doctor feed a loyal wife whose husband's return from a off world job trip was delayed, and this wife needs to be fed before she is forced to go to the facility to get gangbanged against her wishes because she would go into a survival frenzy soon (male/futa)
  • Help the doctor and her nurses save the life of a man from his own stupidity: he overstimmed on the stimulants made to help men recover from being drained because (in his stubborn pride) he wanted to fuck an entire harem worth of beautiful women and disregarded the warning label that out right states that overstimming will result in the body dumping excess life energy into semen production, leading to high speed explosive uncontrollable growth of the balls until they explode! (changed female/futa)
  • Become an "energy donor"
  • Fuck the doctor
  • Fuck the nurses
  • Fuck the energy donors

Then work on making scenes for other worlds.

*Personal feeling: would also sell expensive modified (marked with an (M)) transformatives with removed furry content (body fur, animal faces) for those of us who do not like that content

However, the event submissions forums tips section made it pretty clear that I would be jumping in way over my head trying to do all that, as well as recommended against trying to write a planet. That kinda thing would be a dream project. Leading me to ask:

How should I start trying to get this fetish of mine into writing and hopefully the game? Is there even any support here for that kind of fetish? Would it even be viable for the game in concept?


Aug 26, 2015
This is a tricky fetish because it leans very closely to forbidden vampire and snuff ground.  If you're looking for NPCs to actually respond in any way to energy draining, it's not going to happen.

If you're fine with having the fetish performed on the PC instead of the PC being the drainer, you'd be better served creating an NPC who does the draining as part of having sex with them, presumably with a Bad End as a result of overdoing it.  This may still be considered blacklisted, I cannot provide a guarantee that it's acceptable.

Regardless, a large resort like you describe is far too much content for a single person to do alone, and even an NPC is a tall starting order.  I recommend that you make your first project something like adding a new sex scene to an existing enemy so that you can get a feel for what's involved in writing a sex scene.  All the other stuff is trivial by comparison; writing good smut is extremely difficult, and learning how to do it will be far and away the biggest hurdle towards getting anything you want into the game.


Apr 12, 2016
Yeah I knew that NPCs without a scene created for them would not respond to it.

The idea also was pretty much to aim at both sides of the fetish, so to me the idea making a NPC that does the draining is a more then acceptable compromise. though I would make sure that the NPC is, like Sharty in Kamidori Alchemy Meister, a very good judge of a person's limits and would never drain them dry. Definitely stay as far away from snuff as possible. Rather than a overdoing it bad end I would rather see the NPC tell the player to come back later, they have not recovered enough. If I were to give such a character a bad end it would be them inviting the player to join them in a romp around the galaxy (with the player character getting transformed along the way) to the best sex resort hotspots.

I'll think about your suggestion and take a look at the existing enemies.